The Time of Dragons, an Magic.. OCC.....

Shes right you know... Mantra is indeed evil...

And those who look innocent are the most evil of them all, for they attempt to conceal their vileness behind a facade of innocense that paints them red in the snow...

O and I am back...
LOL ohhh love the post mantra you always give good challanges... *grins* now to think of a stratagy...

* Looks lost in thought for a moment* maybe we could knock over some pillers and take out all but the two flanking him and then concentrate our efforts on battling him and the last two... what do you think?? or there are a few other options.. hummm defanatly some choices in there now just to decide which way to go... *grins*
Hmm pillars = Large and Heavy. Three people, versus many undead including undead king....this could be interesting to watch. :devil:
LOL yes the pillers are large but OLD.. i was hoping they might if hit in the right areas be ready to collaps *grins* We need more ppl i think or a merical ... but for now this will have to do.. i am reading and going over Mantras post to make sure i am not missing anything before i decide for sure what i am going to do but looking at it i think thats my best bet for the moment at least... or maybe i should save the pillers incase Dreamweaver showes then i would still have that small advantage to slow him if not stop him.... hummm decisions decisions... LOL
Yeah, but he enjoys being evil. That look of innocence wouldn't drown a wet cat.

Idrial and co's storyline is getting really good. I'm on the edge of my seat! Good luck guys!
Ok, just a short note, maybe not, (Can't write anything short now daze)

My book is sitting at the publishers office, as I am waiting on the final contract to sign and then it will go to phase two, and then into print.
(Jumps up and down, screams with pleasure, passes the drinks all around to celebrate!)

It is a Romance novel, if anyone is interested in the plot, I’ll be glad to share it. And if you would be interested in purchasing a hard copy, when it becomes available, I'll be more than happy to share that information as well. I have already started on the second book to this one that is sitting on the editors’ desk, but I need a vacation after a year of penning it. :rolleyes:

It was not my intended first book to go to publishing, but the book about the Lycanthropes and the Gypsy Queen was put on hold due to research issues, among other things, so I finished this one.

I also have several others waiting on the Dragon's wings to be finished, one being about the end of the planet, another about a young man being the link to save the world from Terrorist destruction, and time travel, as well as other Erotic Romances.

Part of the reason I wanted to join the group was to provide part of the story line to the ongoing plot, I seem to have found my nitch in writing, but haven't been able to add here, and I apologize for that. I am going to take a few weeks and catch up on things, and try to see if I can't catch up here as well. Please forgive me for not keeping up here.

I will also know by the end of June if we are moving to Colorado. We chose not to move to Dallas for many reasons, mainly because of our son. He will start 4th grade next fall, so I want to be settled b4 school starts.

Thanks for all of your support and friendship! It’s wonderful to have your encouragement!

Ok, I’ll quit running off at the fingers now.
LOL CONGRATATS!!!!!! *accepts drink* and good luck with the move let me know the title of the book when it comes out so i can go buy one *grins*
LOL CONGRATATS!!!!!! *accepts drink* and good luck with the move let me know the title of the book when it comes out so i can go buy one *grins*
The book is titled "One Last Kiss" an inspiration from the Papa Roach song, 'Forever'. (long story behind the title) by: Jeana Campbell.
I will let you know when it will be ready! I do hope you will enjoy it, and prehaps, encourage others to read it.
Thanks again!
Have a beautiful day!


IF anyone is intrested in reading some of my 'other stories', you can find the link through here:

This story, Natantia, is the origional story line I wrote B4 it turned into "ONE LAST KISS"


If you should choose to read it, or the book in the future, I would like you to know, RICK is a real person that I am very close to, and he was a Shrimp Boat Captain, once upon an age ago.
This was where the idea for the story came from, and I love him dearly. He is a very close friend of mine, and a very big inspiration towards my career of writing.

At any rate, thanks!
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hey sin hun great to here it hey if you like hun i got a story i started you might like lord knows we need the caritures its called the pack begins
Part of the reason I wanted to join the group was to provide part of the story line to the ongoing plot, I seem to have found my nitch in writing, but haven't been able to add here, and I apologize for that. I am going to take a few weeks and catch up on things, and try to see if I can't catch up here as well. Please forgive me for not keeping up here.

Geez, now you're making me feel bad that I haven't been able to get you into the storyline yet.... :( Sorry about that Siren, but you are not forgotten.

