The Seven Keys.


Yrismirs chanting died on his lips after the Holy Spell was released. While Goven used most of it for his own goals, an even greater wizard on the field used it for his own. Yrismirs spell, which, it seems, didn't do shit, was absorbed as the Holy Spell broke through the Ward.

Yrismir turned towards his staff, as the first of the lighter wood pulled free of the dark heart, like a flower blooming. But footsteps warded him, and he turned, bringing his sword around to meet the steel the dark wizard attacked him with.

"Stop! We haven't the time, he's loose! Loose again, don't you see? He'll kill us all!"

Wood peeled back, and the dark heart began to beat. At first erratic, fast, it began to calm now to the rythym it had held in life. But blood was not pumped by it. Instead, it pumped dark magic into the air. Magic tainted with blood and death.

And from the heart began the growth, vines dark and covered in thorns, wrapping themselves around the staff, pulling it from the last remnant of the cage to the fertile earth below, where roots buried themselves, and evil began to grow.

Yrismir fended off Goven's attack, no longer worried about the wizard, the sword, or the Race, but the demons coming forth. Demons from his past. Demons he never should have toyed with...
Goven rushed his first attack, too confident of its release. The wizard seemed to be involved in his own problems. It was too good to be true, another clever shot and...

But, Goven already felt it. The heart, bleeding, beating its rampant blood into the ground. Already, Goven could feel it, like a bad taste in his mouth, acidy and sour.

This battle had all of a sudden become a war. What had happened? What caused this? He could feel the staff, its darkened powers, similar to Goven's own, which wast ready for battle... but this dark magic didn't come from tainted wood. Rather, it came from something tainted that was trapped inside the wood.

For some reason, it had gotten out though.

"I can't help you with those infernal elves still shooting arrows at me," Goven said, close to the other wizard, but the sword now at his side, loyal at least for a moment to the wizard.

"Stop!! Stop now! Nexus, if you owe me anything, stop the rest of us. There are worse things out tonight than you or I..."

He shook his head, "How do we stop it?" The moment of clarity within the holy healing he'd used still lingered. He could, for the moment, concentrate hard enough to know what to do, to find out his true calling. It was fading fast. Ten minutes, maybe less, and he'd be useless to even his own group, but for now he could be counted on...

For now, the line of good and evil blended... just a little...

I watched my dragon be brushed away like so much soot and knew I was in trouble.
The kind of trouble that was probably going to kill me.
Then the fighting stopped, the dark sword weilder yelling for quiet and Yris looking afraid for the first time this eve.
I shot a glance at what they were staring at and couldn't help but do the same.
A monster was creating itself, pulling and pushing magic around, weaving a body the likes of which I have yet to find words for.
Still, despite the fear that shot through me and the despair it caused by its presence, I worked my way to stand behind Yris.
"If I hadn't said it before, I'll say it now. You're stuck with me for a while now, Yrismir! Means I won't leave you to fight this... thing alone. What the hell is it anyway? And better, how do we contain it or destroy it?"

Yrismir nodd3ed once at the Dark Wizard. He'd need the help. He turned, looking at the others. "Containing it isn't an option anymore! We don't have time to rebuild the Ward. You wouldn't happen to know the rituals to sacrifice a soul to the dark Gods?"

He looked at the wizard, and glanced back towards the writhing mass of vines. He grunted, and rushed forward, a vine shooting forward as he closed in. He brought his sword around, cutting it off, slicing off more as they grew and shot towards him.

"We have to stop it's growth! It's weak now, because it's growing it's body! Once that's done, we may not be a match for it anymore!"

Tildiir nodded his head towards his younger sister Liliana and she tilited her head to let him know she understood .. slipping out she ran through the hallways and looked around... suddenly from one of the guest rooms she heard a growl and felt a surge of magic slip by ..tracking it she reached a door and realized that it was comming from there..

