Forbidden Magic (closed for Goldenbraid and Poprockz)

"I did, yes," she responded her now pink eyelashes moving downwards as she looked at the floor and then back up at him. He still smelled amazing, and she couldn't help but feel somewhat nervous about what was to come. Perhaps they ought to talk to get to know one another more, to see if they were indeed compatible beyond just simple chemistry. Though in this case "alchemy" might be the better word for it.

"So... I admit I'm a bit at a loss for what to talk about. I could talk your ear off about our classes or different types of magic I'm studying, but I'm not experienced when it comes to..." she gestured at him. "Talking with men like this."

Kaeely moved to the bed and sat down, finding that it probably had a preservation spell on it, seeing as how it seemed quite old but was in remarkable condition. Quite the comfortable bed too, she thought to herself.
In the end Vyln's quest for answers brought her before Lanartaran Mazixan, the excepted king of the Shikima clan.

"That is the situation, Haranamin." She told him after explain things and asking for his advice.

The king's deep and slightly booming voice was bit confused as he spoke. "I do not understand why you seek a solution if this is not the reason for the summons, but the clearest answer is to summon and entreat the fae responsible for the cursed mark or one of equal status."

"I have my reasons Haranamin." She replied, think that though the most direct and sure, it was the most unlikely.

"Very well." The large demon said. "There is always an infusing potion, the temporary boost might be enough for you to remove the mark, though it sounds as if the four most potent of the ingrediencies might be hard to facilitate. Also there is an ancient artifact that might add the additional power but it has been lost to the ages sadly. If you can find it though it would be a possible solution."

Vyln nodded, potion was an option but did require some hard to obtain items, but wasn't sure it would have the boost to make her powers strong enough to defeat high fae magic, and a lost artifact seem a very small hope when she didn't even know where to start to look.

"Is there no other way?" She asked.

He regarded her with a serious look. "The ritual Tel'Kantien would place her beyond the curse's reach."

She sigh. "I don't think she would accept that Haranamin."

"Then the last thing is the Tel'Ndenginad." He stated with a hard look. "Nothing can resist it power, but the cost is great. It must be your choice to use it, Timuamin."

"I understand." Vyln stated, a bit shaken. "Thank you."

She departed, stopping to take to one more clan member. "Are they ready?"

"They are." The figure assured her, holding out the two bottle. "The potion of nullification is of mild effect. The solution of reversal is empowered by Tel'Harando.

"Thanks you." She said taking them.

Sometimes later, the portal opened, and stepped through into the room, pleased to see both Lamoran and Kaeely there, and looking happier and less stressed..... hopefully a good sign.
Lamoran sat down beside Kaeely and looked her deep in the eyes.

“Perhaps it’s best if we start to know each other better? I know you are a very accomplished sorceress, your field of expertise is element magic, your have problems with summons, “he grinned at that, “and you like to follow rules.” He stopped for a moment.

“I also know that you are the most beautiful woman I ever met.” His grin turned into a warm smile.

“But that’s it. Where are you from? What do you like besides magic? What is your favorite food? What do you think about the war? There are so many things I don’t know about you but want to know.” He stopped when he heard a slight pop and Vyln again appeared in the circle. He turned to her and asked: “Do you have a solution to Kaeelys Problem?”
Vyln walked slowly towards them, stopping to place the two bottles on a nearby surface, adding a small satchel as well, then continued.

"I asked around." She started. "And eventually got a few suggestions and ideas but sadly none are guaranteed." She explained. "The most direct and simplest is sadly the least likely in my opinion. "And that is to summon Sil'Ellynsiun and petition him to remove the mark or to summon one of his fellow faes of the circle and ask them to do it." She sighed. "Sadly i assume he isn't going to do it, considering things, and any other is going to be reluctant to either."

Though it had been some years since the incident, that would be a fraction of moment to most outer beings of great power, so she assume the high fae would still be annoyed and therefore refuse to end it, and any other of the circle would be reluctant to interfere plus the mark it's self would likely garner a similar react as all being did from it, compounding the things.