I just figured between my lack of time and the current plot coming to a (more or less) end, you would probably be best saved until the next chapter.

Oh and Wolfsiter, I iz too innocent! I'm all sweet and like, stuff!


See! Sweet innocent emotes! You can't get more innocenter than that!
Keep trying Mantra... I might believe you sooner or later... maybe....

Heyya Sin! Congrats! I hope all the sign-age goes all good and you get that novel of yours on the shelf pretty soon. Good luck with the move too!
love to...

hey sin hun great to here it hey if you like hun i got a story i started you might like lord knows we need the caritures its called the pack begins

I would love to read it, I need some further inspiration for my werewolf story, and it might just kick me into gear!

I look froward to seeing it soon.
Hope you are well my friend!:rose:
Keep trying Mantra... I might believe you sooner or later... maybe....

Heyya Sin! Congrats! I hope all the sign-age goes all good and you get that novel of yours on the shelf pretty soon. Good luck with the move too!

I sent the contract back today, will know by the end of next week how things are going. I will try and keep everyone infromed about the happenings!
My butt needs to get to work on the other one, but my brain needs a break.
Going to see Star Trek again Sunday! GOD I Love that Movie!
Ok, I'm a die hard Trekkie anyway....

Take care!

Please don't feel like that. I was simply apologizing because I haven't had much time to parcipitate,,(sorry if that's not spelled correctly)l, or hang out and check in.
I figured when my time came, well, then, I would get a chance to write my part.
I just wanted everyone to know that I hadn't forgotten why I joined, just that I had been busy with this.
SAVE ME For when ever you think I should be written in, Just don't forget to let me know...LOL :p And don't forget about me,(Humm, I think that was a song from the 80's)
:D :rolleyes:

U R probably sweet, like the heat from a great Green Chili Sauce, spread on a Taco, on a hot summers day. (HEY WHERE THE HELLS MY BEER!)
*Thinks that some good homeade enchlidas are in order*

OMG!! I LOOOOVE the new Star Trek movie. I went and saw it about two weeks ago and I'm sooooo sad that I don't have the money to see it again!!!!
OMG!! I LOOOOVE the new Star Trek movie. I went and saw it about two weeks ago and I'm sooooo sad that I don't have the money to see it again!!!!

I agree, it was definitely an awesome movie. I saw it twice.

Although, there were a lot of inconsistencies and plot holes, it was still a great movie. Hopefully there will be a "Director's Cut" DVD release that will add some missing scenes to fill in the gaps.
Nah, I still loved it. I think they did pretty well for what they gave themselves to do. Especially since the director wasn't even a fan to begin with LOL.
OK my mind is drawing a blank and at a crewshall battle in the storie line too not good AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

* takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly* ok i feel a little bit better but HELP !! someone anyone i need some options.. and am open to suggestions.... Please... *smiles*
SAVE ME For when ever you think I should be written in, Just don't forget to let me know...LOL :p And don't forget about me.

I won't. I have high hopes for the continued saga. Maybe even a suprises here and there for my faithful followers.....

U R probably sweet, like the heat from a great Green Chili Sauce, spread on a Taco, on a hot summers day.:heart:

Maybe in an evil-pretending-to-be-innocent sort of way... *Waggles eyebrows*
yup... Mantra definitly aint innocent... He cant even pull of Pretending to pretend to be innocent....

Not like me :)


Its ok... really... Im just pretending to be evil....
That's just the kind of evil that makes you sooo much fun to play with, Mantra:cattail:

As evidenced by...a big green flamming sword coming for Ona??? Not at all what I expected....I suppose running and screaming like a little girl wouldn't help at this point? No? Guess I had better come up with something then....hmmm.....
That's just the kind of evil that makes you sooo much fun to play with, Mantra:cattail:

"Oh but I am innocent...." he said, a beatific smile highlighting his features, but with a near-hidden glint in his deep green eyes. A certain...suggestive and mischevious glitter hinting at things best whispered into a lover's ear.....

"Truly... truly....innosssscent...."
Evil is good! Um, espically when there is blood and sex involved!

Just a quick update,
My book is in the final stages of print and will soon be on the shelf! Can't wait, hopefully it will be done by my birthday next friday. YES Shameless plug for my 42nd! LOVE ME!!!
Take care all, have a sexy hot awesome weekend!