The Twilight Masquerade (closed for Goldenbraid)


Nov 11, 2024
Patreon of the community, Raphael had enjoyed a standing of high esteem and respect in the sophisticated seaside town of San Fierro since his arrival there several years ago. The small town was perfectly perched in a lagoona of emerald green calm waters, circled by lush hills, the houses old and new stretching by the sandy beachfront, and twirling up the slopes of the forests. Perfectly acclimatized, picturesque, secluded but central, San Fierro had been the playground for the rich and the fortunate for decades.

Whereas most residents were fleetingly in and out, with San Fierro only one of many of their luxurious getaways, Raphael spent most of his time and substantial resources right there in town. Not only did he serve on the city council, he had also and was still spending generously of his inherited wealth right where he lived. He was the sponsor of both the sailing and riding clubs, he funded the local museum, and he was instrumental in the running of most of the seaside eateries, cafes, and clubs. It was through such initiatives that he had earned his standing among the locals, greeted with respectful smiles and treated like royalty wherever he went.

It was the end of summer, transitioning to autumn, and like every year, it was time for Raphael's annual Twilight Masquerade, which he hosted in the Chateau Monte Mare, an old castle full of grandiose halls, as well as columns and arced corridors, leading to smaller and more secluded spaces. For the masquerade, all delicately candlelit, draped and decorated with cushions and oriental carpets everywhere. The Twilight Masquerade was not for everyone. People would transit in from all around the world and arrive at the chateau masked and veiled, only the most exclusive of materials mysteriously foreshadowing their well-kept bodies, keeping their identities secret and safe. The whispers of the hedonistic lust that occurred in the late hours of the parties were plentiful, kinky and lewd.

Even though almost all the exclusive invitations went out to very special individuals with special interests around the planet, Raphael enjoyed spicing the events up with some chance encounters. He looked at it both as giving appealing commoners a taste of the lavish world, and as keeping the masquerade fresh, a win-win with pleasure and adventure for all. Raphael would quite simply keep a handful of invites back from the spring send-outs, keep his eyes with him as the time drew close, and then, maybe, if he saw someone he liked, he would slip them one cloaked in mystery. And this was why Raphael was just exiting his yellow sports car right now. He was outside the Chaude Hotel in Los Reunion, the slightly larger town just up the coast from San Fierro. It was a three-star kind of place, not bad, terrace to the beach, a bit of a cramped reception area, but as Raphael knew from before with spacious rooms and a friendly staff. He wasn't here for a review, though, he was here for her, and, after muscling past a handful generic family vacationers, he delivered a lavishly decorated packaged box in the reception, queried the ladies room number, before nodding politely before making his way up the stairs to the third floor where she stayed.

She was of course someone who had caught his eye. She was incredibly sexy, blue eyed with strawberry blonde hair, with wondrous curves and advanced style, and most of all, his experienced eye had identified her as searching, open, adventurous, and, quite probably with deep kinks, given the right incentives. He had first seen her yesterday, when she had visited San Fierro. He had observed her, divine in her low-cut summer dress, throwing flirting glances at the waiters of the café where she had sat. Then he had found her again this morning, he had been coming out from a Los Reunion luxury store and she had been right there on the beach, blossoming in her minimal bikini. Rafael had noticed how she had sensuously twitched her body, eyeing the well-formed men around her, nothing hidden under their speedos. Deciding then and there that she was a lucky special one, he had waited and seen her return to her hotel, then he had picked up a lavish costume for her, delivered it at her reception, and now he was outside her room.

He slipped the golden envelope under her door. Inside it was a gold card with exclusive engravings. It read:

'You are invited to the Twilight Masquerade, tomorrow night. A costume has been delivered to your reception, and a car will be waiting for you downstairs tomorrow night from eight. You can use it whenever you are ready to depart. We anticipate your arrival for the fantasy night of your life and dreams'.

Knowing she was in her room, Raphael hurried out so as not to be seen. Then he got in his car and drove off, smiling to himself, wondering what it would be like to meet her at the masquerade.
Jenny Reed relaxed on the bed in her room, ponder what activities to fill her next day or two with, as she was determined to get Mr. McMahon's moneys worth out of this vacation.

Not that was the only reason for enjoying the trip, for Jenny loved new and exciting experiences, almost craved them, she always had. Maybe it was because her parents were such opposites, her mother one of those ladder climbing socialites obsessed with presenting the perfect image of a grace and charm.... and trying to drag her into it too. Her mother was constantly teaching and trying to instill into her lessons of charm, grace, proper manners and how to be the perfect lady. On the other hand, her father who worked as a stablemaster and riding instructor, was your typical fun loving good time boy, always hanging with his friends and enjoying what life had to offer. Thanks to him she'd nearly learned to ride before walking, and had when old enough had competed in a few amateur competitions placing well most times. Honestly her parents were like two side of the coin, but made her feel like the edge, always balancing between the two.

Maybe that was why she never seemed to fit in, finding something in each situation that just didn't suit her right. At least she had no trouble trying things, as her combination of good manners and a fun loving attitude made her accept by pretty much most people or groups, and her strawberry blonde hair hanging down to around shoulder blade and good figure that luckily took only some regular exercise and a bit of care what she ate help maintain it with ease, help a good amount too. It had sure helped in college where she worked as a model some in amateur or freelance shoots to giving her money towards tuition and some to spend. Then she'd gone through on a psych and social major, the typical course for those who didn't know what they wanted or didn't care much, which left her with plenty of time for parties and extracurricular activity, and all the fun thing college had. She'd even pledge a sorority, surviving through the wild hazing tests and activities. Sadly she didn't make it in the end, for when one of the senior girls started to talk about things they were going to have to change to make her better fit the look of the sorority, she'd punched her, apparently breaking her nose.

After college, Jenny had bounced from job to job, finding each either to low paying and a kind of dead-end job or to many rules and restrictions for the higher pay. She admitted a good description of her, though sounding worst when someone else would actually say it, was she was 'a common girl with high tastes'.

That was why she was so happy when she meet Lucas McMahon. He was a rich stockbroker with a family including two young daughters, and had a small estate with stables, and so with her competitions when she was younger and being her father's daughter, wanted to hire her as an instructor for them. It was a dream, being round horse again, getting paid well and having beautiful quarters on the estate which had her living in the comfortable surrounds she loved. She wasn't naive enough not to think her looks help, as there were plenty of more experienced teachers out there, but she felt there was at least some truth in Mr. McMahon's explanation that he felt her youth and friendliness would help her connect better with the girls.

Things very good for awhile, till the marriage started to fail, and suddenly Mrs. McMahon was pointing at her as a live-in mistress, and all the constant flirting and attempts to corner her in the barn by Mr. McMahon.... which Jenny took good naturedly as part of the job as she didn't want to lose it, and nothing happened or went anywhere..... as proof that those very things had happened, causing the whole thing to become a big scandal.

Was only a couple days after that he come to her, suggesting she need some rest and relaxation, and handed her the full paid for vacation to a far away place with plenty of spending money to go with it..... so here she was, enjoying a dream vacation at the Chaude Hotel in Los Reunion.

Suddenly she thought she heard a sound by the hall door and wandered out to see, spotting a bright yellowish object by the door, and approaching it, saw it was golden envelope with no writing on it. Strange. She opened it carefully finding an equally gold card inside, bearing a message in very fancy engraved letters.

The Twilight Masquerade? She was invited to some party? She didn't remember anyone she'd met mentioning any parties or asking her if she wanted to come. Reading further, she found a costume had apparently been left at reception for her, and that a car was going to be provided to drive her. Somewhat odd, be who was she turn down a invite to what sounded like a fancy party, with costume and car for free.

She went back to the bedroom and placed the envelope and card on the table before calling down to the desk to check if there was a package for her there, just incase this was a prank or a case of wrong door, and informed there was one. A few moments later she was back in the room opening the package up carefully, and finding a complete costume inside, an absolutely beautiful one in a classic gothic style, and form what she could tell in her exact size.... someone had an excellent eye for figures it seemed.

Jenny spent the next day preparing for the party, taking a long soak in the bath, washing her body and hair with her usual strawberry scented soaps and shampoo, then found a hairdresser to do her hair in a fancy but still loose hanging style, followed by her berry scented body spray and her favorite perfume. Lastly she donned the beautiful costume, finding she was right it fit perfectly, definitely seemed to accent her curves well.

At eight twenty, she went down to the front of the hotel to find the car waiting as indicated, and getting in the back of the expensive car, sat looked about with a mix of excitement and nervousness as the silent driver whisked her away to the party.....
The day of the masquerade was always a busy one for Raphael. Now, however, as the clock was approaching nine, he finally walked in the service door of the Chateau. All distinguished guests were accounted for and courteously brought to their hotels and resorts, their needs had all be swiftly resolved by his able and ample staff, and now Raphael rushed into the retracted mantle room, which was set up as his command center for the occasion, closed off from the grounds of the feast.

Switching on the security camera-feed on the multiscreen setup on the big table in the center of room, he was just in time to see a black town car ride up in front of the stone stairs leading up to the main gates. One of Raphael’s red suits uniformed and masked hosts swiftly stepped forth and opened the back door, allowing the passenger to exit. It was Miss Jenny Reed, riding instructor of distinguished background. Raphael smiled, he had had his intelligence agents check up on her, an interesting character with interesting features and traits. Raphael smiled to himself as he watched her elegantly traverse the steps up to the gate, he was sure the evening and the event would have quite a few surprising experiences in store for his newfound guest. Seeing her now, in the black venetian dress, wide and folded from her hips and down, laced corset stretching up from it, perfectly clinging her waist, lifting her round bosoms, hanging low under her shoulders, a delicate black lace mask under an extravagant highest black and gold hair piece shining against her strawberry blonde lavish hair, Raphael noted with a certain satisfaction that his instincts for invitations had been right once again.

To the side of the gate stood two men, one in a devil’s mask and cloak, the other a colorful jester, smoking what smelled sweetly of more than just a cigarette. Their eyes scanned Jenny as she came up the stairs, they nodded politely when she passed them and entered the main grounds. It was surprisingly dark in the entry hallway. With little prewarning, Jenny bumped into a young lady passing the other way. Up close Jenny saw that she was Asian. A delicately winged butterfly, it would seem. The lady giggled and smiled, “Apologies!”, and she was gone in the dark, leaving a scent of lavender, that merged well with the strawberry that already veiled Jenny’s hair and frame. A second later Jenny passed through a slit between huge ceiling mounted drapes, and the main hall of the Twilight Masquerade was revealed to her.

