The Curse of Calamus


Glad that his two larger companions are staying with him, Uwef relaxes slightly. What a wonderful sensation it had been. Every part of his body told him to sit in the smoke, except his head, which knows the consequences.
At the encampment

Holgen hurried to Gallion's tent, bursting in instead of asking for permission to enter.
Gallion lay asleep on his cot, snoring loudly. Holgen gripped the side of the bed and tossed the man onto the ground. As Gallion leapt up, reaching for his weapon, which lay nearby on the ground, Holgen calmed him by saying his name.
"Gallion," Holgen said, his voice grim. "What have you done now?"
Gallion relaxed, looking back at the man, as if he'd expected the enemy instead of a human man.
"Good heavens!" Gallion began, but Holgen didn't let him finish.
"What is this I hear about a stone?"
Gallion looked away, appearing as a child then, one who'd done something wrong and wished to not be punished.
"I might have found..."
"Taken," he corrected. "but I took it from a group of goblins, a few nights's not like stealing, when you take it from such...filth!"
"These goblins," Holgen replied. "Might want it back...did that not occur to you?"
Gallion remained quiet.
"WHere is it?" Holgen asked.
Gallion looked at his feet for a moment, then pointed to a spot on the ground where the dirt wasn't quite p[acked down.
"Dig it up, and bring it to me outside," Holgen ordered.
"The goblins...?"
Holgen shook his head. "Humans, but they know of this stone specifically, and appear to have gone through some trouble over it..."
Gallion nodded and started to dig the item up with his sword.
Holgen went out to meet with his visitors, explaining...
"Gallion will bring it," He told Kyleen, Uwef and Jurax. "He will be along shortly. May I ask why you need this item?"
Bob and Richard

"A wager?" Bob inquired. "On my life?"
He pretended to be deep in thought, then shook his head. "I think, once you've passed, I'll simly take your money and be done with it. It should stand to reason that your friends will fail, if they haven't just left you to your deaths."

He smirked. "Alright then. It's a bet. And as for my companions, I doubt they shall fail."

He stretched, looking between the elf and the old man. He shrugged, and got to his feet, looking at the bridge with disdain. "If only I had a good bow. Even apoor bow would do. Twenty-four, twenty-five,....."
The dragons at Rock Face

"Fargwyn," Melthar inquired.
The water dragon stuck its head out of the water and raised it until it nearly looked the old dragon in the eye.
"They have been delayed, Melthar," Fargwyn explained. "By a troll, and what seemed to be goblins."
"Delayed..."Melthar pondered.
"Perhaps we should help these people," Constance suggested.
"Help? Humans?" Melthar asked.
"These humans spoke of ending a great evil. If they are so inclined, they might be of help in ending this dispute with the human hunters. They did have a mage among them...a man of influence I am certain," Fargwyn replied.
"Destiny," Melthar said, after a moment's pause. "Perhaps you should do us a service..."

After explaining the need for the stone to the man, Uwef watches as the a man jogs to them from a distant tent. He carries a unique stone in his hand and once he introduces himself, the group of adventurers tell Gallion each of their names. The threesome repeat their story and the request.

"So," Uwef finishes, "I'm sure you can see why we need this stone. Perhaps you would be willing to give it to us to save our friends' lives." The last bit sounds more of a question then a statement; and, it almost sounds demanding. The small thief hopes that he should not have to battle these men for the lives of his companions.
Kyleen watched as Uwef handled the negotiations, keeping an eye on Gallion and Holgen. Surely it wouldn't be this easy?

"We took it from a few traveling goblins. I knew it looked valuable," Gallion explained. "There were five of us and ten of them. We killed most of them, but a few got away...probably why they knew who I was. I guess if it's needed elsewhere, I can part with it...for a price."
"They appear very determined," Holgen explained. "I believe they need this item greatly, Gallion."
Gallion looked at his feet.
"Oh?" asked Gallion, defiantly. "And what for? What is this mission they're on?"
Holgen said nothing, having no answer. He looked to the visitors for their explanation.
"Because of your theivery," Kyleen responded "Our friends have been trapped, one of them killed, and the rest will be dead before we get back if we don't hurry"
"I don't plan on letting the sons of syphillic goats keep it, but we cant release them unless we can show them the stone. If you wish, you may come with us, but I cant promise your safety on this quest."

