The Twilight Masquerade (closed for Goldenbraid)

Jenny was surprised as the woman seem to appear as if summoned, though it was good to have a guide to this lion's den, and followed a bit nervously, wondering what this night had in store next.

When they arrived, her eyes grew to saucers as she beheld the spectacle before her, and she had to admit this was sure an awe inspiring show, for the guy was incredible, and so primal! She wasn't surprised the woman needed help getting to the couch from the hostess after what she'd just had done, but was even more shocked as they tended to this 'Lion', and watched with disbelief as he was suddenly invigorated again by the apparently strong scented flask..... holy!

As the next woman entered of her own free will it seemed she just stared, watching transfixed, and despite what she'd just gone through, felt her lower part tensing as he took this new partner, for though she didn't think he was bigger, or much bigger than the black guys he was thicker she observed. Also this guy made the guys from the gang-bang look almost gentle by comparison.

She was starting to look around for a place to sit when she noticed the woman dressed in an icy colored costume beside her, listening to her reaction to the show. "He sure is something." She greed, looking back at the cage. "Looks like he does go all night, at least as long as he smells that stuff in the container it seems."

Jenny looked at the guy in the cage, trying to decide if it was wise to get into something else again so fast, though she still heard the voice that said this was a once in a life time thing maybe and make the best of it. Still she wondered if there was a line or not and was curious as to what the guy would do if two females entered together or if it was even allowed?

As before, her curiosity was the stronger. "Okay, lets try it." Jenny agreed, at least getting to experience something with a companion this time.....
The bird gagged and grunted and groaned, eyes rolling back to the white of her sockets, spittle dripping from her open mouth, whimpering and wailing in what looked like perpetual orgasm as the lion brute plowed into her pussy then ass. From his leather padded chair in the mantle room, Raphael observed it all through multiple cameras on his big screens, his focus on Strawberry-Jenny and her new ‘friend’ the ice queen. A white-silk gloved hand landed on his shoulder from behind, gave it a massaging smile, and his head turned back, smiling. “Wow, Raphael, I did NOT see that coming! Talk about two birds with a stone, right?” The glowed lady, hourglass curvy in white lingerie, boots, a transparent gown and bunny hat with rim-eyes just below her eyeline, spoke, winked at him, he nodded, “Three, actually,” Raphael retorted, “you’re forgetting the prince, Victoria, you’re so like yourself, only eyes for your own vendettas!” He grinned, and Victoria slapped his arm in mock indignation, “Oh, Raphael! You know I always have your objectives close to mind!” She objected, “Your objectives, and your money, that is.” Her grin was as crooked as her nose now. The nose she had told Raphael had got broken in a quarrel. It had never been fixed even if the opportunities had been ample. It was symbolic, she’d said, and in some way, especially when she orgasmed, it did make her look very sexy in a kinky kinda way.

“Yes, I’m acutely aware of my worth and that of my assets, my dear,” Raphael blew her a kiss, “I’m happy all the same,” then he turned his attention back to the video streams, “But hush now, things are developing!”

The lion had the bird on the floor, his knees on her wrists, his strong legs wrapped across hers, keeping her helplessly pinned as he alternated between jerking himself off violently, and showing his shaft deep in her mouth, fucking it with the same vigour, while his hands grasped around her neck, rubbed and pulled her tits. “We delivered all those three masks, right?” Victoria was leaning over his shoulder, following the stream now too. “M-hm,” Raphael nodded, “and all the cameras are rolling, an array of hundreds, and the costumes have some hidden in them, too. This will be like participating in point-of-view VR, honey, the tech we have this year is astonishing. I can show you how the quantum filter makes it look when playing back through it, it’s quite impressive!”

“Quantum filter, huh? Is that what it is?” Victoria keenly eyed the screen, before waiting for Raphael’s response, “Look! they’re all the way to the gate, in front of the line!”. It was true, Jenny and the ice queen were in fact there, ready to step inside as soon as the lion had finished his current serving, which it seemed he would soon, given that he roared violently over the bird, his huge cock convulsing towards her face. “Yeah!” Raphael noted with satisfaction, “Maybe we’ll be collecting on these birds bigtime, that’ll call for celebration, don’t you think? I’ll initiate the filter when our ladies enter the cage, that seems fitting.”

That was when the lion finished. Huge loads of sperm sprayed onto and over the bird, splattered on her tits and in her face, and then he showed his cock back into her mouth, let her lick and suck it clean while panting hard under him, before he let her go. And the events from earlier was repeated, the bird was helped shakingly aside while the lion fell back on his throne, head and member bobbing, before the hostesses came with towels and the vial, and as soon as he had snorted it in, he was back up, hard cock bulging, even bigger now, maybe, or maybe it was just closer. To Jenny, it seemed like his huge club was the size of her lower arm, and hard like the bone inside it too. The ice queen took her hand and stepped inside, pulling Jenny in with her, “It’s now or never… Well, later,” the ice queen whispered, “I saw a couple of hungry sluts ready to make their moves out there, and I don’t wanna wait another round, who knows how long that vial is good for!”

As the two women stumbled into the cage, and the lion turned fiery eyed towards them, his big muscles flexing from calves to his bull-neck, Raphael leant forward in his chair and clicked the quantum filter button on his control pad. “Watch this!” He exclaimed, as the lion's mask started to flicker in the feed, “How does it work?” Victoria gasped, giving Raphael’s shoulder an excited squeeze. “It shoots negative photons to the masks’ fabrics’ molecular structures into the video feed,” Raphael responded triumphantly, as the girls’ masks’ too started to flicker and fade, clearly visible around on the screens, catching the trio in all angles, some also from the view of the girls’ tits, the lion’s buttons and clasps, “et-voila, masks away!”

Victoria’s hand rose to her lips as she drew her breath in wonder. The sexy costumes were all there, and so was the surroundings, the slutty girls and their lion stud, it was all like it had been, it was all exactly like real, in high definition from every angle in every way. It was only that the masks were gone. Like vapor. And not only that, their faces were perfect, exactly as they looked, every twitch and twinkle. Victoria leant in and looked at Jenny’s face from the view of a camera chest high on the lion’s leather don. It was her, that was for sure, Jenny Reed, Victoria had followed her all these years, biding her time, she had so many pictures and videos already, and this was her, the real deal.

Like reading her thoughts, Raphael answered her unanswered question. “It really is her face. The fabric of the masks, which are all still there as far as anyone but us are concerned, detects all their contours and reflects them in the negative photon beam, so we can reconstruct it here perfectly. Or, not even reconstruct - as far as light is concerned, it is actually them.”

Down in the cage, the lion took a heavy step forward, the floor shaking as his foot landed and he snarled in satisfaction, eyeing his two new visitors hand in hand before him, his hand slipping to the root of his cock, “So, ladies, who gets this first? Or are you somehow gonna share?” Up in the mantle room Victoria looked from maskless face to maskless face on the video stream, her lips spilling into a wide grin, “I give to you little slutty Jenny hoe, Mrs. Rachel McMahon, wife of Lucas, ready to give head and holes to the drugged out Gregory, crown prince of Gregoria and well known crossfit dim-wit. I wonder what poor Lucas will think when he sees them like this, his wife with his trusted instructor that he so obviously craves. This will be a ride when it hits smut-media!”

Down in the den the ice queen, Rachel McMahon, squeezed Jenny’s hand and swallowed deeply, “I’m not even sure if that can fit in me! Maybe we should try it in our mouths first!” …