"I would suggest maybe Lamoran help you, he is obviously talented at summoning." She said grinning at him. "And maybe if it was both of you the fae would be more likely to agree, but it still has it's dangers of course."

Vyln grinned trying to lighten the seriousness of the discussion. "Plus i'd better not be around when you try as fae and infernals don't particularly like each other." She added winking.
She had just been about to open her mouth to reply to Lamoran when Vyln appeared. The options presented were listened to with care, and she mulled them over.

To summon him again… she was right: he probably would still be annoyed. Perhaps she could do something to change his mind though, or offer him something to assuage his annoyance. Fae were often susceptible to gifts and flattery if it was done right.

Her attention turned more to Vyln and she took the opportunity to ask her a hesitant question. “Thank you- this is more of a lead than I’ve ever managed myself. But… please don’t take this the wrong way, why are you helping us?” She tucked some of her hair behind her ear and continued carefully, not wanting to upset her.

“I mean… you spent your own time helping when you didn’t have to and might not get anything out of it. You hardly know us and might never see us again so… why?” Her blue eyes looked curiously at the demon.
He looked from Vyln to Kaeely and back. On the one hand he wanted to get to know Kaeely better and help her alleviate her fears, on the other he somehow believed Vyln and trusted her. He didn’t know if that was a side effect of him summoning her or if it had to do with the fact that she was a succubus but the desire that was there again after he saw her was somehow very different from the feeling that she meant them no harm.

He nodded to Kaeely. “I can understand your reluctance to trust a demon and it really would help to know your motivation,” his gaze went to Vyln.

“But I don’t think that summoning a high fae and try to reason with him is a good idea. They are terrible fickle creatures, way more so than demons, and the possibly of making everything worse is very high.”

He looked Vyln straight in the eyes and again felt the trust but also the lust she was emanating. What had she told Kaeely to frighten her? This was something he wanted to witness and be part of and he was very afraid of his own desires. He blinked to focus and collect himself.

“What are the other options?”
Vyln watch the two seem to mull over the first idea, though separately, and expected further discussions or query of more ideas, but Kaeely again diverged back to her reasons for helping, though much more polite and tentative at least.

Her smile faded, and she sighed. "I see despite my showing nothing but good intentions you... you two.." She added as Lamoran join the girl in her question. "Are not going to be satisfied till you know my reasons."

Vyln waved a hand behind her, causing a stool sitting against one wall to slide to her, it's form shifting and expanding till it was now a highbacked wooden chair, to which with another small gesture she added a red colored pillow on the seat before sitting down.

"To understand my reasons, i guess requires to know a little of my past." She said a bit flatly. "I was not born an infernal, but was once sort of mortal like you two. My people were very strong in magic, and so soot more challenges which lead them to experiments in sex of a mix of physical and magical, which lead to them the Shikima, who we started to nearly worship, currying their favor with carnal rituals and sacrifices. Needless to say we developed excellent skills in the art of sex, i and Borenoriad were among the some of the most skilled, but unknown to me though he wanted more. So he preformed a solo ritual one night to my surprise, summoning the Shikima and asking them for the knowledge and skills to win, or more precisely, take the hearts of every female he wished, despite having won and been freely give mine for years."

As she spoke Vyln's form shift some, losing the over done glam, her voluptuous figure settling to a more normal but still fairly curvy form, her long auburn hair's out worldly shine reducing more understated look, and even her tight silken tunic changing to a looser woven one.

"But as she said." She continued, glancing at Kaeely. "Demons don't do things with out a price, so he offered them the greatest thing that was in his power to give them..... me.... having laced the food and drink we had earlier in the evening with a potion to reduce my defensive powers." Her face colored with a pained look of betrayal. "So i was dragged through the portal to a fate of being the plaything of the Shikima till they bored of me and either abandoned or ended me. It was my luck that my skills in the 'arts' and my determination to endure, if only the stave off my fate brough the attentions and maybe admiration of Lanartaran, the recognized king of the Shikima, and he offered me a way to escape my fate by joining them instead."

Her eyes refocused from their faraway look. "So i when i answered Lamoran's summoning, to find him asking only for help to win the attention of a girl he lo... liked, you Kaeely, i guess it struck a cord in me.... and i said i'd help." She regarded the girl with a questioning look. "Does that satisfy your curiosity.

