The Pillow Pit II. (Semi-OOC flirt thread.)

when i took my test i always got an A . I graduated witha 3.2 GPA.

A.A. degree in Medical Science
Hey to me anything over 3.0 is great . and passing . How to Calculate Your Grade Point Average (GPA)

Your grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total amount of grade points earned by the total amount of credit hours attempted. Your grade point average may range from 0.0 to a 4.0.

For example:

A=4 grade points
B=3 grade points
C=2 grade points
D=1 grade point
WF/F=0 grade points
dang... hehe.. All I remember was when I graduated High school it was a year by age but a semester Early by grade.. and I graded with a 3.9... and I wasn't ever trying...
I know .. things change over years . like her in cali my son has to have alot to graduate high school but in the midwest it is less credit.
as of now I am sitting on a 3.21 but that does not include the grades for this semester.
well i will cross my fingers and toes cute gl ..

as i struggled hard in my pharmocolgy course barley passed the class .
I know my GPA is raised because I know I have 1 A 1 B and either an A or B not sure and I wish my teacher would get off his ass and post the grades already. I am going crazy not knowing.
okay so I was looking at my degree audit and have like three different GPAs. So I shall use the most impressive on which is a 3.31.
*stares at his laptop*

I think something was loose...

I hope something was loose...

If not then I am playing with fire every time I do anything on it...
I Was Board And I al ways Wanted to Play with you And Stuff And as For The nekid stuff I think you look Good Nude
yes you are I noticed Well Rember ANtthing is Posible her in the pit. * Smiles His Charming Smerk * any Way So WHats up Bonita

* Points off to the left * Look a distraction

* When You Look I Grab youAnd Lay a deep kiss on you*
Just posting to my stories

*gets easily distracted and looks*

*Returning the kiss. My hands start to explore your body*
* Brakes the Kiss * Sary WHere Were we Bonita .
* I ask as My hand finds its way to you breast Adn i start fondleing yout Nipples*