The Dragons of Ragnos

EHawkins said:
Something cold crawled up Mirah's spine at the mention of 'trident', and suddenly the cavern was too small. She felt like she was surrounded by a crush of bodies that she couldn't see, yet dark, vaguely people-shaped figures flickered on the wall.

One of us... something whispered in Mirah's ear.

She felt a chilled touch grip her shoulder. She let out a tiny gasp, and they were gone...

"Rare?" Mirah finally managed. "The first night Invictus and I stayed here, I dreamed that I was astride him and we were fighting, I think. I was holding that--holding the trident..."

Cris watched her face closely, and noticed the tiny gasp she gave. He could smell her discomfort, fear almost. But why? wondered Cris.

He had lit the fire when the light had faded outside, so there should be plenty of warmth.

"You dreamed that you were astride Invictus and fighting with a trident in your hand? Tell me more of this dream," said Cris, his curiosity slowly building.
blaster8 said:
Cris watched her face closely, and noticed the tiny gasp she gave. He could smell her discomfort, fear almost. But why? wondered Cris.

He had lit the fire when the light had faded outside, so there should be plenty of warmth.

"You dreamed that you were astride Invictus and fighting with a trident in your hand? Tell me more of this dream," said Cris, his curiosity slowly building.

Mirah sat herself next to the fire--almost as close as she could. Her eyes briefly darted around the cavern walls before they settled back on the fire. That cold feeling still clung to her as well as the weight of bodies against her.

"Invictus and I were in the air" she said quietly. "I had the trident raised over my head and struck at something dark, something faceless, almost formless... There was a lot of blood and fire, and there was another rider on a copper-red dragon. The rider was dark haired, and he wielded a sword as if he were born to it. That's all I remember."
EHawkins said:
Mirah sat herself next to the fire--almost as close as she could. Her eyes briefly darted around the cavern walls before they settled back on the fire. That cold feeling still clung to her as well as the weight of bodies against her.

"Invictus and I were in the air" she said quietly. "I had the trident raised over my head and struck at something dark, something faceless, almost formless... There was a lot of blood and fire, and there was another rider on a copper-red dragon. The rider was dark haired, and he wielded a sword as if he were born to it. That's all I remember."

Cris continued to watch Mirah, taking note of her actions: how she sat close to the fire, her eyes darting around the cavern, and how quietly she spoke.

"How real did this dream seem to you?" asked Cris, standing up to stretch, while at the same time glancing around the cavern with his dragon eyes. He could see nothing out of the ordinary, nor smell anything other than the discomfort radiating off of Mirah.
blaster8 said:
Cris continued to watch Mirah, taking note of her actions: how she sat close to the fire, her eyes darting around the cavern, and how quietly she spoke.

"How real did this dream seem to you?" asked Cris, standing up to stretch, while at the same time glancing around the cavern with his dragon eyes. He could see nothing out of the ordinary, nor smell anything other than the discomfort radiating off of Mirah.

"Damned real." she said. "Too damned real..."

Mirah moved away from the fire, closer to Invictus. Even in his sleep, he knew it was her, and instictively moved to partially cover her with a wing. It was an oddly comforting thing just now, and she tried to relax.
EHawkins said:
"Damned real." she said. "Too damned real..."

Mirah moved away from the fire, closer to Invictus. Even in his sleep, he knew it was her, and instictively moved to partially cover her with a wing. It was an oddly comforting thing just now, and she tried to relax.

"Interesting. Very interesting," mused Cris. He then remembered the discomfort he noticed coming from Mirah, and decided to test a theory he had briefly developed. "Let's take a walk out in the forest, Mirah. A little fresh air might help you forget that dream." He stood and led Mirah out of the cave and into the forest. The moon hadn't risen yet, so it was very dark out, which didn't both him in the least, although he figured that Mirah might have a little problem. He stood outside the cave, giving Mirah a chance to adjust to the dark after being in the light of the fire.
(( OOC: To blaster8: True but I know that some people can't be online as often as others. RL seems to work to no-one's schedule in this day and age :D Besides, a fast thread doesn't always mean a good thread.

To Arieswolf: Thumbs up on the thread. Haven't had this much fun in ages, thanks ))

Selangra's dreams were not peaceful that first night. Though the pain was somewhat dulled, for a dragon that had not felt this much in the short span of years she had been alive, it was pure hell. She had no more vision-dreams, she did not have the capacity for that particular magic at the moment. She did not understand half of her potential yet, but she would. In time she would become that magnificient beast of the skies she was so often dreaming of. And Alex would be right by her side, exactly how it was supposed to be.

Selangra's healing process was a slow and painful one. To his credit, Alex was patient to a fault and caring, in his own uniqely human, masculine way. But that did nothing to lessen the pain she went through on a daily basis. The first week went by in a haze. She was barely conscious enough to eat whatever Alex laid out in front of her snout when she would be under the dark spell of sleep once again. Every now and again she would wake and be slightly more aware of her surroundings but movement was still impossible for her.

The beginning of the second week was slightly better. She had no idea what Alex did during the time of her blackouts but she knew that he was always near. She could feel his presence in the back of her mind like a rock steady beacon. Regardless of the human's other activities, his attempts to heal her were beginning to pay off. She was no longer in constant pain and found that she could move minimally. Her wings were stiff and surprisingly not broken, it just felt like it. The cave however was not the right place for her to stretch her wings.

On the second day of the second week, after yet another mountain goat dinner, Alex inspected her wings. He seemed to have a keen and knowledgeable eye but she knew that he had never personally seen any of her kind before. The way his eyes would widen occassionally upon seeing her gave her a clear indication of just how many true dragons he had seen. Through out this though, their conversation had been limited to him alternating between soothing and joking and her roaring and grumbling at him. Yet there was some sort of communication there between them. They both knew it, they both recognised it and it was as if they had been together since the beginning of their respective lives.

After inspecting her surface wounds and telling her that she was ugly beyond repair, the grinning dark haired rider informed her that she would, unfortunately, live to be flightless. She frowned and tilted her reptilian head to one side, eyeing him dubiously. Then quietly summoning a human sounding voice, she replied, "Change your prognosis, human. Before I leave you to the mercy of the mighty mountian goats," All she got in return was a happy grin and a laugh. She gave another frown and if she had had eyebrows, she would have raised one of them. "Why are you so... happy?"

"Because I'm finally going to see a dragon breath fire!"

