The Highschool Tease

The Jeep pulls against the curb outside of Christians house. Patrick looks at the house for a moment noticing that it pretty much is packed already. Damn and he thought he was going to be early.

Jumping over the half top doors he looks in the window spotting the room filled with more guys than girls. Unable to see constance at the moment, but catching Alex-not a bad piece of ass-however Laurie wasn't there yet, and that's who he wanted.

He bursts through the door a moment later and makes his way over to Peter and Christian.

"Whats up guys?" He asks in his rather nonchalant manner.

"Party hasn't really kicked up yet, but it will, trust me." Christain said taking a sip from his drink.

"Well, tell me when the cocktease gets here. I got something for her." He grinned and made his way over to the munchies.
Constance and Alex stood talking next to the food table. Both ignoring the fact that the guys they had decked themselves out for had yet to arrive. Constance felt tingles on the back of her neck and looked toward the door. Patrick entered heading right for her brothers not even glancing her way. He was probably waiting for Laurie, she thought with disgust. She whipped back around trying to forget how hot he looked tonight. She missed the warning look Alex sent her, she was so pissed off. She couldn't stay in the same room with him, not when she knew that he was lusting after "the bitch". Constance turned toward the patio door, wanting to dip her feet in the pool, maybe it would cool her off. She ran right into Patrick's hard, muscled chest. She thought she was going to die.
Looks to alex. 'Yeah sometimes I wonder if this world was just a universal hiccup and that by some dumb stroke of luck we were thrusted in existance.' Shrugs. Grins at Alex 'you never heard the OTHER thing about me huh?' chuckles as she shakes her head. 'last school I went to I got A's without help from the teachers'

Chuckles and then glares at Peter, never liked what he heard about the guy especially the way he mocked Alex. ' THe world has a few dark spots and when looked upon those have not yet seen the good and see only dark they are quick to judge which they do not know or understand.' Gives Alex a wink 'But sometimes when one stares at a bright spot long enough they see the truth in this world and how there is good here.'
Alex smiled. Lou was actually kinda nice.She was worried about Con thought. Patrick had kinda blown her off. she watched as con slamed into Patrick. Hmm, there's a way to get a guys attention. Speaking of guys, where was Thomas.
"So, how do you like our school."
"It's cool."
"So, you play hockey? I use to play,years ago. I wasn't that good thought."
Alex watched as Peter hovered around a tray of ice. So, that's how they are gonna do it. Gotta remeber to keep Con, Thomas, and Lou away from that.
The party is finally getting underway, Chris serves as doorman for awhile but tires of it and decides just to leave the door open. What the fuck... they can just follow the noise. He heads off to find his brother, he wants to hear more about the stuff. He finds Pete on the patio trying to talk some girls into skinny-dipping in the pool. Chris pulls him aside. Pete what the fuck is this stuff, anyway, is it Rohypnol. No it doesn't have a name only a number. The guy I get it from says it was developed for the military or the CIA or something. Apparently it's better, with Rohypnol the bitch goes under and doesn't come back til it wears off, sometimes she wakes up temporarily right in the middle. But with this stuff she doesn't go anywhere, she just becomes very docile and will respond to all suggestions with no resistance. My contact calls it Zombie Juice and basically that's what it is. It was supposed to be some sort of truth serum, but when they saw it's potential they got cold feet and tried to keep it under wraps. But we all know nothing that big ever stays secret for long. One of the developers or something saw the money that could be made from it and before you know it the word went out over the grapevine and it's available... for a price... but believe me it's worth every cent. How do you know? I told you I already tried it. Yeah, Pete, so you said but I'd like to hear more about that trial run. Well I can only tell you so much... I knew it needed to be tested so when the frat said they wanted a party I volunteered to organize it. I'd already found the supplier and he gave me some, so now all I needed was a test subject. I found her, too. Christian was curious... who was she... anybody I know? Peter suddenly looked a little uncomfortable. Sorry bro I can't say... the way things turned out it's best I say nothing... as long as she keeps her mouth shut, I say nothing. Interesting thought Chris I wonder who the hell she is. Peter continued... we organized the party as a mediaeval masque so everyone is unrecognizable... this was important for what I'd planned. She apparently knew this house had a reputation for wild parties so she only had a light drink and tried to nurse it. Didn't matter in fact it helped... I put the stuff in the ice... like tonight... the longer she nursed it the more the ice melted until she got the full dose. Things then got real interesting... clothes came off including hers... masks stayed on not including hers. Everything we told her to do she did... it was like LSD and hypnosis all rolled into one. Her resistance, scruples, morals, whatever seemed to have completely disappeared... assuming she had any in the first place... we had us a beautiful nude bitch who did everything and I mean EVERYTHING... male, female, solo it didn't matter... shit if we had a dog I bet she would have done it too... it was fucking amazing to see. The kicker is... the stuff is expelled from the system within twenty-four hours... no trace... nothing... I think that is what alarmed it's developers... they saw the dangers. To keep her quiet in case she ever found out, we taped it all and edited it so the only one recognizable was her. I don't know how but she did find out some of it but there's nothing she can do and as I said as long as she keeps her mouth shut I say nothing. Christian was appalled and excited at the same time... jesus Peter is even more ruthless and dangerous than I thought... tonight could really be something!
Shrugs and looks around just taking this party in. 'only reason I play hockey is because my dad was a jock in High school and he sees my size as a perfect reason for me to put my body on the line on the field of sports.' Shakes his head. 'Sometimes I like playing but I really want to go to college and study. Hell my dad even hates my reading collection....Shakespeare mostly' smirks at Alex. Whispers to her 'Yeah I'm a smart jock, kinda of an oxymoron don't you think?'

