The Games (Poetry Olympics)

Re: uh

Unmasked Poet said:
Your suppose to submit it to the site. The new poem list.

Poor Haiku -- the user's only a virgin, only 2 posts. Go easy ...


Haiku do you

proves that taking your time renders beautiful lines.

Thanks to my partners ariosto and alltherage. Glad you were able to fashion something out of my offering.

Glad to be on your team. See you at the award ceremonies. I think haiku do you should all wear winter white. The gold will look fine against it.


And here they all are...

In the order of the first post on this thread:

A very mixed set of approaches :) I wonder if having a tighter focus would be more interesting, i.e. more similarity in topic to really contrast the differences in style more...

Just to be clear,we dont vote for ourselves,right?

I just read them all and voted. Great job everyone.
Question for UP

Are the instructions given to the participants for fashioning the poem someplace on the thread? I'd like to see the constraints that were put on you guys before I read!


I am almost speechless, I have cast my votes good luck to you all.

You are correct lovetoread, do not vote for your group.

Shameless, the instructions are at the top of the thread.

Drake, I think you may be right.

It is clear how much the first stanza influenced the remaining two. I must admit to being surprised. In my opinion there are two that are clearly better than the others (yes I will give my opinion later)I like most of them. It will be interesting to see what the voters pick.

Those are the rules for participating UP.

How did they decide content? Were there taboo words?? What was the word count???

The rules for constructing the poem!
I've been looking at the Story and Poetry Feedback Forum for about 15 minutes, but it was only until now that I could even let my fingers click on it to open it up.

Do you think I'm just a little bit nervous? lol

It was lots of fun working with SA Storm and mskittykatt. What's even nicer about this is I have made two new friends because of poetry. For me, this was much more about learning to deal with other writing styles than actually creating a poem.

Thank you to my fellow poets, I am very proud of what we have accomplished.

Hugs to you all,
Finished Works

I read and voted on them all earlier this morning. I wanted to wait and come back an reread them before I made my comments.

I liked the fact that the team member's names were not included with the poem. Coming back and reading the poems with the knowledge of who wrote them, I shake my head in expectation at some and pick up my chin at others. Everyone wrote, and melded, so well! I am simply in awe of the talent on this board.

I voted on 6 poems. I gave; one 5, two 4's, two 3's, and one 2.

ShamelessFlirt said:
Those are the rules for participating UP.

How did they decide content? Were there taboo words?? What was the word count???

The rules for constructing the poem!

UP, the only thing you did was give them a title?
ShamelessFlirt said:
Those are the rules for participating UP.

How did they decide content? Were there taboo words?? What was the word count???

The rules for constructing the poem!

There are no taboo words Shameless, I wanted this to be as open to instinct as possible.

The word counts are given in a range 25 to 40 per stanza.

As far as content I also left that up to them. I gave them a title only.

ShamelessFlirt said:
Those are the rules for participating UP.

How did they decide content? Were there taboo words?? What was the word count???

The rules for constructing the poem!

UP, the only thing you did was give them a title?
Congratulations Teams

Well done poets!

It has been fun, exciting, and a learning experience I think all of us enjoyed. It's great reading the different styles and tones the poems take.

Can't wait to hear members' feedback about the prospect and the feedback from us and other readers about the final works.

UP, thanks for organizing the event and congratulations to all who participated. I think we made a significant contribution to this community.

Is anyone else excited that so many members participated in this challenge and the interest it has generated for us as poets and poetry?


Watching the numbers

Well, for those that care. Congrats to Prose and Cons they have the first "Live" poem to hit the list. Don't look up high for it. It enters at # 41 with a 4.2 score. Of course one has to wonder will any of these make it to the #1 spot?

