
Lady Cibelle,
Having spent some time with both psychologists and the psychiatrists, in a personal and professional setting... the mind is a mystery to both, regardless of what they may tell you. Yes, they may be able to help your daughter, but then again, maybe not.
I would guard myself and my child well, especially when working with the psychiatrist, as they are MD's, and can prescribe medicines which could do more harm than good. Run for the hills if one says, "We'd like to try this medicine, for this or that reason." Key word "try", meaning they have no clue what it's effect may be.
Before I would allow a man-made chemical into my child, I would seek advice from a chinese herbal doctor- believe me, the Chinese have many natural medicines which the rank and file medical community doesn't wish to consider-and/or, if there is a reservation nearby, or you know of a Native American settlement close, ask to speak with a 'holy' man... medicine man/woman. Many times we are affected by things we may not believe in, but they are there just the same.
Wishing you and your family the best.....
On a different vein, or 2...

Min... welcome. Hope you enjoy the title 'virgin' as much as I do.. rofl.
On the next vein, finally had an author send me his story to edit. I was mildly surprised, it wasn't that bad! Just some punctuation, and dexterious use of more descriptive adjectives that many people never hear, let alone use, right?
Hope I see some more, I like the work...Hmmm, perhaps I should become a teacher???????? NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! lol
I'm newer to the forums

Hey, I'm not really blowing off steam but more or less wanting to learn, How do i change the thing under my name that says virgin to something else? I'm far from a virgin except to the posting site.. can anyone help me?
That will change as your posts increase. Once you reach 100 posts it'll say "Experienced", at 500 it'll say "Literotica Guru" and at 1000 you'll be able to change it to say whatever you like.

(I could be off on the counts, but it's something like that)

Oh that and...

How do i get a little icon by my name? i have some cute pics but i dont know how to put them up. Please help me! :)
Same deal, you can put up an AV at 100 posts, I think. You might want to check out the FAQ page. I think there's stuff about all of this there and it'll have the definitive answers rather than my semi-educated guesses.

Welcome to the forum, btw!


Thanks sweetie :) I hope to be able to post regularly.. is this forum connected to the story pages? or can only members post?
mithragoddess said:
Thanks sweetie :) I hope to be able to post regularly.. or can only members post?

If you have a member name it's because you're a member, then it means you can post on any forums you want :)

is this forum connected to the story pages?

I'm not sure I totally understand your question so I'll answer in general terms. The Editor's forum (here) is for anyone who need helps with their story, pertaining to editing matter. "The Watercooler" is for those of us (writers and editors) who need to blow off steam about anything and everything. If you have a specific qualms regarding editing I'd suggest you created a thread instead of posting in "The Watercooler" as it's gonna be seen more easily and answered easily also.
Sorry, folks, about my absence, but I'm back up and running now, thank goodness.
cloudy said:
Sorry, folks, about my absence, but I'm back up and running now, thank goodness.

Welcome back Cloudy, I saw that you've been sorely missed everywhere and I know understand why :) I trust that you have a brand new computer now, and it won't die on you for a while ;)

I'm sure that everyone is glad to have you back.
LadyCibelle said:
Welcome back Cloudy, I saw that you've been sorely missed everywhere and I know understand why :) I trust that you have a brand new computer now, and it won't die on you for a while ;)

I'm sure that everyone is glad to have you back.

Thanks, love. :rose:

Yes, a new computer, so should be good for awhile. I won't go into my struggle with getting said computer here, or the three day fight I had with bellsouth over my dsl service. :rolleyes:

Felt like coming home. :)
The Editor's forum looks beautiful....I was just reading through. Awsome job my lady!
BlackSnake said:
The Editor's forum looks beautiful....I was just reading through. Awsome job my lady!

Thank you Snakey, that's very nice of you to say that :kiss: But I don't deserve all the praise, I've had my work cut out for me with all the wonderful people here willing to work the extra mile to make this forum a success :)
LadyCibelle said:
Thank you Snakey, that's very nice of you to say that :kiss: But I don't deserve all the praise, I've had my work cut out for me with all the wonderful people here willing to work the extra mile to make this forum a success :)

I'm settling down and begin to dream up anonther fantastic story to write...LOL Well, at least a story. I hope that you are still game for editing.
BlackSnake said:
I'm settling down and begin to dream up anonther fantastic story to write...LOL Well, at least a story. I hope that you are still game for editing.