Looks up in time to watch Peter and Chrisconspire in whispered tones. God what he would give to get Peter on the ice with him and beat the shit out of that A**hole. Looks at Alex and gives a slight nod towards Peter. 'You ever want that jerk beaten let me know....I'd be more than happy to re-arrange his facial features with my fist.'
Aex was pissed. She had heard partof Peter and chris's conversation.That on of a bitch. That's why she...
"Lou, will you excuse me for a minute?'
She walked over to where Peter was. She shoved him so he fell in the pool. "ops! Guess I sould be more careful."
Lou was laughing. Smiling Alex went backover to talk to him.
Patrick's hands landed on her hips, pulling her close to his body. It was a reaction, to keep her from falling, but the sensation left her body on fire. Constance wiggled a little causing friction between them, but with a soft sigh she pulled away. She didn't know what to say. Patrick looked at her like she was from some other planet. His eyes moved up her body starting with her feet. Hadn't he known she covered what she had? When his eyes reached her own, she had to stop herself from blushing. She was going to take advantage of the fact that she had his attention, however brief it was.

"Hello Patrick." He just looked at her. Constance didn't know if it was from suprise, shock, or disgust. He had never really noticed her much, and if he did he had hide it well. Knowing her luck, he was probably thinking about Laurie.

A splash from the pool drew her attention. Alex had just pushed Peter into the pool, and from the look of him, he was pissed. Uh oh, Constance thought. She had better go talk to him, before he did something stupid.