She slowly turned to Lamoran to answer his last question. "I too don't think it would work and risk making it even worse, but it represented to best success if it worked. The next suggestion if something to temporarily boost my powers so they might be strong enough to defeat the high fae's magic, the two options being an infusing potion or an artifact of the Shikima." She sighed. "Unfortunately the artifact has been lost for a long time making the idea of finding it to use a long if not impossible undertaking. The potion is possible, i have the most of the ingrediencies but again the four most important, which i'm not sure will be easy to get here. They are the dew of five unsullied, the milk of a childless mother, the first seed of an initiator of life, and the fluids of a taker of the ungiven."

Vyln looked between them seeing the questioning glances, then slightly smiled. "In more basic and bold words, i need the orgasmic juices of five virgins, the breast milk of a woman who has not actually be nursed on, the very first cum of a man, and the bodily fluids of someone who has forced sex on from others.... that one i think i can get fairly successfully."

She waited their reaction, but saw an questioning of any other options. "Another choice is, though i don't think you would accept it Kaeely, the ritual of Tel'Kantien..... The Joining!" She said staring at the girl. "You would be infused with the blood of the Shikima, becoming one of them, becoming an infernal, which would make you unaffected by long lasting magics of Fae kind."

She sat back in the chair again letting all she told them sink in......
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By the time Vyln was done with her story, Kaeely had a sober look on her face. What a horrible thing to have happen to you- to be betrayed by the person you gave your everything to. Instead of losing all hope and motivation though, it seemed that Vyln had demonstrated tremendous willpower and fortitude. There were many who would simply become broken shells of themselves, so it was impressive to hear that Vyln had taken control of her fate even after it had been stolen from her.

She didn't think Vyln would want her pity or sympathy, but she certainly had her respect now. The woman listened intently as the options were laid out for them and she considered them carefully. The potion seemed to be the safest bet, she figured. If she had to put the options in order of likelihood of success and how much she liked the option, she would go for the potion first, then the artifact, then the summoning, then lastly the rate of the Shikima.

"Thank you for telling me your story," she nodded at the succubus with a serious demeanor. "As far as I see it, the potion is our best bet, then the artifact. As a last resort we can try summoning him again and with any luck we can butter him up enough to have him forgive me. No offense to the Shikima, but the idea of being railroaded into one profession doesn't sound like what I want for myself." Kaeely pressed her lips into a thin line.
Lamoran sat very still and contemplated all he had heard. That sounded horrible but what had he expected? Where fae where fickle, funny sometimes, at other times cruel without intention demons WERE horrible. But in this case, it seemed that humans were even more cruel and that was a lesson he would not forget.

Right now he didn’t have a chance but to believe and trust Vyln. He tried to understand the options but kept his opinion to himself and waited for Kaeely to answer. It was her life after all and he would do anything to help her but in now way would he try to make a decision for her.

He just nodded as she ticked off the options, put his hand comforting on hers and waited for her to finish. He agreed with her description, but she had missed one more thing they could do.

When everyone was silent for a moment he looked at Vyln.

“Yes, thank you for sharing what must have been very painful for you, but it really helps to understand your motivation a bit better.”

He waited for a moment and then looked at Kaeely.

“There is one more option you have not considered yet: Just leave it. All the things that Vyln has talked about are dangerous, some more so and some less, but dangerous nonetheless. Yes, it could mean that you never can master summoning and perhaps it also means that you will not finish top of the class, but it would be the safest route. “

He waited a moment for her to contemplate that.

“I will support you in any decision you make.” He smiled reassuringly at her.
Vyln was happy her story seemed to satisfy both their curiosity as to her reasons, and was pleased they didn't make too big a thing of it or try to discuss it further.

"Past is the past." She commented without any emotion.

She listened to Kaeely place the various solution in order of preference, not too surprised at where she chose to place each one, as she sort of already assumed that was how she rate them, but was surprised as Lamoran added another suggestion, or more a choice to do nothing. She had to admit it was an option, though it kind of made all her effort and knowledge seeking a waste of time, but it was a legitimate choice.... though she suspected it would be one too preferable to the girl.

