The Dragons of Ragnos

Alex stood there and looked into Selangra's eyes, "Anywhere that we wish to go. All we have to do is take to the air and let it take us whereever we want."

He started to move slowly towards the saddle but stopped, his hand dropping to the hilt of his sword. He looked down at it and clenched his hand. "It does intrigue me about this other rider though. She could prove a nuisance and I want to see how good she is. I do not wish to kill her but I want to test her. If she is no good then there is nothing to worry about but if she puts up a fight of sorts then we should do something to put a stop to it. Do you agree?"

Selangra slowly turned turned her head to look at him, "What are we waiting for?"

Alex smiled and raised himself up to sit onto Selangra's saddle, immediately feeling as if he had belonged there. He felt Selangra as if she was all around him, as if she was a part of him and knew that they were finally together. He looked down at her back but as soon as he did he saw something that gave him pause. Sitting in front of him was what could be described as a lance but it was so small and looked as though it were part of the armor it would have been missed. He reached down and ran one hand over it, wondering what it was then spoke a word as if from a dream, "Vatare."

The symbol began to glow with a bluish black and Alex almost flew out of his seat as a spike appeared from the armor in front of him. He looked down at it, shocked to see how it seemed to suck the light out of the air around him, making it and everything around it darker. He smiled as he slowly touched it and realized that this would be one of his greatest weapons in a aerial battle. It was a long lance spiked with wicked barbs that he knew would wound anything he came against.

He ran his hand over the symbol again and spoke the same word, watching as the lance disappeared as if it had never been there. He smiled and looked down at Selangra again.

"Where do you think we should go. The only thing that I can think of is if I go into the city and see if I can find anything about this rider. I do not think that you can hide a dragon for that long which means that once again we have to go our separate ways. I know that I do not want to leave you but we both know that if you are seen it will cause panic and we will not find that which we are seeking."

He instantly felt the sorrow flow from Selangra and knew that she did not want him to go.

You know if you get yourself in any sort of danger I cannot protect you.

I know that neither of us are ready to take on an army yet but we will be soon.

Alex slowly got back to the ground and turned slowly to look at Selangra. He wanted nothing more than to stay with her but he knew as much as she that he had to go into the city alone. He ran one hand over her nose and looked into her eyes.

"I will be back. I promise."

He began to walk away from her but stopped and turned slowly, "Is there anything that I can do for you?"

"There is one thing, unless you feel as if you can fly better with them. My reins?"

Alex drew Lanfer's Claw and cut through the leather as if it was nothing at all. As they dropped to the ground a smile came to his face.

"It is done."

He wrapped his arms around her neck and listened as she took to the air, wishing so much that he was with her. He slid his sword back into its sheath and walked towards the road, wondering what he was going to see. As he moved towards it he wished that he had of asked Selangra to take him down as it was going to be hard to go through this forest. He heard the flapping of her wings then and looked up to see her flying slowly above him. The mere sight of her in the air brought a smile to his face but he knew that he had to do this alone and walked further into the forest.

As soon as he came out of the forest close to the road he looked up to see her fly away with a forlorn look in his eyes. He hated to see her fly away without siting on the back of her. He knew that he was slightly vulnerable on the ground without her but Alex also knew that he could not have her anywhere. It was then that he felt the point of a sword in his back and turned slowly to look at the person holding it. He was surprised when he saw the person because he was covered from head to foot in a cloak and far taller than any person he had ever seen before. Alex looked up at the person, wondering how long this would take.

"Please, just leave now," Alex said as he drew Lanfer's Claw from its sheath.

The man had a guttural laugh; something that did not sound human which made Alex hold his sword even harder. The man or whatever it was moved quickly but Alex moved even more quickly, blocking the blow from the man's sword. Alex looked at the man, wondering what he was going to do next but would not give him a chance. He stabbed up with Lanfer's Claw, feeling the blade sink deep into skin.

The man dropped to the ground and as he did the hood of the cloak fell to the ground and Alex saw the orc's face, surprised to see the scars over its face. He wondering what an orc was doing this close to the Imperial City but he knew that it was not his place to worry about it. He did know that he would have to hide what he was though and picked the orc up off the ground, surprising himself by his own strength. He carried the orc to the woods and dropped it to the ground then pulled off the cloak and put it on.

He walked back to the road, pulling the cloak around himself as he walked towards the City.
Selangra bowed her head down even further as Alex mounted into the saddle. She heard him softly whisper a word that sounded both familiar and strange to her and all of a sudden a great black lance grew from her saddle. She felt a strange crawling sensation across her skin beneath her scales and her senses tingled. Growling low beneath her breath, she snaked her head back to stare at the strange weapon and Alex. She felt a spark of recognition and gave him a toothy grin.

Then Alex told her that they had to split up now. She blinked slowly, trying to ingest the idea of yet again being separated from her rider. Strangely, this time she was not as alarmed. Saddened, yes, but not panicked. She nodded to him, "I know, I understand. I am here," she reached a claw tipped hand towards his head and brushed it against his skin, "If you need me, I will be close,"

There was one thing though, before he left that she wanted him to do. "... my reins?" A flash of red steel and they were there no longer. She dipped her head in thanks and blinked slowly at him. Then extended her wings and was off the ground in a blink. She rose slowly, snaking her head down to watch him watching her. When he set off, she lazily circled above him, keeping low to the treetops. She finally banked away when he reached the road to the Imperial City and open terrain. She rose up, noting a stranger approaching Alex, slightly concerened, she began circling lower when Alex put an efficient stop to the stranger's advances.