"Would you please excuse me?" Constance hurried away, not noticing if Patrick watched her go or not. She just knew if Alex and Peter started fighting, the shit was gonna hit the fan.
Grins at Alex 'Nice job' Laughs at Peter as he gets out of the pool dripping wet. Steps forward a little so as he and Alex talk he has a angle t cut Peter off if he tried to hit Alex. 'So who's Viper is that you drove tonight 'cause it's an awesome car'
Christian and Peter's conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Patrick. What's up guys? Chris answers... Party hasn't really kicked up yet, but it will, trust me. Peter smiles at this... it certainly will when she gets here. Peter excuses himself... I better mingle I see a couple of girls by the pool looking lonely. Chris begins to wonder where Laurie was... I know she likes to come late so she can make an entrance. Suddenly there's a loud splash coming from the pool, he runs out to see what is going on. Peter is in the pool... fully clothed... he resurfaces, spluttering, sees it was Alex who did it and climbs out sopping wet and mad as hell. You fucking bitch... you did that deliberately... you cunt. Lou steps between them. Everyone is laughing and this only makes Peter angrier. Shit thinks Chris... I better separate them before they spoil everything. Peter, calm down she said she was sorry it was just an accident. The hell it was the slut did it on purpose. Calm down, Pete, remember why we are here... it's a party... we are going to have fun remember FUN... so let's not spoil it. Peter glares at Alex who seems unconcerned as she talks with Lou... his eyes turn momentarily and then utters... Holy Shit. Christian turns around to see what caught his attention and he says... what the fuck. Constance was coming forward out of the house wearing what can only be described as a fuck-me red dress. Peter glowered Christian, too. I told you... she's going to fuck everything up... that's the only reason she came out of her nun's cell.
stares down Peter, not scared of this wannbe badass. 'You touch Alex, I'll give you a columbian neck tie. You know what that is don't you??' Turns from Peter and looks to Alex and smiles. 'I can tell you played hockey, nice cross check on that jerk to nail him into the pool.' 'Well guess a part of shakespeare immortal quote from hamlet can be sort of true here.' He smirks at her expresssion of confusion. 'For he who sheds his blood with me will be my brother forever more. Well no blood was shed we both share a similar past in both of us play hockey. So in a sense we are bonded in a literal sense.'
Alex smiled. Lou had moved to protacet her. Okay so it was dub to push Peter in the pool, but it was something she had to do.
Con came over."Why did you do that?"
"Your brothers an ass." Alex wondered where Thomas was.
Lou stood by her side."You are on crazy chick. Why in the world would ou do tha?"
"Oh, let's just Peter and I go back. And now I know how to get back at him."
Alex knew she was going to stoop to Peter's leve;. But after tonight he would never play a trick like that again. Hmmm.
Alex had the perfect plan. SWhe looked at Lou. Some how she knew he would help her. Alex linked her arm in his and pulled him into the house.
"Lou, I'm gonna need yor help. I wanna teach Peter a lesson he'll never forget."
Oh shit, she thought to herself. She had seen those looks before, and they were directed towards her. Good. Maybe she could take Peter's mind off of the fact that he wanted to kill Alex. Although, truth be known, it was funny as hell. Peter wasn't used to girls he had dated to humilate him. He needed the lesson, but she wouldn't tell him that.

"Hi guys!" she said cheerfully, "like my dress? I wore it especially for tonight. I decided that it was high time I had a little fun." They didn't say anything, just continued to stare. Boy, she had really pissed them off. They just weren't used to seeing her like this.

Constance began to get a little worried when they both approached her slowly, each taking her by an arm and escourting her to their father's study. Aww hell! Now what? At least Peter wasn't thinking about the fact that he was still sopping wet, and that it was all Alex's fault.

Christian was the first to speak. "I want you to go upstairs, put on some real clothes, and go to bed. You don't belong here."

"Don't belong here. It's my house too. Besides, I'm having fun aren't you? Don't worry, I'm not going to ruin your fun. That is, as long as you don't ruin mine."