Before the dwarf can speak, Kyleen answers the man. Looking at his companion in new eyes, he sees a very brave and very beautiful woman taking charge. Even if this quest turns foul and he dies, he is happy to spend these last days doing great good.
Gallion and the stone

Gallion shifted his gaze between the three visitors and Holgen, who seemed intent on giving the stone over. He wasn't so intent on that.
As if reading his mind, Holgen said, "Perhaps we should go with them...and if the scene is as she says it is, then we'll give it to them, and if it isn't--"
"I'll keep it," Gallion finished.
"Yes," Holgen agreed, irritated at having been interrupted, "then you'll keep it."
The two disappeared for a few moments, retreating to a nearby tent. When they emerged, there were three more of them, and they carried their hand weapons.
The men met them, appearing to be preparing for battle.
"SHall we be off, then? Lead the way," Holgen said.
Remounting, Kyleen began to lead the way, Jurax at her side. She looked at the sky, worried that too much time had passed lost in the Greyhan smoke, and motioned to Uwef to mount behind her. They needed to move as quickly as they could.

Not quite sure how to hold on, Uwef takes mount behind Kyleen. Thank Mer that the crazy campers want to help them. Before long, the group arrives at a familiar location.

Turning to the group, Uwef announces quietly, "Our companions are just around the bend ahead. Just thought we could warn you."
Looking again at the sky, Kyleen sees they are just in time. Slipping off the horse again, she grabs Gallion by the arm and drags him over to Pennindar sitting just out of sight of the bridge before spotting Richard.. up and walking.
"I thought Richard was..." she began. Shaking her head, resolving to unravel that one later she changed the subject. "This is Gallion. He has it" she whispered.

He had followed his leader's lead, and just remained silent and menacing until she spoke, then he been prepared to give his life to save her, now they we're hurrying back to the others, that was good. Soon enough they reached them and Kyleen was dragging the man with the pretty rock forward. He went with them from habit of protecting her, and drew his sword, eyes searching for the hidden archers.
Gallion and Bob

"Gallion," Bob scowled, "You know what I'm after, old friend?"
Gallion looked to the old man.
"Of what use is this to you?" Pennindar asked.
"None, just the value is holds in gold when sold." Gallion returned.
"If we may...?"
Gallion glanced to Holgen, as if to make sure he truly had to.
"A assure you, keeping it now would be a fateful decision for us all. If you'll ntice the arrows..." Pennindar pointed out.
"Goblins," Holgen muttered, his eyes scanning the trees they hid in.
"If we turn this item over to you," Pennindar began, "We want a promise that we'll be allowed to pass. In fact, I think that you should open the bridge before we hand it over, and allow our friend to await us on the other side."
Bob thought on this. SUrely if they tried anything, the goblins would finish them. He leaned on the lever, releasing the elves. The group hurried out the opposite side of the bridge and waited, readying their weapons.
"Now give it over!" Bob shouted.
"Step away from the lever and I'll throw it to you," Holgen shouted to them. Then, he leaned closer to Pennindar and Gallion and whispered "I think we should come with you for now, as it seems that the way back will not be a safe one. We'll hve to find our way back later."
Penindar nodded his agreement. Gallion huffed, irritated.
Once Bob had moved away, Holgen glanced through the group, wondering if turning the item over would actually help them any...

His eyes shut, and he took a deep breath. His eyes opened, and his hand disappeared into his cloak as he stepped back into the midst of the group. He felt his Fang solidly in his palm before glancing around, he ducked into the group. As suddenly as he was there, he was gone.

The archers were too focused on Bob, who was too focused on the gem to note the disappearance of one already dead. Richard stalked slowly and carefully. Goblins were very attuned to the dark, and it was daylight. Sticking close to the shadows, he smiled to himself as he disappeared into the trees.
Surprised that Bob had seen them, Kyleen stood and watched them all, alert for any double cross.
Bob and Gallion

Bob eyed through the crowd, taking his attention from Gallion for only a second.Something was different...something had changed.
He shrugged it off, assuming it was his imagination.
"You might as well come out," Bob warned. "i have already heard the familiar shuffling of the man's feet, and the smell of the greyhan smoke that so commonly accompanies the hunters themselves. Tell me, gallion, have you brought what I asked for?"
Gallion, glanced to Kyleen and Holgen, unsure of what to say in response.
Pennindar mouthed to Kyleen. "We must decide now, do we give it over, or do we try to keep it?"
Surely, the old man thought, if we held the object, we will be slaughtered. The number were far too many. But if we gave it over, how might we retrieve it?
"Can you copy it?" Kyleen whispered back. Holding a small rock concealed in her hand, Kyleen hoped that the wizard would know the spell for that.. she didn't know much about magic, but she knew that there were many ways of deceiving a person. perhaps if he was able to make the Troll believe that the plain rock was the thing he sought, or maybe even changing the face of the rock itself so anyone looking at it couldn't tell it from the original.. the only difference then would be the magic that the real stone had. And its not likely that Bob would be able to use the stone anyway if it was given to him to look after.
the false stone