It was a banquet hall of royal proportions. Wide stairways led from where she stood and down to the grounds, balconies dotted the walls above the main hall, connected to one another and the grounds below by more stairways and walkways, extending out from the main entry as a grandiose amphitheater, the architecture baroque with columned archways, and what looked to Jenny like paths leading out from the area, and into places in the Chateau that was yet to be explored.

Even if it was only about an hour since the doors, according to the invitation, had opened, the space was already dense with festive and extravagantly imaginatively costumed people, the chatter of jolly conversation and laughter already saturating the light but warm air under the several stories high castle ceilings. Coming in right behind Jenny, three men in classic venetian capes and black half face masks brushed by her, smiling and nodding politely, peeking at her wonderful curves, heading down the stairs, obviously experienced and knowing where to go. To her side, at the top of the stairs, by the walkway, stood a trio, a lady and two men, one by each her sides. The lady in a belle epoque dress and a simple golden eye mask, a man in black robes and a hood, full face mask, like death, the other in a white pirate’s shirt over black tights, a bandanna skillfully cup open for eyes and tied tight around his head down to the tip of his nose. Jenny noticed how the lady was holding both men’s hands in hers, wiggling her hips a little and licking her lips as she looked over at her. The lady blew Jenny a kiss, before turning her eyes to the pirate, kissing him on the cheek before whispering something in his ear that made him smile and nod.

And down on the main floor before her, there were all forms and colors, as costumes mingled and chittered, fabrics brushing as they got acquainted with one another, groups forming, and splitting into new.

“A glass, mademoiselle?” A man in a red mask and uniform, like the one that had opened the car door for her, approached into view from her side, holding a tray of stiletto glasses, bubbles filled. He held it to her so she could conveniently serve herself. “There are buffets downstairs and scattered around the area mademoiselle,” the host graciously continued, “as are there more drinks of all sorts, everything until late.” The host looked around, then back at Jenny, “And if there is anything mademoiselle, anything at all, approach one of us, we are many, dressed in red, and eager to serve!” He pointed to more men in uniforms like his own, and ladies, in tight red dresses, masked like the men.

In the mantle room, Raphael smiled, his attention returning to the camera screens. He had just returned from a quick chat with one of his security staff about a helicopter’s arrival, and now he saw that Jenny had entered and was at the top of the stairs. He wondered where his newfound gem would make her way next. He would be checking up on her throughout the night, he thought, and if time allowed, maybe stroll down and have a chat with her himself…
Jenny was awe struck as the car pulled up to the place for the party, for the place was grandly impressive, and she again wonder how she got an invite to a gathering that looked like it was for only the rich, powerful or famous.

'Well Cinderella, better keep an eye out for midnight and watch the glass slippers, or you might find yourself up to the neck in pumpkins', she told herself in warning.

She thank the figure who open the door for her so she could exit the car, and started up the stairs, passing through a gate that was apparently guards or watched by two men dressed almost opposite of each other. And as she continued on she had a momentary collision with another woman who apologies quickly and was gone, before passing through a pair of huge curtains and found herself in what she assumed was the main party.

Jenny was awe struck a second time, for she expected a large ballroom or the such, but found the whole place seemed to be open for the masquerade, and stretch off into you knows how much more space. The place also seemed to be already alive with guests as she looked down on a sea of fancy and colorful costumes moving about, and more move around or hanging out on the various stairs, balconies and other places.

'Maybe i better leave a note to come find me if i don't show up in a week, as getting lost in this place looks like it would be very easy', she thought.

Standing there taking in the sights, she felt someone brush pass her, as three guys came around her and headed down the stair, apparently looking at her with an almost intense studying like gaze, before continuing off to some stairs the lead further down. And then she spotted an woman who seemed to be flirting rather openly and boldly with two guys, who blew a kiss in her direction.... this party appeared to be more than it seemed at first..... which Jenny knew should worry her and make her more cautious but in stead kind of excited her with the variety of possibilities.

She was momentarily startled as a figure appear from the side and offered her a drink, thanking him as she taking one and lifting the fluted glass to her lips, sipping the bubbling liquid. As the figure explain things she realized she was a bit hungry for the near hour ride, and assumed the biggest spread would be the one downstairs, there by have more variety and more likely to find maybe favorite foods at.

"Thank you." She told the figure as he informed her that she just needed to talk to any of the bright red costumed people if she had a desire for anything.

With growing excitement and wonderment she headed towards the downstairs to check out the buffet.....
Brushing past clusters of jolly, mingling people, Jenny didn’t only take in the costumes, but also the scents of exotic perfumes, and the chatter of what seemed like all the languages of the world at once. This was truly a world-gathering, something that was confirmed by the skin, of which she saw ample, among the lavish and classical masquerade costumes, there were also culturally anchored ones, like extravagant feathers-on-bikinis-over-nutbrown-skin, more associated with Brazilian carnivals, tribal costumes sometimes covering almost nothing, and much more, the only commonality being that they were all masked, some only by slender eyelines and fabrics, others fully concealed, there were skulls, there were demons, there were birds and animals, and there were abstract and fantasy creatures.

She found a buffet by the wall under the walkway which was now above her. The sounds were more muffled here than upstairs, where it was amplified by the dome of the castle ceiling. It was easier to pick up dialogues here, she thought, standing by a festive group picking up all their praise of the venue, food, and atmosphere.

As she pointed out bite sized treats to eat, a red-suited host placing them on a plate for her, there was a voice by her side, “Hi there! Are you here alone?” It was a young man. He wore a black cape with a high collar over a black silk shirt, separated from his tight leather pants by a wide red belt tied at his side. His mask was silk, too, tied around his head, reaching to the tip of his nose all the way from under his hat, which was round, flat topped and brimmed.

Exposed lips parting in a blushed smile, the man looked down, then back up at Jenny as her head turned his way, “That wasn’t very original, was it? I’m new to this, you see, I’m here with my friend,” he pointed towards a man in a full face, dragon mask sitting on a moon shaped sofa that was cravessed into the wall. He was behind a low round table, and she could only see him above his waist. He wore a tight emerald-green leather sweater that amplified his muscular build, “he’s been here before. He was here last year, too.”, the young man continued.

The young man carried on, stopping to listen to Jenny when she spoke, nodding, paying keen attention. He told her that he was maybe not as rich as many of the other clientele. He had been saving all year after his friend had told him all about the experience, and that he was greatly anticipating the night and all the pleasures that it would bring. And then he invited her to come sit with them, pointing to the sofa, indicating for her to slide in, and he would follow, so that they would sit on each side of her. As he said it; “We can sit there all three for a while, feel out and see if we have anything for one another… Names are nothing to share here, of course, but he is Dragon, and you can call me Zorro” …
Jenny was amazed by everything as she moved through crowds, becoming more aware of the variety of costumes, and more surprised as she saw some of the ones that were greatly revealing and even bordering on risqué. Her costume had been provided, but she wondered if she'd had a choice and knew about those, would she have had the courage to wear such a thing? She wasn't sure if she would have, but the idea was interesting, and though she was sure she'd be blushing so much her skin would look red, the image was titillating.

Standing at the buffet being served she partly listened the conversation around her, more seeming to be discussions of the masquerade and great praise of it and the things that happened, some were on subjects the held no interest or she didn't understand, and there several that were spoke in quieter tones with much laughing and giggling..... those she somewhat wish she could hear.

As she was finishing getting a plate of several delicious looking treats filled for her.... she'd have to spend a few extra hours working out the next week after this party.... and the figure in red running the table was handing it to her, a man approached her, greeting her.

"Well, it's standard and a safe way to start." She said smiling. "And yes, i am alone. And it's my first time here too." She added looking over to where he pointed out his friend.

She listened to him as he went on about the his friend telling him about the party, how he'd apparently saved up to come and expressed his excitement for the enjoyment the party promised, nibbling on some of the treats she'd gotten.... testing each to see if she liked them and how they tasted. She grabbed an fluted glass as one of the red dressed figured past by, sipping it.

"I'm sure most people here have more money than i do." She admitted giggling.

She gladly excepted the invite to sit with, and slid in to place, only slightly nervous at being between the two, setting her plate and glass on the table. When they introduced themselves, but indicate real names weren't used she wasn't sure what to say. "A pleasure Dragon, Zorro. I'm...." She paused trying to think of something when she glanced at her plate spotting a treat that reminded her of when people would tease he by scratching her head and sniffing her like she was a Strawberry Shortcake doll. "I'm Strawberry Tart." She said cheerfully.
Face mysteriously hidden behind his mask, there was no way to interpret Dragon’s expression, but Zorro’s was one of awe, his lip dropped, curled to a grin as she matter of factly posed out her name. It didn’t happen often to the two friends, but right now, Jenny had their tongues tied. Fumbling after clever words, the guys were given a breather from the spectacle that occurred right before their velour draped sofa booth.

A man and a lady, him in black suit, bowler hat, and a white happy-theatrical mask, her in lingerie, suspenders, garter belt, corset and straps under a feathered black mask, approached another man, in a white suit and a cat mask, enjoying a drink while scanning the crowds right in front of where the trio was sitting. The theatrical man whispered in the cat man’s ear, and the cat man nodded contently, eyes scanning the lingerie lady’s body hungrily while listening to the words that he was told. Then the theatrical man stepped back, holding the lady’s hand and presenting her to cat man, who took her hand gallantly, leading her on with a nod to his theatre friend, a hand on her swaying hip as he led her down one of the corridors that arched out from the main space. The theatrical man stood and watched as they walked away and disappeared from sight. Then he turned and left, walking back the other way from which he had come.