She noticed the door was warded and realized that it must be to prtect something that was within.. knowing that it was good she knew the ward would not hurt her becuase she had no intention of hurting anyone in there .. she closed her eyes and slipped through the doorway ..

inside she saw her newly knighted friend Ramas paste-like skin and knew that something was not right here

in front of her she noticed that the was a small looking human child that looked ready to kill her .. slowly but sure she spoke in common

"Child I am here to help Ramas.. will you let me help him??" she impressed the urgency into the childs mind and slowly nodded.

Liliana went towards the bed closed her eyes and slipped her hand underneath her dress where the gloden necklace locket the GOddess Lorea Ana 's symbol lay then serached the body learning what it was that effected Ramas, she casted a few spells which took a few moments to set off.. after about minute or so .. slowly she waited for her results..


Ellie looked around and immidiately noticed things were on high alert knowing full well that her friend were MIA she knew they were probably doing somehting much more fun then what was going on right here ..

quickly she slipped through the crowd and ran for the nearest window when she noticed the chaos in the front courtyard.. where she spotted her friends with her keen elvin eyes.. quickly she realized they would need her help ..

she saw that something live was growing from Yrismir and she knew immidiately that it was something made of plants and it wasnt something that they wanted to grow..

smiling she knew a few spells that might put that staunch its growth .. she casted a spell and immidiately she the vines around the burnt gated courtyard grew to form iron like throned vines closing the gate fromt eh courtyard.. if it was going anywhere . it wasnt leaving from their castle...

she then summoned a few sevants and called for the druidic coucil of her mother circle calling them fourth to the courtyard.. as she headed down the stairs towards the courtyard .. only to bump into trianna on her way out.
Nexus completely confused by goven's actions had no idea what he wanted her to do .. was he switching sides on them ... was the sword effecting his evil side ... she stayed in defense of him.. and didnt know whether to help him or stop him


Snider looked down at Cecilia and smiled this girl was becomming more and more of an asset to have around.. " I believe we should wait to see how this turns out .. so that we may report back to those .. we work ofro hmm.." he slipped his fingers under her chin and forced her to look into his eyes.. he smiled cruely .. "I think perhaps .. we may need to retire soon though... after the meyuham is over ofcourse.. "
I could feel the color rush back into my face. My circulation felt cleaner and the fire in my blood was almost immediately snuffed out. I felt my strength building up in me to an almost I felt like I was being refreshed. I opened my eyes and the world was clear.

It took me a moment to focus on Lily. I smiled widely at my old friend.

"Thank you, Lil. I owe you." I grasped my sword and looked to Tana. "Stay here with Lily and Growls. I'll be back as soon as whatever is happening outside is over with. Lily," I looked at my friend, "please do not let anything happen to Tana."

I bolted from the room back towards my quarters. I was not going into battle unarmored. I slid to a halt in front of my door and nearly took it off it's hinges with the force I opened it. I began to suit up, breast plate followed by leggings then boots and gauntlets. Finally, I put my helmet on last. It felt good to have my armor on again. Someone was going to get a good thumping.

I sincerely hoped that it would be Snider.

I walked out of my room with a purpose. I took the quickest route I could to the courtyard. I appeared at the top of the stairs and saw Trianna standing near a group of archers.

"Trianna, what's the situation?"

Trianna didn't move, didn't respond to either of them. She had watched in horror as the evil being in the courtyard had begun forming, helplessness now washing over her. Her arrows would do nothing against it and so she turned to the only other recourse she had.

As a ranger, she had spent days in the forest and, when not hunting or tracking, she had as all children of the forest did communed with nature and the gods.

Now she called upon them in the only way she knew how. Her voice low at first, it built in pitch and urgency as she called out to the gods and those of the forest for help.

The music swirled around her and a wind seemed to build around her as she put out her call. From the distance, she could hear howling that was answered down the hallway by Growls. The air crackled with the magic of the elvin lands and her song became almost tangible.

The skies filled with a dark beating of wings as birds began to gather, dust rose on the outskirts of the city as wolves, foxes and other forest creatures answered the call.

