The Time of Dragons, an Magic.. OCC.....

Hahahahahaha! I know exactly where my 4th edition D&D monsters and players guides are! I can see them from where I'm sitting!
I can tell you what my 4 lvls of warhulk get me, but not the tempus paladin, as I don't have the FR gods book for 3rd, if they have even published it yet.

Warhulk was a Miniatures HB class that gives rather solid physical ability score bonuses per level. So Grell should be at least a str and con of about 25. Dex suffers though, size and mass and all that, about a 16.
4th edition?

Fuck! Now I have to spend another 90 bucks just to be current?
i ve never played 4th addition before. is it hard?? i have just started learing how to play 3rd lol
Well, actually, I'm not too certain if it is 4th ed, or just a shiny repackaged 3rd ed...
the reasion i cant find mine is because they are still packed from our move into the new house ... :( sucks..but hopefully here soon i can talk my roomates into playing again hehehehe
LOL, I think that Screech is calling 3.5 4th ed actually.

If there was a 4th edition, I would be bombing the WOtC home offices right now.

Greedy fucking bastards!

And while I was at it I would get WizKids too.

That would just leave White Wolf...
Seeing as FaSSa was bought out, and West End, and the original TSR...

Back in the day, we had many game manufacturers to choose from...

Now its just the quadumvorite of WOtC, WW, Wizkids, and Steve Jackson...
Yes! Ravenloft is quite correct! 3.5 is the one I got! And, I have to say, I havn't played a game in years! In fact, I think it's coming up to half a decade now...
Jeeze Screech, you might be free of nerddome by now? And you just want to jump right back into it?

Well, I say, Jump! It feels good, the waters fine.
Me?? Free?? NEVER SAH! A man's nerdieness is his own private kingdom, and I shall defend it with my life! :D

...I guess being ever-so slightly nuts in my own mind helps too :nana:

Edit: Ooooh yesss... the D20's tempt me.....
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So you claim nerdiness do you? Well lets just see how nerdy you really are!

What is an Ettercap!? Would you date one?

And no google cheating!
An Ettercap? Date one?? Are you nuts? They are vile creatures that would try to eat me! Not to be confused, of course, with the Ettin, which is a BIG vile creature with two heads that would try and eat me....
I don't know, those ettercaps with their distended bellies...

Its like a pregnant chick with the head of a spider.

And ettins? Two heads man, two heads! Imagine what they could do with two heads!!!

Is it wrong to think of d&d monsters sexually?

Well, been fun, but I gotta go and pick up my ettercap... I mean girlfriend!

Oh! Snap!
Well that depends apon which monsters now, don't it :D Personally, I tend not to think sexually about the ones which would, more than likley, want to feast apon my flesh - and not in a good way!

but then, you have to admit, those female vampires, eh? eh? :p

Fair do's on the gathering of people, Rave! I'll be here... as always....
Screech said:
Yes! Ravenloft is quite correct! 3.5 is the one I got! And, I have to say, I havn't played a game in years! In fact, I think it's coming up to half a decade now...

ohh wow that makes me feel old hehehehe how old are you btw screech?
Hullo many new additions..I think I may just cry!! (BTW I just noticed you have another thread on SRP that is right up my alley...)
Younger than me? Blimey! Not often I find people younger than me! I feel older all of a sudden :D
EGADS...I am an old woman... *cries*. BTW Lady be looking for me on your SRP thread...sometime today. (The character for this thread requires more thought then your other thread does...)