“That was a tart if I ever saw one,” Dragon started, “but we’ve got Strawberry. And Strawberry’s my favorite tart of them all!” His head turning towards Jenny, the guys huddling really close to her sides. “What’s down there?” Zorro was asking, looking down at the archway that the couple had walked in. “Oh, it’s somewhere tarts go to get heated and cock… I mean, cook.” Came the response from Dragon. The men were angling themselves in towards Jenny, and Dragon continued, “It took me until the late hours to venture down there the last time, one needs company and dedication, but once I found my way, I never turned back.” And now, hidden from view from the rest of the crowd by the table that the trio sat behind, Dragon’s hand found its way onto the wide folds of Jenny’s dress, caressed her thigh above her knee under it. “It’s under here you keep the tart, isn’t it, Strawberry?”, she could maybe see a wink of his eye under the big mask, or maybe she was imagining it.

On her other side, Zorro was wiggling in his seat, pushing himself closer to Jenny. “Yeah,” he caught up after Dragon had spoken, “Maybe…” he trailed, “Maybe a couple of good hard logs would help heat up the tart, Strawberry?”, and with a charming boy-like awkwardness, he took Jenny’s hand around her wrist, and, hidden behind the table for anyone but Dragon to see, lifted it onto his crotch, which made an immediate jerk and stiffened. It was certainly quite the shaft of wood that Zorro was packing under those tight pants…
Jenny thought the name a bit clever, but started to wonder as the two seemed lost for words.... then the scene before the booth brought her to two realizations.

The first was that the party was far more than she had originally thought or imagined, being akin to those of written about in romance novel and erotic tales, a most shocking revelation, though excitedly interesting as well.

The second and more important was she had failed to take into account the other use for the word tart, thinking only of it use are a treat, something driven home by the two men's words and following action, for she had represented herself as something more than intended. And she realized she be worried and backpedaling fast to fix the mistake, but she didn't. She was an enigma here, that if she was right that this was a party normally reserved for the rich, powerful and famous, then unmasked she would likely recognized a few faces from news and other media, but she was none of the things. Far as she was aware only one person here knew who she was.... the one who slipped the envelope under her door.... and even they might not know that much. For all she knew every one at the hotel who fit what they wanted could have been given invites and costumes, and she had mention nothing to those at the hotel, but her being on vacation and her familiarity with and love of horses.

So even if unmasked, she was unknown, a woman with no identity and no past, and could indulge her wildest fantasies and desires with little to no repercussions. She could be an one or any thing she wanted with out fear, and that was very exciting and empowering. So she decided to let herself go, and enjoy any new experiences that came her way.

She smiled as she took a couple more sips from her glass, her one hand rubbing and massaging the impressing bulge in Zorro's tight pants. "Careful boys, you have to care when cooking a tart not to let it get under or over baked too much." She said softly in a sultry voice, placing her glass back on the table before dropping that hand to rest on Dragon's hand lightly touching it through the material of her skirt. "And the filling has to warmed just right to be it's most sweetest and sticky."

Honestly she wasn't sure what she was saying, but the metaphors sounded right and figured that half the fun was trying to read the meanings.....
A slight gasp left Zorro’s lips. He leant back on the sofa, pressed his hips forth, getting comfortable, parting his knees a little, allowing Jenny’s hands to explore his shaft. It throbbed gently and grew bigger as her nimble fingers started to fondle and rub it. The two men sipped their glasses, looked at Jenny in silence, then back out at the sea of costumes before them, growing denser, as more and more guests arrived. While the table had their hands and hips covered from sight, their blissful quiet, almost hypnotized postures might be revealing to the crowd. However, the crowd seemed preoccupied and would probably not mind the unfolding events in the shade of the table anyway.

In fact, out on the floors more things were happening at an increased frequency. Jenny saw the belle epoque lady that she had seen flirting with the two men at the entry. She was with another man now, she was lifting her light dress up for him, apparently showing him her underwear, swaying her hips teasingly while speaking inaudibly to Jenny. The man was very interested, laughing and nodding, keenly eying her, his hand raising to caress her outer thigh, which she coyly let him. Behind them, a woman in a feathery bird mask was lifting the veil of another, dressed as a belly dancer, so practically not wearing any clothes at all, and the two women kissed passionately, before sipping their drinks, smiling invitingly at people around them, with their hands around each other’s waists.

“Yes,” Dragon sighed as Jenny’s hand lay itself on his, his fingers pulsing into her skin under the dress, “When baking, I always make sure to feel the dough out first, get the consistency and moisture just right, not overdoing it, because good baking needs good time.” His hand grasped the fabric of the dress and folded it up on her lap, making the dress slide up and over her knees, to her lower thighs. Then his hand explored downward, until it found her skin, he caressed gently, hand gliding down between her thighs, lightly pulling them but an inch apart.

Zorro chimed in, “And the stuffing needs to be tendered well too, to fill the tart with the delight that it deserves later, make a perfect desert of it, quelching everyone’s hunger.” He ended in a grunt; his erection was getting harder and bigger than the confined space of his tight pants allowed. He wiggled his hips and pulled them down just a little bit using both his hands. It was enough to reveal the root of his cock. Glancing down, Jenny noted its girth and length, as it was now pushing up under the pants like a pole begging to be let out and stand erect. Zorro was a healthy and virile young man, that much was certain. He was also cleanly shaven, the smooth skin of his crotch revealed defined v-lines, pointing to abs just visible as his wide red belt slid a bit up his stomach. Fit and well groomed, Zorro had said that he’d been preparing all year. He’d made a good effort at it. And he smelled good too.

Fingers flexing in a slow rhythm between her thighs, Dragon’s hand remained still for now, and his free one found Jenny’s, lifted it, like Zorro had just done on the other side of her, and placed it on his own crotch, rolled his hips a little back and forth so that she could really feel how he, too, was growing big and hard for her under his pants. “Double-stuffed luxury-tart, fitting for the occasion don’t you think, Strawberry?”, Dragon looked down at his hand over hers over his pulsating bulge.

While sitting there like that, hands on two men’s cocks under the cover of the table, Jenny was oblivious to the fact that someone was watching her intently. Contrary to Jenny’s beliefs, there were someone there in the Chateau who knew who she was, and as her minimal mask was certainly not among the most concealing in the place, she had been spotted and identified.

It was an ice-queen in a silvery, sparkling facemask under an extravagantly spiked white wig and an ice-blue tiara. She wore a corset revealing deep cleavage over white leather suspenders attached to high heeled boots reaching over her knees, long sleeved white gloves and only a triangle of silk between her legs, like a bikini under the straps down her long legs. Lifting her mask slightly but not revealingly, the ice queen sipped her drink, angled her head, leaning on a big column in the shade, and looked back at Jenny and her friends. The twitches of the men made it quite apparent what was really going on over on that sofa.

‘What a surprising turn of events,’ the ice queen thought to herself, watching how Jenny’s arm angled out towards the man in the dragon mask, presumably getting acquainted with the hopefully meaty pole of his under the table. ‘If I keep my eyes open, the opportunity may well present itself for getting back at one of my main nemeses’ …
Jenny was amazed, as she felt she was being quite bold with her actions under the table, but looking out at the crowd she saw she was nowhere near the complete abandonment going on as guests seem to interact openly with each other.... what a wild party!

As Dragon spoke she simply nodded, showing no resistance as he flipped her dress up into her lap leaving her legs uncovered from mid-thigh down, then slide his hand between her legs parting them slightly, making her moan very softly as his fingers played there. Then Zorro spoke, causing her attention to shift to him, seeing the look on his face as her hand continued to stoke him, marveling as he seem to grow even more, and when she almost expected it to tear through his pants from pressure, she watched surprised but almost excitedly as he moved pulling his pants down to expose the base, but keep the tip trapped. Her hand moved back to the base now stroking him directly, as she took in the unhindered sight of his size, beginning to wonder nervously if she could take him, yet thrilling at the idea of trying, thinking his member looked like the arm of a spring trap, almost bending in a curve under the tension as it waited to snap straight with force.

Her head turned back to Dragon as he lifted her other hand, his one still teasing the insides of her thighs but not moving up any, and placed it on his bulging pants, moving his hips to emphasize he too was growing hard and was a good size, making her rub and stroke him as she was Zorro.

She blushed slightly, and was suddenly both slightly scared but intrigued at Dragon's comment and it's implication.... double-stuffed? Did he suggesting what it sound like? She was not by any means innocent, she been with a few guys but one at a time, or if two, they just took turns, she never had two at the same time..... was she willing to try? Though her common sense said she should be stopping this or at least setting down so rules or limitations, her curiosity and adventurous side told her to with it, that she should seize the chance at wild new experience.... and Jenny was ever ruled by her curiosity!

"Yes indeed." She cooed. "Nothing like extra cream to sweeten the taste."

Jenny leaned in and lay a few kisses along Dragon's neck, do to his mask mostly covering his face, then turned to kiss Zorro full on the lips, pressing hers hotly against his.

So occupied was she that she didn't notice in the slightest the stares she was getting for the icy dressed figure resting against the column.....
Unlike Zorro’s pants, which were flyless and needed to be pulled down, Dragon’s was buttoned, and now, as his hand left Jenny’s alone to grope his growing bulge, he undid them, the elastic fabric slid apart on what proved to be strong and muscular thighs. With less modesty than was the case on Jenny’s other side from him, where she was still exploring around his friend’s shaft’s root, it’s head still hidden, Dragon’s cock plunged out and up, stood in a resonant shiver like a hammer right in Jenny’s palm, the fabric separation being swiftly pulled away.

Watching as Jenny kissed Zorro deeply and passionately, Dragon’s hand between her thighs recommenced its caress up between them, and deeper in under her skirt. “That’s right,” he whispered, leaning closer to her, parting her legs a little wider, getting help from Zorro now, who had a hand on her knee, pulling it towards him, “first, you massage and shake the creamers make them nice and full, and then we pump them into the holes of the tart, make sure to get in really deep, open them up really wide. The tart can be filled from both the top and bottom, I think?” And that’s when his fingers found the soft silk of her tight and minimal string panties covering the warmth between her legs. Giving out a small sigh, dragon’s one hand returned to hers on his cock, gave it a pulsing squeeze, the other cupped over the mound between her legs, pressed up on the softness, looking at Zorro, “This tart is coming along perfectly, just a bit of rubbing left, and I recon it will be moist and ready for filling!”

