The Grand Tournament: Please Check OOC Before Joining

"May I sit here?" asked a tall black shadow that stood next to Rebecca as she watched the medics take the injured competitor off the field.

She waved her hand absentmindedly to the shadow, who then sat next to her, tipping his large, black hat back slightly, his white teeth showing through his very large grin.

"Thank you."
"Results from the match are now in ladies and gentlemen!!! It seems both our contestants went up a little in that last fight. Yanmato is now a level 86, and Lycon is a level 85. Let's give a big congratulations to our contestants!"

The crowd cheered loudly as the announcer continued.

"Well ladies and gentlemen, it seems that the next competition is comin up, so we'll see what playfield will be next!"
In her heart, Rebecca hoped it would not be Illyana in the next fight. She never liked watching her friend risk her life just for a silly wish. Illyana kept it a secret even from her what she was fighting for, knowing her it was going to be the biggest gem in all the world. She chuckled inwordly at the mental picture of Illyana standing in frount of a huge ruby, her eyes wide and her trademark "ooooooOOOooooo"


She reached the stageing area a moment later and asked a nearby offcial if she was next. With a simple and rude reply of not knowing he walked away.
Yanamto stood up and continued to walk down the hall way, the pain now fading, but it was still enough to blur his vision. Every step was annoying to him, and every breath felt like it was about to break his ribs. He kept his left hand on the wall to matain his balance. "This... Is why... I hate fighting... Gravatational masters!"

But that wasn't made him so agrivated, it was that fact that he hadn't fought in the tournament in weeks, and his "blood lust" wasn't satated with the quick win.
Manipulator was rather disappointed with the easy win that that Yanmato guy had gotten, and was also mildly frustrated by the quietness of the voices within him.

Sighing softly through his grin, he looked at the small disc as it began to buzz, vibrate and flash, alerting him to his match.

He grinned and walked out of the seating area, heading down to the waiting room.
"Tasha, we have a lead on our little angel."

"Good," said the woman in white as she smiled, stood and began walking towards towards the exit down to the waiting room.

When the young lady keeping track of all the participants refused to let the two partners enter the waiting room, a simple flick of Natasha's hand brought the holographic licence in her hand to life. Showing it to the young woman, she grudgingly let them enter the well furbished room.

"The one near the door looks promising," said the man as he sat, Natasha sitting next to him.

"Yes, she certainly does," replied Natasha, "But remember Oordalzi, we're not allowed to interfere until she proves that she's the one. If we mess up a legal match we're in big trouble, and would probably get our licences revoked."

"Yea, yea, I know the drill," said Oordalzi as he watched a man completely dressed in black walk up to the young girl with a large grin on his face.

"I'll be your opponent today my little friend," said the man in black as he stooped to the girls level.

Oordalzi strained to hear what the little girl said, but couldn't make out anything before the man in black burst out laughing.

"We shall see, my little princess. We shall see," said the man as he stood to his full height and rubbed the little girl's deathly white hair.
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Mark leaned againsted the wall waiting for the results of Yanmato's match. The people on the outside always got the results last. He quietly looked at the screen across from him. He had a feeling that Yanmato had won, in fact, In yanmato's short career, he never lost, just got really, REALLY close.

Finnaly the screen flash, Yanmato wins, and gained a level. "Great, now I'm gonna have to hear him bitch about how the match was too easy!"
Illyana ran around looking for anyone that might know when she was fighting. After what seemed like hours but was probably only a few minutes and man had said that she was one of the next ones and to wait in the locker room. She had sqealed with delight and ran to her locker to change. She first removed the multitude of jewels and placed them in the large iron box that hovered near her locker. Slowly and with great care she removed her clothing, her skin, very tan but perfectly golden with only small marks in a tiger stripe pattern for any blemish. At a distence they looked like scars but with a closer inspection, if one could get so close, it was apparent that they were her own skin. She put on the soft silk undergarments follwed by the leather over suit. This protected her body from the scratching a pulling of her armor. She had recently upgraded it from pure chain to chain and plate. The armor was made out of a super light metal that not only protected well but moved like leather. Giveing her the flexibility she demanded and the protection she might need.

