There's this rumor....

the great key trade swap

We strayed off the point on this one. It started with Charm volunteering his real name - "Somerset Waugh".

Not having recently fallen off a cabbage truck, I didn't believe that one. And our little thread wandered away from us.

Back to bidness, as they say in Texas. I think the interesting story to come out of this focuses on the "reluctant couple".

It stands to reason, in a group of three, four, or five couples, there would be at least one wife and one husband reluctant to go along. Chance puts them together.

I have written two starts. Both seem to have a sad quality that is a poor setting for an erotic tale. After further reflection, I think I need my reluctant pair to lighten up. They have to find the humor in their situation and decide to focus on the playful aspects of it. Maybe, almost a loose parallel to the kissing games from Junior High.

Using that premise, I can add a "will they or won't they" question to the story.

Other ideas are welcome at this point. I had a new story post this past Saturday night. I am enjoying the feedback. After more than a few requests for a sequel to that, I am considering putting this one on hold while I write it.

If there were two reluctant people that got put together, I for one don't think that they would end up doing anything.

One way they might decide to do it was talking about the facts that their S.O.'s were in the other rooms getting fucked/fucking someones brains out...but wouldn't that be a bit bitter? I think it would be better if one reluctant person was placed with someone who was very eager, but who didn't want an unwilling participant. The eager one could seduce, romance, coax the reluctant person into agreeing. I think that the seduction could be a good element to the story. This could also be a romance in the making, with the key swap just setting up the situation.

what precautions are taken so that women don't get other women's keys? or is it ok if two of the same sex hook up?

if i used two women or two men would it not be as exciting? Maybe a man has been talked into doing this with his wife, and finds himself with another man. He secretly has been fantasizing about this, but has to put on the cool "not going to do it" face. The second man seduces him, coaxes him, says that it's so good blah blah blah...

key swap dialogue

Will you agree, anticipation is a big part of foreplay?

That is what I mean by the "will they or won't they" aspect of the story. I think this aspect makes the story. The reluctant couple go to the room not knowing what will happen. They have all the peer pressure to do what the other couples are doing. And they have to work it out together. Conflict up the wazoo.

Do you think this idea would cause some anticipation for anyone reading it?
So many ideas with no where to go writer block is a bitch but one idea has popped up from this thread the key swap idea has merit how about a hotel of lust you check in and you all are given a key card when you singe in you have during the evening meal the keys are electronically changed and you have to go into the room that the key fits and the next night it changes again and so on
any coments
keys keys keys

Can we get past these fucking keys already? They are just a device, a little piece of business to get people paired up.

No one gets paired up with their spouse. Women don't get paired up with other women. Get over the damn keys!

I happen to love anticipation. However, I don't think I write it very well. I get lots of bad feedback for my one story based on the anticipation = (

So basically, I think that this story could be done wonderfully from that angle, Axel...I'm just wondering if I shouldn't even bother trying to write it the other way?

Group scenes

If you let women pair up with women, all the horndog guys would be in that room watching. We are visual creatures after all.

Stand in the door of a crowded bar. Yell out "Cat Fight!!!" Then stand back so you don't get trampled.

I enjoy reading a Lit author named Quinn Rogan. He writes loving wives stories, for the most part, like I do. All of his "watching" stories have an element of "will she or won't she actually do it". The addition of that little dose of anticipation sets his stories ahead of most others in the category.

That is the element I will try to bring into this story. Otherwise, it would probably be just another group grope with all the predictable notes.
those fucking keys again

The next person mentioning keys on this thread has to write a "Chastity Belt" story in sanskrit.

Putting the anticipation in the "pre-swap" part of the story would be an option. Problem there is a room full of characters. The same business can be covered by the two reluctant lovers in backstory dialogue.

I think the anticipation is best used as the question hangs in the room - will they have sex?
I warned you

Get out your Sanskrit to English dictionary and dust off that old "Chastity Belt" story you have in the file cabinet. I warned you, pretty.

Of course not. Besides, my name is not OJ. It's really Evelyn Maugham. And Charm brights is really Somerset Waugh.
Re: those fucking keys again

Axeltheswede said:
The next person mentioning keys on this thread has to write a "Chastity Belt" story in sanskrit.

Putting the anticipation in the "pre-swap" part of the story would be an option. Problem there is a room full of characters. The same business can be covered by the two reluctant lovers in backstory dialogue.

I think the anticipation is best used as the question hangs in the room - will they have sex?

well write it then Bitch (Joke)