Tongue twirling around Jenny’s, Zorro nodded enthusiastically, mumbled a “U-hm!”, then pulled back, sighed contently, while licking his lower lip, eyes scanning Jenny’s body, her slender mile long legs now visible as Dragon had pulled her skirt even further up to accommodate his gentle rub of her pussy, her slim waist under the elaborate black corset, her full round natural breasts as they heaved, the tight straps of the corset pushing them up and together, her nipples just marked under the folding lace. His finger rose to her lips, and he caressed them teasingly, then, bending a finger, he slid it in between her lips, let her suckle on it while her gently wiggled it back and forth, “I think the front hole is ready,” he started, looking down at his crotch, only the swollen head of his cock concealed under his pants now, her hand gripped around his shaft, “and I do think the tart has all the tools at hand for getting filled up!”

Over by the column, the ice queen bit her lip. There was no denying that watching the spectacle, Jenny coiling her body between the men, kissing one, then the other, was arousing. She looked around. The trio had attracted more attention too, subtle looks and glances, groups aligning their way, some whispers, pointing, and laughter, nods, the ice queen even saw a couple applaud a little, before engaging one another in a deep kiss that evolved to the man now groping the woman’s tits.

A finger absently crawling down the line of her panties, the ice queen watched and contemplated. She had been here before. It was of course more than met the eye. As far as she knew, there was documentation going on, that was sometimes used as leverage later. For most, the masquerade was secret and safe, but for some, there were agendas, and to reach those agendas, documentation was needed, and that implied cameras. She was not sure where, but it had to be, hidden in the most intimate of places. ‘Maybe’, the ice queen thought, ‘if I get my hands on those films, I could use them, expose Jenny to the world as the slut she is…’

The ice queen looked around and soon found a red dressed hostess, waved her over, “I want you to get a message to Mr. Raphael, please,”, the hostess nodded, and the ice queen whispered something in her ear, before the hostess swiftly was on her way…
Jenny more felt than saw Dragon release his member from his pants, still hungrily kissing Zorro, but her hand moved immediately to it, starting to stroke it from tip to base in a rhythmic fashion, moaning into the younger man's mouth as Dragons fingers started to move up her thighs. She could almost feel her breath catching as the hand moved ever closer to it's destination, diving a sharp moan as it found and pressed against her quickly dampening panties, her hips shifting forward so the hand pushed deeper through the thin material.

Though occupied, she was becoming aware of the attention the trio were getting, as more and more noticed the thinly veiled activities going on in the booth, and as thing continued to heat up, she started to wonder if she was ready to possibly be taken before the crowd. Would the two men retire to a more private location in the end to move to the next steps or did they intend to do it right there with so many watching? Jenny was sure which, or if she had a preference, for she seemed to fall further and further in a state of reduced ambitions. And though she knew Zorro was new to this too, Dragon had been here at least once before, and therefore know what was and wasn't allowed, what was expected, and maybe what elements made for the best experiences, so was satisfied to follow his lead on things.

Jenny moaned more noticeable as Dragon rubbed her swelling mound through her panties, momentarily disappointed as Zorro broke the kiss, but smiling as he brought his finger to her lips using it to trace them playfully before putting it in her mouth where she readily sucked it, her tongue touching and swirling about it. His comment and pointed glance down made it obvious what he wanted and she didn't hesitate, as she released his finger and lowered her head at the same time freeing the end of his manhood from his pants.

She pressed her lips to the tip, almost kissing it before her tongue emerged from her mouth a lick it than proceeded to circle the top slowly wetting it, followed by her lips sliding over the tip and moving down. Her tongue playful teased him as he sank into her mouth, she firmly sucking him, taking him a good distance in than starting to bob her head up and down on him..... to much cheers, comments and gasps of surprise.

She sucked Zorro energicly for several minutes, before removing her mouth and turned the other way, repeating the same process on Dragon's rock hard member, think both were quite the size and length and again nervous as to whether she could take them without difficulty.....
“I’ve imagined a lot about this event, but never did I expect plugging the hole of such a deliciously lewd strawberry blonde, and not so fast either! The twilight masquerade is really starting beyond expectations!” Zorro grinned wide, his hand at the back of Molly’s head, fingers tangling into her hair, following the bob of her mouth as it slid up and down on his growing cock, her tongue twirling around it. When she turned to give her treat to Dragon, Dragon leant back comfortably, spreading his legs and pushing forward so his shaft could slide deep into her mouth. His hand slipped out from between her legs, caressed up her tummy, and cupped nicely around one of her big breasts, squeezed it through the corset, the man moaned under his mask.

Zorro was quick to pick up where his friend had left off, though. Soon, his hand was exploring up and between her thighs, and, unlike Dragon, he took it further, fingers pinching the fabric of her string and pulling it aside. Now, a long finger, the one that had just been in her mouth, parted her already soaked pussy lips, slid in between them, before bending, and pushing into her warm hole. Fingering her rhythmically to her sucking up and down on Dragon’s cock, Zorro too leant back, sighing in content, his free hand grasped firmly around the root of his hard shaft.

The action still quite well hidden under the table, curiosity was getting the better of many in the crowd, who were drawing closer, stretching inconspicuously, or so they thought, to get a better view of what the assumed and was insinuated to be happening. That’s when two of the masquerade’s hostesses promptly came to the trio’s aid!

Stepping in from the side, the two smiling ladies brushed some of the closest spectators aside, and turned towards the sofa, hospitably leaning in over the table, addressing Jenny while she was sucking the big cock as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on. “Hi Strawberry! You ARE having a good time! We can SEE! Hurray, and so GOOD for you!” Exclaimed one, before the other chimed in, “Now, Missis, we’re not here to disturb, you just carry on! We’re just here to give you some privacy, the exhibitionist quarters are down the side corridors, we’re sure you want to visit them later, but for now, we’re of course not going to stop our guests from enjoying themselves when and where they want, so we’re just here to provide some cover, okay? – Take all the time you want with those hunks, mmmm… Maybe next year that will be me, wouldn’t you like that, boys?” She winked at Zorro and Dragon.

And then the two hostesses undid their belts and spectacularly pulled their dresses off as one big piece of fabric. Who would have guessed, someone had really thought the design of those uniforms through. The hostesses then skillfully and well trained put the two pieces of red garment together, zippered them together at the inner seams, and held it up high between them, it became like a sheet, and it was perfectly shaped and sized to cover the whole sofa on which the trio was having their fun when the two hostesses tightened it between them, standing on each their sides of the table.

They were uniformed underneath as well. In red lingerie, bras over garter belts and suspenders, stockings and a blonde slip to cover what was between their legs. The masks remained on, of course. Their stood turned towards Jenny and the men, smiling and giggling, wiggling their tails to entertain the now cut off crowd. “It’s ok if we stand this way, right?” One of the girls said, blushing. She was a Latina, golden skin, round hips and big breasts and a slim curve between, “It’s so nice to watch!”. And then the other spoke, “Yes, it sure is!” She was pale white and petite, fake blonde with hips and tits like a pencil, stiff nipples through her bra most of the dent that she made, “Hostesses don’t get to fuck around, you know. But if we do good, we might get invited next year, fingers crossed!” The hostesses giggled and blushed shyly, “We hope it’s ok if we watch!”

Her mouth still deep around Dragon’s cock, Zorro slowly rose beside Jenny, his finger remaining inside her. Then, making sure that her mouth never needed to leave his friend’s shaft, Zorro pivoted her around, getting her to her knees on the sofa, butt high in the air, well over the table, but hidden by the hostesses’ dresses, both of them smiling and biting their lips, “I wonder what he’s gonna do to her!” the petite one exclaimed. Holding his cock around the root, his hand on her pussy lips, Zorro poised behind her, and as her lips suckled down around Dragon’s cock, he opened her up and slowly started to push his huge pole into Jenny’s pussy.

Over by the column, the ice queen cursed herself for being disappointed that the show was no longer on display. She should not, and she meant not, get aroused by watching that bitch’s pleasure, but she did, and that made her understand that she needed something for herself. She started to scan the surroundings for meat while thinking. ‘The cameras are in the uniforms, of course,’ she thought, ‘in those hostesses’ bras, heels, nipple clams, hell, in their piercings!’ she was sure many of them had those. And that was what she needed to access. However, what she saw now would not be enough. She needed to get Jenny in with someone rich and famous, she thought, front page news. And then, as a man in a devil’s suit answered the call of her glance and came over, she started formulating a plan while silently starting to stroke the devil’s shaft through his pants…
Jenny moaned as Zorro's hand replaced Dragon, playing between her thighs and moving up towards her now very damp panties and mound, but instead of just rubbing as his friend, he pull the material aside and stuck a finger into her, making her gasp sharply and have to concentrate not to accidently bite Dragon manhood off.

As the two figures appear form both side of the table, part shooed back the crowd, Jenny wondered if they were breaking a rule or two, but was relieved and weirded out as they instead leaned in and addressed her explaining their actions, even showing both congratulation and envy, all as if everything was normal... then at this party maybe it was. She was also surprised and awed as the hostesses whipped off their dresses, apparently wear a set of lingerie beneath, and zipped them together to from a makeshift drape as if designed to.

Having her mouth.... occupied.... she could only nod, make muffled sounds or give then pointed glances in response to their comments. And was a bit surprised as they faced inward instead of outward as she would have expected, making her feel a bit embarrassed, but then she'd been doing it while watched by several dozen of the guests so saw no much difference in having just two watching from much closer. What weird her out and left her confused was that the hostesses addressed her and not one of the men, the most odd thing, which left her nervous, was they had addressed her as Strawberry, a name she had not chosen till sitting at the table with the two men and therefore should be known only to the three..... so where did the hostesses get it?

Jenny had little time to think to much on it, as Zorro shifted position.... with out having to remove his finger.... than still maintaining contacted, pulled lower half up on the couch so she was on her knees, Zorro behind her making her costume's skirt to roll back along her body. Though she was sure of what the younger man intended, the one woman's bold question added a level of strange excitement at the prospect.