She cocked her head to the other side. "And what makes you think that?" he then went on to tell her about the rich gold deposits he'd found along the walls of the cave. There were streams of thick veins all around them and she had exposed them initially when she had come crashing into the cave. Then he explained that in order to be able to stretch her wings out, to get them working properly again, she would have to make the cave bigger seeing as she couldn't just up and walk out into the open. Not yet at least. So he had figured that her fire would be enough to blast the walls away and in so doing further expose the gold veins as well. She'd get the use of her wings back and they would get enough gold to serve what ever purpose they had for it. Beside, he coolly informed her, he was a miner after all.

He had kept her sufficiently fed, she supposed that it was a plan. However... human it was. "So your solution is to blow everything up?" she gave a draconic laugh and grinned at him, "I like it!"
Her neck had had time to recover from its stiffness and she found that she could move her head sufficiently to the side to be able to make more room to stretch out her wings. She told Alex to get near her, to hide under her right wing when she blew to the left and vice verse. He did as he was told, though he said something about having an obstructed view of her fire-breathing skills.
"You'll get a huge rock on your head, but if you want to watch from over there, I don't mind,"
He grumbled but stayed where he was in the safety of her shadow, so to speak.

Calling forth so much fire was a slightly difficult task. She had not consumed much platinum in a while and her reserves were low but she felt she had enough for this small enough endeavour. Opening her jaws wide and in a process that was unique to dragons alone, brought forth a white hot blast of fire. She cut it off in short bursts, she could not breath fire balls, but a short enough line of fire was an excellent subsitute.

In no time she was swinging her head to the right and telling Alex to move back behind her again. Alex ducked underneath her neck and she saw him recoil slightly from the raw heat that was still emanating from the hot blasted rock. The walls had a glassy texture to them and Selangra wondered just how Alex would mine from the heat blasted rock. She would help him later, when she was back to her full strength. She may not be a fully grown dragon yet, but she still had impressive strength. Soon she was breath short bursts of fire towards the other wall in the cave and was finished sooner, having learnt how to carve out the rock more efficiently. She eyed her handiwork and Alex gave an impressed chuckle. He patted her neck softly and told her that she was a magnificient, glorious beast. But still dead stone ugly.

She snorted out a small puff of smoke and nudged him, shoving him a few steps forward. "Puny human," she grumbled and gave him another, gentler nudge. "You are by far the ugliest piece of meat I've ever seen. I don't even want to eat you," He just gave her a fake wounded look and then went off to explore the left tunnel she had created.

While he was gone, Selangra began to try to stretch out her wings further. They were very stiff and still throbbed every now and again with bone searing pain, but the paste her rider constantly put on her wounds was beginning to work its magic. She gently unfolded her wings, but she found that she could not lift them higher than a few inches off the ground. Still, they were fully stretched out now and felt wonderful.

In the next few days, Selangra slowly began to build up the strength in her wings by lifting them as far as she could up and down. She struggled at first but soon was able to move them at almost normal speed. All through this, Alex and Selangra got to know each other better. What more could they do while she slowly healed but talk. They both knew they had a purpose, that there was something special about the both of them. They knew that they belonged with each other and that now that they were together, nothing would make them part ways ever again.

Alex discussed his violent dreams and told her of Shayla's reaction to his destiny. He told her how he felt when he picked up any type of blade and how connected he felt with her. She knew what he meant. She too was experiencing things that normally she would not have, but it seemed so... perfect. So... normal.

In time, her wings healed and then she was able to slowly and painfully heal the rest of her body. Her broken bones set back to normal. She would still experience stiffness in extreme cold, but her old wounds would not come back to haunt her. Her memories of that painful period were broken up only with pleasurable memories of Alex's companionship. His strange humour and odd jibes about her natural beauty gave her the strength to work towards becoming better.

It was a glorious day when she ventured out of the cave for the last time. She had come out before, but only now was she fully healed. She spread her wings wide and roared a challenge into the blue sky overhead. Her hind legs flexed as she bent at her knees, gripping the loose earth beneath her newly formed talons. She arched her neck back and screamed a battle cry, beating her wings in a single powerful downward thrust to lift her a few feet off the ground. She landed with a dull thud, her thick hind legs bending to take her weight. With having to help Alex mine out the gold in the cave by scrabbling away at the rocks that he could never have broken on his own, she had become increasingly stronger and had exercised herself back to full health.

The sun glinted off her red scales, her copper tainted wings stretched out to catch the warm rays on the webbing between her wingbones. Her scales rippled with rich colour as she turned to face her dark haired rider. "Alex... are you ready for out first flight? I can carry you now, though a proper harness will be made later,"

She dipped her head low in front of him and waited for him to climb aboard. Then she took to the skies once more and showed him the true glory that could only be found high up in the clouds.

(( OOC: Sorry Angelus, I had to speed it up a little :kiss: ))
Alex looked over at Selangra and was glad that she was on the mend; he wanted her to be healthy and strong because he knew that they would never be happy any other way. He knew that their strength lay in each other, that they were each a large part of each other's lives and without each other they were incomplete. He wanted nothing more than for her to be healthy and went out everyday to grab the herbs and food that he knew that she would need although he wished for one thing, he wished that he was out of this cave. He knew that it was selfish of his and he had to focus on what he was doing but part of him wished that he was soaring amongst the clouds on the back of her.

He walked over the snow capped rocks day after day getting things for her and on the days that he didn't he knelt down and looked out at the sky, wondering what it would be like to be one with it. He closed his eyes and as soon as he did he had the same visions although this time he knew what it was. He saw himself sitting on the back of Selangra although he felt that he knew her by another name, a name he had only thought of once; Lanfer. He had another name as well, a name that could strike fear into those stupid enough to fight him; Alezal. He was a skilled warrior and though tested by everyone, none could defeat him.

He opened his eyes and shook his head, surprised by what had just come to him. Was he really a warrior? Would he really be able to go into a battle with the confidence and knowledge that he would win. It was true that he was skilful with a blade, having a proficiency that shocked him the more he used it. There was a time where he was standing up on the rocks he was now on and began to cut the air with his sword in ways he had never seen before. He slid his sword back into his sheath and promised himself that he would do it everyday until it was a second nature to him.

The next few days flew past and Alex was surprised just how well Selangra was healing. He expected that she would heal faster than anything else he had ever known but this was something different to him. A smile came to his face when he knew that very soon she would strong enough to fly, that she would be strong enough to take him where he most wanted to be, into the sky and out of this place.

