The Pillow Pit. (Semi-OOC flirt thread.)

Vixandra said:
In accordance with the proficy, yes, yes it should.
What prophecy?!

Dammit to hades, the only Prophecy I know of is that Cats and I would set the world ablaze due to our constant battling, and even that has yet occurred!
because when it came to the "ablaze" part Arc would smack the both of you?
its likely that she would... she has this thing about the world being kept sorta kinda like it is with only minor changes maybe... but ablaze.. well that wouldnt qualify as minor by most people's definitions...
It would be minor to alpha centari.

Also arc isn't around o stop use at the moment. However I'm out of shape right now, so give me a couple months with Wii sports and I'll get right onto this setting the world ablaze.

Also I think she said proficiency.
arc isn't around eh? don't tell me i have to step out of some kind of rediculous "retirement" kind of thing?
Your more then welcome to beat on Hy while I work on returning to fighting form.
cats said:
Your more then welcome to beat on Hy while I work on returning to fighting form.
Who the hell said I was in shape? I'm still in bandages from the last "Wrath of Arc!"
Now I didn't say you were in shape I simply implied it in what I said.
So it has been 3 years, 3 months, and 20 some days. So I think we have had plenty of time to form our opinions on the mater. So that being the case we should begin our voting. What type of pillow do you like best?

My first choice in my experiences here is that I like the pillows arc isn't using to injure me best. After that I prefer the classic cotton filled kind in a classic cotton sheet as it provides enough fluff to be quiet enjoyable at least for a few days, which brings me to second point. Sense we tend to flood, ignite, sling mud, and make copious amounts of explosions both arcane and mundane which is why these cotton pillows are destroyed before they lose their fluff, the simple cotton pillow is by far the easiest to replace.
hmm good point cats. maybe we should develop some sort of flame retardant, kevlar pillow?
And here I thought these pillows were magically protected.

Feathered pillows make me itch, and I hate when they poke out. Cotton, much prefer cotton.
But the we would have to redo the budget to fund research in the field of pillows. Where is that mony comin from, the snowball machine replacent fund, the kavinball field maintence? We need these random things down here and you know it.
cats said:
But the we would have to redo the budget to fund research in the field of pillows. Where is that mony comin from, the snowball machine replacent fund, the kavinball field maintence? We need these random things down here and you know it.
Not to mention the much needed funds for summoning portals, clean ups, and all around repairs. (Cats and I have done a nasty number to this place, haven't we?)

We barely played Calvinball here, so we might be able to drop that, but how much dough are we gonna milk out of that?
I highly doubt there's anything simpler than saying "easier said than done."