Her mind pounded with the effort to hold communication with so many at once, something she had never tried to do before.

As the creatures gathered, she heard herself say in a slow, thick voice, "They will help as they can....they await only the signal to do so..."

Bad guys flipping sides, giant evil plant demons being born and elves singing power into being- yeah, normal day for me. Yup.... and I know the man in the moon too, honesty.

I pushed the flippitant thought away from me- now was neither the time nor the place for such silliness.
"Yris- I don't think we're going to sacrafice a soul for that thing," I said, shaking my head. "And I personally am fresh out of spares. Looks like that lady over there is calling up something to help- its immobile... May the Rouge protect us all, its bigger!"
I stared at the monster and did the only thing I could really- I sent a burst of flame at it. Plants don't like flame, right?

Yrismir doged the vines as they whipped out at him, cutting through as many of them as he could. He didn't turn at Cali's yell.

"No, we have to Sacrifice it's soul! It escaped from Hell. It has to be sent back by magic, because it's not really alive, it's just tied to what was once it's body! If we destroy it all, it will be free to roam the world! I tried containing it because I didn't know how to sacrifice it to the Dark Gods. If one of them knows we can do that inste-GAHHH!"

His blade cut through the vine which had wrapped around his leg, thorns digging in. He moved back, prying it off his flesh before growling and jumping back into the fray.
"It'd take some time," Goven shook his head, trying to concentrate on the ancient tomes he had read. This was getting ino bad magic, really bad magic. The very same kind of magic that made people who knew how to cast holy so important in this day and age.
But, he couldn't. His mind was already degrading. He could feel the voices creeping back. Somehow, this monster had come to help him... help him escape. He turned, seeing the gate now completely wide open, the fire now only charring bits and pieces that had fallen to the ground.
Escape was but a sprint away. They were all busy, he could just leave.
He couldn't! He shook his head, still trying to keep clear. He had to do something. Ony giving a sidewards glance to his friends, Goven knew only one thing he could do to save them all.
"My contact expires with this one choice..."
God, why must he be the one? If Nexus had the sword, if she had the choice, he'd imagine there wouldn't be this much of a problem.
Goven kneeled before Cali. He could feel she was the one, her blood called out to the sword. He closed around the blade, uttering a small incantation.
Very small, almost non existant. Something to save his own soul once this was over. It was not a gift... it was a trade. She had to know that, she had to accept that.
"It's a trade," He spoke, as he held out the sword to her, "Don't think. We don't have time for you to think. Take the sword. I can only weild the blade, but you can weild the magic inside. That'll be enough to slow this thing down long enough for me to cast the spell. I can't cast it holding this thing... I can't even walk straight. The jewelry box is pausing inside... she doesn't even have the mushrooms."
Goven shook his head once more, harder than ever. It was closing, the window in hismind was closing. Already he could feel himself pulling back.
"Please," He said, under great strain, a vine coming up and wrapping around his leg, "Please..."
A battle to the death. That is what usually took place if a dwarf and an ogre ever meet each other. Whatever brings them there is irrellevant. Dwarves will even go so far as to break oaths, something unheard of in their culture. A dwarf will kill himself for even the simplest of oaths, but for an ogre, for a chance at destiny...
There is only one.
The ogre was beating him down, hard. Only the dwarven armor protecting him was keeping him alive. Anyone else in this fight would have long been dead.
The ogre himself had a huge gash in his side, the magical armor doing what it could, but even that is so much. Dwarves are stout, storng, resiliant and reliable.
They only stopped once in their fight till the death. Each of them lowering their weapons, looking at the huge monster in the courtyard. The bad guys and good turned on it together, struggling for survival at this point.
They stopped, staring for only a moment, before picking up their weapons and once again trying to defeat one another.
The battle raged on as the flames crept higher into the night.