Everyday he spent time with her, knowing that there was no other place that he would rather be. She was as important to him as his mother and his father; Selangra was more important to him as he knew that she would give him what he most wanted, freedom. He wanted the freedom to do anything that he wanted, whenever he wanted to do it and he knew on the back of Selangra that they would both be able to.

The day that he asked her to widen the cave though was something that he did not expect and the most exciting day of his life so far. Even under the safety of her wing he could feel the heat of her fire and wished so much that he could see what she was doing. He had never seen her breath fire before, that was not true but he had never seen her breath that much fire in his life and wanted so much to see it. As soon as she moved her wing out of the way he walked out and was surprised to see that all the stone now had a glassy texture to it. He could feel the heat emanating from it, even where he was and saw that some of the stone was melting but behind it he could see the gold and wished that he could grab it. It was the one thing that would give both of them the life that they wanted.

As he walked into the left tunnel he heard her comment and gave a little laugh; he knew that the safest place in Ragnos was in this cave with her.

Everything seemed so normal after that. They both talked about the visions that they were having and how they seemed so connected, as if they were always meant to be together. He told her of his visions; of flying on her back into a battle, a lance in his hand. He told her that he could feel the armor around him as if like a second skin and could taste the blood and pain in the air. She told him that she had had similar visions and that is what brought her here.

As he watched Selangra get stronger Alex told himself that he would do one thing for her, he would get stronger as well. He knew that the mines had honed his body but he had to condition it for battle. All that he had ever done was swing an ax and a pickax around but having a blade in his hand was something totally different. When he was not chipping the gold out of the rock he moved to an area of the cave he had made his practice area and exercised with the sword, going through the moves and forms that he could see in his head. Alex wanted to be ready in case he had to defend himself against another rider as he knew that there would be others soon.

It was then that he saw Selangra slowly moving towards him and opened his mouth to say something to her but he knew that was foolish, what could he say to stop a dragon of her size from walking past him. He stepped aside and watched her walk towards the entrance of the cave, wondering what she was going to do this time. Every time she had been out of the cave he had followed her and seen her stand there, looking forlornly into the sky. He knew that she wanted to be up there more than anything and it hurt him to see her walk back in, the same look on her face.

He stood back and wondered if he should follow her but he knew that he did not want to see that look on her face again, he did not want to see the heart broken look on her face. It was then that he heard the loud roar and dropped the sword, running to the cave with only one thought, was she in trouble. As soon as he was at the entrance of the cave and saw her land however he wanted to let out a shout, she was strong enough to fly! It was what she had been waiting for while stuck in the cave.

It was then that she turned to him and asked him the one question that he had been longing to hear. She was asking him if he wanted to climb up onto her back and soar into the sky, he was asking her if he wanted to be free.

He climbed up onto her, sitting just before her wings and heard them beat just behind him as she took to the sky and he let out a shout that was carried away on the wind. This was the greatest thing that had happened to him! He was finally sitting on the back of Selangra and she was carrying him into the sky, where they both finally belonged.

When Selangra beat her wings faster and he felt the wind fly into his face he knew that she was finally happy, he could feel it flowing from her. This was the one place that she wanted to be, the one place she belonged; and he was right there with her. He looked down at the mountains below him and knew that he would never return to them, his home was now here.
Invictus felt Mirah move close to him, covering her with his wing was near instinct, he had done it many a time with his younger nest mates. (Brothers and sisters) When the raging storms of the Dragon Sanctuary's winter roared long into the night.

He felt her anxiety and it bothered him, he was only partially asleep, really more awake than not but deep in thought his eyes closed. Listening partially to the conversation. The new poultice on his wound felt much better than the last one had. He didn't know if it was because Mirah was good with herbs or simply because she made it rather than the Dragon Man. He knew the Cris' name at this point but he still constantly refered to him as the Dragon man.

He was pondering his apparently needed return to Sanctuary... he did want to go back, but certainly not without Mirah. He doubted he could make it on his own. He had nearly died coming here. The Trip back was far more difficult. He had never heard of a dragon younger than 10 years old making it back on their own.

But he knew he needed to do it. Cris and his mount Shela, were all they had to teach them right now. The Dragon Elder's at Sanctuary certainly would not assist them. Hell they didn't even like the thought of the Riders. They only sent Dragons to Bond with Humans because they feared the wrath of the Earth Bound dragon gods.

Of course all this was beyond Invictus. He simply knew he would find no help save for getting the blood from Troya. If he made it home.

He Heard Cris' invite Mirah to go for a walk outside, and the sound of someone moving outside the cave. His eyes shot open, glowing faintly in the dimness.

"...Mirah?" He growled sleepiness dissolving instantly. "I hear something"

Many somethings really, it sounded like a band of bipedal creatures, all arguing and bickering, in an ugly barbaric tongue that Invictus only partially recognized: Goblin.
AriesWolf said:
Invictus felt Mirah move close to him, covering her with his wing was near instinct, he had done it many a time with his younger nest mates. (Brothers and sisters) When the raging storms of the Dragon Sanctuary's winter roared long into the night.

He felt her anxiety and it bothered him, he was only partially asleep, really more awake than not but deep in thought his eyes closed. Listening partially to the conversation. The new poultice on his wound felt much better than the last one had. He didn't know if it was because Mirah was good with herbs or simply because she made it rather than the Dragon Man. He knew the Cris' name at this point but he still constantly refered to him as the Dragon man.

He was pondering his apparently needed return to Sanctuary... he did want to go back, but certainly not without Mirah. He doubted he could make it on his own. He had nearly died coming here. The Trip back was far more difficult. He had never heard of a dragon younger than 10 years old making it back on their own.

But he knew he needed to do it. Cris and his mount Shela, were all they had to teach them right now. The Dragon Elder's at Sanctuary certainly would not assist them. Hell they didn't even like the thought of the Riders. They only sent Dragons to Bond with Humans because they feared the wrath of the Earth Bound dragon gods.

Of course all this was beyond Invictus. He simply knew he would find no help save for getting the blood from Troya. If he made it home.

He Heard Cris' invite Mirah to go for a walk outside, and the sound of someone moving outside the cave. His eyes shot open, glowing faintly in the dimness.