"Another possibility." She said, shrugging. "But it's not my decision to make." She stated looking at Kaeely to see what her reaction was.
Her eyebrows furrowed. "To give up? I'm not the sort of person who simply gives up when there's a little danger involved. We're being trained for a war, after all. When we're out of the academy, we're going head-first in a fight we have no choice in. The only choice we really have is whether we're going to survive our seven years of mandatory service, and I intend to survive." Kaeely stood up and crossed her arms. There was a fierceness and determination about her, as she absolutely couldn't accept the option of doing nothing.
Lamoran returned the fierce smile.

“I thought as much.” He nodded. “Okay, then it is settled.” He thought for a moment.

“The potion it is.” In his mind he listed the ingredients again.

“If virgin still means what I think it means I guess I can help at least in that regard.” He smiled sheepishly at Vyln. “But what about the other 4 virgins, the first cum and the milk? We cannot run around the academy and ask around.”

He looked at Kaeely and hoped she had any idea. Then he remembered the last ingredient and looked back at Vyln.

“I guess you will provide the last one? And I guess we don’t want to know how you do it.”
Kaeely also shuffled on her feet a bit sheepishly as well and admitted, "I can help with that first one too. I honestly don't think that one will be too difficult, considering the rules at the academy. The first seed will be difficult since a lot of men wouldn't abstain from that unless they intended on going into the priesthood."

She thought for a moment and sighed, running her hair through her hair. "The breastmilk is a tricky one... I don't think any of the teachers are pregnant, so we would have to go into town for that one and find a first-time mother who is close to giving birth. And..." She cringed. "We would have to make sure that their partner hadn't... well," she gestured as if to say 'you know what I mean.'
Kaeely's response was what Vyln expected.... give the girl credit for raw determination.

Seemed the potion was the present option and she too ran over the four missing ingredients, thinking the they were unusually plentiful, thanks to the focus on being war wizards here, but the repressed nature around was going make them harder likely to precure. A thought apparently shared as Lamoran expressed that they couldn't just ask around.

Vyln smiled amused. "No, we can't just ask for them. And well i love the enthusiasm Lamoran, that was juices of five virgins." She giggled. "As in, Kaeely's gender only i'm afraid. But you might fit the first cum part, depending on if you've ever mastrabated before." She finished, giving him a questioningly sly look.

She smiled knowingly at Kaeely comment, then sat thinking on options. "There is a work around on the milk thing if we can get someone willing to volunteer. But i'm not sure with the rules around here that it is possible."

She pondered that last question, wondering how she should answer, but figured they were all being pretty much forward about things so far. "Yes, i'll get the last one, and no, you likely don't want to know the details i'm sure."

Vyln had a feeling getting the things they needed might be as nearly great an undertaking as getting rid of the mark it's self.....
Lamoran smirked as Vyln mentioned the requirements for the virgin part.

“No, actually I will not fit that part and I guess man here at the academy will…” he scratched his head.

“Alekomar could be your man, he is…” he paused searching for the right word and finally settling on one, “…strange.” He could perhaps provide the first come.

“How do we proceed then? First the hard parts? What do you have in mind for the milk Vyln?”

Then he looked at Kaeely.

“And how do we handle 4 more virgins without alerting them to anything and without being caught? Can we somehow get them here, let Vyln do her …thing … and then make them forget what happened?”
Kaeely blinked. What was the work-around for the breast-milk? Would it be to get the milk from an animal who hasn't nursed before? That would make sense, she figured. Perhaps that particular item didn't necessarily have to be of human origin.

"I... have a pretty good idea about who is or isn't virgin in my class," she started slowly, glancing at Lamoran a bit shyly. "We talk about that sort of thing here and there. Though how I would get them all up to this tower would be the tricky part. Perhaps I could tell them that a summoning went wrong and I need their help to catch what I summoned?" It was plausible, seeing as how all her summonings typically ended in failure.
“That sounds reasonable.” Lamoran answered, “but what then? Force them to do something? Make them forget? I had problems making you talk to me, how do we get the ‘orgasmic juices’ from them?”

