the sorceror's staff


The wizard sat back, closing his eyes. "When we get to the town at the base of the mountain, wake me. Be on guard, we'll be entering goblin country shortly."

Already up the road, several short goblins were hurridly planning an ambush...

as i walk the road i hear voices and pull my battle ax out.AS soon as i did they attacked.9-10 goblins surounded us."What an ugly bunch you are."I said as i charged swinging my battle ax behead two or three

Extremely angered at the death of their companions, the remaining goblins, three feet tall ugly green men with loong, hooked noses brandished their battle axes, daggers, short swords, and yes, a magical warhammer.

They sneered, all eight of them. Then, they jumped. Goblins, as short and ugly as they are, have one good quality. Jumping. Nearly twelve feet straight up, they fell towards their agressor as they swug their weapons around in an arc.

Just before they kill him (and yes, they would have), a large troll saunters into the area, and slams a hammer into them at a sideways angle. The trool, a nine foot blue monstrosity that resembled the goblins, but was far uglier, started trekking along down the road they were on, motioning for them to follow.

Trolls weren't exactly allies of humans, or their humanoid allies, but they were enemies of goblins and orcs. The latter two were allies, and greatly hated and feared trolls. Trolls usually attacked goblins when they were found, and would give humans, or any humanoids, passage through their country, just to annoy the creatures.

As uwe follow the troll i notice that the goblins that surrvived are following at a safe distanc."what a day" i said as i put my axe away.
OOC: Please try not to play my character and make thread altering decisions for her.. thanks

IC: Lalita followed the two curious about what this was all about. She didn't know why she followed them. Probably because she had no where else to go. Sighing softly she continued down the road.

ooc:Sorry will change thread to accomidate what you wanted your charecter to do.E-mail me to tell me what you want.

OOC: no problem:)

ic:" Well we made it.amazingly enough.Thanks to that troll.Now what"i asked the wizard." cause we're like here" i said waiting for him to reply
The Wizard

He opened an eye, grunted, and looked around before yawning. Slowly opening his mouth, he answered groggily, "Okay, go up the mountian. At some point, you'll find cave that leads through the mountain to a small valley. The largest tree in the valley grows up from the top of a boulder. There's a small hole in the rock, inside which is scroll which you shouldn't read."

He yawned again. "The tree is guarded by a manticore. An extremely intelligent and bad-tempered manticore. According to legend it'll ask you seven riddles, and if you solve them, it'll give you passage through the valley. But no one's ever done it before, so who knows? I'll be in the tavern. You have two days before I leave. Bye now."

He nudged the horse, and went off to the tavern, completely ignoring their surprised looks.

The Manticore

Another day, another sucker. Today's had been an elderly clerk who'd made it all the way to the third riddle before being devoured. He yawned, and layed down, blocking the end of the tunnel.

OOC:nice touch!

ic: well i better go find the manticore and atleast try to answer these riddles sorian told me about.' i thought as i walked twoard where the manticore was supposed to be.

" WHO'S THERE" yelled what could only be the manticore.
"I am guildor from the dwarf village.i've come to retrive a scroll." i said trying not to let my fear show.."then you must answer my riddles or die."it said "fine"
OOC: I am part of to many threads at the moment.. I must leave.. I am sorry if I get time I will join again.. until then :)
The Manticore

It lifted itself up, and the light shown on its body. It was a large, steel-grey lion with a human face peeking out of the mane, a large scorpion tail. It yawned, showing long sharp fangs.

"For your first riddle, What creature has four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening??"

OOC: ou that one hurts but i think i've got it

IC: " Well, four legs in the morning is a man in bed. Two legs in the afternoon is a man walking and three legs in the evening is a man sitting on a three legged stool. Atleast i hope that's what it is."
The Manticore

The large creature yawned, and peered at the creature that was before him. What a blundering fool. But, he did-well, all right. The monster let out a loud sigh, and poked the man lightly.

"Actually, it's a metaphor. 'Morning' for when the person is a child, crawling; 'Afternoon' for the middle of the life, when they walk upright; and 'Evening' for the end of life, when you use a cane. But, the answer is 'Man', so, technically, you get it riht. Although, you don't look like you'll get many more correct, and I could use another feeding..."

