The Legend of Dragoon - OOC

Well, as usual no matter how determined I am to enjoy my day(s) off... they never go as planned. Just settling in, so *should* have an updated bio up and some additional info about the world we'll be playing in. Since this thread is a joint effort, however, if anyone has any suggestions or cool ideas feel free to send them my way. If you want your character to be from some tundra, for instance, go for it.

Obviously you won't want to follow his ideas for the people and cultures, but the Giant gives some great insight into how geography works.
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I know I haven't really given any details about the world we'll be playing in, so feel free to come up with your own setting for where your character will start off. Just a couple of things to bear in mind...

1) No guns. Just swords, spears, bows, etc.

2) There is limited technology available for *all* cultures. For instance, I'm picturing Carin to be a cross between ancient Egypt and Rome.

3) I don't want any PC characters to know what a dragoon is, or what their stones are for. At least not at the start of the thread. We'll pick up things as the thread progresses.

If you have any questions / comments / concerns send me a PM and I'll try and explain things as best as I can. I'm giving you guys quite a bit of leeway here, but don't do anything too outlandish :p
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Okay, saw the video, and first I must say, it is indeed not Blizzard-quality, but then again, what is? They operate on an entirely different level. Second thing I must say I figure that the guy in white was Ragnaros, right? And the people fighting against him and his monsters were dragoons? And did I seriously see one of them blow himself up and turn into a dragon?

On another note...character bios?
Blast. I would get in on this, but I don't like the two dragoons that are left.

I might lurk around and see how it goes.
Okay, saw the video, and first I must say, it is indeed not Blizzard-quality, but then again, what is? They operate on an entirely different level. Second thing I must say I figure that the guy in white was Ragnaros, right? And the people fighting against him and his monsters were dragoons? And did I seriously see one of them blow himself up and turn into a dragon?

On another note...character bios?

Actually the storyline in the video game has nothing to do with this thread.

In the game the villain was a Wingli called Melbu Frahma.

In this thread the villain is the Warcraft firelord Ragnaros.

And character bio's are just my way of taking a snapshot of the players that are featured in the game. Sort of like those little booktlets you get in video games that tell you what there characters are like.
Will write a Bio, just to make sure that I catch the right spirit of the thread
If you'd rather not do one and just start writing in the IC that's fine as well. It's not required, just something I typically fancy

I was asking about the bios because I hadn't noticed that you had put yours up. But I just took a look at the first page and realized that you had put a bio up, so...yeah.

I'll work on a bio and see what I can come up with. Hopefully it'll fit with the theme/story.

Hm...Ragnaros is from Warcraft? See, if I had any familiarity with either game, I probably would have realized that. Oh well.

Neither of them really fit my personality or any character personality that I'd like to play.

Well that's the thing, you don't *need* to match up your character personality to the dragon you're assigned/picked. I'm not basing this thread on the game for Playstation, just using Dragoons as a type.

If that makes any sense... *boggle*
Can't be the jade dragoon domt have the patients right now for this so JADE DRAGOON SPIRIT OPEN
Dennis Norvak

Name: Dennis Norvak
Alias: Harrier
Age: 23
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 230 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green

Weapon skills:
All types of swords

Miscellaneous skills:
Spear Fishing

Mini bio: Dennis could only remember being raised by a friendly couple on a farm, he found out later that they were his foster parents, what had happened to his parents or family nobody could tell him as it seems that nobody knew. One thing that Dennis did have about his past, was a gem. It was a Jade color and polished to perfection, Dennis had spent many evenings looking at the gem. Sometimes he could have sworn that the gem vibrated and he could hear a voice whispering to him, but it never was clear, so he didn't think much of it.

He was out in town, delivering vegetables when the raid took place. When he returned he found his foster family slaughtered, their animals stolen and the farm burned down. The only thing he could find was a dagger and the gem, how they failed not to find it, or how it did not get damaged in the fire, he didn't know. Being raised on a farm and taken on several hunts by his foster father, Dennis had learned how to read and follow tracks. He had tracked the group of bandits for days, but when he caught up to them, he realized that he could not take them on, they were way too many for him to take on alone. Marking each man's face in his mind, he vowed his vengeance and slipped away.

Present: Dennis is working as a guard in the city of Carin, honing his skills with the blade as often as he can for the day that he can have his revenge
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Hm...Ragnaros is from Warcraft? See, if I had any familiarity with either game, I probably would have realized that. Oh well.

Mmhm. He was one of the raid bosses in the classic version of the game, aka 'Vanilla WoW'. Probably one of my favorite bosses.
Sorry for not putting up a bio/post yet. I'm in the midst of a very busy school semester, so free time is a bit short lately. Don't worry, I've got ideas floating around for the bio and first IC post, so I'll eventually get them written out and posted.
WOW. Legend of Dragoon. HERE. I'm most pleasantly shocked :) Got any character openings? :D
I know for a fact that Jade is open.

Been wondering. Leo do you want the dark dragoon?
Sorry for not putting up a bio/post yet. I'm in the midst of a very busy school semester, so free time is a bit short lately. Don't worry, I've got ideas floating around for the bio and first IC post, so I'll eventually get them written out and posted.

No rush
Take it, I can change to one of the others. The more writers we get the better
If you insist...I SUPPOSE I could...

Haha. I guess I'm Jedi's opposite now, eh?