I knew you were a great choice for a rider... even if you're only a human.

She blew a small burst of flame as she scooped the air right above his head and roared a challenge to the skies before him. Travel well, Master, Then she spiralled up into the air and was soon above the clouds where he could not see her anymore.

Selangra soared for a while, just enjoying the feel of the sun's rays shining on her new battle armor. It was so comfortable, just like a second skin and she knew that taking it off would leave her feeling naked. If she ever did...

After a while, she dipped below the clouds and soared at the height an average man would only recognise her as a dot in the sky. Her own eyesight however let her see clearly the dusty earth beneath her. She sighted the great city next to the forest she had recently vacated and knew that Alex was there, she could feel him nestled comfortably against the back of her head.

She scouted the ground beneath her, not knowing what she was looking for but looking none-the-less.

She witnessed a momentary altercation between three men and one large human. But she moved on before she saw the outcome, humans and their troubles worried her not one bit. Soon she was flying above the forest to the east of the city. It was in no way connected to the one to the south. She tilted her head to the side and scented the air. A strange smell permeated her surroundings. It was both familiar and yet at the same time, not.

Spotting a clearing, she landed softly, folding her wings into her back and settling herself back onto solid ground. Shifting the majority of her weight to her hind legs, she peered around, her keen dragon eyes penetrating the relative darkness beneath the dense canopy.

She heard a soft rustle towards her right and quickly turned her head. A strange little green creature came backing into the clearing. It was turned away from her and so didn't see the large red dragon regarding it. From somewhere deep within the annals of Draconic memory, a name came floating to the surface of Selangra's mind. Goblin.

She snorted and watched as the goblin squeaked almost comically and whipped around to face her. The expression of pure terror and confusion was so funny that it made Selangra smile. Exposing all of her sharply pointed, inch long fangs. The goblin squeaked again and jabbered in its strange language in fright. Selangra cocked her head and an ancient Dragon magic rose up within her. She found that she could understand the strange gutteral language of the little green man.

"No! can't be... No man... no dragon... no man-dragon... no!" Selangra snorted again, suddenly impatient at the small spectacle that had amused her a few seconds earlier. With a snap, she whipped her head forward and closed her mouth around the strange little creature. She swallowed.

And immediately gagged.

She never wanted to eat another goblin ever! It tasted absolutely horrible! It was like eating an egg and discovering that inside it was rotten. She spat and pawed her nose against the ground, trying to get the awful taste from her mouth. She snorted and a small bout of flame licked its way from between her lips. The taste vanished.

"Stupid creature... couldn't even tell that I was a Female," she muttered to herself and spread her wings out and lifting off once again. She was bored and needed to continue her search for the other dragon. She could sense a few presences nearby, probably not draconic, but she decided she would check them out.

The first was a dud. Just some more foul tasting goblins. For some reason though, they had the unique scent of dragon on them. She paused for only a moment, thinking, then her nose caught the next scent and she was soon off again in a huff of wind. She knew there was a dragon nearby... she just couldn't quite pinpoint it and all the new and different scents and senses were throwing her off. In a way, Alex was throwing her off as well. The new link that she now shared with her rider was both a hindrance and a blessing to the young Dragon.

The second was just as disappointing as the first. She was once again in open country near the city. Not many humans populated this area, but there were a few bodies. She cautiously landed and sniffed at the remains. Dragon scented. She growled. She didn't know what was going on. They seemed mutilated enough for a fellow dragon to have hunted these men, but she didn't see the sense in leaving them.

Shrugging her massive shoulders, she blinked and swallowed down the remains. They weren't the best taste, but they were still better than that goblin had been. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the meat. Why had the dragon left them?

She shook her head and lifted off into the sky once again with a now full belly. Thinking absently, she drifted on the currents, letting the wind take her where it would.

She ended up on that same hill that she had gotten her armor from. It was near nightfall and she needed rest after all the flying around she had done. Though the armor did weigh next to nothing, it did take a toll on her after a while. She lumbered into the tunnel and placed her head near the entrance. She knew Alex would be able to find her if he wanted. But for the moment, sleep called to her powerfully. She closed her eyes and, feeling secure for the first time since coming to Ragnos, she slept.

That is how the first day of the hunt for the other riders ended for Selangra.
EHawkins said:
The morning gave way to mid-afternoon and there was a twinge in Mirah's stomach as well. Some of it was from not eating, but most of it was from the near reckless abondon in which the dragonling skimmed across the tree tops. She held on tight to Invictus as she watched the wildlife scatter beneath them and she frowned.

Nothing's going to give us away like animals fleeing from something big.... she thought.

"Reza?" Mirah said. "I didn't so much dream of him as I did his Rider, Val. Come to think of it, I don't know if it really was a dream. I mean, can a dream give you something? Val's dead--he said he was... a ghost."

Her hand brushed over the crystal at her neck. She remembered standing on the beach, and it had been real--more real than any dream should ever be.

"There!" Mirah called out above the roar of the wind. "Why don't we stop there!"

She pat Invictus on the neck and pointed to a clearing that boasted a small, but beautiful waterfall coursing down the side of the mountain. The dragonling swung around and found a good place to land. They needed to eat and whether Invictus wanted to admit it or not, he wasn't just hungry. He needed rest.