It fit perfectly to her body and she thought that there was nothing sexier than wearing this armor. It accentuated every bit and curve of her frame. The entire armor was colored a royale blue color, matching her elemental abilities. She picked up her wahkasashi's and checked to make sure that the poison was still intact. She placed them in the special attachment on the back of her armor just above her butt. Finally she put on the only jewel that made it to the battlefield, a silver belt studded with rubies and a small device on the buckle. A secret weapon that no one knows about, only those few grav. mages that have faught her and lost to her truly know. For a one time per fight this belt activates an anti-gravity feild for ten seconds, giveing her enough time to make one or two moves.

"Anti-Gravity feild charged," the computer voice sounded as she buckled the belt around her waist. All she had to do to activate it was push the third ruby on her right side. She sat down and waited for her fight.
Yanmato finnaly saw the end of the hall, once again, Yanmato survived what should have killed him, or at least, thats what he always say.

"Hey, you!"

An offcial turned his head torwards Yanmnato. "What" he asked in a very agrivating tone.

"Whens the next match begining?"

"How the hell should I know? Go ask somebody who cares!"

This, pushed Yanmato. Without any warning signs, Yanmato moved right in front of the official. "I'm asking you, you should know these things."


Yanmato's eye turned into a frightning green, and his face gave a frightning smile. "And you better tell me or I'll tell the higher authoritys that "somebody" I won't say his name... is slacking off!"

"O-okay! It should be starting in a few minutes!"

Yanmato smiled, and patted the official's shoulder, "Thanks!" He turned and walked away, torwards the food court. "Just enough time to get something to eat!" In truth, Yanmato was a nice guy, its just that he didn't like people all that much, so he scared them as mch as he could.
"Here ya go Yanmato. The usaul."

"Thanks alot." Yanmato put the two sodas in his pokets, and grabed the tray of food he usauly ordered to regain his strength. Before he left, he placed the money on the table.

'Ladies and Gentlmen! Please welcome our next contestants as they enter the Arena!'

"Uh-oh!, better get moving!" Yanmato quickly ran to the seating area, not wanting to miss the next fight. He walked around for a few minutes looking for his seat. The problem was, it was stolen, AGAIN. "Sonofa... Easy bug boy..." Yanmato sighed and scaned around for an seat.
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OOC: I guess it is my time, the rookie to the fighting posts, to shine! :)


Her phone buzzed inside her locker indicating that it was her time. This was the moment, she had come this far through sheer will and persaverance but now it was time to get serious. Her fights would become more challenging and opponents more and more dangerous. She needed this, she needed to win. She gathered up all her resolve, her courage, her strength the air around her began to stir as she psyched herself up. She checked her swords making sure they were loose and ready, stretched her slender fingers and curled them into her fist her knuckles popping. She willed her self not to loose, she would be victorious in all her battles and win the wish she so dearly craved.

Slowly the small circlet she left on top of her jewlery box floated on the air and landed on her head. It held no power but it was the only thing left from her real parents. She adjusted it quickly and confidently walked to the arena entrance. Motioning to the judge that she was ready, Illyana stepped onto the area floor to the roar of the crowd. She showed no emotion, all her feelings had left her, she was focused and ready. She stood in the center of the arena, waiting for her opponent.

IC: My mind cleared itself and at once I was awake. My eyes opened and I sat up with the fallowing head rush that made me crouch over to regain balance. I stood up looking at the white walls, of this perfectly clean room. "And people wonder why healers creep me."

