The Games (Poetry Olympics)


Deconstructionist post? Now that sounds interesting!
I wanted to thank everyone involved in this Olympic event. I enjoyed myself immensely, even if I did feel sort of like a sniper, sitting on the sidelines, shooting off my pointed comments.

I think that all the participating writers must be overjoyed to see such varied and detailed feedback. There's nothing more gratifying than to know that someone read, and I mean really READ, your work--thought about it, analyzed it, interpreted it. It's enough to make me wish I had joined in.

In most cases I refrained from reading the other commentary before making my own, but didn't think of that until after I started. So, most of the time my comments were not influenced by others' critiques.

If any of the writers need clarification on any of the comments I made, I'd be happy to try to explain what I meant. I know that sometimes I read feedback from readers and wish that we could have a dialogue.

Again, bravo, well done. I had a good time and got almost nothing else done today.
Rockin' event! U. P., you deserve mucho kudos for setting this up. Congratulations to everyone on a job well done!
Thank You Everyone, especially U.P.

Dear U.P., Olympians and Readers,

Thanks to all of you for participating and giving your honest, and well-thought-out feedback.

And a special thanks to U.P. for the time and energy spent to make this event a memorable, learning experience. Who'da thunk picking up someone elses train of thought and running with it would be such a task and yet, so much fun at the same time.

We have quite a little community here, don't we? I'm very happy to have met all of you in whatever capacity it has been. I can only hope to get to know all of you even better. Pardon me if I brush up against you. I'm just trying to get you to rub off on me.

Last Leg: Editing Phase

Each group will converse among themselves, identifying changes they would like to make. The group can either do an edit together or assign a single member the task.

Parameters for editing

Basic punctuation, spelling and syntax changes are allowed.
You may make word choice changes but they must be minor in so much that they do not drastically alter the tone or style of the poem. In short you, cannot completely rewrite large sections of a poem.

You may, at your discretion, opt to add an additional stanza but you cannot delete an original stanza. All original stanza format rules apply:
5 to 7 lines
25 to 40 words
The group must agree on the final draft before submitting.

Please submit the final revision in the respective threads for your group using the edit function. Position the revision above the original.
Poems must be posted in the thread no later than Tuesday evening 9pm EST.

This will conclude this portion of the “Poetry Olympics” The next event is the Clean and Jerk (Heavy Lifting), an individual event.

We have had a chance to see the most popular poems site wide. If you are willing, I would like to find out how only your peers view the poems by votes.

I'd like to thank everyone for their comments on our Poem. As someone totally new to this I found them very supportive. A specila thanks to Daughter and Rage, I was the blank space between their covers...:)

Wishing everyone the best as the contest continues!
It's an interesting final challenge you gave us, UP.

It's one thing to run what amount's to a relay, each of us picking up where the other left off and then being on our own to take our lap and pass the baton...

But to ask 3 poets to collaborate on making changes is asking for trouble. While we created a poem together, we each had our own vision of what was being said, how it was being said, and what it meant.

Our team will be lucky to agree on some minor punctuation changes, let alone any actual word changes... *lol*

This is not a bad thing, or in any way indicates any lack on anyone's part. I think it's actually commendable. Each of us has a commitment to what we wrote and why we wrote it (and even as to why we used certain punctuation - or not) .

<humping your leg>.......we can do it!!!

but yeah I agree with you. Everyone involved in writing their poetry is gifted. Everyone put themselves, bits of their souls into their art.
I was impressed with each of these poems. If I didn't like them so much, or respect the people that wrote them, I wouldn't be able to be as tough as I was. I don't critic or edit work I don't respect. And I'm especially hard on those people I think are good.

I am looking forward to the rest of the competition, and working with my peers in the future.

I had no idea there was a part two to this competition. Wow, am I jazzed. Can't wait to see how the poets will really collaborate now. That is indeed a difficult task that UP has given you. I'm certain you're up to it. Best of luck. Just remember there are those of us out here anxious to read the revised versions.

When is the next event in this Poetry Olympics?

:) tigerjen
The Race to the Top! Will they make it??

23 4.22 50 LIVE Erotic Poetry Rhyme N Punishment

34 4.17 46 Live Erotic Poetry Prose and Cons

39 4.13 46 Live Erotic Poetry Risque Refrains

1/17/02 @ 11:10am The leaders are neck n neck with a few laps left to go! Who will make to the top?? :D