The numbers as of 3:55 am EST

#1 Prose and Cons current score 4.29@35votes
#2 Rhyme N Punishment current score 4.24@37votes
#3 Risque Refrains current score 3.84@32votes
#4 Haiku do you current score 3.80@30votes
#5 ProseActs current score 3.76@29votes
#6 Consenting Couplets current score 3.65@31votes
#7 Bad2Verse current score 3.42@26votes

Last edited:
Re: Congratulations Teams

Haiku do you said:
Well done poets!
It has been fun, exciting, and a learning experience
I think all of us enjoyed. It's great reading the different
styles and tones the poems take.
Can't wait to hear members' feedback about the
prospect and the feedback from us and other readers
about the final works.
UP, thanks for organizing the event and congratulations
to all who participated. I think we made a significant
contribution to this community.
Is anyone else excited that so many members participated
in this challenge and the interest it has generated for
us as poets and poetry?

Right here!
This contest has not only generated interest among us
poets ourselves, but also generated interest among
others on Literotica.......I think the "Poetry Games" is just
what the doctor ordered because us poets and our writings
seem to take second place on here, where most of the
readers check out the stories. This contest I think has
got much attention....and a big thank you to all who have
participated! :)

Were not done yet!

I ask that you keep the lines of communication open with your team members. I also hope to see you contribute to the dialog about the individual poems and the entire process. There is one last step, one crucial leg to go. I will fill you in Sunday the 13th.

Great Job everyone.

I put a link to our poem on the general board as daughter had a great post about our games on there. If anyone else would like to post a link also,we could get more readers that way.


<Claps, Claps, Claps!>

Wow, good job everyone! That was really great! ;)

I'll make time to go and make comments later, but heck, can I puleaaaaaaaaaaze be a part of the next one? I love this stuff. <grins>

Very good job everyone!

To all who have been participating in the Poetry Olympics, I just wanted to commend you all on the fine effort and great care that was taken in each of your poems.

Sometimes in life, you need to look deeper and find meanings to things that are all around us. Such is the case with poetry. Some can be quite simple and can be understood while others have a meaning that stretches the imagination.

But, for me, I see poetry as an expression of a thought that the writer is trying to commit to paper. When the hand is able to make that pencil or pen move and words begin to form thoughts...that is a very powerful moment.

Poetry is so very personal. Many times I am aware that true meaning cannot always be had when reading the words. But, what poetry can do is fill your insides with some kind of emotion that you can then relate to yourself and your own situations in life. That is the beauty of poetry.

To everyone who participated in this I would like to praise you for your efforts and the time spent creating something from the single act of adding words. Everyone deserves praise now and again just for sheer act of trying. If not for trying, where will we be headed? You have all allowed yourselves to be seen through your words, you opened your emotions for all of us to see and feel. I thank you all for that pleasure and honor.

Very well said, Enchanted...

I have read all the poems... a couple times, but have not commented yet - I have mixed feelings about doing so...

Because everyone who writes is creating something - from their hearts and their souls. And far be it for anyone to criticize the act of creativity...

Or to question it...

Or to dissect it...

I have never desired to be the Siskel and Ebert of creative writing...

Especially poetry...

ESPECIALLY poetry...

Which, by its very nature, is above dissection.

I have also found it very interesting to see people's comments on the section of the poem that I wrote. Some are right on, some have read meanings into it that I never intended... which is very, very cool because the act of reading poetry is a collective effort on the part of writer and reader. It is the poetic equivalent of the Shrodinger's Cat demonstration in Quantum Mechanics. It is the act of the observer changing the observed. Wave or particle.

The reader's insight into the words of the poet, whether what the reader takes away was what the poet intended or not, is just as valid as the intentions of the poet.

But - I signed up for this thing... and I promise I will make may comments as soon as I have the time, hopefully today... and I do hope that everyone takes these comments in light of what I've said here. (Get it? Light... quantum... pun, baby, PUN!)
The Literary Olympics

What else can I say except....DITTO....well done. Congrats and thanks to the organizers. Reading the results was a real pleasure.
I do have to say, and I don't think anyone has, yet; that the title "Live" was a stroke of genius. It is open to so many different interpretations.

Now, get out and and post-Games. (Boy - have I changed my tune?)
I've been away for a few days, so I've just read everyone's efforts. It was a real treat to see how everyone's efforts meshed (some, admittedly, better than others) and the ways that everyone interpreted the original prompt. I'm working up the courage to make a deconstructionist post; we'll see if I get there.

Congrats to all, though. Sincerely. It's been an honor and a pleasure.