She left before they could say another word. She could tell that they were still boiling mad at what she had on. But frankly, she didn't really care.
Looks at Alex and smiles. 'I'd be happy to help you Alex.' Looks over at Peter 'Just tell me what I have to do.' Looks back to Alex staring at her.
Christian and Peter couldn't believe their eyes, Constance standing there in the shortest, tightest, reddest dress they ever saw. Both immediately grabbed an arm and force-marched her to their father's study right past everyone. Inside Connie steps forward turns to face them with a smile... Hi guys like my dress? I wore it especially for tonight. I decided that it was high time I had a little fun. Christian was irate... I want you to go upstairs, put on some real clothes, and go to bed. You don't belong here! Connie just smiles and leaves the room. see, Pete, see what I mean... she's up to something... and where the hell did she get that dress, everything she wears is always at least two sizes too big. And that body, christ, I can't believe it... who the hell knew. Peter smiles... I did, bro, I did. Chris looks at him incredulously... you did... how? Remember last summer we had that barbecue with the O'Manions at the cottage? Yeah I remember... so what? Well Connie came back from the beach and went upstairs to have a shower before supper. Mom sent me up to tell her it was ready. She was back in her room fresh out of the shower and she didn't quite close the bedroom door. I opened it slightly, ready to knock, when something caught my eye. She had left the closet door open and it had a full-length mirror on the back of it. I could see her reflection in it as she was looking at herself in the mirror of her vanity. She had on her bathrobe when suddenly she let it drop and stood there stark naked checking out her equipment. I couldn't move... I just stared... I could hardly believe it... our little Connie had become a major hottie. She turned around a couple of times and I saw the whole package. I just figured she was too shy and that was fine with me. I recognize the dress, too. It was one of mom's but she won't wear it... she says it's too indecent. Chris nodded... mom's right. Whatever possessed Connie to put it on? Remember for her birthday two years back when I gave her that thong bikini as a joke? She hit the roof... I can't wear that... what do you think I am, one of your trampy girlfriends? Now look at her... I tell you I don't trust her. Peter nods then says... I'm glad Patrick made it, you know Connie likes him... maybe he can keep her occupied and we won't have a problem to deal with. I'm just as worried about that cunt, Alex, and what's with that Lou guy... they just better not get in my way that's all I can say... they just better not. Chris frowned... Lou's probably just trying to get in her pants and the way she looks tonight who could blame him. Peter pulled off his wet shirt... he's in for a shock... she's not only a nasty bitch but she can be a real whore. What is it with you two... we practically grew up with Alex and now the both of you can't stand each other... what gives? I just found out what she was really like, that's all. Look let's take this to my room... I need to get changed thanks to that whore. When they get to Peter's room he gets a towel to dry off with and asks Chris... What's Patrick's story I heard him call Laurie a cocktease... I didn't know he had dealings with her? Christian laughs... You mean you haven't heard. No, he didn't have anything to do with her directly. He's the quarterback of the school's football team. He's good, damned good, and it looked like a cake-walk to the championship. But that was before Laurie. Patrick was one half of their winning combination, the other half was Terry Reilly the teams wide-out. Peter says... Terry Reilly... Iheard something about him. You bet you did... now I got this second-hand so I can't vouch for it's accuracy but it sounds right. Laurie goes to work on Terry, leading him on, a real cocktease as Patrick said. She lures him into the girl's locker room after practice one day with the promise of showering together. Poor Terry never knew what hit him. She has him strip and start the showers and tells him she'll be right behind him. The fucking idiot believes her, I guess he figures he's irresistable. Next thing he knows the cheerleading squad and the gym teacher come in and find him. Man o man the shit really hit the fan. He blames Laurie but she's nowhere to be found, so he takes the fall all alone. Ends up being transfered to another school, so now the team goes on a losing streak. If it wasn't for Patrick the season would have been lost, but they still have an outside chance at the championship. If Patrick can pull it off, he has a good chance ata football scholarship, lose and his career could be over. Terry will never get a scholarship now with this blackmark against him. Yeah, Patrick has a score to settle with that bitch Laurie.
Laurie sat in her bright red convertible for a couple of seconds, re-applying her make-up, and checking her shoulderlength dark brown hair. She pulled and twisted it for a minute, and then smiled sexily at herself in the mirror.
She opened the door smoothly, walking into the house, keeping her eyes open for anyone interesting - especially Christian. She waved dismissivly at most of the people, giving the special people a chance to talk to her. But all the while, her eyes roamed for Christian. Not that he would be hard to pick out - he was most likely the sexiest guy in school - 6'1" with piercing blue eyes, short brown hair and a dazzling smile. And it wasn't like she was going to jump him the moment she saw him - if anything it would be the other way around. But she did like to know where he was, and more importantly, who was with him. Girls with him were good, they didn't have a chance. But guys? That was way more fun - flirting with each of them in turn, making each insanely jelous, giving them a hint that they just might be the one who would take what ever guy in school wanted - her virginity. To be the first one to be able to say, and to say truthfully, 'I screwed Laurie'. Most of them didn't even get the chance to talk to her though.
Suddenly she seen Christian out the corner of her eye, on the other side of the pool. But instead of heading towards him, she walked to opposite where he was standing, and joined in a conversation with a few of the varsity football players, all of them in awe at the fact that she was talking to them.
Alex looke up from talking to Lou. The bitch had arived. Alex rolled her eyes. She looked like a slut. Alex turned to talk to Lou and saw that he was staring at the bitch.
"Doe's she always dress like that?'
"No. Sometimes she's worse." Alex walked off. Great, Lou had seemed like a good guy. But of course he had fallen for the bitch. How could Alex compete with that. Thomas looked like a no show. it hur. She turned her mind to getting eter back. Sh was goig to make him pay. She would ake him her slave and treat him like crap. She would let anyone who wanted fuck him and he could see what it felt like. Alex walked through the crowd. She walked past Con and Patrick. She wiggled her eyebrows at Con. Alex leaned aginst the railing. She shivered.
Alex leaned against the rail and sighed. ou was an okay guy. At least he hadn't slobbered all over her. It was wierd haveing a guy stand up for you.
Alex's thought drift awy from Lou, Thomas, and the party. Instead it went to another party she had been at. Alex shivered. She really didn't want to rember that night.
turns around looking for Alex, sees her and walks straight over to her. 'Het why'd you leave?' 'You actually think I liked the way that slut looks, oh hell no. I know all about her type....used to date one. I learned that sometimes you need to really look to find beauty' 'And besides compared to the way you look tonight, she's minor leagues.'
Also had noticed Alex shivering so he removes his black leather riding jacket and slips it over her shoulders. 'So tell me how are you gonna get back at Peter' grinning at her.
Looks over and walks to Alex.....'Hey why'd you walk away? You actually think I like that girl? Hell no....I'd much rather be around you anyways. Wouldn't be surprised if the only things she cared about came out of fashion mags.' Noticed her shivering and slipped his black leather jacket over her shoulders. 'Besides I'd much rather be seen with you than her. So tell me how do you want to get back at Peter?'
Constance had ment to go back and talk to Patrick, but he was with a bunch of the football players, and damn it, the bitch was with them. When the hell had she gotten here? She felt as if the floor had opened up and swallowed her. What was she doing? This wasn't who she was, some tramp to promise anything and everything to the men she was flirting with, then yank it all away. She had heard stories about what Laurie had done to Terry, right from Terry himself. They had been best friends, always confiding in each other, especially about their love interests. Terry was the first person who had known about her feelings for Patrick, he had also known about how hot her body was. He had encouraged her to go for it, but she had told him that he was crazy if he thought Patrick would go for a bookworm like her. Constance could feel tears form behind her eyes. She missed Terry. And she wanted Laurie to pay for what she had done. She had ruined Terry's life, and all because Terry couldn't control himself where Laurie was concerned.