He thought it over, then noded slowly.
"I can try, but if it fails, and he realizes," he trailed off, looking over at the trees.
"Surely the stone has some magic in it," he added. "So perhaps it is worth a try. Be on your guard."
The old mage waved his fingers over the stone, doing so quickly and subtly. As they passed over, the stone changed to one identical to that which Gallion had brought.
"Kyleen," he said. "Perhaps you would like the honor?"
Gardun & Jildure

The two goblins crounched on two thick branches in a large tree some distance from the group. Jildure leaned against the tree on a branch that faced the group, while on another branch, lower and sticking out a fourth of the way around the tree to Jildure's right sat Gardun, his bow drawn, watching Bob, his arrow towards the old man. "Jildure, I don't get it, you're one of the best shots among us, how could that guy still be alive? I saw you take the shot, and you hit dead on. And yet, here he is, walking around. And shouldn't you be a little more alert? We've got a job to do, you know."

"Ehh, it's those clothes he wears. The way it doesn't show any part of his body, you're not sure where he is. Besides, you see how calm he is? He's agile, but he hasn't been moving very fast. I'd say armor under there. Arrows probably didn't hit anything major. And the ones that got through the armor, the way he was standing probably saved him. You see that elf and the old wizard? Bet it was magic that saved him in the end. Besides, I'm the fastest and best archer in our caves. I'll have an arrow through their hearts at the first sign of trouble. No worries."

"Alright, if you saw so. But still, I have a little trouble with all this. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Bob's sure doing a good job of keeping his cool. I guess that why they made him leader down here, and gave him our stone. What you think it does, anyway? Ever since they killed our shaman, I've been wondering,...Jildure? Did you fall asleep again?" The goblin pulled his eyes away from the troll to look at his partner, slouched against the tree trunk. "Jildure?"

As he reached out, the other goblin's head shifted, showing his throat, a great gash still bleeding. A large, shadowy form landed behind the other, cool steel ripping through the flesh of his neck before he could even begin to think of sending up a warning cry. Leaning the dead body against the tree carefully so it wouldn't fall, the form lept to another branch, and took off silently through the trees to the next batch of goblins. Fifteen groups of two on the right, seventeen on the left, making a grand total of sixty-four of the little bastards.

As the form moved on, Richard's voice whispered, "Ten down, fifty-four to go...."

Watching the movements with absolutely nothing to do, the dwarf wonders if they will all be slain. Looking around, he notices that Richard has vanished and the ugly beast holding them ransom is getting impatient. "Please, just give him the gem already."
Avidity and Hanker:

Another archer down, the two dwarfs rummage through his garments for anything of value. "Dammit, Hanker, can't you stop eating for one second and use both hands?"

The fatter dwarf mumbles a reply through the crumbs in his mouth. It's not every day a dwarf can take a dry piece of cake from an ugly oaf like this one. "You'd think," Hanker swallows, "goblins and trolls would know better than to come through dwarf territory. I do so love gutting the ugly brats."

His companion nods gleefully until his ear catches a sound. Avidity looks up and knows instantly that Hanker had heard it as well. They both turn toward the sound: the only entrance to the small peak they are on. Hanker moves forward with his weapon, Ohave. Pulling it high above his head, he turns the corner, barely blocking the sharpened steel.

Standing back some, Hanker eyes the newcomer, "Human, are you. Are you killing these beasts or are you just here to make trouble? Because we noticed a small group down there and are weeding out the archers."

"Slowly," Avidity giggles at his hungry cousin. "If you didn't keep eating the poor devils' food, we'd have no enemies left to fight."

"So," Hanker continues, "who are you. And, are you with us or against us?"
Taking her sword from the saddle, she belted it around her waist, discretely slipping the real stone into a concealed pocket on the saddleblanket.

Slowly she walked towards Bob, one hand warily on the sword hilt, the other hand palm up, with the fake stone balanced there.

Stopping just out of his reach, she said "I bring this stone. Let us pass, and it will be given to you"