"...Mirah?" He growled sleepiness dissolving instantly. "I hear something"

Many somethings really, it sounded like a band of bipedal creatures, all arguing and bickering, in an ugly barbaric tongue that Invictus only partially recognized: Goblin.

As Cris waited for Mirah to adjust to the darkness, a foul stench that he knew all too well reached his nose: goblins were in the area. What are goblins doing so far north? We're several miles north of Imperial City and goblin territory is over a hundred miles south of the city, thought Cris. He told Mirah to be on the alert, that goblins were in the area, and if need be, she was to run back to Invictus. He then went on the hunt.

He found the band of goblins moving about near the holes that were above the lake in the cave. If those goblins weren't careful, they would fall though those holes and be in for a hard landing. Cris counted their numbers and came up with nearly a hundred goblins. How did so many goblins manage to get past the patrols that come out of the city? He could hear the goblins bickering about something, but he could understand little of it. He never bothered to learn much of the goblin language, but what he did know was meant to scare the crap out of the goblins. He could pick out a few words though, something about scouting for some big event that was being planned.

Cris decided to have a little fun with these goblins. He knew he couldn't kill all of them, but that was fine by him. He had his dragon eyes glowing in the dark. Although it was very dark out, goblins had good night eyes. Despite that, all they would see of him were his eyes staring at them from the shadows. A few of the goblins took notice of his eyes, and immeditately fell silent, watching. The other goblins, noting that their comrades had fallen silent, turned to see what their "friends" were watching. When they saw the eyes, they fell silent too. All the goblins felt fear shoot through them, some of them slowly backing up towards the holes that they could not see, most freezing in place, but only one raised the crossbow in his hands and aimed at the eyes.

He fired at the eyes, but only recieved a growl in return. The crossbow bolt had hit Cris square on the chin but had failed to cause even a welt to form on his tough skin. Cris continued to watch the goblins, noting that a few had fallen through the holes as the backed away from him. They would fall either into the lake or onto the rocks near were Invictus should be. If any of them survived the fall, they would be in for one hell of a surprise. Of course, the goblins up here are in for a surprise too.

To EHawkins and Aries: here's a chance for either or both of you to have some input on this event. I could just finish it, leaving both of you in the "dust," so to speak, but I'm holding back. And I don't mean to sound arrogant or anything, that's just sort of how I am. Plus, I'm as bored as heck right now.
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Selangra lifted up into the sky with a mighty downwards thrust of her fully healed wings. It felt so good to use them for their intended purpose once again. She had never fully appreciated her ability to fly before, but having been ground-ridden for the past month had shown her a new perspective on her uniquely draconic skill. She soared up into the pale blue beyond with her rider sitting comfortably on her shoulders, her massive head protecting him from the worst of the rushing wind slipping over her reptilian body. Somehow though, Alex felt too light. Like he was supposed to be wearing something else, almost like she had expected to feel the weight of armour on her back.

It made sense though that he should wear armour. A Dragon Rider was prey to many perils and not just the kind where they fell from their mounts. There were always inevitably other riders out there and more often than not, they had differences in opinion. Selangra decided, her rider would need armour. And a weapon.

She had seen him practicing with his short blade when he thought she was not looking. He seemed very determined to make the sharp steel a mere extension of his body and she had to admit, his forms looked more and more like an elaborate dance of death every time he practised them. It was almost beautiful; the way that he moved. Not as beautiful as her... but still graceful. For a human, anyway.

She listened to the distant sounding whooping from the man on her back and smiled to herself. She could feel the amazement, awe and pure excitement that fell from Alex in waves. He tried to say something to her, but despite her excellent hearing, the wind just ripped his voice away. She frowned, how were they supposed to communicate when they were flying? Now here was a new problem. He tried to repeat himself and still she could not hear him properly, he would cry himself hoarse before he succeeded in talking to her and she knew it.

Suddenly a thought struck her. Before, during that painful period when she had first met Alex, she had been able to briefly read his thoughts. Perhaps she could try to mind-speak with him? She had never heard of a human and dragon linking telepathically, not successfully anyway. Being a Red, she naturally knew the King's Tongue through memories linked throughout her ancestry, but most lower dragon types never bothered learning. This had posed a problem in the early times when dragons first came to be. Though Dragons soon learned that they could mind-meld with each other, no attempts to do so with humans ever succeeded.

But they were destined to be together. She was a Dragon and he her Rider. There had to be a way. Feeling the wind drift beneath her wings, she extended the leathery membranes and closed her eyes to better focus her throughts. She treated it the same as when attempting to mind-speak with another dragon, but pulled back the amount of magic needed to create the link. She could sense as well as physically feel Alex on her back and she sought out the bright spark which she knew his mind would be.

She thought for a moment about the magic she was about to use, slight as it was and an ironic twist came to her lips. Ten thousand years ago, only the most venerable and able, usually White Dragons, had had magic. Evolution, though, had taken a part in Draconic destiny and eventually given each type the ability to use at least some form of magic. At first, they had been restricted to their type. Whites to heal and have unnatural wisdom, Reds for their fire capabilities and magic amplification and Blacks for poisons and other destructive magics. In time though, with Dragons pushing for more territory and learning other's skills, magic soon became a norm for her race. Though taught from a very early age to respect and venerate their Elders, Dragons were also taught the desire to surpass them. In that way each generation were better than the last.

Alex? Alex can you hear me in your thoughts?"

There was no response from her dark haired rider but she knew that she had to keep trying. She was young yet and had only really learnt this skill in passing. Besides, she was attempting what should have been the impossible.

"Alex, please, concentrate your thoughts my way and answer me,"

She felt a tentative knock on her subconscious and then felt Alex's mind blaze within her own.

"Wow.. cool!" was all that he said and then fell silent again. She smiled to herself in triumph and then suddenly dived, feeling his legs tense around the softened muscles of her neck. But he did not cling onto her, just felt the wind rush into his face as she plummeted back to earth. She abruptly levelled out a few meters off the ground and slowly climbed up into the clouds again. She could feel his heart pumping wildly with excitement.

She sniffed and scented a familiar smell in the air. Platinum.
Suddenly she was very hungry and she knew that only the platinum desposit she could smell would scratch her hungry itch. She veered to the left and towards a small peak. Stretching her talons out, she hit the side of the mountain with a small thud and scrabbled for a better foothold on the near sheer cliff.

