A smile spread across her lips as she looks to him. "Thank you, M'Lord" she whispers softly as she took her seat at his left side. She had been given a gown more fitting her stature. It was long and white, but had been sewn together with gold threads. Her hair was put up in the greek fashion, and decorated with tiny wild flowers.
She bowed her head for a moment and gave a silent prayr of thanks to the gods and goddesses for watching over her on her long journy to this exotic land.
Your kingdom is lovely, M'Lord. But as to why I came.... I want to stop the war my father is starting. I want things to be as they where before.... Before my mother died... I want my father to be happy again, but starting a war for no reason is not the way. It has never been the way, nor should it ever be the way. I came to see if I could make my father see the error of his ways. Maybe if he sees that I am here, he will leave your kindom and country alone.
"I alredy tryed to Avoid the war I sent your fother terms for a truce and he sent it back with my Mesagers head" He frowns "The mesager was my Beast friend ANd second in comand. Now do you think he will Change his Mind Just because your here. WHats to kepp him From Thinking we kidnaped you."
Bridget's eye light up As A tall Good looking Man Walks up be hind the man who tide her up And gagd her. Its Bradly. He taps The man on the shoulder "Excusse me But thats My sister." The maN TRUNS aND LOOKS aT Bradly "Now un tie here And take the Gag out."
Bridget sighed happily . but the men didn't take no for an answer. One man, that Bradly didn't see,went behind him and locked his arms . The other man hit him and knocked Bradly unconcious. Then they quickly left before he woke .
"You Know You could have worn me That there was a guy be hind me." He saids Holding his Hurt hed " The y Should Acept the fact Lord Torak Put You In charge
My father may be hiding behind his men, but I have been training myself. And, from what I have seen, I am better than his men, sir. I believe that if I was to fight along your side, we could win against my father's army's. But I must confess, my father has not been himself since my mother passed on... This "war" could just be his way of greif. What is this war over anyway?
Bridget's head hurt from all the bumbs and curves on the trip and she can swear that she has many splinters up her back... afraid that these men might use her in ways she constantly watched them as they watched her . Every time they stoped to go bathroom or anything she would watch them and stay very tence hoping that someone would help her
As his sister watched The men He finly broke the ties that bound him. He stood up And look at His sister "Now Time to un tie you Sis" He un ties her And they Get out of there
Sir, I will fight on your side. I am willing to die for your land, so my father will not take it. That is, if you will let a woman fight by your side...
OOC: I will post when I can I have some things to dell with in reall Life I am Geting ingaged wel bout to propose and i have a few things to work out Move My Guys along when you need to.