Mirah and Invictus touched down and she carefully slid off his back. She looked around as the dragonling shook out his wings. He was definately favoring his side... In the pool below the waterfall, she saw a reddish moss growing at the base of the rocks.

Val told me to trust my instincts....

She picked some of the red moss off and gathered some other herbs that she recognized when Cris had dressed Invictus's wounds. Fish darted by as she crushed them on the rocks with a loose stone until it was paste, scooped it up and went to him.

"Lift your wing." Mirah said.

Invictus did and she smeared the ruddy stuff on. He seemed relax, and whatever discomfort he felt seemed to be fading as he settled down to rest some.

"We should really travel by night." she said. "We can take advantage of that so we won't be seen. We won't have to fly so low either. When you feel up to it, we'll see about getting some food."

Mirah gave Invictus a gentle pat on his head, settled in next to him, and took a little nap.

Invictus smiled as Mirah dozed off, flying in the dark would be an interesting experience for Mirah he was rather sure. Flying Dragon back in the day was terrifying for most, but flying dragon back at night was truly a nightmare for anyone but the best of riders.

Especially since there were no thermal updrafts at night so the dragon would have to work alot harder to stay aloft. He wondered how Mirah would handle the flight especially if she planned to fly strictly at night.

His general naieveity was fading, he was begining to think more seriously and pay more attention to detail. And alot more attention to the emotions of his partner.

He could feel her breathing against him. It made him feel very secure, as if nothing could go wrong as long as his rider was at his side. She would look out for him and he for her. They could deal with anything the world would dare to throw at them.

"Sleep well Mirah" Invictus used his wing to gently lower her to the ground, her head propped up on their bag. Stretching his wings he took off making as little noise as possible. He intended to go hunting, soaring into the sky he chose an area and set off toward it the scent of Elk strong in the mid-afternoon air.
AriesWolf said:
Invictus smiled as Mirah dozed off, flying in the dark would be an interesting experience for Mirah he was rather sure. Flying Dragon back in the day was terrifying for most, but flying dragon back at night was truly a nightmare for anyone but the best of riders.

Especially since there were no thermal updrafts at night so the dragon would have to work alot harder to stay aloft. He wondered how Mirah would handle the flight especially if she planned to fly strictly at night.

His general naieveity was fading, he was begining to think more seriously and pay more attention to detail. And alot more attention to the emotions of his partner.

He could feel her breathing against him. It made him feel very secure, as if nothing could go wrong as long as his rider was at his side. She would look out for him and he for her. They could deal with anything the world would dare to throw at them.

"Sleep well Mirah" Invictus used his wing to gently lower her to the ground, her head propped up on their bag. Stretching his wings he took off making as little noise as possible. He intended to go hunting, soaring into the sky he chose an area and set off toward it the scent of Elk strong in the mid-afternoon air.

Aries! Good to see you again :D


Mirah woke to the sound of tearing flesh and crushing bone. Invictus was there, happily chewing on an elk. It was twilight now and she needed something to eat.

"Good hunting, huh?" She said as she observed some of the birds that flitted about. They were eating large cherries from the tree above her...

She found some footholds, climbed up and started to partake of the fruity feast with the birds.
"MMMHHHHH!" Invictus said happily through a mouthful of Elk. Swallowing, he said "UGHH your not going to eat those little red things are you?"

A draconic look of disgust crossed his face. He looked at her strangely.
AriesWolf said:
"MMMHHHHH!" Invictus said happily through a mouthful of Elk. Swallowing, he said "UGHH your not going to eat those little red things are you?"

A draconic look of disgust crossed his face. He looked at her strangely.

"Why yes. Yes I am." Mirah smiled slightly. "They're good--no worries."

She looked up at the night sky and slid down the tree. It occured to her that the prospect of flying at night might be a little scary but as Surin once told her, there was no teacher like experience.

"We have to get going, and we have to push as far and as fast as we can. I have a bad feeling..."

Mirah took the crystal from her armor and it glowed softly in the night.

"We're going that way now..." She said as she mounted Invictus. "I'd feel a whole hell of a lot better if we found Talos as soon as we can."
As he moved into the city Alex pulled his cloak down, gagging slightly at the smell but knowing one thing, that he could not take it off. The last thing he wanted was for someone to recognize him but he knew that would be the last thing that happened. He stopped suddenly though when he heard two people talking right next to him.

"Did you hear what happen the day before. They say that a dragon fell through the roof of a building in Red Hook and killed The Raven."

"It is good that The Raven finally got what was coming to her; she was no good thief, even with the tales that they tell of her but you tell too many tall tales. It is no wonder that people do not believe you anymore."

Alex immediately walked away, wanting nothing more than to find Red Hook and where the dragon had landed. He knew better than to believe in tall tales but after what he had seen during the storm it was too close of a coincidence. He gripped the hilt of Lanfer's Claw as he walked down the street, his eyes on everyone as he moved.

It was then that he felt something come from Selangra and stopped quickly, hoping that she wasn't in danger.

What is the matter. Are you in any danger?

I am never eating another goblin ever again! They taste disgusting!

He laughed out loud at that point, making several people look at him strangely and he heard Selangra laughing in his head. He knew that she had enjoyed making him feel embarrassed. He told her to be careful before he continued to walk down the street, wondering just where Red Hook was. He wanted to ask someone but how was he going to do it without raising suspicions?