"I need this for fire," was all she said and then proceeded to punch out large holes in the cliff face. Her talons ripped through the spongy soil easily and soon she was shoving her snout into the slightly damp earth. Taking large clumps of dirt into her mouth, she chewed slightly and swallowed several time, letting her digestive system sort out the rest of the process of turning the platinum into pure hydrogen to be stored in special air sacs along the inside of her jaw.

Then she lifted off again and made her way lazily back to the cave which had been their home for the past month. Landing far more gracefully than the first time she had here, she strode back into the cave and lay down on her belly, bending her neck down and forward to allow Alex to slip down the the ground. As soon as he was down, she turned her head his way, her large yellow eyes staring down at him, "Where can we find armour and weapons for you my rider?"
As they flew through the air Alex knew that this is where he deserved to be but there was something wrong. He was sitting on the back of Selangra but there was something missing, it was as though he should be wearing something and he wasn't. He looked down at his arm, seeing it as clearly as anything else but there was meant to be something there, something covering it. It was then that he realized just what it was, he was meant to be wearing armour! Every time that he had seen himself sitting on the back of Selangra he had been wearing armour unlike anything that he had ever seen before.

Suddenly her voice in his head took his thoughts away from him and he wanted to let out a shout. He wondered how he was going to talk to her as they flew through the sky but now they both had a way to do it and he could not be happier, no the truth was he felt as though he could jump off the back of Selangra and fly himself but as he looked down at the ground he knew that it would not be possible and would end in nothing less than his death. He tensed his legs around her and wanted nothing more than to be here at this time, in this place.

It was then that she dived down towards the ground and before he could ask her what she was doing she told him that she needed something for fire. He watched in fascination as she shoved her snout into the dirt before her to eat it. At first he thought that he was going mad but as he watched her he knew that she was indeed eating the dirt and swallowing it. He sat still on the back of Selangra and waited until she had eaten her fill before she took to the air again.

They were back in the cave again and when Alex slid to the ground he turned to look at her as she asked him where they could find a weapon. His hand went down to the short sword at his side and he knew that it was not acceptable. He knew that he was meant to wield a weapon with a blade longer, something that he had held in his hand before. He closed his eyes and felt it calling to him, it wanted to be in his hand just as much as he wanted it to be in his. He could see it sitting there in a place long forgotten and knew that he had to have it back.

"I know where my weapons are. I can feel my sword calling to me but it is in a place long forgotten and now taken over by the wild. It is close to the Imperial City to cause me concern though but we must make haste. I can feel as though something is about to happen, as though something is coming. I know that it will be a long flight my friend but it is best that we are both prepared. I do not ask you to undertake this flight now as we must rest but I know that we must soon."

He walked with her into the back of the cave and sat down, leaning against her side. He closed his eyes and as soon as he did the visions came to him. He saw himself sitting on Selangra and flying towards an enemy on a black dragon, an enemy that had dispatched several of his allies. The rider was quick and he could see a trident in one of its hands, it was then that the rider turned to face him and Alex saw the face of a woman looking at him as she rose her trident in challenge. He heard Selangra give a roar of acknowledgement as he gripped his lance tighter.

When his eyes opened he could see the dream swimming before his eyes, refusing to leave him and knew that he had to do something to try and bring his thoughts back together. He walked slowly back to his training area and slid his sword from its sheath. Without even thinking about it he began to move, practicing his forms and strikes. If there was indeed another rider coming into this world then he would be ready for her.
To EHawkins and Aries: here's a chance for either or both of you to have some input on this event. I could just finish it, leaving both of you in the "dust," so to speak, but I'm holding back. And I don't mean to sound arrogant or anything, that's just sort of how I am. Plus, I'm as bored as heck right now.


I've got imput, just no time lately--editing and work and all :eek:
EHawkins said:
To EHawkins and Aries: here's a chance for either or both of you to have some input on this event. I could just finish it, leaving both of you in the "dust," so to speak, but I'm holding back. And I don't mean to sound arrogant or anything, that's just sort of how I am. Plus, I'm as bored as heck right now.


I've got imput, just no time lately--editing and work and all :eek:

OOC: Oh, okay. I'm still bored as heck right now.
blaster8 said:
As Cris waited for Mirah to adjust to the darkness, a foul stench that he knew all too well reached his nose: goblins were in the area. What are goblins doing so far north? We're several miles north of Imperial City and goblin territory is over a hundred miles south of the city, thought Cris. He told Mirah to be on the alert, that goblins were in the area, and if need be, she was to run back to Invictus. He then went on the hunt.

He found the band of goblins moving about near the holes that were above the lake in the cave. If those goblins weren't careful, they would fall though those holes and be in for a hard landing. Cris counted their numbers and came up with nearly a hundred goblins. How did so many goblins manage to get past the patrols that come out of the city? He could hear the goblins bickering about something, but he could understand little of it. He never bothered to learn much of the goblin language, but what he did know was meant to scare the crap out of the goblins. He could pick out a few words though, something about scouting for some big event that was being planned.

Cris decided to have a little fun with these goblins. He knew he couldn't kill all of them, but that was fine by him. He had his dragon eyes glowing in the dark. Although it was very dark out, goblins had good night eyes. Despite that, all they would see of him were his eyes staring at them from the shadows. A few of the goblins took notice of his eyes, and immeditately fell silent, watching. The other goblins, noting that their comrades had fallen silent, turned to see what their "friends" were watching. When they saw the eyes, they fell silent too. All the goblins felt fear shoot through them, some of them slowly backing up towards the holes that they could not see, most freezing in place, but only one raised the crossbow in his hands and aimed at the eyes.

He fired at the eyes, but only recieved a growl in return. The crossbow bolt had hit Cris square on the chin but had failed to cause even a welt to form on his tough skin. Cris continued to watch the goblins, noting that a few had fallen through the holes as the backed away from him. They would fall either into the lake or onto the rocks near were Invictus should be. If any of them survived the fall, they would be in for one hell of a surprise. Of course, the goblins up here are in for a surprise too.

Cris told Mirah to be on the alert, and she folded herself into the protective forest shadows around her. She didn't see the crossbow but heard its twang sound through the night air. Mirah saw Cris's head jerk aside. The bolt should've torn through his face, but he didn't seem phased by it.

Let him deal with the skirmishers, then!, Mirah thought as she quietly fell back.

She made her way back to the cave, to Invictus and she heard shouts in a course, ugly language that she didn't understand. The dragonling snapped and clawed at the goblins that had fallen through the holes above the underground lake.