Of course I am!! I don't let go of MY writers that easily :D

- :nana:
Captain Midnight said:
I don't really know what to say about this past weekend. :(

I really let things get to me (past tense and present tense, and future tense for all I know).

I know now that I really and truly do love my girlfriend, but we can't avoid making each other angry, and hurting each other's feelings, each and every time.

That's all I can really say for now, except that I really and truly feel all alone. :confused: :despondent:


I've been watching for some time to see if there's been any resolution from your relationship woes. I hope things have turned for the better for you. Any updates you can give us?


I hope your move has gone smoothly and may you be settling in like you've lived there all your lives. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


How's it goin'? Haven't seen you in the boards much. Hope all is good and getting better!!!
Halo_n_horns said:

I hope your move has gone smoothly and may you be settling in like you've lived there all your lives. Looking forward to hearing from you soon


Not moved in yet. We're taking the plane June 20th to be there for the 21st, which is the closing date for the sellers to be out of the house.

Less than a month now and we'll be there...I have to say that we're all looking forward to it as we're beginning to feel cramped living in boxes at the moment.
Responding to HH above made me think that it would be a good idea to tell everybody what is happening so nobody will have bad surprise when the time comes...that's what I sent to all the people I have in my contact list but just in case some of you didn't receive it

Just a short note to let you know that I’ll be unavailable for editing starting 15th June until 20th July. We’re moving in our new house and I’ll need that time away to get us all settled.

If you need to reach me, just as long as it’s not for editing, you can contact me at as my email address will be disconnected starting this date and I don’t know who my new ISP will be yet

I'm asking each and everyone of you to keep the forum alive and help people while I'll be away. The alternate editor's list is working fine and the ones on it are awesome... please take care of each other.

I'll miss you while I'm gone...some more than others :p but still you all have some redeeming qualities that make you important to me :)
LadyCibelle said:

Not moved in yet. We're taking the plane June 20th to be there for the 21st, which is the closing date for the sellers to be out of the house.

Less than a month now and we'll be there...I have to say that we're all looking forward to it as we're beginning to feel cramped living in boxes at the moment.

I know exactly how you feel, sweetie. Keep us informed. Don't forget to take pics of the whole family in front of the new mansion and post them so we can see all the happy faces!!! :rose: :rose: :rose: :nana: :nana: :nana:
It's my birthday and I'll bitch if I want to!!!

What a weird day it was today. Hospital's appointment with my son and the neurologist forgot about us, seeing other people before us and not even apologizing for his mistake :confused:

Then we arrive here and I find out that no matter if it's my birthday or not...I have to cook supper as we're not eating the same thing as my parents so I have to fix everything if we want to eat at a normal hour.

Now supper is over, dessert has been eaten and I'm totally nauseous :( My piece of cake was too big :( and I hate it all like a pig:(

Good thing the day is almost over or I'd wonder what else would go wrong!!
LadyCibelle said:
What a weird day it was today. Hospital's appointment with my son and the neurologist forgot about us, seeing other people before us and not even apologizing for his mistake :confused:

Then we arrive here and I find out that no matter if it's my birthday or not...I have to cook supper as we're not eating the same thing as my parents so I have to fix everything if we want to eat at a normal hour.

Now supper is over, dessert has been eaten and I'm totally nauseous :( My piece of cake was too big :( and I hate it all like a pig:(

Good thing the day is almost over or I'd wonder what else would go wrong!!

Happy birthday, sweets!!! :nana: :nana: :nana: :rose: :rose: :rose:

Yer what, 24, 25 now?
LadyCibelle said:
What a weird day it was today. Hospital's appointment with my son and the neurologist forgot about us, seeing other people before us and not even apologizing for his mistake :confused:

Then we arrive here and I find out that no matter if it's my birthday or not...I have to cook supper as we're not eating the same thing as my parents so I have to fix everything if we want to eat at a normal hour.

Now supper is over, dessert has been eaten and I'm totally nauseous :( My piece of cake was too big :( and I hate it all like a pig:(

Good thing the day is almost over or I'd wonder what else would go wrong!!

Sorry your birthday didn't go as planned. I hope your son is okay! Kind of interesting about your parents' eating habits ... do they like a late-night supper? :)

Too bad you ate too much cake (is that what you meant by "hate it all like a pig"?)

But thank you so much for enjoying the card I sent separately. :kiss:

Captain Midnight :)