He looked around him, searching for any person that could tell him but at that point all that he could see were guards and soldiers. He let out a silent curse at his luck at that point and moved down the street, looking down at his feet. It was then that he felt a hand on his chest and stopped, looking up at the guard who had stopped him.

"What is that stink?" was the first thing that came from his mouth.

"I am sorry but that is coming from me. I have been on the road for several days and have not had the chance to bathe yet."

The guard stood and looked at Alex in disgust.

"You go and do that. You smell worse than a dung heap."

As the man walked off Alex's eyes narrowed and all that was holding him back from running the man through was the fact that he was in a open area and surrounded by more people than he could fight at one time. He said his apologizes to the guard as he walked away from him but continued to look around, searching for Red Hook and the place where the dragon had crashed.

As if by some dumb luck the next thing he saw was a large building that looked as if something very big had fallen through the roof and partially collapsed it. He wanted to get closer to it and find any indication of what type of dragon it was and where it had gotten to but he saw several guards and soldiers moving in and out of it as well as pushing anyone else out of the way. Alex cursed again as he knew that he would find nothing about the dragon and the rider here but something did intrigue him, who was this Raven? Was she now this dragon's rider?

He knew that in his past life he had heard of stranger things but a thief as a dragon rider was something that even he had never heard of. He shook his head though when he came to a realization, he had been nothing more than a miner before he had found Selangra.

Turning slowly Alex had one thought in his head; he was now determined to find out more about this thief and where she had gone to. If she was the dragon's rider now was she going to be a threat to him?

He stopped as soon as he came to an alley, one vision coming before him - that of the female rider on top of the black dragon. Was she the one? Was the dragon that he had seen in the middle of the storm the black dragon that he had seen in his vision and was this thief, this Raven her rider. If that had of been the case he had been so close to it, he could have stopped this before it had even happened.

"Damn," was all that he said as he struck the wall behind him with an armored fist, cracking it.

He knew that there was nothing else that he could do in this city apart from rest and walked away from Red Hook, wanting nothing more than to get the stinking cloak off. He wanted to call to Selangra, to tell her to come and take him away from this place but he knew it was not the right time; not yet. There was something telling him to stay.
Sharm speaks

Sharm looked at the man who stood before him. The man who held the egg.

"I am from a hidden sect called the Hidden shaman sect," Sharm began. "I have been taught by great scholars and even greater fighters for many of my years in this land." Sharm looked at the egg almost telling the story to the egg and not the man.

"My duties are to this land and all that breathe its lustrous air, now I do know I am a goblin and that makes me untrustworthy in general. However the egg Is all that matters to me, not yours or anyones thoughts about me." Sharm took a breath and pulled his cloak in tight, his chest where the strange markings were itched furiously, he ignored it and carried on.

"The egg you see is the last egg of Arganoth the Dragon God of the South, and I fear it is the one thing that can stop the evil that grows from the south of this evil I am unsure at the moment. Now I am tired, and so very weary. If you want to kill me, kill me otherwise give me the egg and let me on my way. I fear a hunting party is close and I must move if I am to make it to the city." Sharm looked at the man in front of him, He was powerful and had immense hidden power, but nothing mattered except the egg and the future of the land. Sharm waited, tense for the reply. . .
Optimas said:
Sharm looked at the man who stood before him. The man who held the egg.

"I am from a hidden sect called the Hidden shaman sect," Sharm began. "I have been taught by great scholars and even greater fighters for many of my years in this land." Sharm looked at the egg almost telling the story to the egg and not the man.

"My duties are to this land and all that breathe its lustrous air, now I do know I am a goblin and that makes me untrustworthy in general. However the egg Is all that matters to me, not yours or anyones thoughts about me." Sharm took a breath and pulled his cloak in tight, his chest where the strange markings were itched furiously, he ignored it and carried on.

"The egg you see is the last egg of Arganoth the Dragon God of the South, and I fear it is the one thing that can stop the evil that grows from the south of this evil I am unsure at the moment. Now I am tired, and so very weary. If you want to kill me, kill me otherwise give me the egg and let me on my way. I fear a hunting party is close and I must move if I am to make it to the city." Sharm looked at the man in front of him, He was powerful and had immense hidden power, but nothing mattered except the egg and the future of the land. Sharm waited, tense for the reply. . .

Cris looked between the goblin and the egg while processing the information. Then it hit him. (He's gone without sleep for days, so he's a little slow right now). The last egg of Arganoth?!? How the heck has this goblin come to possess it? wondered Cris. Cris carefully sat the egg down at his feet, but did not allow the goblin to have the egg, yet.

"How have you come to possess this egg? I would think that the great Arganoth would have kept this egg guarded so close that a mouse couldn't get close to it without being seen," said Cris. He kept his eyes on the goblin, watching every move. He still held onto the goblin's Reese blade (the invisible sword). "Answer quickly and truthfully goblin. My threat still stands from before."
The Demon dragon and an army.

Shargnal looked at his army, it was awe inspiring. They were starting to mobalize now, giant war machines of metal and wood clanked and groaned. Blacksmiths worked and tinkered and the green war machine became the force of nightmares.

The Dragon carcass had took on a bronze sheen, it was just bone but the bone looked like metal. Shargnal turned from the army and finished the last words of the spell, the final nails in the coffin for the land.

"SHARNATAZEL!!," Shargnal screamed to the heavens - Now what happened next did not happen slowly - the carcass didn`t slowly wake up, it exploded into the air with a roar so deafening the whole army stopped, and even some goblins ran, much to the disgust of the orcs.