She was going to do it. She was going to make Laurie suffer. And the best way to do that was to take away what Laurie loved most. The attention.

Constance hiked up her skirt a little and pulled down the top of the dress, exposing her breasts more than before. She walked slowly toward Patrick and the others, but Laurie was turned away from her and couldn't figure out why all the conversation had suddenly tapered off. All the guys were looking not at her, but behind her.

"Hi boys." Constance had the pleasure of watching Laurie spin with a look of utter hostility on her face. Constance almost laughed, Laurie looked a little bemused to see her standing there looking just like the tramp Laurie herself was. She had done it. She had taken all the attention and placed it firmly on herself.
Laurie's mouth opened for a second in utter disbelief - but she soon closed it. She smiled at Constance wickedly.
"Hi Connie, how are you?!" Laurie walked over to her and gave her a fake smile, complete with a hug. "God, you look great. Guys, doesn't she look great?" All the guys nodded in unison, not knowing which girl to keep their eyes on.
"You know Connie, you might want to check your chest - it seems to be falling out of your dress hon'. Maybe you should go upstairs and change into something slightly less.... slutty." Laurie smiled angelically for a couple of seconds, and then turned sharply. "Who wants to come and point me in the way of drinks?" She giggled, linking arms with the guys on either side of her. "Bye Connie! I love the color of the dress though - it's so... 80's! Fun!!" She licked her lips dangerously as she was led inside to the refreshments.
sorry ignore the 3rd comp was slow earlier and wasn't sure if the other two had posted or not
OOC: SweetBitch, you are really good at this. You are going to make this story interesting. sorry guys! Back to the story