The Matrix: Evolution


He glanced at his watch again, and waited for Frost and Spyke to give the all clear. They did.

But what really worried him was that Zales was late. Zales was never late.

He turned completely in place, looking in all directions.

"Something's wrong..."

He pulled out his cell, inserted the hands free speaker in his ear, and dialed Sekhmet. "Anything unusual? I have a... feeling."

He looked around again, still nothing... nothing conclusive. But he hadn't stayed alive this long by ignoring his instincts.

"We're aborting."

Then it happened, the sounds of sirens wailing in the distance. They were getting closer. But how? They had just gotten in here...

"Our lives are in your hands, Sekhmet... find us an exit..." He pulled out the two handguns, and held them at his sides.

"Ready Alloc?"
Alloc's heart leaped in his chest. His grin showed too much of his teeth, but he couldn't help himself. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as if it were his own blood. All of his body tingled with excitement and anticipation.
As if reacting to it all, he began to breathe in and out.
Two twin deagles came out from under his jacket, locked and loaded.
"I was born ready. Just give the command..."
He could already feel himself kicking some ass, all he needed was half a chance.

"Operator" She answered the phone line automatically." I was just going to call you, I had a blip and was feeling ansty. It was something I haven't seen before. DO NOT go back to your entry point. I have a clear line for you at...The Roosevelt Hotel, thrid floor, number 308, on Park and 120th."

She saw the blip again. "Damnit, there it is again, but I don't have any data. Do NOT take the car you came in. I think it's being taced." She scanned the screens. "And avoid taking Price, there's a major accident with cops crawling all over it." With the click of a few buttons she lay the "memory" of the route to the hotel in their heads with possiable side streets and detours.

OCC: Whomever calls me is the ONE person I'm talking to. He/she will have to replay spoken info, tho if I say that I am downloading you all with info, you will all have it. Otherwise information requested by one person will be given to that one person. IE you all now have the map, but if one of you asked for how to hotwire a motorbike, only that one person would have that.

In a game like this some info is passed between the players via go to the control panel and read the PM's will you? You've got at least one from myself and Pen, who plays Merlin.


"Have we reached broadcast depth yet wolf", "yes sir, ready to rock and roll" I sat down in the chair and waited for wolf to plug me in. I had been the captain for 5 years. My beloved ship, The FireEye, Has the record in agent kills. Tho it also has the most deaths."Whats rhe objective boss" silver asked. He was my genious. He stood 6 foot 2 and had long black hair. In the matrix he had hacked the "FBI" without being caought. I could just imagine what he can do now. He was also very athletic, being the only one of us tto escape 2 agents. Tho he passed out for a week after getting out.

"Ive seen a different program start to cycle throught the matrix. It seems to sit in a bar in new york everynight. We are going to go see if it was exiled or what so be ready it could get ugly.

We appeared in an old shack behind main street new yor. Each of us wearing trench coats and packing pretty heavily we walked over to the bar.I saw him sitting under a light in the back of the room. Short black hair and black t-shirt and pants. He wore a pentacl, i five pointed star with a circle around it, one point at the top. We walked over to him. "can we have a word with you."i asked. He glanced up and nodded. I sat and waited for him to ask us what we wanted, after all you always let the other party answer first.

ooc:i will finish this in a bit.
Agent Hart

Agent Hart calmly stood at the window, looking down at the city as it bustled around. People, rushing from place to place, trying to get something accomplished when in the actuallity of it all, it didn't matter. She scanned the street down below the building she was in. A normal person would only see dots down there, moving around. But, she could make out a couple arguing over something; a dog taking a piss on a fire hydrant, and a little kid riding by on his bike. The truth of the matter is that the kid was really just laying down in a little tube, his adrenaline rushing through his comatose body. The same for the couple, each in their own little tube, probably miles and miles part from each other. The dog was the difference here. It was the tiny detail to make all this believable. The dog was a program, designed to have the same traits and personality of the real world dog. But, the only difference is that besides a few dogs still kept in Zion, they were completely extinct. Just like the humans.

Just like humans. That's what she was thinking about. How humans were on the brink of extinction, but were holding on to every last bare thread to spare. Those few that had been born in Zion would never get to meet Agent Hart, but the ones that were originally from the Matrix and had been freed. The ones that came back almost constantly, trying to reclaim more human lives and cause some sort of damage to the Matrix from the inside. The ones that returned, they were the reason why agents were made. They were the reason that she was created, just another way to take out a few more of the exiles from the Matrix.