I walked for the door egar to leave the perfectly dull room. I opened the door egar to fight again. I wasn't satisfied by my foolish mistake, it cost me the match and once one reaches my level they shouldn't make mistakes like that.
Lucian looked around at the gate towards the arena as the doors start to open.He stands up,unsure if its his turn yet or not.
The short,stocky robot jumps to life next to him and stands at attention,holding a large.heavy looking but blunt sword and its other hand ending in a grappling-hook like hand/claw

He turns and vaguely gestured at an official walking past.
"excuse me,but can you tell me who's match is on right now?"
Yanmato stoped looking for a spot to sit for a moment so he could devour his food, (Which was made of, two slices of supreem pizza, and delux double bacon burger, five motzerella sticks, five pepper jack sticks, and a few pices of boiled broccoli,) with ease. He was hungry, battles did that to him, and his fast metabolism didn't help either. He slammed his chest a few times to get the food down. "Phew! Now I feel better!"

Yanmato stood up and wiped the ketchup off his face. "Okay... Now to find an seat..." Yanmato searched for an spot, and finnaly found one. "Better grab it quick!" Yanmato walked fast, he always watched the matches right after he fought, because they were often his next opponet. He slowly walked the steps, hoping not to have another stomache cramp, and turned to the person sitting next to the oppen spot. "Excusse me miss, may I sit here?"
"Area type remains with slight weather conditions changing. A large thunderstorm has now eclipsed the arena, and will affect the area to a heavy rainfall, with fire attacks producing hiding steam. Lightning will turn into plasma when it strikes the ground and will superheat the area."

"Now may the best man win."

Ic: I had worked my way to the areana just in time to here the weatehr conditions. The gravity around me was curently twice the norm, and I really didn't like the idea of being soaking wet. So I simply turned around and planed on not watching the fight. Then I spoted my opnent from the last match.

I supose I will see if he can handle company or not. I cut the gravity back to the normal amount and walked over to him. The seat next to him, the isle seat was vacated due to the rain, and that left him next to who may very well be his wife as much as a random fan. So I sat down not even asking what he felt about my presense.

After a few moments of silience I asked "So what are you going to wish for?"
Illyana looked angrilly at the anouncer and wished he hadn't made that sexist comment of 'the best man win,' he probably didn't mean it that way but she was getting impatient. Her opponent still hadn't shown up yet, but at least with the thunderstorm effects in the arena it gave her a distinct advantage. Having the ability to control both water and air meant she could litereally control the lightning from the sky if she so wished. Or she could with a small amount of power turn the rain into ice shards and send them at tornado like speeds, not much effect against armoured opponents but it may help. She always enjoyed the feel of rain against her skin but it did not show in her face, still expressionless still waiting.

She stared up at the two opponents from the last match and marvled at her luck. Here she was, probably Illyana's only true fan, and she was able to sit next to two people who she might fight against. She should be able to enjoy some juicy gossip.
Lucian,having grabbed the official and asked him whose match was on,when a loud,old,male voice drowned out whatever the official might have said
Lucian jumped and tunredd ot the little old man jsut as a heavy wooden plank bonked into his head,making hims tagger and clutch his head before turning on his heel and running out on to teh field,the clunky little soldier mecha following wiht soem clanks and whirrs as they stopped in front of the official,looking grubvby and unimportant,both mecha and human covered in oil and soot,his silvery-hair tangled and sticking out crazily.
"s-sorry im here"he apologized,blinking and looking around.
He blinked again,rain dripping off his face and washiong or smearing away some of the oil and soot.
For an moment, Yanmato had an glazed look in his sharp eyes. But then they snapped back as he looked at the roof. "Honestly..." Yanmato started, just before turning back to his last oppenent. "I have no clue."

Yanmato pulled out an soda from his pocket, opened it, and taken at least half of it in one gulp. "I orginally enetered this thing for no reason." Yanmto lied, in truth, he had an basic idea of what he wanted. He just wasn't going to say.
Lycon and Xia

IC: Lycon: "Really no clue." Something about the dragon fly didn't seem believable, ofcoarse a human sized dragon fly seems sorta weird to begin with, so what can I say.

"Oh well, I have no idea either. Comeing here jsut seemed like a good way to make a liveing, so I did. Since then I've asked every one I've fought what they plan to wish for. I supose I am looking for a good wish. Then again I tend to judge my foes, if they have something ratehr destructive in mind I am more willing to use lethal force."