Mirah saw her chance. She drew one of her knives from somewhere beneath the black leather she wore, and slipped it neatly between a goblin's ribs. It howled and fell, its dark blood spreading out in the dirt. She turned, Invictus behind her as he lashed out at the goblins that rushed him. Mirah darted away and used the dragonling as a distraction as she struck down another goblin...
EHawkins said:
Cris told Mirah to be on the alert, and she folded herself into the protective forest shadows around her. She didn't see the crossbow but heard its twang sound through the night air. Mirah saw Cris's head jerk aside. The bolt should've torn through his face, but he didn't seem phased by it.

Let him deal with the skirmishers, then!, Mirah thought as she quietly fell back.

She made her way back to the cave, to Invictus and she heard shouts in a course, ugly language that she didn't understand. The dragonling snapped and clawed at the goblins that had fallen through the holes above the underground lake.

Mirah saw her chance. She drew one of her knives from somewhere beneath the black leather she wore, and slipped it neatly between a goblin's ribs. It howled and fell, its dark blood spreading out in the dirt. She turned, Invictus behind her as he lashed out at the goblins that rushed him. Mirah darted away and used the dragonling as a distraction as she struck down another goblin...

The goblins up top could hear the cries of their comrades that had fallen through the holes. Many of them turned to look at where the cries where coming from, but they quickly whipped their heads back to the eyes when Cris let out a roar that should not have come from the throat of a man, but instead from a dragon. The roar spelled doom for the goblins, and they knew it. Many of the goblins bolted, going every which way but towards the eyes. Cris lunged at the goblins, revealed in his glory, with the goblin with the crossbow having his head taken off by Cris' claws. Cris moved with an unnatureal speed due to his wings providing thrust.

By the end, thirty goblins lay dead and bleeding in the forest, with another fifteen having fallen through the holes of the cave to fall prey to Invictus. But there was one goblin up top that was not dead or dying. He had fallen through one of the holes, but had managed to get a hold on the rock before going to far. Cris could smell his fear, and found him, holding onto the rock, a foot into the hole, with one hand. Cris grabbed the goblin, but instead of pulling up, Cris let himself fall through the hole, taking the goblin with him.

Cris landed several feet from Invictus, still holding the terrified goblin in his grip. As Cris stood there, holding the goblin, he had forgotten to hide his wings, which were not stretched out to their full length. They reached from a foot above his head to his knees, and were impressive, if not terrifying to see on a 6'2" man.
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blaster8 said:
The goblins up top could hear the cries of their comrades that had fallen through the holes. Many of them turned to look at where the cries where coming from, but they quickly whipped their heads back to the eyes when Cris let out a roar that should not have come from the throat of a man, but instead from a dragon. The roar spelled doom for the goblins, and they knew it. Many of the goblins bolted, going every which way but towards the eyes. Cris lunged at the goblins, revealed in his glory, with the goblin with the crossbow having his head taken off by Cris' claws. Cris moved with an unnatureal speed due to his wings providing thrust.

By the end, thirty goblins lay dead and bleeding in the forest, with another fifteen having fallen through the holes of the cave to fall prey to Invictus. But there was one goblin up top that was not dead or dying. He had fallen through one of the holes, but had managed to get a hold on the rock before going to far. Cris could smell his fear, and found him, holding onto the rock, a foot into the hole, with one hand. Cris grabbed the goblin, but instead of pulling up, Cris let himself fall through the hole, taking the goblin with him.

Cris landed several feet from Invictus, still holding the terrified goblin in his grip. As Cris stood there, holding the goblin, he had forgotten to hide his wings, which were not stretched out to their full length. They reached from a foot above his head to his knees, and were impressive, if not terrifying to see on a 6'2" man.

Mirah glanced over her shoulder as she drew another knife. Cris was there, wings outstretched and holding a goblin.

A soon to be dead goblin... she thought as she bounded off the cavern's rocks and captapulted herself around behind the ones that tried to flee.

Mirah let loose her knife and it buried itself in the neck of soft goblin flesh. She hurried up to the body and snatched it on the run, only to be nearly blind-sided by another goblin with a mace. She swore, finessed her way around to the slower goblin's side and struck him in the jugular. Dark, arterial spray washed over her as she pushed the dead goblin away and looked back at Cris...
EHawkins said:
Mirah glanced over her shoulder as she drew another knife. Cris was there, wings outstretched and holding a goblin.

A soon to be dead goblin... she thought as she bounded off the cavern's rocks and captapulted herself around behind the ones that tried to flee.

Mirah let loose her knife and it buried itself in the neck of soft goblin flesh. She hurried up to the body and snatched it on the run, only to be nearly blind-sided by another goblin with a mace. She swore, finessed her way around to the slower goblin's side and struck him in the jugular. Dark, arterial spray washed over her as she pushed the dead goblin away and looked back at Cris...

Cris held the goblin by what hair he had, staring straight into the goblin's eyes, with his own dragon-eyes. A puddle was forming at the goblin's feet, a sure sign that the goblin was scared.

"Speak, goblin, before I make the orcs look like amateur torturers," said Cris in a demonic voice. "Tell me why a hundred goblins would be wandering so far north. What were you doing here?"

The goblin knew that the orcs were masters of torture, but he did not doubt that this demon that held him could put them to shame. In halting voice, filled with fear, he answered "We were sent to find a place where we could hide an army until the big event."

"What is this big event?" asked Cris, reminding the goblin of his position by jerking back on the goblin's hair. A new stench reached Cris' nose. The goblin had just crapped himself, he was so scared.

"I-I d-don't...k-know," replied the goblin.

"Lies!" said Cris, jerking back harder on the hair. "What is this big event? What does it invovle?"

"I-I d-don't k-know w-what it is. B-but I-I k-know it i-invovles the city," said the goblin, stuttering from fear.

Having had his questions answered, Cris said to the goblin, "I want you to return to your leader, and tell him that the Goblin Hunter is still alive, and he has a renewed appetite for goblin flesh." Cris then flung the goblin by the hair fifty feet towards the exit. "Run now before I roast you alive!" roared Cris after the goblin.
blaster8 said:
Cris held the goblin by what hair he had, staring straight into the goblin's eyes, with his own dragon-eyes. A puddle was forming at the goblin's feet, a sure sign that the goblin was scared.