She became broken out of her thoughts by a radio transmission. It was a police transmission, something about an accident. Nothing about that seemed out of place, but something then happened. One of the other agents broke in on the transmission, speaking directly to any other agent listening.

"Exiles at Chong's Laundry in the Asian District. Reported 4 exiles. Agent presence required." How the other agent knew that there were 4 exiles at that laundry didn't matter. She just knew that she needed to be there now.

She transported out of the existing body it was in (some security guard) and into the body of a woman just walking aimlessly down the street, about half a block from the laundry. She looked around and saw the accident over on Price. She quickly ran over there and up to a group of cops.

She said "You five," pointing at a group of cops who appeared to have just arrived a few minutes ago, "there is a group of terrorists nearby. Come with me and stop them."

They all shrugged and started to follow her back towards the laundry...but then she heard something very faint. Another transmission, but not from a cop or anything. She could make out the voice of a female talking. But only a few words really mattered.

"...I have a clear line for you at...The Roosevelt Hotel, thrid floor, number 308, on Park and 120th...". Must have been her position from the intercepting transmissions in order to pick that one up. What most people would call luck that Agent Hart was standing almost perfectly to intercept a transmission between the exiles and their operator, but agents deemed it coincidence.

She used her transporting ability out of the woman's body into one of the bellhops at the Roosevelt Hotel. She knew that the exiles were coming she would meet them there.

OOC: If anybody wants me to alter my first post for this, please PM me. I wanted to write a post that would fit into the story good, but not in such a way that it would really alter anything you all are already doing at the moment.
Alloc studied the effects of outside just like a careful scientist looking through a microscope for one single anomoly. He searched throughout the mess of people, each of them confused, or slowly descending this way, through to a hint of black. Something that would tell him they were close.
Then it came.
An agent. He saw one. A woman at that. She came running up, four or five cops on her tail. Alloc bit his lower lip, trying to hold in the excitement now threatening to burst through him. An agent, all to himself.
He ran out the back, not bothering with anyone or anything else. A voice trailed after him, maybe it was speaking to him, maybe not, but he didn't hear in any case.
He wanted to show them all that he wasn't some fucking rookie. He could hold his own in this place.
"Come on..."
He crashed through a door to the back alley. There, stood five cops, and in the lead was one confused woman, not understanding why she was in the middle of it all.
"Damn," He muttered under his breath, "She jumped."
Five policemen would have to do.
They raised their guns at him, "Halt! You are under arrest, put your hands up!!"
Alloc bent down, preparing himself, the mental images and training programmed into his brain ready and willing to kick some ass.
"Not today my friends..."
They opened fire, but he jumped just as fast. He came out against the brick wall of the building, using both hands and feet to propell himself into the group of police. The bullets trailed after his near impossibly fast movements.
He leaned back, both of his feet coming together and striking the first officer. With a grunt the men fell several feet backwards onto the hard pavement. Alloc got down to a crouching position, and with a single low roundhouse brought another man down for the count.
The other three moved back, their guns now pointed at him, firing. He tried to get out of the way, but they were right on top of him. One grazed the side of his cheek while another went right through his hand.
Screaming out in pain, Alloc shoved the nearest man into the side wall. A few well placed punches had the man screaming out in agonizing pain.
A bullet ricocheted off of one of the bricks just next to his ear.
Alloc growled.
He grabbed the two deagles, turning around. He was willing to play by their rules if they were. Both guns centered themselves on a different person, and he opened fire several more shots than was needed.
When the metallic smoke cleared Alloc stood amidst the chaos with a grin on his face.
"That's right," he heard screaming and the sounds of a fight from the street, and after reloading his weapons, he ran out to see.

"Damn," he whispered, as Alloc ran out the back.

Too young, too headstrong. Yes, he was gifted, but rash. Together was where they needed to be, not running around on there own

He walked toward the back of the building, to where Alloc had ran, but never made it. Four policemen entered in standard, two by two, cover formation. They never had a chance. Two were down before they had time to aim, and the other two were down shortly after. Only one shot had been fired at him. He went out the way the police had come in, looking for some transportation. All he found were two police cars... not exactly inconspicuous...

He heard screams coming from the front of the building, and took off for it.

