The Time of Dragons, an Magic.. OCC.....

You know, I rather like the story concept and it sounds like there is a good interest in the story too. You don't need to wait for anyone's permission to run it, just lable it with your own title without 'dragons and magic' or whatnot and start up a new OOC thread.

I did have a thought about your guardians to add for your consideration; What if the guardians included dragons in that they were paired up with other non-dragons? A sort of 'Dragonriders of Pern' sort of thing, but we could play the dragons too.

Yeah, i can accept the dragon rider part. Though the guardians were picked from varying races and class. I just haven't thought of how it's done.
Also we guys will be playing the heroes who voluntarily choose to find the orb at the sacred ground meeting.
I call them heroes, it doesn't neccessary mean they have to have a herioc background.
Alrighty, I assume since Stalzyn has come up with the storyline, that he'll be starting it so can't wait to see it.