She gave a muffled cry as he started to enter her, his size definitely stretching her sex to it's possible limit, and as he grunted and moaned himself at her tightness, she felt him slide far deeper into her that any had before, giving her an almost over filled sense that made her gasp for air around Dragon's also impressive sized member. And when Zorro started to thrust in and out of her, she had to pull back a moment as a series of squeals and cries issued from her throat, before being partly pulled back down and around Dragon's waiting manhood again. She didn't resist as Dragon pushed her head down a bit more each time, causing his hard manhood to first press against the back of her mouth then start to slide down her throat, all the time Zorro's thick length plunging fully in and out of her very stretched insides, the hostesses she was positive giggling, as she was.... what was that term they used... thoroughly spit-roasted!
Up in the mantle room control center Raphael was multitasking, getting off the walkie-talkie with the hosts that were putting the final touches to the decor down in the Midnight Deep, a maze of small rooms and chambers that would open to the guests as the next day dawned, while comforting a young lady in a peacock costume that had been brough up here to rest on one of the couches. The poor lady had simply been overwhelmed, but she seemed to be getting back to her senses again, nodding as he asked her if she was ready to go back down and join the fun.

Putting the walkie down, a host graciously helping the young lady to her feet and back towards the door, Raphael again settled in the chair before the screens, set to rotate now, just to be disturbed again. A hostess came in, nodded, “Mr. Raphael, sir,” she started, “we have a late request, it seems to me it’s a standard exposure and shame package, sir. It’s for Miss Jenny Reed, sir, mics picked up she’s calling herself Strawberry Tart down there. She wasn’t on our priority list at all, sir, seems she’s one of the free birds you brought in, so it was quite surprising to have a call put out for her. I thought she’d be a prop at most. But money is money, and the requesting client certainly has the credits to cover it, she’s a long time regular, very rich, you probably know the Ice Queen, sir. Should I initiate a project?”

“That IS surprising, Tamara!” came Raphael’s response, turning back to the monitors, grabbing the mouse, “Where is she now? Last I saw she was standing on top of the main stairs; did she go down?” Tamara nodded, “Yes sir, she went to one of the half-moon boots and met two of the locals, no one of consequence, this Dragon that was here in the same costume last year and his friend, apparently this American Zorro type, you know, in the desert, I think. Michelle and Juliana have them behind a cum-curtain right now. This Jenny Strawberry Tart girl is living up to her name, it should be possible to set something bigger up for her later, sir.”

Raphael selected Michelle from the host drop down menu on one screen, then Juliana on another, and two angular views from between the two hostesses’ breasts popped up. One showed Zorro slamming deep into Jenny, round slim butt high and pumping back on the man as his hard ball sack slapped hard on her clit and he plowed deeper into her. The other showed her arched between them, caught her face, as her neck bent up, Dragon’s cock deep in her throat as she was almost gagging, wiggling her chin and opening wide to take his shaft down all the way to the root.

“Strawberry tart fucked by two guys at a party,” Raphael turned back to look at the Tamara, “that’s a pretty lame title to disappear among a million others on Pornhub.” He smiled, “But yes, we can set her up and take the fee, you tell the client, and I’ll think it over. It may match with those royal subjects. Those are deals that will hit the smut media limelight like fire and certainly expose young Jenny as the tart she apparently is. Let her have her fun now, this Dragon and that Racoon guy or what you said are very well used to warm the strawberry up and get her all hot and craving.”

Downstairs Zorro’s cock throbbed hard deep inside Jenny, wet slapping sounds blended with his moans as he held her buttocks firmly, pumped deep into her tight and warm pussy. Both hands on her tits, Dragon eagerly pulled her onto him, pressing his hips forth and rolling them, hearing her gag and seeing her spittle as his pole slid deep down her throat. And then the two men flipped her around. She was lifted and turned over, put down on her back on the wide sofa, Dragon climbing in between her legs, parting them as he loomed over her, started to press his cock into her running wet and pulsating pussy hole. Knees by the sides of her head, Zorro crabbed around her neck and bent her head backward, his cock soaked in her juices slid into her mouth, and the men started to fuck her again, on top of her this time, pinning her down harder, hands caressing her hips and tits as they commenced ramming their cocks into her, until she exploded in a shivering snarl beneath them, and the men slowly pulled out, leaving her to heave for breath laying fucked on her back beneath them, both pulling back and forth on their hard shafts while waiting for her eyes to focus back on them. Then they both started to jerk off, pointing their cocks to her face, “Are you ready for the cream, cum-tart?”

Upstairs Raphael was watching, a rare moment of no disturbance. Tamara was just leaving when Raphael added, “I think we’ll need some clean-up sponges down there with Michelle and Juliana pretty soon!” he said, not looking away from the screen. Tamara nodded, “I have seen that, sir, rest assured, I’m all on top of it!” …
Jenny was taken by surprise as both men suddenly pulled away, but before she even look at them questioningly, she was flipped, forced to a sitting position by Dragon who then grabbed her legs and pulled them towards him even as Zorro caught her under the arms and lowered her to the couch. Now on her back, the two men wasted no time, Dragon moving between her legs and pushing into her damp, open and well used sex, sinking deep as she gasped at how stretched and stuffed she felt... was Dragon even bigger than Zorro? As he half laid on her pounding into, Zorro positioned her head, which was between his legs, so it was bend toward him, making it easier to slide into her mouth and push down her throat, the mix taste of him and her spreading across her tastebuds. With the men grabbing her hips and breasts, dragon for leverage, Zorro just to knead and tease, they against took her fast and hard from both ends, driving her body up the climb to release despite the roughness, till with muffled scream of please she rocked to a powerful orgasm, her body shaking considerably.

She floated for what seem both a long time, yet somehow too short, as her senses focus back in to see the men stroking their members, pointing them at her face, nodding to their question if she was ready, she was suddenly sprayed as both came, shooting steam after stream of thick seed that landed on her face mostly, with a few getting in her hair and on the upper part of her chest and costume.

The two hostesses she almost forgot about during the fun, were giggling and softly cheering as she moved to sit up, and looked around for something to wipe her face with, when she saw a hint of movement behind one of the two women by a third hostess from the glimpse of a red costume like theirs, and then a corner of the dress drape lifted and a tray was slid onto the table. With their free hands the hostesses moved the tray over in front of her and the two men.

Jenny had to marvel at the simplicity yet elegance of the tray, the main objects being a box of packaged wipes, with three folded towels sitting around it, towels she was to discovered were soft and warm feeling as if recently from a dryer. Along the front of the tray was a brush, comb and hand mirror, and between the two a bottle of water, plastic type cup, a small sealed cup with a greeny tinge liquid and a small bowl of mints. Surprised but thankful, she opened a couple of the wipes, cleaning her face and the front of her costume which surprisingly resisted have the seed soak into it, then used the comb and one of the wipes to fish the cum from her hair without ruining her hairdo, and wipe it way. Using the towel to dry her face, she then took a mouthful of water and whished it about before swallowing, and finally took of the mints. The two men seemed wait till she finished then use a wipe to quickly clean their members and towel them before putting them away as they regained their pants, reminding Jenny, so she took another wipe to clean between her legs and dry again with the towel, then fixed her clothes as well.

Done, she again noted the odd detail of the act for not only was the tray brought conveniently, but that it contain three towels, one medium size and two smaller, as if the person preparing it knew it was for a woman and two men. Jenny tried to be causal as she looked up at the hostesses, trying to see if they have some kind of earpiece/mick setup that one of them could have used to request the tray, but saw nothing, then glanced over their costumes noting there were several decoration or spots a tiny mick might be hidden, she also consider it could be on the inside of they masks.

As the two women started to dismantle the drape and don their dresses, she leaned forward. "Is there some way i might leave a review or a note of appreciation for you, maybe to help get you that chance to be invited next time? I'd of offered to help hold the cover and give you both a chance with these two gentlemen." She glance at both with a smile. "With their permission of course. Even tried to hold the thing alone if you weren't ready to handle both at the same time, but you already mention you aren't allowed to fraternize with the guests."

Jenny listened to the two hostesses answer as they finished and collecting the tray, then asked them one more question before they departed. "Where did you say those special rooms were?"
The two hostesses giggled and wiggled, listening to Jenny while she spoke, paying all their attention to her, not the boys, as she rinsed and cleaned herself of all the sticky cum. Like the hostesses’ dresses, Jenny’s costume, being supplied by the organizers, was resistant to such fluids, and the makeup set was perfectly thought through, it contained everything for any contingency, and it wasn’t long before Jenny yet again was fresh like new, spotlessly clean, like the evening had just started, and she certainly hadn’t been ravaged by two huge cocks only minutes before.

They looked at her, blushing coyly as she made her offer to help them out, “Oh, really? Would you do that? Thanks, Strawberry! Yes, there is a review form available, you can thumb us up for admittance next year, top 10 wins an invitation! I’m Juliana, this is Michelle.” The Latina girl was talking, pointing to herself, then to her petite patina blonde friend. Then Michelle spoke, with a broad smile, “Or maybe we can ask the gentlemen to hold the cover, what do you think about that?”, she winked, “I’m sure Juliana here agrees that our Strawberry benefactor would need some special attention and reward, wouldn’t you say?”, looking at Juliana, with a crocked smile. Juliana nodded, licked her lips, “Yes, oh-yes!” She responded, “I see some tart there that I’d be well into tasting,” she continued, “and I have some of my own that I’m very happy to share,” rolling her curvy hips, “if you’re into that sort of thing, of course…” She let the sentence trail out.

At that point there was a moment where it looked like the two hostesses zoned out for a second, standing suspended in concentration, like listening to something inaudible, something far away, then snapping back to it, wrapping up their dresses and putting them back on. They looked back at Jenny, “For now, you’re quite right,” said Juliana, “no fraternization for us hostesses tonight.” As they were all dressed and hustling on their way, Michelle turned to Jenny over her shoulder, “Oh, there are many, many special rooms down all the corridors,” she started, “but may I suggest The Tunnel of Hearts,” she pointed down the curve of the wall, a big heart was mounted above one of the archways leading into the shadows, “I’ve just learned that there will be a royal banquet down there, and that it will be very active and kinky indeed.”

And with that, the two were on their way, leaving Jenny sitting between the men as if nothing had happened. They looked at her with content grins, “Wow, Strawberry, it was a privilege to get to fill you, tart, maybe we’ll do it again some time!”, Zorro said, then Dragon, “But now it’s off we go to new adventures, don’t you agree?” He looked around the room, half raising to his feet, “There is still much temptation to fathom.” And bowing politely, Zorro gentlemanly kissing the back of her hand, the two men were off as well, slipping into the fog of costumes and were gone from sight.