“Shit, Shit, Shit.” She cursed under her breath while she waited for the call she knew was coming. That damned blip!
And a upgrade! And never enough data to run a baseline! At her fingertips she had several programs she thought they might need, but didn't want to distract them from the current fight.
Agent Stewart

He slowly walked to where the call out had come from and shook his head. This agent was too impulsive and he would have to tell her that the next time that they met but there wasn't enough time to think about that now. He moved to the end of the street and watched as the four exiles ran towards him, the agent and five police officers right behind them. As he watched them a smile slowly came to his face as a plan began to form in his head. He knew how he was going to trap them, how he was going to kill them.

He remembered the face and body of the exile that he had killed coming to this place and closed his eyes. He felt his body slowly changing form and when he opened his eyes he looked down and saw that his hands had changed form. He pulled out the handgun that he had taken from the exile and shouted out, "Quick, this way. I have transport waiting for us!"

The final crewman to leave his ship was the operator, his eyes were downcast and his steps morose as his boots clanked on the metallic steps up to the ship.

Thor put his hand out, the operator shook his head and clasped his hand tightly, the other clutching his belongings.

"I'm sorry sir, but this is bullshit! You know we could get more out of her yet!" The tone was desperate and Thor closed his eyes.

"The Council have spoken, and we can't do anymore, we have to live with their decision." He opened his eyes and smiled, "Besides, now you can join one of the new craft they've built, you've got a good assignment Smith, don't let your new captain down." He shook his hand one last final time and put his hand on the operators shoulder.

"Don't worry, just do your job and maybe one day I might get a command, I might not, I might. Lets let the fates decide."

The operator looked up at him and smiled, "Yes sir, good luck with your new ship too." He turned about and walked over to the elevator, the soft swish of the doors opening and closing, and he was gone.

The Hammer had been lifted on to the engineering platform and was now being stripped of its part. Thor sighed as he saw the welding lights flaring up, and then turned away, going to his quarters to await his ship to come in. The Freedom was a sound operation he had heard, and he was anxious to get back out there, he hated the waiting game...

"You want to know why i was exciled" He said. "i lost an excile of the matrix, let him get away actually. I used to be an agent." Our mouths all dropped, along with our hands which landed on our guns. "i wouldnt if i was you." he smiled

"so what is your purpose now" crash asked eyeing him wearily. "well, i certanly am not helping agents. I try and foil there plans once in a while. just depends who im fighting for. But you should go agents are on the way. " He said. We all got up and went to the exit point that, surprisingly, held no problems.

ooc: if anyone want to involve my ship or contact my crew go foe it.

He keyed the cell phone as he ran, knowing they could trace it. But the sirens blaring gave him little choice... police were everywhere.

"Sekhmet, we need an escape route... we're boxed in. Any Agents, yet?"

“Operator.” She hissed between her teeth. “At least two, but one’s an upgrade, and I can’t
track it properly.” She viewed the sematic. “At the end of the alley there’s a manhole
cover. Go down. East four blocks. You’ll by pass the accident and all the cops that way
and shave some time off. Roosevelt Hotel is still your closest hard line.”

OCC: The reason my posts look so jumpy is that I’m having to type them in a word program and cut
and paste over. Sorry.
The van made a horrible squealing sound. It rose on two wheels as it spun around. Alloc held onto the side, watching as the world turned around. He reached for the side, holding on for dear life, and hoping the thing wouldn't tip.
It didn't, but it was damned close.
The entire street was now blocked, as a van stood in everyone's way. Alloc looked at his masterpiece, running away from the vehicle, the tires still smoking from their excursion.
"Quick, this way. I have transport waiting for us."
Alloc took a second to stop running, examing the man next to him. He didn't look like anyone Alloc knew, but at this point that didn't matter much. He promised a way out of here, and that seemed good enough for him.
He might want to fight an agent with a passion, but even he wasn't fucking crazy. He knew when to get the hell out of Dodge...
Or in this case the Matrix.
He followed the man without hesitation, "My name is Alloc. You must have been here for the meeting. Things got fucked up somehow, agents must have known or something. I have directions to Roosevelt, is that where we're going, or did you find a better place?"
None of the other members were around, but Alloc didn't bother about them. They would find their own ways, they always did. At this moment, he felt safe. He was with a veteran of the Matrix, what could possibly go wrong now?
He smiled at the new man, thinking just that thought...
What could possibly go wrong now?
Agent Stewart

Stewart gave Alloc a cold detached look that he quickly covered up, "The Roosevelt's no good. I just came from there, the place is swarming with cops and at least two agents that I could see. I know of a place that is out of the way- a place that they wouldn't think of looking."