He looked at Vyln.

“Can you help there as well? Should we practice anything?”

Torn between wanting to help, amusement and the still lingering lust the succubus was extruding, Lamoran looked from her to Kaeely and back again. Then he took all the courage he got and looked straight at Kaeely.

“Since you are committed to this course of action perhaps we should start with your juices.”
Vyln was a bit surprised by difficulty of finding the right people..... maybe this place wasn't as sexually repressed as she though.

"Okay, we'll have to keep this Alekomar in mind." She stated simply. "As to the milk, there is a massage technique that can cause a woman's body to go into nursing mode without out being pregnant, but it would need a willing volunteer because it can take time to work. I know the method well so that can reduce the time but it would still require hour to hour and a half for the massage and up to a couple hours for the milk to come in fully." She told them frankly. "So it would need someone willing and preferable aware of what it's for." She shrugged. "Not sure how you will get someone to agree without knowing what it does and maybe why it is needed."

Vyln smiled with a very naughty look. "Well not forget but maybe think it is a dream or illusion." She grinned more at Kaeely's suggestion. "Now that could work."

She stood and walked over to the book case, looking for a book she was sure she'd seen earlier when checking over all the titles, finally plucking one from the shelf with a smile and started to flipping curiously through it's pages from a few minute before grinning in triumph as she returned to her chair.

"Have the very thing right here, often referred to as a Vanderstench by those who know them." She showed the two the figure of a spotted cross between a skunk and a possum. "Now it might get you in trouble if anyone found out you had summon one, but they aren't generally know so a person would have to look it up." She continued looking at Kaeely. "They are not part of the fae or infernal, tending to be found in most of the outer realms, and they are actually quite timid and shy creatures. The reason they are considered dangerous is because when seriously scared or cornered suddenly, they release a cloud of hypnotic particles. Not many stories exist, that i know, of the results of those particles, most ranging from visions of fears, dreams, desires or fantasies with some experiencing just a bunch of random and unrelated images."

Vyln put the book down, and regarded them again. "When they are supposedly get caught by the cloud, they should assume anything that happens is just hallucinations and if lucky each will be embarrassed to admit they had sexual experiences so they won't realize they had the same ones."

She sat back with a wicked and naughty grin. "If you don't mind setting up your friends and/or classmates...?"
Kaeely started to feel torn regarding luring her virgin classmates to basically be molested. The morality of it weighed on her, and she had to stop and think about things quietly for a moment or two. Was she really so desperate to rid herself of her curse that she would use others for her gain?

Would it truly be so bad though? It wasn't as though they would realize what had truly happened, and it might even be liberating for them, perhaps. Was she simply trying to find justifications?

She sighed, rubbing her forehead before glancing at Lamoran and then Vyln. "Alright... Tell you what. I want to see what it means to "get the juices," and then I'll decide if I want to proceed with getting the other girls here. And..." she swallowed, hugging herself in a nervous manner, "if it can just be induced, then I don't mind being the one to provide the milk too."
Lamoran could see that Kaeely was not entirely committed to do something to her classmates that was potentially harmful, and he agreed. He would not consider anyone here a friend, but he still was reluctant to hurt or otherwise force them into things that they didn’t want. Since everybody here was sexually repressed in one way or another, they didn’t have any idea how this would play out.

When she offered to be a “test subject” he thought that a real good idea but was wondering if this thought was rational or came from the effect the potion had on her and apparently on him as well. And there was the proximity of Vyln to consider who still emanated an aura of sexuality that was hard to ignore.

He looked at Kaeely then at Vyln and back at Kaeely.

“So, should we start?” he asked. Then he reached out to her, his eyes looking into hers for any sign of regret or reluctance. He pulled her closer and pressed a kiss on her lips. He got a bit bolder and his tongue started to flick forward against her lips.
There was no reluctance in her eyes, only surprise as he looked at her. She wasn't entirely sure what this all entailed, but she hadn't been expecting a kiss.