"Well, in for a penny in for a pound," I said and wrapped my hand around the proffered sword.
It felt light lightning zinged through me, making me shudder and gasp, eyes growing wide. Something snapped, clicked, and aligiened with the sword as I settled it into my left hand, giving my own sword to the black mage.
"I did offer such a trade earlier," I said, voice more matter of fact then anything. I waved off any response. "Get working on that spell- I imagine this is going to hurt like heck."
With those prophetic words, I launched into the fray, taking a side opposit of Yris. That was the easy part- there was more then enough of the thing to go around.
The hard part was dodging vines and thorns while flaring through them with the sword, flames licking up the vines to the base of the thing as I went.
Didn't feel like I was making much head way though. For every two vines I severed it seemed three grew out, but at least it was growing slower for our efforts. Power seemed to flow from me to the sword and back again without concious thought on my part.
It was like an extension of myself, tapping that same magic my fire whip used. Was really no surprise to me that its manifistation was flames as well- it was the element I was most used to working with.
It was apparent that no one was really going to fill me in on the situation. Not that a quick survey of the courtyard didn't tell the whole story anyway. What had been good vs evil round two had become good and evil vs more dangerous evil. Fantastic.

There was no doubt in my mind what needed to be done. I rushed past Trianna and Ellie and joined in the fray near Yrismir, slashing vines as they lashed out at me.

"C'mon, is that all you got?" I screamed at the.....uh......thing.

"Now," Trianna said in a hoarse voice and the denizens of the forest joined the attack. A wave of sadness washed over her as her forest friends attacked, were repelled, their screetching and yelping cutting through the air. She hated that they were being hurt but she knew that that thing had to be kept busy while the casters did their jobs or there would be no hope.

"The Gods smile upon your sacrifice this day," She whispered as she fought to hold her connection with so many of them,"Your places in the heavens are assured."
Micaelae,AMbrasia,and Lucia

"Well..this is interesting..I guess we should help too(though why we should I don't know."he muttered quietly under his words.)"He shook his arms outwards,the Ward enough to slow his castings but not stop him.Oh no not him."Lucia...Ambrasia?give me a boost if you can"The two women glared daggers at each other before Lucia calmly placed her hand on Micaelae's shoulder,pouring power into him as she looked for her sister,eyes narrowing as her tart of a twin fawned over that disgusting Snider.Ugh!

Micaelae sighed as the two lended him strength."This should slow it"He yelled around teh rising noise and clamor,his ruined,bone arm clacking and crackling with energy as he pointed it at the monster,Huge swathes of the vines starting to wilt and blacken,looking burned and dead before dissolving,his hand palm-out towards the thing, pouring out energy against the creature,and although he doesnt gain much ground the plant...whatever it was couldn't advance as much.

Ambrasia and Lucia slumped as the outpour continued,the two wailing as they were drained,their wells of power dropping to almost nothing at an astonishing rate.Ambrasia's scandolous dress drooped and became a dusty,well-used black dress of what might have been a lovely outfit years ago.Her body became a bit felshier,wrinkles forming along her hands and eyes.Lucia's black cloak dropped away,revealing a simple brown dress.Micaelae's cloak,it turned out,was as real and black as ever,though all teh illusion dropped,his one side normal and perfect,ending in razor-straight line that turned into a nightmare,the other half ruined,nothing but rot and bone.

Micaelae shook off the two,who slumped to teh ground,gasping as he strode forward,his arm still sheathed in energy,which grew into a long scythe-like shape,flicking it back and forth.


Cecilia gave a cooing,dissapointed sigh,fluttering her eyes just enough to appear flirtatuous."Of course my Lord"she murmered somberly."I just hope it is soon"she giggled and shamelessly leaned into his form,the vines hitting her sphere and cringing,the tips seared.She waved a hand dismissivly,the few vines hanging close by catching fire and burning away."I hope My Lord will enjoy my.....usefullness"she said seductivly,her voice husky,sensual as she traced his arm and hand as it cupped her chin.
Yrismir and the Evil Plant-Demon-Mage-Thing-From-Hell

Too many attackers were moving in on the still weakened form the Mage had to take on before reforming a body. The vines fell, cut aside, and lay dead on the ground. Finally, deciding that the original tactic was not working, teh vines folded in on themselves, forming a ball of hard wood about the size of a man's torso, gathering strength to push itself larger.