He-if you can call it 'he'- grinned, and spoke again. "Riddle number two, I am greater than God, more evil than the Devil, the rich don't want me, the poor have me, if you eat me you will die. What am I?"
Name: Shadow
Race: Human/Bird
Abilities:able to fly short distances/agile/great strength
some ability to read thoughts

As I glide along the valley path I spot yet another challenger to the Manticore and for some unknown reason am drawn to spy on the proceeding events, for this person does not seem to be like all the unfortunate souls before him or perhaps it is the creature that so intent upon him in a dark cloak. hmmmmmmm what could this all be about???

ooc:I know many riddles, i know many rymes, but this seems to fiddle with the mind.Or yes it's hardall i can think it can be is poverty but i don't see how you eat poverty.

ic; " i guess it's poverty or hunger.but forget that i have a riddle for you if your so smart.

what part of the bird is on the water yet never gets wet."
The Manticore

The monster struck forward, wrapping its scorpion tail around the man and lifting him in the air. "I'm sorry, you fool. The answer is 'Nothing!' Bwa ha ha ha ha!"

THe monster licked his lips, and looked into the man's eyes. "And the answer to your riddle is the bird's shadow. I can't beleive you couldn't get my riddles. They're old and common, for crying out loud! Do you know how many years I've wasted away here, held by the promise that I can't leave until someone answers all seven riddles?!?"

The monster growled, and settled down, shaking the man back and forth above his head. "I usually don't get people as slow or young as you. Did you come here alone? Perhaps if someone else will speak up for you, I might be persuaded to let you go...."

OOC: You know many riddles, but all is quite plain, for simple answers, you hunt for in vain, questions so easy, yet answers so hard, what could be found in an inch, you search in the yard.

"Actually your wrong for this is visible at night aswell as during the's it's reflection and since you can see your reflection at night and not you shadow most of the time."

ooc:eek:u that hurt man.
The Manticore

The monster growled. "First of all, you didn't put that part in the riddle, that riddle was very poor. Second, you can't see a reflection without light! The only times you could see your reflection at night is when the moon is particularly full. You can't ask a riddle with more than one answer and only accept one! It's poor riddling!"

It huffed, and growled, and squeezed the man. "And I asked you a question! You're in no position to be acting like this is just another day! Now speak up or I'm going to kill you, you worthless little slug, doesn't that mean anything??"

The creature slaid back down, swaying its tail back and forth, the man clutched hopelessly in it. "You better hope someone comes soon. Your very stupidity is getting on my nerves."

ooc: ou that hurts.your right though it was a very poorly written riddle.Sorry.
The Wizard

He sat back with a sigh, drinking from a hard cider he'd purchased in the tavern. It seemed like every hero he ran across was strong enough, and had a good amount of will, but was too slow in the brains department to do any good. He'd been worried when he'd found the hero he was looking for in a dwarven village.

Dwarves weren't the quickest thinkers around, and tended to jump to answers instead of thinking long and hard on it. The aging wizard knew that he could solve all the riddles, but he wouldn't always be there for the hero.

The main problem was no one with any real brains ever seemed to pop up when needed. Where were all the clever creatures who could deal with these problems, the ones whjo could support the hero through tough times?

He sighed, and peered about the tavern. The world was in terrible peril, and he had the feeling that things weren't going to get any better.

OOC: Yep. We seriously need someone to save you, and answer some riddles. Is no one around to help our valiant hero? Will he be rescued or will he perish in the cluthces of the Manticore? Find out next time on- The Sorceror's Staff!!

name laren
age uknown
race elf
profession wizard
life story

Ever since he was a child he was told he is supposed to save the world.not directly mind you.But save the hero who saves the world.At age 17 he went out looking for this hero and ran into the manticores lare.Using a stealth spell he has remained there forever watching and waiting and listening to all those who challenge the manticores riddles.

ic: "hold, manticore" i said in a somewhat authoritive voice."i will speak for him."After hearing most of his riidles i'm sure i can get this right.i thought walking in front of the manticore
The Manticore

He held his tail still above his head, and gave the man a shake. "As you wish. Riddles numbering seven shall ye have to solve. Are you prepared? For your first riddle- What creature has four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"

The manticore settled himself in. No one ever got past four riddles. It was a sad thing to say, but it was true. The monster- which was really a magical creature who had to force himself to eat the poor human creatures- was being held here against his will, and was getting quite tired of asking riddles all the time.

He yawned, and eyed the person.