"Speak, goblin, before I make the orcs look like amateur torturers," said Cris in a demonic voice. "Tell me why a hundred goblins would be wandering so far north. What were you doing here?"

The goblin knew that the orcs were masters of torture, but he did not doubt that this demon that held him could put them to shame. In halting voice, filled with fear, he answered "We were sent to find a place where we could hide an army until the big event."

"What is this big event?" asked Cris, reminding the goblin of his position by jerking back on the goblin's hair. A new stench reached Cris' nose. The goblin had just crapped himself, he was so scared.

"I-I d-don't...k-know," replied the goblin.

"Lies!" said Cris, jerking back harder on the hair. "What is this big event? What does it invovle?"

"I-I d-don't k-know w-what it is. B-but I-I k-know it i-invovles the city," said the goblin, stuttering from fear.

Having had his questions answered, Cris said to the goblin, "I want you to return to your leader, and tell him that the Goblin Hunter is still alive, and he has a renewed appetite for goblin flesh." Cris then flung the goblin by the hair fifty feet towards the exit. "Run now before I roast you alive!" roared Cris after the goblin.

The goblin scurried past Mirah as she wiped crimson from her face with the back of her hand. She felt numb as she walked past Invictus and the half-dragon, and knelt at the lake.

The city she thought as she rinsed off the rest of the blood. Are they going to march on the city?

The stench of goblin and blood and death on top of the thought of going to war made her stomach turn. There was no way that she and Invictus were ready to deal with an onslaught of a goblin army, much less anything else. It seemed that she should tell someone, but who would believe a thief?

Mirah knew that they couldn't, shouldn't stay here. The cave had been compromised as far as she was concerned. Nonetheless, she cleaned and resheathed her knives and started to haul goblin bodies out. She wasn't sleeping amongst the dead if she could help it.
EHawkins said:
The goblin scurried past Mirah as she wiped crimson from her face with the back of her hand. She felt numb as she walked past Invictus and the half-dragon, and knelt at the lake.

The city she thought as she rinsed off the rest of the blood. Are they going to march on the city?

The stench of goblin and blood and death on top of the thought of going to war made her stomach turn. There was no way that she and Invictus were ready to deal with an onslaught of a goblin army, much less anything else. It seemed that she should tell someone, but who would believe a thief?

Mirah knew that they couldn't, shouldn't stay here. The cave had been compromised as far as she was concerned. Nonetheless, she cleaned and resheathed her knives and started to haul goblin bodies out. She wasn't sleeping amongst the dead if she could help it.

Cris helped Mirah remove the goblin bodies and pile them up outside the cave. He then went and gathered the bodies that were above the lake and placed these too, on the pile. During this, he searched the bodies for any valuble items, like gold, silver, jewels, and the like. He didn't find much, but he did find something interesting. One of the goblins bore a peculiar weapon, one that he, no more than two hours ago, had called rare. He picked up this weapon and carried it back to the cave entrance where Mirah was still piling the bodies.

"Look at what I found on one of the goblins," said Cris, handing her the trident. It was finely made, not by goblin hands, that was for sure. "You can keep that weapon, seeing as how you feel that a trident is the weapon for you. Now, let's burn these bodies and head for sleep."

After setting the bodies aflame, he took a loose goblin head and shoved it onto a spear planted in the ground. "Let all who venture by here know that this place is defended and goblins are not welcome," stated Cris. He then walked back to the lake, and relaxed.
A search for Talas

Cold mountain wind jabbed at Mirah as Cris helped her drag the bodies out. The goblins stacked like cord wood some feet away from the cave. The half-dragon searched the bodies before he set them alight. The choking stench of burnt flesh made her cough as he came around with something in his hand.

It was a trident...

Mirah reached out for it and took the long weapon in her hand. It was, indeed, finely wrought and the weight of it in her hands felt oddly familiar. Suddenly, cold shot through her as something laid ghostly hands on her shoulders.

"Seek... Thelassa." something whispered in her ear.

Mirah abruptly dropped the goblin trident. It felt... dead to her, like there was no connection, no spark. She knew beyond a doubt that she was destined for a trident, but not this one.

Your time is coming, sister... an ancient, masculine voice echoed in her head as the cold started to fade from her shoulders. You will raise Talas from a thousand years of dust and hold it high once more.

"Thelassa..." Mirah murmured, trance-like. "Who?"

Clips and bits of images of a far away place bombarded her mind. They went by so fast that she could barely make out old stone columns sunken in the earth and overgrown with razor vine. Glimpses of old, unfathomable writing, worn away by time and the elements were barely visible beneath the green that had slowly devoured it.

It was too much for her, too fast. She stumbled back against rock and let out a tiny gasp before she collapsed into darkness.
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EHawkins said:
Cold mountain wind jabbed at Mirah as Cris helped her drag the bodies out. The goblins stacked like cord wood some feet away from the cave. The half-dragon searched the bodies before he set them alight. The choking stench of burnt flesh made her cough as he came around with something in his hand.

It was a trident...

Mirah reached out for it and took the long weapon in her hand. It was, indeed, finely wrought and the weight of it in her hands felt oddly familiar. Suddenly, cold shot through her as something laid ghostly hands on her shoulders.

"Seek... Thelassa." something whispered in her ear.

Mirah abruptly dropped the goblin trident. It felt... dead to her, like there was no connection, no spark. She knew beyond a doubt that she was destined for a trident, but not this one.

Your time is coming, sister... an ancient, masculine voice echoed in her head as the cold started to fade from her shoulders. You will raise Talas from a thousand years of dust and hold it high once more.

"Thelassa..." Mirah murmured, trace-like. "Who?"

Clips and bits of images of a far away place bombarded her mind. They went by so fast that she could barely make out old stone columns sunken in the earth and overgrown with razor vine. Glimpses of old, unfathomable writing, worn away by time and the elements were barely visible beneath the green that had slowly devoured it.

It was too much for her, too fast. She stumbled back against rock and let out a tiny gasp before she collapsed into darkness.

Cris saw Mirah drop the trident, and he saw the strange look that developed suddenly on her face. His keen hearing barely caught what Mirah had said before she collapsed. He rushed to grab her before she hit her head on the rock. Picking her up her his strong arms, he carried her back to the lake, and laid her near the fire. Leaving Invictus to watch over Mirah, with only the explanation that she had fainted from exhaustion, he retrieved the trident. He found no magic laid upon when he examined it, but he did get the odd feeling that this trident was not worthy for Mirah's hands.