Jenny sat on her own looking out. By a column not far away two other hostesses were holding covers up, just like that had done for her. One could only wonder what was going on behind those. Over by The Tunnel of Hearts, people slipped in and out. She saw a tall man in a fierce frowning wolf mask and a white faux-fur pimp-coat. He held two ladies in leaches, obediently walking by his side, one was black in white lingerie, the other white in black, they both had big tits and curved hips, and they both wore bunny masks to their noses, whiskers wide and ears standing high up. And then there was a woman with three men. Her, a winged faerie, ushing them along eagerly, the men all like pirates, short tight pants and wests over loose shirts, bandanas and masks. It was quite clear that not every encounter here was random, some were planned well in advance.

Over by the column, one of the hostesses holding the cover leant in behind it. “I just received word that your order has been registered, madam!” She smiled. Looking up at her from her stance on her knees, the ice queen nodded contently. She pulled the cock she was sucking on out of her mouth and held hard around it’s root, the big black man heaving for breath and biting his lips behind his mask, abs and muscular chest flexing as a drop of pre-cum popped at the tip of his swollen and red cockhead. “Good!” Was her only response, before engulfing his shaft in her mouth again, bobbing back and forth on it while greedily squeezing the man’s balls. “Rest assured, the target will get the royal treatment,” the hostess smiled in response, “you just relax and enjoy the ball, madam!” And not long after, the ice queen, merciless in her suctioning, received the big mans loads of warm sperm down her throat, swallowing it all before licking every running drop into her. She only needed one of the mints to clear the taste, before rising, brushing the man away, and walking back into the crowd mingling, but keeping an eye on Strawberry-Jenny, curious to see where her prey would go next …
Jenny smiled as the hostesses indicated there was a form to give them a review, but before she could ask where or how, they surprised her, and made her blush some she was sure, as they indicated it was the men but her they were interested in, and seemed very willing to do so, asking her if she was willing.

She had to admit she'd not actually thought much about it much less done it before, but she was curious for she knew a few female friends who either swung both ways or totally were women only, and swore by it.... might be fun to see what they were talking about. She was about to accept their offer when they seemed to be distracted by something she wasn't aware of, then confirmed they weren't allowed to 'mingle'.... so she was right, they were micked! Obviously a the masks must hide a speaker and mick for the staff to communicate and coordinate with.... not a huge surprise.

As one of them answered her last question, glanced at the indicated tunnel. "Thanks Michelle, i'll keep it in mind." She called to the retreating hostess.

"The feeling is mutual." She told the two men as they thanked her, smiling her understanding as they mention going to seek other entertainment, and departed, leaving her alone.

Jenny glanced around, grinning as she spotted two hostesses holding up a drape over another spot, think someone else was having a bit of naughty fun too, wondering what the fun intitled and how many? Then her gaze shift to the heart marked tunnel, thinking on what Michelle had said. "Active and kinky, eh?" She said to herself. Watching some of the figures going down sure supported it, especially the bunnies on leashes she thought, and she pondered if she was ready for what waited down there, for she was sure out her normal element now.

"Oh well." She said finally, thinking that opportunities like this don't come along too often. "Guess in for a penny, in for a pound." She repeated the old saying. "Beside a royal banquet sounds fun."

She slipped from the booth, and making sure everything was straight again she strolled towards the marked tunnel, thanking a breath before proceeding it more shadowed confines......
Atmospherically dimly lit with candles and carved in wall torches, rhythmically augmented with slowly revolving projected lights, focused on patterns of red and pink hearts, sometimes other colors, green, purple, black, Jenny didn’t venture far down the arched and downward sloped stone pathway before realizing that new rules applied in here. Red clad hosts and hostesses stood at intervals by the walls, but unlike in the main hall, where they looked and actively sought to serve, the ones down here stood silent, modest, looking down between their feet, hands folded, only activated on demand.

Like upstairs, little crevasses dotted the walls, smaller down here, dome shaped inclines into the thick walls and rounded benches lining them. The first few that she passed had been empty, but in the next were two women and two men, the ladies in classic lingerie and feathered masks, the men in old style black suits, black beaks covering their faces. The men’s pants were on their knees, and one of the women was holding both their shafts, stroking them on each side of her, much like Jenny had just been doing. She had the other woman kneeling between her parted legs, Jenny couldn’t see it, but the mane of hair between the woman’s legs was gliding up and down, hands under hips, maybe she was licking her mistress’s clit, maybe sticking her tongue into her, one could only imagine. The woman seated in the center of attention smiled at Jenny as she passed, then her eyes rolled back, her lips releasing a sigh.

Eventually, the pathway opened to a small, angular hall. Columns separating the main area, which hosted a long table and wood benches, from side paths, which were more occluded, torches lining the seating space, only small candles behind. There were a dozen people in there, maybe more. A woman in a ballroom dress, bent over and holding the side of the table, the big folds of fabric hoisted high over her hips and onto her arched back, immediately caught Jenny’s eye. The woman whined and wagged, because behind her, a man in a vampire cloak was pushing himself into her, starting to fuck her with deep strokes. She also soon noticed the bunnies and their wolf master. The trio was now a quartet. The wolf standing in front of a slender lady, completely nude except clamps on her nipples, her whole head tightly wrapped in black leather, zippered up the back of her head, a thick belt around her throat, buckled firmly in front. She had slits for her eyes, and around her lips was carved a full circle, making her mouth look like a perpetual hole, for obvious uses and purposes. His bunnies obediently by his side, their hands on his back and shoulders, caressing his arms and sides while seductively coiling themselves, eyeing the black hole lady, the wolf’s hand rose up to her crotch and slid in between. The black hole gasped as she spread accommodatingly to him, his bunnies giggling, one of them sliding a hand over his crotch, starting to massage what was underneath.

Jenny attracted a lot of attention as she entered the room. It was all well and good that there were many sensual and sexual costumes, but not all had her figure, slimly curved hips, arched waist under big, round natural tits, not to talk about the flow of her strawberry hair, amazingly not sticky with cum at all. A dark-haired slender lady in a black silk veil and a silver braided long dress hanging in thin straps deep on her breasts, small, round, and perky, stood between two men, licking one of their fingers while allowing the other to massage her slender butt. She looked passionately at Jenny, made a little jerk of her head, raising her hand and gesturing Jenny close. A voice by her other side caught her attention, though, instinctively turning to it as she felt addressed, a whisper close to her ear, “My husband wants you… And tonight, my husband gets everything that he wants.” It was an Asian lady in a golden corset, gold mask, beside her a man, another demon, this one in a red fiery mask. The lady’s hand rose to Jenny’s hip and started to stroke her gently, “Do you have time for me and my husband tonight?” But then, in front of her, by the end of the table, were five men. All black and muscular, in colorful tribal costumes, bare chests, fabrics hanging from ropes around their waists, green, red, black, orange and purple fantasy creature masks, some grinning, some smiling, and some more like scary frowns. They stood in a semi-circle towards Jenny, some rubbing their crotches, some winking, smiles, kisses blown, “Here, kitten! Do you wanna come play with the big men?”

Unbeknownst to Jenny, right behind her was a white and silver figure, standing, watching, curious to discover what her prey would do next. And up in the mantle room Raphael was watching, target tagged and tracked. She wasn’t at the royal party yet, he thought, but the night was young, and she might as well be allowed to enjoy it on her way …
Jenny felt like she somehow entered a whole different world as she walked down the tunnel, for things most definitely seem unlike the it had been in the main area, the lower lighting for one made thing seem foreboding, and the staff were another change, as if not for the small indications of breathing, she'd of taken them for statues the way they stood so still.

As she passed the booths, she also noted they were not covered as before, the activities going on open to anyone watching, and not apparently a concern to those involved she saw as she returned the woman's smile. She was awed as she enter the room she found and saw things were much more bold here, and kinkier, making her nervous but also a bit excited.

Jenny did notice she was getting a good number of looks as she wandered into the room, though she wasn't sure if it was her more conservative costume to those around her, she being maybe new as many seemed to almost know each other or at least appeared to be here by plan, or even just her entering making her a subject to check out... or maybe some reason she wasn't considering.... either way it made her a bit more apprehensive.

Things seemed to escalate fast suddenly, as she was first signaled to approach a woman sort of hanging nearby, then the voice in the opposite direction that turned out to be a couple looking to add her to an apparent threesome.... form the way the lady stroked her side. The final item was a group of men, all large and dark of skin, making her an offer to join them. Each offered a unique and interesting experience, as well as a hint of unknown risk, and she was momentarily confused with a flood of feelings, ranging from fear and hesitation to excitement and curiosity.

The first offer held much mystery, for she wasn't even sure what was being offered or what part she might or would be playing in it. Though that meant it likely held the rarest experience, but also held the greatest possible risk in it's being a completely unknown opportunity. The second was the more normal and maybe safest, though very taboo in a way, offer as it was mostly a swinging thing, being either a simple one on one with the man having sex with her while the woman watched to a threesome with the couple, easy and straight forward if a bit lacking in excitement. Then there was the third offer, an easily discernable but wild experience, as she had heard many good and scary things about groups of black men. There was the old belief of black men being more endowed on average.... though after Dragon and Zorro, she wasn't sure if they could be much bigger, could they? Still the phrase 'Once you go black, you never go back' she had heard could be also expressed as 'Once you go black, you CAN'T go back', as the experience left one stretched so that small members simply could satisfy or even be felt. Also she'd heard that while more wild and forward in sex they also could be very rough and determined as to what they wanted..... and a group meant essentially a gangbang!

Jenny pondered the options, but in the end made a choice. The hanging lady was a bit too much of a mystery for now and might be an option later possibly. The couple while interesting made her feel a bit odd, considering she was on this vacation because of accusations of fooling with someone husband, though this would be with full permission. So she picked the third offer, for despite the risks it had been a curiosity of hers.

"Thank you for your offer." She told the lady in the gold mask. "But i have another meeting at the moment. Maybe later we can get together." She said politely hoping maybe the couple would think she'd made a prior commitment.

