The white working class has legitimate grievances, but . . .

Not when the people have to deal with the consequences.

Not getting totally fucked over by democrats is a great consquence.....

There's no way Trump can keep his campaign promises without causing a major recession.

Believe whatever you want, doing something other than "FUCK YOU AMERICA LAST!!!" is all he has to do to absolutely fucking REK the USA loathing elitist scum like you. :D (y)(y)
Believe whatever you want, doing something other than "FUCK YOU AMERICA LAST!!!" is all he has to do to absolutely fucking REK the USA loathing elitist scum like you. :D (y)(y)
But he's going to rek everybody. We all have to live in the same economy, don't we?
A recession is a recession for everybody -- working hard don't help if there are no jobs.
Indeed, it's probably going to hit Trump voters harder than most. But at least they have a president who validates their bigotry.
A recession is a recession for everybody --

No it's not.

working hard don't help if there are no jobs.

The mentality of a wage slave....fucking pathetic.

Indeed, it's probably going to hit Trump voters harder than most.

Unlikely considering how much the left is screeching about him cutting their funding off.

But at least they have a president who validates their bigotry.

Wanting to keep your labor/property, basic human rights and having a government that doesn't openly hate us isn't bigotry.
The mentality of a wage slave....fucking pathetic.
What else? A recession is no time to try to start your own business. Would-be entrepreneurs are going to be shit out of luck for the next four years.
What else? A recession is no time to try to start your own business. Would-be entrepreneurs are going to be shit out of luck for the next four years.

That's right, just wallow in your own shit, do nothing but drag others down.......typical lefty.