Before Alloc could answer he raised his borrowed handgun and fired a shot at one of the police officers, catching him in the leg. He watched as the officer fell to the ground then turned back to Alloc.
"We do not have time for any chatter. We have to get out of here- all of us and fast. If you are the leader of your group tell them to follow me, if not tell your leader I'm a part of Zale's crew, my name is Warlock and that I am here to help you."
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(Angelus, the female agent is already at the Roosevelt hotel, she left a while ago. The others did too, it's just you and me, and a car accident)

Alloc liked being in charge. He felt a certain satisfaction in all of this. He was the one on top of things. They were probably bumbling around grabbing their asses, while he already knew Roosevelt wasn't safe, and that there was a new exit.
"Quick, let's get out of here. I can call them on the way and meet at the new place."
He began to run away from the fight, where, to the best of his knwoledge it was a dead end anyway. No use killing the people they were trying to save... well, no more than necessary.
"Operator," He called her up, bursting with the new news, "I just met... Warlock, our rendeviewz at the laundry shop. Don't worry, he's ok. I am taking care of him. He filled me in about Roosevelt though, cops and agents. He's got a good place for us to go, have the guys follow us. We know where we're going."
Alloc nodded energetically at Warlock as he continued on with the call. He felt very happy about being on the ball on this one. Who in the hell would complain that he was a rookie now? He would single handedly save all of their asses.
He could just imagine their apologies now.

As she opened another line she muted Merlin's. "Operator." She was releived to hear Alloc's voice.

"I just met... Warlock, our rendeviewz at the laundry shop. Don't worry, he's ok. I am taking care of him. He filled me in about Roosevelt though, cops and agents. He's got a good place for us to go, have the guys follow us. We know where we're going."

"It's good to hear from you Alloc, I was worried. What is the location so I can scan it? Please hold while I warn Merlin."

She switched lines. "Merlin, Alloc has met with Warlock from Zales team and they have intel that the Roosevelt is no good. Repeat Roosevelt is no good. Proceed with extreme care, but continue to the underground until further notice. There won't be anyone for the Agents to jump into down there."

She swtiched back to Alloc's line. "Alloc? What is the new location? The team is blocked from meeting from you."

Agent Stewart

Stewart looked at Alloc, a smile crept onto his face as they started running down the street. He hoped that the other exiles would come his direction soon as he wanted to get them all in one big swoop. He knew that this street was a dead end and wondered how this exile was planning on getting out. He knew that the exile was following him and smiled as he could kill him and take his identity but when he thought about it Stewart realized that if he did the other exiles wouldn't trust him.

He then saw the van that sat there and walked slowly towards it. As soon as he saw the key in the ignition he jumped in and turned the key in the ignition. He turned to Alloc who was on the phone again.
"Get in the damn van. We are going to the Roosevelt- we have to get the rest of your team. I know what you are going to say but I was told by Zale never to leave a team member behind. Then we can go to the knew location and if you wish to know where it is tell your operator it's the parking complex on the corner of 4th and Lexington. I know what you are going to say but do you think they would ever think of looking for us there or going to the one place they would never think of us going."
Keith stopped for a moment, watching the man turn back and go the other way. Out of the corner of his eye the cops which he had just spent most of his energy running away from. Now the man wanted to go back?
Would they even make it?
He got into the van, not sure of this at all. Why would they go back? He was only a rookie, but even he knew that the other guys could take care of themselves. They weren't in any danger, the only danger was letting them keep going to Roosevelt, and to meet there. If cops and such were there, wouldn't it be better just to all meet at the place?
This man wasn't afraid at all.
A part of this envied Alloc. He wished he didn't have this bit of fear in his stomach. This man was a seasoned professional, and probably had years of experience backing up his decisions, but Alloc only had implanted instructions. He was nearly lost.
Maybe that was it, just some new Matrix jitters. Sure, it had to be. He trusted this man, this was their guy, why would he do anything stupid?
Still, that thought refused to leave him.
"Sekhmet..." he said into his still open line, "Tell them to keep going toward Roosevelt. Warlock has a van, we'll pick them all up there. The place is a parking complex on 4th and Lexington. Make sure the guys know what their going into. I... I just don't know about this."
He held on tight as the van moved out into traffic.