Yrismir grated his teeth, and nearly fell as he tried to put wait on an injured leg. He yelled in rage, and thrust his sword home. His sword would dull too much hacking at the ball like he was trying to cut down a tree.

He turned, and limped back to where his staff was. ripping it from where it stood, he began chanting, gathering all his power together. They had to break through the shell before it gathered enough power and mass to recreate its body...

The headache was growing as she held the contact with the animals but she knew they could not do anything good at this point.

"Retreat..." She said, her voice a harsh whisper and she called out further, forcing herself to concentrate, and her call was answered even as the birds and wildlife backed off, limping and pulling their injured from the scene.

Moments passed and seemed to grow into hours before she heard the sounds of the next wave of her forest friends.

From all over they came, scurrying on short legs, long teeth chittering as they swarmed over the bark-like figure, biting into it and gnawing away.

Beavers, the builders and loggers of the forest, attacked the wood, splintering it until their jaws ached, then fell back for more of their sisters, brothers and cousins to continue the attack.

I looked at the manshaped tree thing and sighed. Wasn't doing much good.
So, revision of tactics.
Yris looked to be doing a spell of some sort, probably important. Being the smart thing that I am, I moved to guard him, keeping the plant thing from breaking his concentration, but barely.
I'd have scars from this night if I didn't find a healer...
Goven moved back, retreating in slow steps, feeling the true power of this beast. Energy so raw and spiteful, it made his own power feel like sparks in the twilight.
Holding out his hand, Goven called for staff. He let the fingers trickle with aniticipation, wanting the feel of oddly slicked and polished wood. It came to him, wandering from its dark seclusion, eager to join in this fight, ready for the touch of brilliance.
It was complete. The staff had been born.
Dark matter began to form in a mist around Goven. As he spoke, a dark and formidable language learned of long ago deep within the caves of the Boolar mountains. Ancient tongues of a race long since died out, in tune with the magic of old, the true magic, elemental energies and pure willed spells.
His pupils turned black, losing their essense of humanity. He flew up into the swirling mist, always speaking the words, always letting the energy compound around him.
He'd need something to catalyst. Something strong.
A bear. One caught his eye all too well. He called it forward, pushed it to him. It came with little resistance. Part of the animal line stopped to make way for his coming, barring through them. He commended their little souls, but it was nothing more than a pathetic attempt at a distraction.
A prelude to the inevitable.
The bear came towards him, growling, screaming, ready for death. Goven dropped to the ground, his own dagger out, just as eager to meet the bear's gaze. He struck his blade deep, cutting across the chest, and letting all too warm blood spill the ground. It pooled in a circle at Goven's feet.
The black mist started forming shapes. Weird liquidy shapes floating around him, growing and pulsing together. They hummed an incantation similar to Goven's own.
Reaching into the still living creature's chest, Goven pulled out his heart in one solid yank. The bear dropped to the ground, its heart beating once... twice... and then stopping.
Goven walked towards the monster, towards destiny.
As he did, the forms of black swirled faster and faster, spinning together, ramming into each other, moving down towards the heart, into it... making it grow black. It began to beat again, unnaturally, grow in strength, pulsate with a sickening joy.
He pointed to the monster.
"It needs to consume the heart," He said, looking at the shell. The heart in his hand writhed, pushing toward the vines wrapping in on themselves.
"Open up part of the shell, send this through it. It needs to eat the heart."

Trianna could feel the tears stain her face as her large forest friend sacrificed himself for the good of the land. She could feel his death, the pain of the dagger biting into his chest and she reeled from it, clutching at the window ledge as she forced herself to breath even as she felt the life draining from the bear.

The force of his death combined with her effort in communicating with all of the animals made her knees buckle and she fell heavily onto them, darkness threatening at the edge of her vision.

Fighting it back, she knew she had to stay conscious until the beast was beaten.

