The Matrix: Evolution


She scanned the screens arrayed around her.

"I don't want to send out a hail right now, but I can head us in a likely direction. Why don't you and Alloc there patch each other up. I'll call you if I need you."

She reached out and squeezed his hand without turning from her restless scanning.

He nodded, and squeezed her hand in reply, too tired to speak.

He grabbed the medical pack, and slidd off his chair, to head toward Alloc.

He knelt before the younger man, and proded gently, where he seemed to be favoring his ribs.

The man winced, and Merlin knew there was likely a break.

He went to to work on the injuries.

"You and I need to have a talk, Alloc."

He continued working on the boy's injuries, but his eyes were on Alloc's.

"You should have left me there. You should have taken the disk and got the hell out."

Alloc looked ready to argue, and if the past was any indication, he would.

"The disk was the most important thing... an entire ship gave their lives to it." He looked at the now dead bodies of the other crewmembers. "And half of ours."

He looked back at Alloc. "You've got skill, kid. You always have." It was true. Alloc had faster response times than he did, even though he still hadn't beaten Merlin in simulations. That would come, though, eventually. "But you must learn to do what is in the best interest os the ship, and Zion. No more personal wars. You have nothing more to prove."

He was fully aware of the irony. The boy had saved his life, and Merlin was unhappy about it. The truth is, they had been lucky.
The anger boiled up in his cheeks, and he felt flush for an entire minute, hearing Merlin talk to him like a child who had just got his hand caught in the cookie jar. Alloc had done nothing wrong, and Merlin knew that.
Disobeyed one fucking order that would have killed him, no fucking way.
The look in his eyes was concern though. Alloc wanted to yell at him, up and down this ship, but he couldn't.
Merlin was right.
As much as Alloc hated to admit it, Merlin was right.
"All right," He agreed, letting it go this time, "I forgot. You are my captain first, and my friend second. I will always keep that in mind on our missions."
He asked Merlin to help him to his cabin, so he could sleep off the pain that still ran through him.
"Besides," He limped, relying heavilly on Merlin's help, "I think you two should be alone for a while anyway."
Alloc gave a little wink.
And there she stood at the junk yard- a few meters away from the cells where the people of Zion lived. It is the part where some more machines work in peace with humans- some born out of them, and some freed from the world they have been exiled to.
With her was pure drying acid air that was liberally letting itself runs thought he short, male-cropped ashen hair on her head, moving the little spikes a bit with a light force, the worn tweed sweatshirt flapping as it hangs limply on her lithe torso to serve as another layer to warm the woman over the jungle green rough tank top clinging to her.
This is Parliament- a picture of a disappointed yet struggling female, the kind with the holes on her life points, someone who was obviously taken from the quiet little life programmed in her- waken up unexpectedly.

The ship she was reborn to have been torn up for another purpose. The Hammer was gone, and she was being assigned, alongside with the captain Thor to Freedom- one of the newer ships when compared to theirs and one of those that left Zion for the search mission of a newer place to inhabit. It was pure torture, yet a moment of positive break down in the woman as she witnesses the metal and part of the ship being crushed into pieces.

At the point where the crushing settles down- she turns, her lower limbs wrapped in the prescribed rough pants that cling to their limbs, made out of another cotton-like material, only black in color, and almost smoother. The boots made for trekking and combat, strapped tightly up to the lower half of her calves were making sounds of hard thumping against the barren earth spiked with traces of torn metal.
Beyond noise the machine claws and teeth tearing up the forgotten and trashed ships, there was silence as Parliament, the former security and navigation officer of the Hammer takes on a careful and firm gait back to the Council Hall where another meeting has been called- for the confirmation of the new ship assignments.

"Gents, I'm just taking us home." She turned into the deeping caverns and nearly forgotten systems of pipes and underground railroads as well as tunnels made by Zionists and Matrix machines.

"We need supplies, we need crew and we need to take the dead home." She glanced over to the still forms still in their cradles.
Merlin slipped into the co-pilots chair next to Sekhmet, and watched the scenery, what there was of it, fly by.

He didn't talk much over the next few hours, instead contemplating what had happened inside the Matrix. And wondering what was on the damned disk.

Soon enough, they hit the hidden city of Zion. Codes were sent, and the large gates opened.

Sekhmet skillfully set the Freedom down.

"The Council will want to see us." He looked at Sekhmet. "I'd rather not stay here any longer than necessary, so I'll have the bodies removed by the maintenance crews." His voice was dead. Lifeless. So much death.

But he would get over it. He always did.

"Let's get going."

He rose to his feet

She sighed and did the final check lists.

"Aye aye, Cap'n." Same old, same old. Flirt when they are inches from death, but dock and he was back to business.

Streaching and popping her joints she grabbed her kit bag and headed home.

OCC, Lit crashed and said I hadn't posted, so I posted again, and both ended up here. Dumb Lit.
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