There's this rumor....

I think Axel was called the "bitch". He's the one who was quoted at the time.

If that's the worst thing I get called today, I'll mark this down as a good day. But, you're right. The little potlicker did call me a bitch.

One a more serious note. I am well along with my swapping story with the reluctant pair. Anticipation is proceeding nicely. If this thread is still alive, I will post a note when it is available to read.
Waiting For Axetheswede!

I, uh....hate chastity belts? AND sanskrit?

If I promise to be good and bat my eyelashes at you a little can I get off,
just this one time?

If I could get off, just by batting my eyeslashes, I'd be all a-flutter! ;)

Oh! Yes, I can promise to be good, as well! :rolleyes:
Re: Waiting For Axetheswede!

Quasimodem said:

If I could get off, just by batting my eyeslashes, I'd be all a-flutter! ;)

Oh! Yes, I can promise to be good, as well! :rolleyes:

lol :cool:
rumor still alive

Keys, pretty. I got your keys right here.

Yes, I am writing this. I have the reluctant couple, in the hotel room. Question is, will they, or won't they?

Looking through the first draft, what, not a single mention of any fucking keys. How about that?
<shakes head at tiggs> coming into an innocent key-free thread, and disturbing the peace. what are we going to do with you?


<not really sad, don't worry...sometimes sarcasm is hard to transmit through postings>
rumor story

What do I think? How about Yuck?

These two know their spouses are banging away like minks in other rooms. Touchy, feely, spin the bottle, and cuddling. In a pig's ass.

This is sweaty sheets, get down, testosterone driven sex, pretty. Anticipation is thick as the question hangs between them, will they, or won't they. But all roads lead to Rome, so to speak. I ain't serving the appetizer and then holding back the entre.

Key disclaimer. I don't have a phobia about keys. They just kept taking our story idea onto a sidetrack. Every time we got some good exchanges going about the story, we lost it by focusing on the stupid little device of the key exchange.

I think I have a decent story. It needs some editing rewriting. Then I will post and let you know it's up.
rumor story

You wait a second, you little bummette. I said the "will they or won't they" part was going to be used to build anticipation. There was never any doubt they "would".

If they play kissy face all night, I could try to sell the story to the Chicken Soup guys. It would fit in "Chicken Soup for the Frustrated Spinster".

All of our story hashing may be moot anyway. Chances are, the story will not be posted here at Lit.