IC: Xillia: MY tighened my cloak around me and pulled up the hood to keep out the rain. The water didn't botehr me to much, I had fought in much worse conditions, but I found when I can I might as well try and keep myself comfortable. Underneath the cloak I had a simple one peace tunic on, held shut by a belt. Both the belt and the tunic were black. I wore sandles on feet, to place jsut a little distance between me and the ground. The out fit was actully designed so I could remove it quickly, just incase I find some one that requires me to transform. It had been a while since that has happened but I had the power to do so if need be.

I steped up the registers booth. "I would like to know if I am fighting today." The register typed up my name in the computer, a picture and a profile came up for me, along with the information on my matches. On the profile it lsited the weapons I have used in combat sofar, the list was quite long and on the top it had a weapon I had been favoring as of late.

A chineese Yoyo, a ratehr simple device although mine was custom made, with steel wires reinforceing the paper. The concept was a long piece of paper wraped around a stick, when youd swing out word the paper would slide out suporting it's weight threw all the inner wraps, then you could lift it up and let it fall back into it's compact form. I found it an amazeing weapon, paper cuts sting a great deal despite being nonlethal, that was useful for annoying a foe, who would then make rash decisions. The weapon also had a deceptive reach very few poeple have an acurate guess at how far I can get it to strech out, when they would move in close I would hit them with the side of the yoyo like a club, and that was the unsupected damageing quility of my yoyo. The weapons were also cheap, and so haveing one of these light weight weaposn destroyed wasn't a big deal, and they were light enougfh that I kept to on my belt with no trouble.

The otehr weapon I tended to use was also on me. My cloack was reinforced with steel chains allowing me to use it for excelent defense against a foes weapon, I also could use it wip around a foe, or drape it over them and blind them. I found these two invaliable, all though my best weapon by far was still the glaive, it simply was to heavy o carry into battle every day.
Yanmato's eye had an sharp and deadly look in them. And he had an matching grin. "leathal force? Heh! I never had to kill anybodie... But if it comes down to it..." Yanmato showed his right hand, palm open. Slowly, an green blade slowly inched out, it slightly covered in blood. "I'll just have to my natural defense." Yanmato closed his hand, and let the blade pull back in.

Yanmato turned to the woman next to him, snapping back to his gentle side, "Oh! I'm sorry! Guess I'm kinda being rude huh?" Yanmato said, scratching the back of his head with an nervous chuckle. Not even Yanmato knew excatly which side was really him.

IC: 'Leathal force? Heh! I never had to kill anybodie... But if it comes down to it...' The bug man opened his palm, and his muscles tensed, one could see something making it's way up threw his wrist. A spine of some sort seemed to poke out of the flesh slowly at first but moving quicker as it met the free air, and less restence. The blade like spike moved far from fast, but still it was plain to see he could quickly have it out if he so needed it. If I were to meet him in combat again, I would be wise to remember this. A few drops of his own blood slid down it, and I had to wonder if it hrut for him to rear this weapon, but that was a question to answer another day.

He pulled the blade back in with some care, but much quicker then he had pulled it out. Once it was back in he returned to the conversation with the girl beside him, I decided to remain quiet and see what I could lear of their relationship and of my former foe.
She looked as the tech user walked into the areana with concern. What could Illyana do against a robot?

She sighed as the would could only be described as a boy, stumbled into the arena with his toy. Another Mech master? she thought. I wonder if it will be immune to the storm that has been set up.

"You might want to forfite this fight," Illyana said. "I wouldn't want your toy to get a short circuit." Her focused expression had not changed, she was a tiger stalking her prey, ready to spring at a mere brush of movement if she felt it was the right time. She decided to forgo using her blades and instead focus her attacks on her elemental abilities. The rain storm effects put her in her element, with the ability to control both the wind and water, there was nothing she could not do. A plan began to formulate in her mind, she was ready to fight, but not over zealous enough to begin it.