The demon Dragon was alive, and the green army was ready, Shargnal feinted. . . and all went black the last thing he remembered was the sound of beating wings. All was not well in the land for the green death rose on the wings of a demon dragon.
On the second day since getting her armor, Selangra awoke with a fiery yawn. She blinked open her eyes sleepily and with a start remembered that Alex was not with her. She looked around, checking her surroundings. This was the first time she had slept soundly and she was wondering if it had of been such a good idea to let her guard down like that. When she was satisfied that she was in no immediate danger, she calmed down and felt for the link between her and Alex and relaxed when she felt that he was also not in immediate danger.

Selangra stretched up her wings, shaking the sleep derived stiffness from them and launched into the sky. She flew close to the trees, looking down as the animals raced ahead of her to get away from her shadow. She smiled and swooped down, snatching a large deer from the ground with her powerful jaws.

She chewed and swallowed her morning meal in mid air and banked away from the forest to continue her search for the other dragon. She knew it was near, just how where exactly was beyond her, she was still to young to pinpoint her senses that accurately.

Feeling a grumble in her stomach, she decided to make a small detour to try to find some platinum deposits. She had been using up her own in her numerous accidental fiery outbursts. She needed more and she wasn't inclined to fly all the way back to Storm Guarde.

She flew further south, towards some distant mountains that might prove fruitful in the precious mineral.

During her travels, she found some strange goings on. She watched as several bands of Orcs and Goblins moved towards the south. Almost as if they were marshalling. But she knew, to her draconic bones, that Orcs and Goblins were mortal enemies. They could not be moving together.

Then she found a band of both Orcs and Goblins. Of course she was so high up that they would not have seen her, and she found that she was slightly disturbed at what she saw. They could prove a problem if they all worked together and possibly get in the way of Alex and her finding their glory. She was young yet and she had slight doubts of her abilities so far.

She passed over a large encampment, not too large but large enough to notice on the open plains. It seemed that many of the green-skinned peoples were gathering at this point and then moving on quickly again. There were many comings and goings. She frowned and decided to report back to Alex in person. Maybe she could show him what she had found.

Alex, I have found something strange. I'm wondering if this will hinder our flight to glory.

Then she banked to the left and returned to the where she had awoken that morning, snatching another deer for her evening meal. Once back before the tunnel under the hill in the forest, she settled down and waited for Alex to join her when he could.
As soon as Alex opened his eyes that morning his first thought was of Selangra, a smile coming to his face when he felt the link with her grow. He loved the fact that now he would never be alone; he now had someone that he could share his life with, even thought it was Selangra he knew that nobody could ever have a stronger bodn with him. His kinship with her was coming close to love but it was something he knew there was no way of explaining. All that he wanted was to have her in his life, he never wanted to lose her as she was so close to him it was a bond he never wanted broken.

After he washed himself and put his armour on he picked up his helmet and looked at the plume on top with a disgusted sneer. Pulling Lanfer's Claw out of its sheath he placed the helmet down on top of the small table. With one swipe he watched as the plume fell to the floor with a smile then slid his sword back into its sheath, instantly cutting off its glow. He looked at his helmet again with an even greater smile and put it on before grabbing his new cloak. As he put it on all he could think of was that he did not have to put of with the stink of the old one anymore.

As he walked out of the inn he could still hear the rumours of the dragon crashing in Red Hook and the Raven disappearing but knew that it would bring him no closer to what he sought and wanted to shout at them. As he once again walked through the streets of the city one thing was coming very apparent. The amount of lawlessness was increasing and the guards were becoming harrassed which suited him just fine.

He walked back to Red Hook, hoping that he would find some way back into the building the dragon had crashed into and find some clues. As he did though he saw the faces of all the people, as if they had lost something near and dear to them. He wanted to ask what they had lost but part of him did not care at all, all that he cared about was the dragon and her rider, something he knew would get in their way. He looked around slowly, trying to find where he was going but knew that he was now hopelessly lost to his disgust.

It was then that he heard the voice behind him and turned slowly to see the three men standing in front of him. He could tell by their clothing that they were worse for wear but he knew that they would not stop him and walked towards them. The one in the middle of the group put his hand out, stopping Alex where he stood.

"You look lost. Do you need a guide out of here?"

"I am lost, that is true but I do not need a guide. I think I can find my own way out of here."

He took another step forward but this time the man pushed him back as the other two pulled out their daggers.

"This is a dangerous place you see. You do need a guide in this part of the city or you get terribly lost."

Alex moved before either of them could follow, moving forward and smashing an armored fist into the face of the man to the right. Before he had even hit the ground he turned on the man to the left and caught the man's hand in his fist, hearing the man's wrist snap as he grabbed his dagger and plunged it into his throat. As that man hit the ground he slid Lanfer's Claw from its sheath and pointed it at the remaining man's throat.

"As you can see I do not need a guide around here. Now if you would be so kind as to leave me be I will let you live."

The man looked at the other's that were laying on the ground then looked at Alex, finally noticing the helmet that Alex wore and turned. Alex gave him a cold sneer as he ran down the street.

As he slid Lanfer's Claw back into its sheath and walked off the screams of the first people to find the would be thieves reached his ears. It was like music to his ears this time but he knew nobody would be foolish enough to stop him, not after what he had just done.