"Fall...back," she croaked out to the animals,"" Gasping, her knuckles white against the cool stone, she let out a whimper as she tried to shake off the blackness threatening to engulf her.

Yrismir, Steadied himself. He had to open up the shell, huh? IUt would be too hard to crack it, against it's will. He ran forward, summoning all the strength he had, a spell pitiful and small compared to the magic flying around.

It was a weakened form of the ward. It would never work, especially not now, but it could do something. He thrust it against the wood, as close as he dared bew to the dark wizard.

A roaor burst through the night, and vines broke loose from where they had bee protecting the core, wrapping themselves around yrismir, thorns diiging deep into his arm and legs, his side and his back.

He screamed in pain as the vines tried to drag him into the opening they now longer protected, to drag him in and use him to help rebuild its body. To get revenge.

"NOW! Do it-Arrragghhh!"

Swapping hands with the sword, I pulled out my whip and wrapped it around Yris.
Instead of being burned by flames though, I was able to use the flames to chase away the vines near where the whip was wrapped about his hips.
I gave a tug, putting my weight into it, moving him away from the crack in the things armor.
Got me some more thorn smacks and something else that stung like all hell but I kept it up. No one in my party was getting absorbed into the killer plant thingy from hell. Nope, not on my watch.
Especially not someone who understood me....
It seemed all too easy after that. No one could really see the true power being dealt in all of this. The spells it needed to cast, the shadow it left upon all of those involved, willingly or not.

Such a dangerous and demanding threat involved in so little and tame an action. Goven threw it in like some sort of softball, an easy throw. It was caught by several vines. The thing knew what was happening, it tried to fend off the spell.

"Too late, my friend."

The final word spoken. Evil incarnate properly drawn and quartered. Goven felt the earth shake under him as he spoke. It trembled inside him, as well as out. Around the entire world, a hush came over, whispering the demented deaths of a thousand children.

And, in the end, nothing was left. Dust came out, leaving nothing more than charred marsk of before. All magic nullified. The holy guard, the flames, the protection, the animals. It all came crashing down, like some ellaborate circus tent.

Goven stood there, smiling, standing tall and proud. He had done it. They all had done it. Hadn't they? Yes, each one...
But, as he looked around, Goven could not see one of his own there. His group was hanging in the back, near the shadows, keeping their distance.

Goven was the only one up here, with the good guys, holding on for dear life. He looked at those around him in disbelief and disappointment. Is that where he belonged, in the shadows? Dealing with everything from a distance?

He could see why people became the hero. This moment, right here... knowing that no matter what their past looked like, tonight, this night, they had done something good. It crossed out an entire lifetime of evil.

Nullified it.

Goven lowered his head. The new staff, which he put so much time and effort in, held loosely in his hand, like some stupid walking stick.

"I wish," He said, walking back, "I wish for once I could be the good guy."

The gate had long since been burned down. And he doubted anyone would particularly want to stop him now. He walked out of the elvin kingdom, without so much as a second glance back.

"Just once..."

The animals sat in a ring around the scene, their dead and dying pulled away to be taken elsewhere and buried later on. For this moment they were in a truce...for this moment the world around them had needed their services. Later the food chain would be restored, until then prey and preditor stood waiting for Trianna's word to leave.

The animals heard Goven's last words, though...and those thoughts were relayed to Trianna in an echo that pounded against her skull as the darkness threatened her vision.

"Bring...him..." She whispered as she sank to the floor of the castle,"The Gods have is their will..."

A large wolf, smaller than Growls but not by much, lept from the animals around them and latched onto Goven's robes, tugging him back toward Yris and Cali, his strength halting and then dragging the elvin man backward.

Trianna hoped the mage would understand what the wolf was trying to do. She did not want her friend to get hurt. But her vision was going and there was a ringing in her ears and she doubted that she would be conscious enough to clarify.

With that last thought, the darkness took her and she fell back, her head lolling against the cool stone of the wall, the pounding in her head soothed, if just for a moment.