The Song of Swords

'A woman'


Morn knelt, his hand on the leather-wrapped hilt of his sword, and stared into the face of the woman who had so suddenly fell into their midst.

Blue eyes flickered open and returned his scrutiny
Bryant appraised the woman as he looked her up and down slowly, seeing if she might be armed. He decided to hold his tongue and wait to see what would happen.

OOC: Well, yeah, I reckon we should continue...

IC: Darios grinned to himself.
"Oh, do not fear. He is dead."
Years of experience with the staff had tought him the damage such a simple weapon could do. Especially the metal ends.
As the group once more began their ride, Darios thought deeply about the image he had seen. He pondered telling the others... but, for now, he would keep it a secret from them. Especially from Mirshann: if Darios' fears were right, one of those men had been her father...

OOC: Alrighty.

IC: A slight smirk escaped Elik's lips as he turned his horse back towards the path. Contemplating the events, he wondered why gnolls were out so far this way. They generally stuck close to caves and caverns, unless they were hired. With that he spurred his mount forward at a canter. Noticing the sun begining to fade, Elik turned in his saddle towards Darios. "We should set up camp soon. We are losing the light," he suggested softly.
OOC: Sorry... been busy past couple days....

IC: I watch Darios sneak off to investigate the creatures. I wait quietly, listening and mindlessly stroking Velkryn's neck. I follow Elik closer as he tells me the spell has worn off. "Uh oh." I think to myself as I hear the angry sounds of the gnolls.

I tighten my grip on Velkryn and brace myself for what may come.

I looked up myself at the fading light.
"Indeed, it is getting late. But I would like to get as far away from our little... encounter... with those gnolls as we can, before they come back with their buddies. Come, let's pick up the pace a bit. We have perhaps half an hour before it becomes too dark to ride." With that, Darios urged Whitefire into a gentle canter.

Nodding his agreement with Darios's statement, Elik spurred his mount on. Digging around in his bag, Elik pulled out a piece of jerky to munch on. Turning to Darios Elik extended his hand, "Want some," he asked?
Darios shook his head.
"No, mage. But I thank you for the offer." after that said, Darios once more lapsed into silence, thoughtfully brooding.

Shrugging his shoulders slowly, Elik retracted his arm and continued to munch on his stick of jerky. Making loud smacking noises with his mouth, he tried to dislodge a pice of the jerky from his teeth. After having finished the stick, he reached down and pulled out a book. Thinking to himself for a moment, Elik started to scribble in it. His lips mouthed the words as he wrote.
The next few moments pass by in a blur. I see a gnoll get fried by a lightning blast and another have its head cracked open in a single blow. Velkryn's steadyness reassured me.

Velkryn needs no urging as Darios puts Whitefire into a canter. He easily moves into a gentle canter behind them, giving me time to contemplate what just happened.
I replay the events several times in my head. Velkryn's steady pace helps me to relax a bit. I urge him to move faster and catch up Elik's horse.

I turn to him.
"Excuse me." I say quietly, not sure if I should interrupt, "may I ask a question?"

Elik turns his head slowly to regard the woman. "What may I do for you?" he asks. His eyebrow furrows in curiosity as to what the warriors reactions of Mirshann's assertiveness will be. Looking directly at the lady, he waits silently.
"Well," I say carefully, "I've never really met a mage nor have I seen real magic either. I've only seen the illusions of the occasional entertainer at some of my father's balls. Can you tell me about being a mage?"

I look ahead for a moment and watch the sky darken.

"Excuse my curiosity. I was only taught was deemed "lady-like" and "fit for a Princess." Riding horses was not part of those lessons. I taught myself and then convinced my father to let me keep Velkryn. I was the only one who could ride him." I smile at the thought of seeing all the stable hands try to ride him unsuccessfully.

Chuckling softly, Elik nodded his agreement. "You do seem to carry yourself quite well, when the need arises," he let his thought trail off. "A mage.....well where to begin? Being a mage is very intriguing but it has it's drawbacks. As you saw with my spell granting your request. Some spells being more potent than others can weaken a man. It is generally hard to find mages willing to discuss sorcery, and alchemy. I will enlighten you though as to pass the time more quickly. Being a magic user requires a lot of skill, and intelligence. Knowing what to cast, and when, or if anything at all. It has it's payoffs and it's sorrows. It is a big mystery, the art of sorcery," Elik said softly.

(ooc: Still here guys, just wondering where my partners got to)

Bryant holds his sword out and lets Morn take control of the situation. He lets his gaze sweep around the surrounding forest to guard against being surprised again. Things just keep getting stranger...

"Oh well," he thought. "Nothing we can't handle!"

His eyes glance from Morn to the woman, to the forest, looking in between the trees for any signs of movement.
"That is very interesting. I would love to hear more." I say softly, lightly musing, "Would a normal person be able to cast simple magic's? I'm willing to learn."

I look at the sky, then turn back to Elik.