She walked towards the group of men, a mix of nervousness and excitement in her stomach, and regarded them with an alluring smile. "Well i'm willing to play if the boys are as big as they claim." She said, surprising herself in her boldness.
“Enchante,” it was like time suspended for a moment. One of the five big men reached out to her and took Jenny’s hand around her delicate wrist, pearl rows of grinning teeth visible under the colorful masks as they circled around her approach. Starting in French, the man continued in accented but flawless English, “of us you will know nothing, except pleasure.”

It was loaded, almost like the act was on long before it actually was, big frames looming, strong curious hands lingering, barely touching, but certainly sensing her in anticipation of what seemed so obviously to come. It was as if invisible caresses urged her on and directed her; soon, only pivoted by the man’s light hold on her lower arm, Jenny soon found herself walking slowly, the men all around and close, towards an even smaller corridor that led out from the side. Entering it, it was the claustrophobic feeling of having to bend one's back to even get down there. In reality, Jenny didn’t have to, the ceiling just above her height, but for the five men it was different. As they huddled behind her into the arched space, they practically sculpted around her. She could smell them, hear them, her own heartbeats in her inner ear for sure, but one could wonder if some of those beats came from the men as well. Loud, hard, healthy, excitedly accelerated throbs like drums.

The narrow corridor ended in a domed circular miniature hall. The ceiling was high again, and the men could stand up, but the quarters were cramped, and the fact that most of the centre floor was covered by a completely circular bed draped in red silk and gold pillows, the men were still crowding her as they stepped inside. The brushes of caresses were no longer implied and ethereal. There were hands on her for real now, on her buttocks from behind, swirling around her waist, on her thighs and arms, her neck. As forewarned, the men revealed nothing, except breathing arousal, hungry eyes. Two men took her by her wrists and turned her, back to the big bed, her front towards them. That’s when the first hand found her tit and squeezed it, and in the dim darkness behind shone bright grins, peeking around, Jenny saw some of them massaging their crotches through their tribal skirts, barely covering what hung under. A couple was loosening the clasp that held tight around their waists. Soon, those things would fall.

And they did, as Raphael up in the mantle room activated the dome’s ceiling camera, gaining a perfect top down view as the five men gently but authoritatively pressed Jenny to sit at the edge of the bed before quite forwardly dropping their skirts, naked under, five huge, hard, black, bobbing cocks jumping out and up at her, throbbing hard before her face.

‘It’s not yet the royal treatment,’ Raphael thought to himself, ‘but that doesn’t mean the views aren’t great along the way.’. He leant forward, unless disturbed intended to follow the show to the end. Raphael wondered how Jenny would treat the situation she was in right now. Would she feel them? Suck on them? Lay back and offer herself to them? He reckoned he was soon to know…
Jenny almost silly with her bold comment when the one man returned her greeting in a very sophisticated and devoir way with his nice French accent, making her think she had misjudged the men.

She had little time to worry about it as the men partly surrounded her and lead her down a side hall, or more a tunnel, as she fit fine but the large men had to stomp over a bit and pressed in around her to get down it, but it opened into a small but high ceiling room with a large round and finely covered bed. The men's hands started to roam her body freely, showing their rising arousal, and pivoted her around than had her sit on the bed as they loosen their skirts, and Jenny was soon looking at five very large and erect members that made her eyes nearly pop, for she would swear they were bigger than Dragon and Zorro!

With almost expectant looks from the men she reached out and started to stroke first one than another of the huge members, feeling their hot surfaces and the veins running through them. She had to wet her hands to make them slide better as she started to move from one to the next, give all of them attention as both hands were constantly filled with their firm feel. Her head was soon drawn forward, and she started to lick then suck on one as her hands remained around two of the other, making her almost think this was going to be a more 'civilized' experience than she'd thought originally, but that started to change. Soon large hands were grabbing her hair and pulling her mouth off one member to direct it to theirs, only for the next guy to do the same, having head bobbing around the semi-circle of men as her hands moved also from hard-on to hard-on, eventually ending with one hand finally taking hold of her hair and moving her mouth from one to another with her sucking for several minutes before being moved on. The pace soon increased again as suddenly one of them took hold of her head and pulled her deeper on his dick, pushing it to the back of her throat then down it, making her gag and almost choke, pumping in and out several times before her mouth was pulled off and moved to the next, who did the same, making her go through as repeating series of near choking then catching her breath quickly before having another gag and choke her again, her hands never empty as they stroked one dick or another at the same time.

Jenny was suddenly pulled to her feet, her mouth and hands only empty for a second before they were again filled, and the men started to try and undress her, leaving her mask on but determined to get the rest of her costume off. Unfortunately the fasteners on the costume were made for such large hands and thick fingers, making the men struggle with them, and she couldn't help as her hands were pulled back every time she moved them to assist, the men growing frustrated and finally pulling hard, making buttons pop and rain down, zippers be compromised and even a couple ties or laces to snap. Most of her clothes now stripped away, she pushed back on the bed, laying flat as the dicks quickly returned to her hands and mouth, and the man who'd pushed her, and though the little bit of material that made up her panties was likely easy to remove in comparison, the man vented his final bit of frustration by yanking them and tearing them free of her body.

The man opened her legs and moved between them, pushing into her swelled and damp sex with little warning, making her muffled sounds escape around the dick in mouth as he stretched her to her limit and maybe beyond, filling her greatly and deeply. She made muffled moans and cries as he started to pump in and out of her in powerful thrusts, pushing her towards release with determination, till her head exploded with pleasure, and as she started to come down the guy pulled out and was replaced by a second dick, which drove in and started to push her back up the hill to release again. And so it went, each moving in turn to push in to her and pound her pussy, while the circle revolved having new dicks replace old ones in her hands and down her throat, making her orgasm several times.... or maybe it was just one continuous one, as they pushed her to the top again every time she started to come down.

Each man took his turn, in fact through the haze that was her brain on near constant pleasure, she swear they all took a second turn with a least a couple thirds, that's when the current guy suddenly grabbed her and rolled over on his back, bringing her up to sit cowgirl style on him, he still thrusts up into her as the other repositioned and filled her mouth and hands as always. Just as she faintly wondered how they were going to continue their round about switching, she felt the fifth guy getting on the bed behind her and pressing his hard dick to her back opening..... oh god, she'd never done that before! Unfortunately with her mouth and hands full, she had no voice to comment or complain and no ability to push him back or protect herself, so just gave gasps and sharp sounds as the guy used her own juices and saliva cover his dick to help him push past the tight ring of muscles protecting her anus...... holy, and she thought they were going to split her when shoving their huge dicks in her pussy! The started to thrusting and out with vigor causing the mix shrieks of pain and pleasure to escape past the dick buried in her throat, her anal virginity gone she was amazed at the feel of not only being taken anally but the sensations of being double penetrated as by design or coincidence she felt the two hard members brushing by each other through the thin wall between the two cannels as they seemed to be push in or pulling out when the other was going to opposite way.

Again the men took turns in a round robin type way at slamming into her backdoor, surprisingly making her orgasm more despite the rough way they did it, and her mind was starting to get cross wired, as was her body started to feel tired and strained. It was at this time she heard the men heatedly discussing something in French she assume as she could understand them though the few words she did catch made it sound like they was at odds on how to finish her.... after all she'd climaxed a lot be they hadn't except the bit of pre=cum she tasted on them time to time. Finally the guy, who she was sure had the biggest dick among them, picked her up, dislodging all the others and carried her around the other side of the bed... the most other side there was on a round bed.

"I care not what the others think, my little pinky haired whore. I'm going to leave you with a present to remember this night by breeding you right and proper." She said into her ear in a slightly low tone, before dropping her face first onto the bed.

Breed her! BREED HER! The word rang in her head like a bell, as he climbed on the bed with her, partly pinning her in her prone position with his weight as he straddled her and aimed his huge dick up with her already well used pussy. Oddly, though her mind was in a panic, there was a small part that thrilled to the idea and was excited at the chance of ending of pregnant by some unknown guy, which seemed to be the one agreeing with her body as she grew even more wet at the prospect. He started to slam into her in a most brutal and animalistic way, and all she could do was squeal and scream as he pounded her.... this black stallion breeding her like some brood mare!

Apparently the others decided to accept his idea as her mouth and hands were again filled with huge hard dicks, and her cries were muffled as she crashed to orgasm again even as the guy gave a groaning growl and exploded inside.... and exploded, and exploded.... his hot seed filling her to compacity and starting to leak out around his embedded member to run down onto the bed beneath. He had just pulled out when the three reached release too, the one in her mouth filling her throat so fast she nearly choked trying to swallow it all and pulling out to shoot the rest of her large load all over her face and hair. The other two removed her hands and shot their loads in copious and think amounts all across her back and shoulder plus her upper arms. The fifth suddenly plunged into her backdoor again, pounding her fast and hard till he too started to come, shooting the first couple of strings inside her anus before puling out and covering her ass and thighs with a great deal of cum.

As Jenny lay there, completely spent and tired, the five men seem to rest a few moment themselves before donning their tribal skirts and disappearing up the tunnel, their loud jovial voice echoing back down the tunnel for several minute. They just left her laying there, covered nearly head to toe in cum, some leaking from all her entrances, her head spinning, feeling drain, bushed and very, very used.......
‘Wow, it’s good there are still some pieces of garment left on the strawberry slut!’ Raphael thought amused and amazed, drying a droplet of sweat that appeared and ran down his chin. The garter belt and the suspenders, one of the stockings ripped, but that only made her sexy, her corset to right under her tits, parts of her once elaborate sleeves in torn tangles around her arms, all still there, the rest of the costume in pieces and ravels on the bed and around the room. Little Miss Jenny was more like a pornstar-gothpunk now than the serene baroque lady that had entered the party only a couple of hours ago. The transformation had been tantalizing to observe, which Raphael had intently done.

Now, he watched her heaving and coiling on the bed, long after the five men that had ravaged her so hard and well had taken their leave, her eyes still rolling as she was coming down from all the orgasms, the mens cum flowing out of all her holes, her skin shiny and glistering covered in their sticky sperm. Given that those dome-beds were designed for documentation, a fine mesh of cameras covering all the angles practically resulting in a full 3D view of everything that had transpired, that the men had done to her horny body, he figured he probably already had enough to satisfy the ice queen. This would be a monster hit on porn hub, and getting it attention on a social media circle close to Jenny should be easy enough. However, he had promised the royal treatment and he would deliver. In fact, he suspected that Jenny would prove an asset to that in her own right, having seen her appetite and kinkyness thus far. Her participation in the royal banquet would only make it more effective, and Raphael a rich and successful man. He pressed a speed dial on his phone. “Sir?” came rapidly from the other end. “Full cleanup in mini-dome 3, ASAP.”