It was nice... The soft, warmness of his lips felt good against her own. He had claimed her first kiss, and regardless of how things turned out between them in the end, she was glad that it had been him. They still didn't know each other too well at this point, but one didn't have to know someone's backstory and favorite color to feel a flutter in their chest when they touched them.

Kaeely tentatively kissed him back, feeling out how to proceed by copying some of the movements he made and letting her own intuition guide her. Her mouth opened slightly when she felt his tongue knock at the door, and her own tongue came out to flick cautiously against his. Her heart was beating quickly at this point, knowing that soon his hands would be exploring more of her, coaxing her into the state of arousal they sought.
Vyln smiled as Kaeely offered to also be the one for the milk, and was ready to get things done when Lamoran kissed the girl.... she kissed him back.

'Okay, seems they are going to mix a bit of pleasure with business', she thought amused and most approvingly. Part of her felt like a third wheel and made her think she should leave and not interfere, another was tempted to join in and make it a three-way, that was the naughty part of her. She settled with a quiet spell and gesture that filled the air was an invisible and light aphrodisiac and carefully rose to go check the other ingrediencies to make sure she definitely had what she needed and it was all good.

She watched out of the corner of her eye, just incase she was needed, and was prepared to depart if necessary, as this was technically what she'd been summoned for.... help Lamoran get the girl he liked.
Lamoran enjoyed the kiss and leaned even more into her. His hands started to roam over her body, but her plain clothes were somehow in the way. He had managed to get rid of her robe and now was trying to get underneath the shirt as well. He came up for air and smiled broadly at her.

“This is nice.” He said and then came in for another kiss, a bit bolder now, his tongue exploring her mouth and intertwining with hers. He finally found a way under her shirt and caressed her bare skin, savoring the feeling. He did enjoy this tremendously, this felt better than he imagined, but he also was a bit at a loss how to proceed. He bend back again and grabbed her shirt, waited for her approval and pulled it over her head.

His eyes roamed over her chest and the smile on his face grew a bit brighter and admiringly. He had seen her once naked but from afar and up close her breasts looked even more perfect. He couldn’t help himself and placed a kiss on each one, flicking his tongue against the nipple gently. He pulled back again and smiled at her again and inwardly thought:

Now what?
She had been catching her own breath when he commented on things, but had opened her mouth to reply when once again she found his lips against her own. Kaeely melted into the kiss, now tasting him on her tongue as they slipped over each other in their mouths. His breath was hot and needy, and she felt slightly dizzy from the intensity of it.

Perhaps dizzy wasn’t the right word. It made her mind hazy, and a tremendous desire was taking hold. What she wanted, she wasn’t sure, but she knew that kissing and touching was the path to it. Sex hadn’t been something she had been taught about as a child, or even as an adult, so she wasn’t entirely certain how to do it. She just hoped that perhaps Lamoran might know.

Once her shirt was removed, she felt a bit shy about having her breasts exposed to him, but at the same time she wanted him to see them. His gaze mad a tingle go down her spine, but the touch of his lips and tongue made her shiver. An ache was starting to become apparent in her loins and she looked to him with a somewhat sheepish look.

“I know we both haven’t done this before, but I have to admit that I don’t know how to do it even in theory. I… was never taught about this sort of thing.” The girl bit her lip, wondering if he had been given any sort of sex education.
Vyln, watching from cross the room, sighed amused, 'even instinct can lead them on the right path'. Lamoran looked like he'd just been asked to make a potion but wasn't given the recipe, and Kaeely had the look of one swimming down a delightful stream but had no idea where it lead.

Chuckling to herself, she walked over silently, taking one of Lamoran's hands and had him squeeze Kaeely's breast, using the forefinger to rub the nipple, as she gently pushed his mouth over the other. "Suck gently, tongue flicking the nipple." She instructed, as she move his other hand down to the girls groin area, having him rub her through her clothes. She then took Kaeely hands and moved them to Lamoran's back have her run them up and down.

She watched smiling, listening to the sounds they made, indicating slight adjustment till they both sounded happy, then had him switch up hands as he moved to the opposite breast, moving one of Kaeely's hands down his groin and had her rub his growing bulge.

'That was foreplay going', she thought pleased, 'next bottoms off and down to the real fun starting.'