After he left Red Hook in disgust he wondered if he should search the rest of the city but knew that it would be worthless. He had missed them both and this place could not hide them for long. He stood in the middle of the square and closed his eyes, sensing them but for all his efforts there was no way of finding them.

"I will find you. Mark my words," he said as he walked back to the inn.

It was then that he heard Selangra's voice and smiled for the first time that day.

Alex, I have found something strange. I'm wondering if this will hinder our flight to glory.

What is it? What have you found?

Meet me where I found my armor, I have to show you something.

His first thought was to ask her what was so wrong but he could tell by the urgency in her voice that this was something that could not wait. Without another thought Alex walked towards the main gates of the city, looking at the guards as he walked past. As he did he knew that he would come back to this place but when he did it would be to conquer it.

He walked down the road slowly, wanting to run but he knew that if he did it would seem suspicious and the guards would surely come after him, something he did not need at that point in time. As he walked he could feel Selangra coming closer to him, the urgency growing in her but there was also something else. He turned slowly just to see the darkness slowly growing throughout the sky and knew one thing, it would be hard to find the pathway to Selangra.

He stated to run, wanting nothing more than to find and be with her. He had missed her during the past two days and he wanted to sit on the back of her again. As soon as he saw her a large smile appeared on his face.

"I have missed you so very much my dear. I know that we should never have left each other now. We never will again, I promise. Now, what is it that you have seen."

It was then that he noticed that the sky had darkened and cursed, they would be going nowhere this night.
blaster8 said:
Cris looked between the goblin and the egg while processing the information. Then it hit him. (He's gone without sleep for days, so he's a little slow right now). The last egg of Arganoth?!? How the heck has this goblin come to possess it? wondered Cris. Cris carefully sat the egg down at his feet, but did not allow the goblin to have the egg, yet.

"How have you come to possess this egg? I would think that the great Arganoth would have kept this egg guarded so close that a mouse couldn't get close to it without being seen," said Cris. He kept his eyes on the goblin, watching every move. He still held onto the goblin's Reese blade (the invisible sword). "Answer quickly and truthfully goblin. My threat still stands from before."

"I am Sharm of the hidden shaman sect!" Sharm raised his voice, he began to speak faster and faster. "The only creatures able to go unnoticed through the southern mountains are goblins. It has been passed along the generations of my family, to see the safety of the great Arganoth, and I was there to tell him of a devious goblin shaman called Shargnal. Arganoth told me to protect the egg. I am tired and have been running for days, I was there when the final death roar of the Dragon god sounded across the land like a bell of doom. A harbinger of sorrow, do you know that sound may well be the end of this lan. . . d" Sharm was in a state he felt weak, his chest burned, he pulled his cloak clear his chest was a blaze with runes and shapes of gold. It was where he had been burnt when he saved the egg.

He knelt on the floor, unaware of the man in front of him anymore. He lifted his head and screamed to the heavens, the golden shapes moving as if by magic.
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Cris watched in confusion as the goblin knelt and screamed. He watched as the runes burned into the goblin's chest moved of their own accord. This goblin is indeed special, and his eyes hold no lie. Therefore, he shall not die by my hands, thought Cris. It was then that a mighty roar ripped through the lands. The roar of a dragon in the south. Cris whipped around, narrowly missing the egg, and faced south. What the hell was that? thought Cris. What's going on?

Cris turned to the goblin again. He was torn between finding out more information from this goblin and going to find out what that roar was all about. So, he waited.
Shargnal rose on the wings of a demon. A beast so seeped in magic and doom that the air sizzled with tension. The land would fall at his feet Shargnal turned the Demon dragon round so he could see his army from he sky.

The dragon was a monstrous beast , huge wings held onto the skeletal frame of a dragon, black metallic limbs and huge gapping mouth. Shargnal sat on a harness and held mettalic reins that came to rest in the dragons skull. The dragon looked at the minions below and roared, a sound so evil so loud all underneath stopped and looked up, Shargnal made the beast land on a rocky outcrop and it folded it wings. he climbed of and spoke to his army.

"Green beings from all of the land, look up to the herald of a new dawn. Orcs, Goblins, Trolls and ogres move with me like a wave of destruction." He paused letting his words find ears,"a destruction to all that have wronged us, we move. . . No we March onto the imperial city and we will smash it to the ground,"Shargnal was shouting now his cries reaching fever pitch. "Who is with me?,"A roar came from below, but he shouted again, "WHOOO ISSS WITH MEEEE!!!!! ARGHHHH!!," and with his final words his army cried, shouted and yelled until the rocks rumbled and the ground shook, as if the land itself shuddered. The the Dragon roared, as Shargnal climbed on it`s back and the army moved. . .

Woe, in land of man and beast,
Dragon and glenn,
The green army Marches, Now. . .
On All of them.​

The orc scouts were getting close to their target. . . A small Goblin with an egg.
EHawkins said:
"Why yes. Yes I am." Mirah smiled slightly. "They're good--no worries."

She looked up at the night sky and slid down the tree. It occured to her that the prospect of flying at night might be a little scary but as Surin once told her, there was no teacher like experience.

"We have to get going, and we have to push as far and as fast as we can. I have a bad feeling..."

Mirah took the crystal from her armor and it glowed softly in the night.

"We're going that way now..." She said as she mounted Invictus. "I'd feel a whole hell of a lot better if we found Talos as soon as we can."

"Yuch!" Invictus spat as Mirah ate the berries. "Ewww!"
He listened half-heartedly as Mirah talked about their travel plans, he knew flying by night would take a toll on them both, him physically and Mirah mentally.