"It's really getting dark. I wonder if Darios plans to make camp anytime soon. I'm a bit hungry."

"I am not sure that there is really much more to tell you," Elik replied. "It takes years to learn the basics of sorcery. You cannot expect to learn a spell or two here and there overnight. One spell alone would take weeks, and that's only after you've learned how to cast spells," Elik said slightly amused. Nodding his agreement about the loss of light and hunger, Elik addresses Darios. "Dar...errr warrior, we need to stop soon. There is not much more we can do this night," Elik says in an attempt to cover up his slip of the tongue.

"It's Darios, get it right." Darios said, his eyes narrowing. Elik had had his chance to get the princess, however, and he hadn't taken it... maybe he was on their side. For now.
"But, I guess you're right. We have probably put enough distance between us and them now. There, that looks like a good spot." Darios said, waving a hand at a nearby clearing, only ten or so metres from the path. Soon the three travellers had dismounted, and Darios rummaged among his belongings.
"Luckily for you, milady," he said, turning to Mirshann, "You can have my bed roll. I'm sure the mage can conjure up something for himself." Darios said, adding a slight edge to his voice for the last sentence.
When Mirshann questioned what he would use, Darios shook his head. "Nay, milady, I need no rest. I will keep watch tonight. Plus I need to keep an eye on our little friend here." he replied, shooting a piercing gaze at Elik.
"Now, if you don't mind, mage, do you think you could give us some fire? I have some rations, but they are better cooked." Darios said with a wry grin.

Elik snorted at the mere idea of conjuring a fire, when anyone could make one the normal way. "Darios, I am sure you are aware of the simplicity of fire making. Maybe you could start one while I busy myself securing our spot," Elik suggested. With that, Elik began chanting in the arcane language, his hands moving in front of him methodically. After what seemed like a few minutes of nonsense, a golem began to materialize not 2 feet from him. Once the creature had fully entered the prime material plane, Elik began to speak in another language. The golem responded to him in the same language. To any schooled individual, they would know that Elik was speaking the golem language. Although nobody could make out what was being discussed, if you watched the body movements of Elik, you could get the gist of the conversation. Elik had pointed around the camp site, and the golem had nodded. With that the golem took his place about 10 feet from the center of the group, and began his duty, watching.

Elik smiled wistfully and turned to Darios. "Now you can sleep too if you prefer," he said flatly. Scratching his chin, Elik was contemplating what he'd do for sleeping arrangements.
(OOC: sorry, Dragoon, I AM actually around, but the next call for our group has to be Siren's. She's prolly having more comp problems. Ah well... :)

Oh yes and; as nicely as possible, BlkPnthr, isn't Elik just a tad over-powered for a low-magic setting? I mean, summoning golems out of thin air and so on... oh well, I guess it's up to you)
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Lethe said:
(OOC: sorry, Dragoon, I AM actually around, but the next call for our group has to be Siren's. She's prolly having more comp problems. Ah well... :)

Oh yes and; as nicely as possible, isn't Elik just a tad over-powered for a low-magic setting? I mean, summoning golems out of thin air and so on... oh well, I guess it's up to you)
OOC: I don't recall there being a requirement of low magic
BlkPnthr said:
OOC: I don't recall there being a requirement of low magic

OOC: To BlkPnthr: There was an OOC thread for Song of Swords before the official one started. Since you jumped into this one without creating a bio in the other, I'm assuming you didn't read the setup.

To Dark Warrior: I still intend to join the thread. I'm just waiting for the right time to jump in. Maybe when you reach a town or get into trouble again.
Sephiroth said:

OOC: To BlkPnthr: There was an OOC thread for Song of Swords before the official one started. Since you jumped into this one without creating a bio in the other, I'm assuming you didn't read the setup.

To Dark Warrior: I still intend to join the thread. I'm just waiting for the right time to jump in. Maybe when you reach a town or get into trouble again.
OOC: Ahhh....where would I find the thread? Or can you tell me the level requirements?
OOC: Lethe was right it was more comp problems.. peice of S***... anyway I'm back once more :) sorry!

IC: Illynya blinked up at the man then stood up quickly nervously brushing herself off. She was about to take off running when she felt a shoot pain up her leg and fell once more. Damn it! all she needed was an injured leg. Forcing a smile to her lips she tried to be a smooth as possible considering her predicament. "Um hi, I'm Illynya and you are?"

Hey, guys.

I just started reading your thread yesterday, and I just finished it, so I'd like to first say that I wish I could have joined earlier. However, I only found out about this forum in the past 4 days, so I am forced to post my character bio late in the story. Don't worry... if I am accepted, I will wait to introduce my character at a suitable point in the plot. Anyway, here's the bio...

Name: Hikage
Age: 24
Height: 5'8"
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Build: slight, but toned
Occupation: Rogue
Weapons: Stilleto, throwing knives, sneaky tricks

If you want anymore info, just ask. But I think it might be just as well to let my character develop along the way.
Keep up the good work! :)