"Sekhmet..." he said into his still open line, "Tell them to keep going toward Roosevelt. Warlock has a van, we'll pick them all up there. The place is a parking complex on 4th and Lexington. Make sure the guys know what their going into. I... I just don't know about this."

"Me either, buddy boy." Sekhment told him. "Something's wrong, I feel it in my gut. But I dont' know what. Proceed with extreme caution and book if there is the slightest thing fishy. The guys will catch your back, but I'm not sending them in there blind. Hold, please."

She switched lines. "Merlin, Alloc is ansty and I've got a bad feeling, but Warlock is taking him to rondy with you at the Roosevelt. But it doesn't feel right. I suggest extreme caution and consider this Warlock a possiable rouge."
Agent Stewart

Stewart slammed his foot down on the accelerator and watched the road as he drove down it. He hoped that going to the Roosevelt was the smart thing to do as it would make Alloc become suspicious of him. He drove quickly down the road and hoped that he would make it to the hotel before the agents and police got to the exiles. He then heard Alloc on the phone and heard that he was getting worried.

"Don't worry Alloc, I have a plan to get us out of there in one piece. In case you are wondering take a look in the back of the van."
He knew what was in there, lots of weapons- more than enough to level the building and get out of there alive.

"Acknowledged Operator," Merlin said.

The other crew members had gone. Hopefully they had been monitoring the comm frequency, and were on their way to Roosevelt.

He ran, full speed down an alley, turned, and slammed himself through a doorway into a warehouse, he rolled forward, and came up, guns out. It was empty.

he found the drainage system Sekmet had downloaded into his brain, and tore the grate off it's hinges, before dropping through.

It was a bit cramped, and nasty, but he paid it no heed. he avoided most of the puddles, for stealth purposes, and ran full speed, truning at each intersection in the direction he needed to, without really knowing where he was going. He could see the sewer tunnels spread in his mind, like a map, and followed them to the letter.

He almost didn't see the gun until it was too late.

Two shots were fired off at him.

He dodged left, and ran up the sloped wall, across the ceiling, and down the other side of the circular tunnel, landing on the other side of the gunmen, and bringing his pistols against the mans temple. But he didn't fire. He knew the man.


"Merlin?" The man gasped. He rolled his eyes toward Merlin, gasping for air. "You're... you're alive..."

Merlin pressed the gun harder against the man's head. "And so are you. How? Where the fuck were you?" His voice was calm. Even. Like ice.

"Trap..." Zales coughed, and blood trickled out of his mouth. "Crew dead..."

Merlin eased up a bit. Warlock is still alive... he's with one of my men.

Zales smiled and nodded, then his face fell. "Won't be for long... Operator.... line went dead... ship under attack... no way out..."

Merlin nodded in response. There was nothing he could say to the man. They both knew the risks... he opened his mouth to try to offer up something comforting.

"Disk!" Zales gasped, and grasped Merlin's coat. "Pocket.... jacket..."

Merlin rummaged through the man's coat, and came out with a matrix-style computer disk. It didn't actually exist, but the info would be good, once they got it installed into the construct. "What is it?"

Zales shook his head. "Later, don't have much time.... ship almost gone. Run... I'll cover..."

"Is this what you wanted to meet me about?"

Zales nodded. "Run... too important.... run..."

Merlin nodded, and ran. He knew he was leaving Zales to his death, but if what the man said about his ship was true, he was dead anyway. The last sight he would have of him was Zales training his gun down the sewer, waiting for whomever was following him, if anyone.

He hit send on the cell phone, and filled Sekhmet in on the disk, and on the rest of the conversation.
He tried to push doubt away from him as he stepped back to arm himself to the teeth. Thoughts continued to plague him though, of just how a bad and stupid idea this was turning out to be.
He had Warlock though, and that seemed like a nice little ace up his sleeve. An experienced man with a gun and a plan. Who could ask for anything else? Warlock reminded him a lot of Merlin to be honest. A calm and cool individual, ready to go at a moment's notice.
Alloc sat back up in the front again, the weight of the guns drowning out the little voice that told him to jump from the van and run for his life.
"Quickly, I don't want to spend any more time at Roosevelt than possible."
Hurry guys... hurry.