Slowly the Naieve Invictus was fading, his mind was developing almost as quickly as his body, he had grown nearly half a foot since leaving the cave of the Dragon man. He was still very small for a dragon but he was definately not gonna be that way for long.

Mirah climbed up onto his back and the two of them took off into the night. Soaring away with a few powerful wing beats. Their pace was rapid, Mirah had said they should make all haste for wherever it was that they were going and that if they didn't something bad might happen. So with a determined grimace Invictus tore off through the sky.
Sharm and Cris

Sharm Finished screaming, and the golden colour stopped burning and moving on his skin.

He let out a sigh and lay on the floor limply, "It has begun, the demon has risen. The dark army moves I have seen it through the dragons eyes."

He paused, gulped then continued, "It is an army much larger than this world has ever seen." Sharm tried to regain some composure and tried to stand up, he wobbled so decided to kneel instead. He pulled the cloak back around himself, and looked at the the man in front of him. This was bad He had to get the egg to safety, he turned and could see some torches coming through the trees to the south he had been found.
Optimas said:
Sharm Finished screaming, and the golden colour stopped burning and moving on his skin.

He let out a sigh and lay on the floor limply, "It has begun, the demon has risen. The dark army moves I have seen it through the dragons eyes."

He paused, gulped then continued, "It is an army much larger than this world has ever seen." Sharm tried to regain some composure and tried to stand up, he wobbled so decided to kneel instead. He pulled the cloak back around himself, and looked at the the man in front of him. This was bad He had to get the egg to safety, he turned and could see some torches coming through the trees to the south he had been found.

Cris heard the goblin's words. Of course, he had trouble processing it; he didn't really understand. "Demon? Dragon? What are you talking about, goblin?" Cris said. Then a new stench assaulted his nose. Orcs were in the area. He turned towards the south and saw the torches.

Cris turned back to the goblin and said "Take the egg that was entrusted to you by the Great Argonath, as well as this blade of yours. You have earned the protection of the Goblin Hunter. That is an honor that has never been given to one of your kind. I will deal with the orcs that hunt you. If you head north, avoid Imperial City for they have been alerted to an army of goblins and will be watchful. Instead go half a day's walk north of the city. There is a cave that you may take refuge in. That cave is my domain and is guarded."

He laid the blade that he had taken from the goblin down next to the egg, and turned again to face the torches. And he waited for them, with a grin on his face. His sword that he has not used in several centuries shall taste the blood of orcs this night.
"I have missed you so very much my dear. I know that we should never have left each other now. We never will again, I promise. Now, what is it that you have seen."

Selangra gave him a draconic smile and nudged him as gently as she could. Puffing a small cloud of black smoke at him in fondness, she shook her great frame and got up, stretching her wings. "Though I would love to rest this night, there is some urgency to my findings," she dipped her head low and allowed Alex to climb into the saddle.

Flexing her wings, she was off and into the air. Continuing as she flew, Selangra told him of the great army of green she'd seen massing towards the south. It was a wonder that the humans had not seen it coming, but she didn't claim to understand such beings. Alex was the only human she would ever worry about. The rest were ants for all she was concerned.

She flew on and night soon enveloped them. Soon they were flying over a sea of torches. The green bodies carrying them could only just barely be seen via the wavering light and from so high up, though Selangra was able to fly much lower to better aid Alex's sight due to the dark night.

"What do you make of that, Master?" she banked to the left and gave him a view of a massive dragon skeleton. It fairly illuminated and Selangra gave it a wide berth, but it was hard to miss it. Many torches ringed the bones and it seemed to be a point of either great fear or reverence.

She turned away and made her way back towards the imperial city. She was tiring fast and needed rest.

Suddenly she caught the scent of another dragon. She banked to the right and searched in the darkness, piercing the inky black with her yellow eyes. There! A cave, barely discernable, but still there. The scent came from deep within and she suddenly realised that it was the same presence as the black dragon she'd felt during that great storm yesterday.

But she was in no condition to either investigate or fight if need be. Informing Alex of her findings she turned away and climbed up into the skies, taking them back to the tunnel where she had found her own armor.

"Tomorrow we will find them again, I know his scent now,"

She kept quiet about the other disturbing scent she had caught in the air around the cave. An ancient presence but it had the scent of a man and of a dragon at the same time, like a blending of the both.

She settled down and tried to sleep, keeping some of her senses awake, wary of the forest around them. Sleep took her and she was soon dreaming of more glorious times.
Thelassa on the Horizon

Sorry Aries, I'm going to speed things up a bit :rose:
I can edit later if I need to :)

Dawn broke at the end of the world where sea met sky. Mirah and Invictus glided through the morning air as the crash of waves greeted. The black dragon dived down towards the beach, an oddly familiar place that she had only seen in her dreams.

Invictus touched down and she slid off his back. The salty breeze was cool on her face, and for a moment she stood there, amongst huge, sea carved cliffs and ancient ruins. There were bones here--monstrous bones that surrounded a crumbling mausoleum. Razor vine strove to claim what was left of the unfallen stone...

Mirah looked down at the crystal at her chest. It glowed a bright blue as she stood before the black dragon cemetary.