The ice queen had waited patiently at the entry to the tunnel, brushing off lewd attempts as she lingered, watching the opening, it had almost been an hour before the five big men reemerged cheerfully, big grins and laughter as they high fived one another, then slid into the crowd, stalking for more prey. Looking down the corridor, Jenny was still nowhere to be seen. “Pardon us, madam!” a voice from behind, the ice queen turned to see three smiling hostesses in their minimal red dresses, the first bowing politely, “Pardon us, madam,” she repeated, “we just need some room here to get down on official masquerade business! Sorry for the inconvenience!” And as the ice queen stepped aside from the narrow passage, the three rushed down the corridor carrying leather bags and purses.

The cleanup crew found Jenny twirling on her back, her hands caressing herself, rubbing the creamy cum into her skin, milky white fluids still streaming from her wide open and oozing pussy and ass. The three hostesses gleefully jumped onto their knees on the bed around her, caressed her hair and skin, soiling their fingers in sperm, licking it into their mouth while moaning and purring, “Mmmm!” Exclaimed one, a slender brunette with small breasts and long, slim legs, “You lucky, lucky tart,” she smiled down at Jenny, cocking her head, “Maybe with a good service and a good review, it can be me next year? For now, at least I’m allowed to taste the salty magic, it’s already making me wet!”

The other two were opening bags and pulling out warm and moist washcloths, premium softness, scented like strawberry, in fact, clearly tailored to fit Jenny’s perfume. “M-hm,” another, a full bodied hourglass blonde chimed in, with skillful moves taking hold of Jenny’s arm, starting to wash it clean of cum, “you really pumped it all out of them, didn’t you, Strawberry? Good for you! Like a nympho little whore, wouldn’t you say?” She continued to wash Jenny’s tits and neck, while the third nodded, a latina with a slim frame and big round tits, not unlike Jenny herself, “Real whore right here, girls, just like one of us!” She blew Jenny a kiss as she started to wash her tummy, then crotch, then pussy, featherlight and warm and wet cloth guided by her finger to soak up all the mens’ sperm. As the first lady had started to clean Jenny’s hair, the treatment below reached her ass, which was also meticulously cleaned of all male fluids that had so forcefully been sprayed inside there.

They turned Jenny over, cleaned her until she was ‘ready for more fucking’ as they blonde so bluntly put it to her. Then, standing her up, they fixed what was now pantieless lingerie and a corset to under her big tits, before assessing, and giving her a choice of panties, some with a french slit for her to conveniently open, they placed nipple clamps with feathers, like little flowers to cover her areolas.

The hostesses then watched as Jenny made herself up again, giving her a full bag of all necessities she could imagine, they ‘oohed’ and ‘aahed’ as she got sexy, “They don’t stand a chance out there, Strawberry has blossomed and is hungry for more, or so it seems!” They gasped as she rose, ready to venture back outside.

The brunette winked at Jenny as she let her pass, “You should seek out the lions’ den, Strawberry. That’s where they say the real action takes place, though I have never seen it myself.” …
Jenny was just rubbing the huge amount of seed into her skin, as he could see little other ways to get it cleaned up when the hostesses came in, surprising her with their quick arrival. She was even more surprised as they got on the bed with her and started to clean her with their fingers tasting it with glee.

"I guess i am." She answered to brunette, giggling at her comments.

She was very impressed by the service as it was very good and so complete, that she found out as they cleaned out her well used backdoor, though she wasn't sure about all the comments on her being a whore and such, but then could she really argue with it considering her actions so far tonight? At least they obviously meant it complimentary like and most times indicated that they were whores too.... at least that sounded sort of invitingly friendly. She giggled as they rolled her over on her stomach to finish the job, giving a sharp squeak as they rubbed in some kind or kinds of creams around and into her badly stretched holes, which to her wonder seemed to cause her muscles to firm up and tighten a lot soon having her, as the blonde hostess jokes, ready to fuck again.

They next set to getting her fixed up clothes wise.... sort of.... they didn't fix the costume, but instead had her soon dressed in a more lingerie type outfit, with some very risqué panties, they gave her a chose but all three so high recommended the French ones with openable crotch she relented, and gave her feathered nipple pasties. They then gave her supplies, helped where needed to fix her hair and makeup, her fancy do being a causality of her recent fun so she just fixed it up in a long partly pined back style with some of it pulled into a ponytail, and looked in the large portable mirror they had.

She stared at it for a moment..... she's entered here as a gothic lady with a fancy hairdo, but now she looked more like an expensive callgirl at a high-class brothel.... it was quite the change, and she looked at it think it was only skin deep.... right?

Jenny hoped so, but she had other things on her mind anyway, like the strange response of this place. They called her Strawberry again, though it was possible they could have gotten that from the other two earlier since she was positive the girls and boys too she assumed, had a communication system. Then there was how soon they arrived, which could be possible if the five men had mentioned it when they got back to the other room, but then there was the scented towels..... not only scented but one that was a perfect match to her perfume. That would require a lot of planning and preparation.

She smiled as she commented on how she looked and complimented her, though she twitched as they called her strawberry again." Thanks, and leave your names so a can give you a good review for your help." She told them grinning. "That way we can man hunt together next year."

Now where did that come from? Why would she say that, or more importantly, why was she already talking about coming next year? She wasn't even that far through this time, nor did she know if she'd even get invited again, and with the way she was going she'd of filled every wild fantasy she'd ever had by morning at the rate of things.

She looked at the brunette, thinking there been some pretty great action already, but instead just asked. "Where is this lion's den?"
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Returning out from the pleasure dome, the outer hall that had seemed a wild place of her deepest imagination was suddenly oddly ordinary to Jenny. Some girl in gown was jerking a guy off, there was sucking and licking and kissing, even fucking, but it was not by a mile away from the five cocks that had just pounded her, in her mouth, in her pussy and in her ass. Jenny looked around, then back at the brunette, waiting for an answer, but it was only a wink and a shrug, and she was gone. And then someone rubbed up against Jenny, instinctively she turned, and it was a lady, and she was a lioness, fluffy ears and a tail, tight yellow suit and whiskers, and she turned her head as she passed, winked at Jenny and nudged her along, ‘come with me’, she whispered inaudibly, every syllable pronounced on her lips, unmistakingly.

Following with curious eyes under her full face mask, the ice queen followed behind Jenny as she followed the lioness. She took them to another corridor, wider, and this time she took off down a fork in the path, a flight of wooden steps ended in a door, which the lioness opened, ushered Jenny inside, and then also the ice queen, who inconspicuously came a few steps behind. Inside was a dim lit stone hall, in the centre was an iron bar cage, around it were women, many of them, in sexy costumes from the colorful and vivid to the darkly slutty, they were all wiggling tails and clapping, eyes focused on the cage and what was going on inside.

Inside, a big man of rock-hard muscles in a big lion mask with a huge mane and a gold crown on top was pounding hard into a green faery lady. Her skirt was over her butt, exposed tits bouncing as he had her bend over a fluffy chair, her eyes rolling back, mouth cooing as she was orgasming again and again. And the lion man, his godlike body only draped in orange studded leather straps across his chest and into a whiplike tail that hung from a tight belt around his waist, just fucked her harder before releaseing a rageing roar, and unloading himself deep into her pussy, cum running down her thigh as he let her go. She staggered to the side, caught by the helpful eyes of a host, who helped her aside and out of the cage, cleaning crew waiting. And the crowd of watching women cheered and laughed, some patting the faerie on her back and butt as she passed, onto a futon where the hostesses started to clean her up.

The lion fell back panting contently on the chair, chest muscles and abs flexing as he leant back, cock swollen but going more limp, juices and sperm glistering from in and in streams down his crotch and thighs. Sure enough, hostesses were on the spot, cleaning him up, washing his cock, drying his sweat, moistening his skin. Then, one of the hostesses drew a small flask from her skirt pocket, opened it like and ampul vial, and held it to under the lion’s nostril, he snorted in, and his head jerked back, his neck stiffened as he held his breath, then eagerly leant back in and snorted into the other nostril, to the very same effect. The smiling hostesses stepped back and out as he rose, muscles flexing, veins popping, and he rose his arms and tightened his fists as he scanned the audience, his cock again stood thick and hard at a bobbing upward pitch from his smoothly shaven crotch, the muscles in his bull thighs tightened and he spoke in a deep looming voice “The lion is ready to FUUUUUUUCK!”

A frail and slender girl in a silver speckled bird costume entered the cage. In the beginning, the lion let her lick and suck his cock, his fingers playing with her feathered gown. But then he started to take control, pushing his cock into her and holding her until she gagged, spittle coughing from her lips as he released her to draw air, then doing it to her again. The ice queen was all the way up by Jenny’s side now, looking at the show, then her nemesis, delightfully unaware that she was being observed by a familiar, a familiar that was settling the score, the ice queen thought, smiling under her mask.

In the cage, the bird was lifted and turned, and, like her previous compatriot, she was meowing and purring as the lion was pushing himself deep into her wide open hole. The ice queen kept her eyes on Jenny, waiting for her to turn her head and look around, something she eventually did and their eyes met. “Gawd,” the ice queen leant towards Jenny, in a low voice, making sure to lighten it a pitch, so as not to get revealed by it, “he is a real treat, oh gawd, I’m practically cuming right here watching! No wonder all these women are enthusiastically waiting their turns! Do you think he does this all night?”. The snow queen giggled, lay a hand on Jenny’s hip and gave it a squeeze, “What do you think would happen if we went in there hand in hand together, huh? How do you think he’d react? Do you think he’d do us both, or make a pick? I suuuuuure wouldn’t mind a wild time with that bunch of rock hard meat inside me!” She looked around, hand still on Jenny’s hip, flexing, “Do you think there’s a line? I don’t think it is. Come, let’s get close to the gate! We can try to pop inside on the next round. If you want, of course.” …