Pondering this, he placed the trident in his stash, and returned to watch over Mirah. The waning moon was now high overhead, and cast its silver light into the cave. A beam of this light found his white hair, and it shone with the light of the moon.
Selangra dipped her head low in acknowledgement after listening to Alex speak about his weapon and where it could possibly be located. She followed him to the back of the cave and settled down onto her haunches, laying her head flat on the dry ground. She felt his tiny weight settle against her side and she closed her eyes, content for the moment.

As soon as her eyes were closed, Selangra began feeling a familiar sensation. She was going to have another dream-vision. Problem was, she wasn't asleep, just resting. She mentally shrugged and as with the other dream-visions, just let it come.

She was flying high over a magnificient city. She felt somehow different this time round, like instead of a vision of the past, this was a vision of the future. She looked behind her and saw Alex perched on her back, his weight insignificant. He waved to her and she gave him a smile. He was not wearing any armour. It was strange, this was the first time that she had had a dream of him not in his armour. Now she knew for sure that this was in the future and not in the past.

They soared over the city at a distance where she would just be a tiny speck in the sky. But they did not stop there, instead they landed in a secluded glade within the forest surrounding the south side of the city. Selangra knew that this was where she could no longer take her rider on his journey. The undergrowth was just too thick for a beast of her bulk. He would have to go on alone.

That thought by itself terrified her. She snapped her eyes open and turned her head to make sure he was still sitting by her side. Her eyes widened when she found he was no longer there! Sniffing intensely, slightly panicked, she finally saw him practising his sword forms. He moved so quietly that even her excellent hearing had trouble picking him up. She took time to stare at him in the dark and then got to her feet.

Ambling slowly towards him, she spoke quietly, "I can be ready to fly you there in two days. I know where to take you," She turned her head slightly to the side, "I can carry you and some other items," a sense of urgency suddenly overtook her and she knew that Alex felt the same thing.

The next two days were relatively busy for her dark haired rider but in contrary, quite leisurely for her. She knew where she was going and what she was taking. She made sure to eat her fill of both conventional food and the rare mineral deposit of platinum she had found. Alex no longer had to hunt for her food and she found that it was far more efficient if she did the hunting. She carried back more than enough food for her rider each time she went on her forays.

By the time the sun rose on the second day, they were ready. She stood outside the cave, basking in the morning glow. Alex fitted what he felt she could carry; essentials such as the gold they had mined and extra food and water for him, onto her back via a makeshift harness he had created from animal hides and the pack straps he had had. As for a harness for him, he had told her that he didn't need one. She reminded herself not to fly too fast.

Alex climbed on, checking and double checking the other items and strapping the sword onto this belt. He patted her neck and she stretched out her wings. Bending her hind legs slighty, she dug her talons into the soft, warm ground and raised her wings. Thrusting them downwards, she lifted off into the air and began their long journey to the heart of Ragnos. The Imperial City.
The Green army Rises.

Shargnal looked over the green horde from the hill, and smiled. The goblin phrophocy was coming true. There were small fires as far as the eye could see, orcs, goblin, ogres and trolls all camped in the vast valley floor. It was an army this land had never seen. Thousands upon thousands, all eager to find the new land he had promised. The green skins had always been a scared bunch except the orcs. Now, with the power of the demon dragon slowly returning in the glowing corpse he worked at , the green skins grew in bravery. Under his watchful eye he would lead them to the chronicled battle, he knew the humans were weak and will not suspect anything. It was the moment of cleansing, the army will be unstoppable.

Margos the orc leader from the Grudge clan approached the top of the hill. "Ma boys move from da saaf of da country, we will destroy the land of dem `umans." Margos was a powerful war bos, short and stocky, he had a patch on one eye and was adorned with many trophies. The most noticable was the war axe that he held by his side. It sizzled and spat magic in a blue glow, it was said that the blade was bathed in magic and was so keen it would cut a god. He had killed many in his time and was the most respected in a hated bunch.

"That is good Margos, I am asured you have all the clans on side." Shargnal looked right at the Warboss. "I am close to finishing the spell to breathe life into the decaying bones next to us," Shargnal looked over the fires once more. "The time to move will be soon, but I still cannot find the goblin deserter, this displeases me greatly, send your best trackers. The last place he was seen was north near a few small villages." Shargnal turned "Now leave," he continued to spill words from his mouth that held dark magic and the carcass began to glow - Time was growing short for the land. . . and Sharm.
Optimas said:
Sharm was in a fever state, he lay in a small cot bed in a wooden hut. A hazy graying man changed a dressing on Sharm`s arm and chest but the pain made Sharm black out again before he could talk or fully wake.

Sharm was thrown back into a nightmare dream, a great green force destroying the land, with beast and minion deep and dark like night. Children and women being torn limb from limb and villages being decimated. All the while the men in the towns fought over a crown. Sharm tried to scream but his throat was gone he was a specter watching in horror and he could not wake - he thought he would go mad, and at the last moment - when his sanity wavered most - calmness encompassed his very being. A golden light descended, moving all the dreams away like water colours on and artists easel on a rainy day. In his dream state he turned and his jaw hit the floor. Arganoth Glided towards him in magnificent glory. "Hello Sharm," an angelic voice said. Then the mightiest dragon of all time landed softly on nothing and looked at Sharm and said,"We need to talk, but time is short."

"But why, Sharm? Why must it be you?" The giant golden dragon looked down at Sharm in his dream state. "You are the chosen. You were chosen by me. Do you think I knew nothing of Shargnal and his vile plans for this land?" The dragon became hazy as if behind a shimmer of water "This is the last time I can speak like this so listen closely, "The egg you carry is not me, for it is my offspring, guard the linage with your life. It is the only way, and If you have any doubts about your role look to your chest and it will tell you . . ."The dragon shimmered to nothingness and Sharm woke from his dream with a yell.

It was a yell to the gods for more time, but turned into nothing as he came round. He quickly took in his surroundings. A small hut, nothing inside except his bed, and a small pile of clothes. . . No egg. Sharm jumped up and pulled on his clothes, his sacred blade was gone to. he pulled on his cloak. He moved to the door of the hut and looked out he pushed the door thinking it would be locked but it eased open into the daylight, it hurt his eyes. He could see a few humans so he put the hood up on the cloak and stepped
into the daylight.