"The Riders were laid here..." she murmured. "and so was Talos."
As soon as he walked from the tunnel Alex took the helmet off his head then look northward to the city. He wanted to still be down there so that he could find some clues as to where the dragon now was. He wondered if they were still in the cave that Selangra had unwittingly found but he very much doubted it. They had most definitely left the city and Alex wanted to know where. He knew that he should sleep so that he could conserve his energy but he found that he couldn't, so much were his thoughts focused on the other dragon and its rider that he found he could not lay down and rest. He stood there and waited for the sun to rise so that he could take to the air again and look for the dragon.

He turned his head and looked towards Selangra, a large smile on his face as he saw her sleep. He walked towards where she lay and rested close to her, feeling the warmth that emanated from her body. As soon as he did he found that there was no way he could fight the sleep that was overwhelming him and closed his eyes. Soon after that he was asleep, his dreams that of what was going to happen when they finally came across the dragon and its rider.

The sun woke him with its blinding radiance and Alex opened his eyes with a groan. He did not want to be awake at the moment but it was then that he remembered why he was here. His eyes shot open and he looked down towards the city, wondering if the dragon and its rider were still there but if not whether they could be tracked. He slowly got to his feet, stretched then looked down at Selangra who was still asleep.

He wanted to ask her to awaken but he also wanted to let her sleep for a little bit as she would need the energy. There was possibly a long flight ahead and the last thing Alex wanted was for her to get into a fight and being far too tired. He walked slowly forward and looked up at the sky, wondering what they were going to do today.

He moved forward, grabbed some food from his pack and started to eat it, all the while wondering about two things. How were they going to defeat the army that was coming towards the city and when were they going to get to the dragon, the only threat they had so far.

He ate his food slowly, trying to figure out where they were going to go from here when he heard a noise down by the road. He looked down towards it and when he saw the people moving away from the city he wondered what was going on. It was then that he realized they were all going in the wrong way, that they were headed towards the large green army. A smile came to his face when he knew what was going to happen to them but it was quickly wiped away. He knew that they would have nothing to do with their deaths and that irked him.

He turned and looked to Selangra, wanting her to awaken so they could take to the air once more. He knew that his home was up there but he also knew that the only way they would find the dragon and his female rider was to fly, to track their scent.

He moved back and drew Lanfer's Claw when he heard a sound before him.
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Alex and Eris

Eris knew someone was looking for Mirah… He wasn’t city guard, but he was dressed in armor and carried a sword like none other she had seen before.

Maybe he knows where she disappeared to… the young girl thought as she made her way out of Red Hook and down the dirt road.

If there was any chance that the Raven could be restored to Red Hook, she’d take it. They needed her. Without Mirah, many of them couldn’t survive under the aristocracy of the city who turned a blind eye away from them…

Eris tried to remain inconspicuous as she hurried down the dirt road. All her queries about the man had led her in this direction, and though she was apprehensive about leaving the city, she was sure that he couldn’t be too far off. When she’d gone a fair way down, she started to wonder if she’d gone in the wrong direction. She wandered off the road into the trees, looking for any signs of a camp that might tell her where the stranger was.

She wrapped her tattered cloak around her and sighed anxiously.

I’m lost… Eris thought. I think I might be…

Eris pushed a little further into the trees and finally she stumbled upon a familiar face-it was the man that she’d been looking for. He turned suddenly, drew his sword and she darted behind a tree…
Alex stood there and watched as the figure darted behind the tree in front of him. His first thought was that she looked as if she didn't belong here, as if she belonged in the poor area of the city. It was then that it dawned on him! She lived in the part of the city called Red Hook, the same place that the dragon's new rider had come from. He walked forward carefully, sliding his sword back into its sheath as he did until he was standing almost in front of the tree.

"There is no need to worry. I will not hurt you, I promise."

He knew that it was bad to lie to the young person but he needed to find out what she knew and even though he could have caught her easily he needed her to trust him. He moved towards the tree, hearing her breathing heavily. He moved quickly around the tree, looking straight at the young girl as he did.

As soon as he was standing in front of her he looked into her eyes and said, "I will not hurt you. You have my word on that."
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Angelus said:
Alex stood there and watched as the figure darted behind the tree in front of him. His first thought was that she looked as if she didn't belong here, as if she belonged in the poor area of the city. It was then that it dawned on him! She lived in the part of the city called Red Hook, the same place that the dragon's new rider had come from. He walked forward carefully, sliding his sword back into its sheath as he did until he was standing almost in front of the tree.

"There is no need to worry. I will not hurt you, I promise."

He knew that it was bad to lie to the young person but he needed to find out what she knew and even though he could have caught her easily he needed her to trust him. He moved towards the tree, hearing her breathing heavily. He moved quickly around the tree, looking straight at the young girl as he did.

Eris heard the man's voice. Her heart beat frantically in her chest, and she jumped when he suddenly appeared before her. She stood there, frozen as he looked straight at her.

Her eyes darted from him to his sword and back.

"You... you won't?" Eris whispered.

And then, almost on the verge of tears:

"You're looking for Mirah, right? Do you know her? Do you know what happened to her?"
The smile came back to his face when he heard her name. This young girl might know the name of the female rider and if she did then Alex definitely wanted to talk to her. He knew that she could help find her, at least he hoped so.

"Is she your friend or is she the Raven that I heard about in the city? If she is then I am not sure what happened to her. I did help her after what happened but I do not know where she is now. Do you remember the last time you saw her and if so do you know which way she went?"

He knew that he could easily pull his sword out and threaten this young woman or better yet awaken Selangra but he wanted to get as much as he could out of her the easy way.