The Last Daughter of Krypton OOC

Zen Mechanic it is!!


D'you think, bein' of a Zennish persuasion, he'll be given to overmuch chatterboxin'?

If he tends instead to the longish periods of silence, I think my girl might enjoy his company. He's under somethin' heavy, tinkerin' and spannerin', and she's sittin' huddled off in a corner, luxuriatin' in his not perplexin' her abbreviated conversational style. Companionable silence, y'might call it, though not necessarily with th' implication of any Companion-like activity.
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not real money, but still real cool.
I really liked the movie and tv show.

But, I'm not sure I know enough about everything to write about it.

Hmmm. Maybe?

I'm not sure what characters Wyld is working on right now, but it looks like we could still use a medic.

I, for one, would love to have you along again.
Ya can count on me for another gun really, but she will have more than one skillset.
Also thinking there'd porbably be a subsect in the companions to bodyguard for companions in bad areas. Y'all think they'd do that?

Official Companion Bouncers?

Well, Companions are taught pretty strong self-defense techniques. The fact that Inara lasted more than two seconds against an Operative speaks to that.

But a dedicated sect of Companions meant to escort Companions out in the border worlds?


I don't see why not.

Also thinking there'd probably be a subsect in the companions to bodyguard for companions in bad areas. Y'all think they'd do that?

While I doubt there is a call of Companions in the ass end planets in most cases, Innara didn't learn her hand 2 hand from a how to video. I bet there are bodyguards or trainers in the ranks of the Companions. Hell, they may even take those assignations from patrons that prefer to be treated a little less than kindly.

space dominatrix anyone??
& Space Dom makes me think of that half demon Mage I was playing in your thread wayyyy back when Chas.

That was an interesting guy.

fun too.

Mechanic & cook.

I'm probably gonna tweak my bio some more. Not quite happy with it.

& yeah, Soulever Lift was some nice fairly erotic writing!