These are the Voyages...

Hora got a worried look on her face as she realized what she was wearing. “Have to go, Captain M’keer!” She said quickly as she terminated the ship to ship communications.

“Crap, someone could have warned me about my attire!!” Captain Hora said to no one in particular on the bridge. “We achieve a great victory, and I manage to screw it up by calling a captain... when I'm out of uniform and then I manage to lose a shuttlecraft!” Captain Hora grumbled to herself. She turned Petty Officer Tadowa “Hail the shuttlecraft and ask Counselor Huntsman what she is doing?” Hora ordered.

“Captain, the shuttlecraft has docked with the ISS Tripoli. And Counselor Huntsman is hailing us!” PO1 Tadowa stated.

Counselor Huntsman

Beth flipped open her communicator and said “Captain Hora this is Counselor Huntsman.”

PO Tadowa patched the communications over to Captain Hora “Yes Counselor, This is your Captain, I assume you have a good reason to take off with a shuttlecraft in the middle of a battle!” Hora asked.

“Actual Captain, Nine of Nine is flying the shuttle. I’m kind of along for the ride. Nine wanted to make sure you understand he is trying to provide more fire power if it is needed.” Beth told the Captain.

“How is his attempt to gain control of the ship going?” Captain Hora asked.

“He is about to interface to the ISS Tripoli main computer now” Beth said as Nine of Nine and her walked into the shuttlebay and Nine stood before a comms panel.
Nine stood at the console, he looked at Beth as she made her report and then plugged the chord into his palm. He went still, seemingly frozen. The only thing that proved him to be alive was his slow, steady breathing.


"Captain, may I suggest you retire to your quarters? I doubt the ships will return soon, despite the damage they had wrought."

It was a reminder from Osal to Hora that she was practically naked, now that the threat was gone, her figure drew far more attention from the crew than was healthy.
The battle was far from over as the Apollo was in a duel with a ship that for the most part matched it. Exchange of blue beams rocked both ships as they danced in space. But the Apollo was also taking fire from one of the Miranda Class ships that it pulled away from the battle group.

Osal was the first on the Tripoli to take note of something being wrong. The Aphrodite did not finish her turn to come about and attack the other Constitution. And they still had to deal with 3 Miranda Class ships firing a seemingly endless line of torpedos at Starbase 514.

The view screen came on as Captain Hora was about to enter the Turbolift. "Hmmm your ass is as beautiful as ever Lava..." The man on the view screen looked and sounded like M'keer but his uniform was all wrong. Black Leathers and gold armor and a dagger at his belt. He sat slumped in the chair as he looked through the screen waiting for a reply. The way he said it, the way he sat Osal knew at first glance this was not the same person he had seen on the space station not even a hour ago. The look in his eyes was almost Klingon, and not in a good way. There was a blast mark still smoking in the background behind him.

The next thing Osal would take note of is that the Aphrodite's weapons were locking onto the Tripoli as the IFF warning began to go off. As a friendly ship with the same IFF signal was now locked on them.


When Nine of Nine tried to interface with the Computer core of the ISS Tripoli two things happened. The safeties kicked in and the Main Core began to purge itself. The safeties hard cut the lines to the computer core and discharged a high voltage shock to Nine. Which would have killed anyone none Borg. But it was enough to send the being away from the panel and into the bulkhead behind him with enough force to dead the wall. This also had two other effects. Power on the ship all but shut off. Emergency lights coming on and bathing the room in near darkness with only the low glow of the red light filling the room. And two Life Support warning came over the speakers.

"Life Support shutting down..." But unlike Prime Universe ships no evacuation orders fallowed. Also note that much of the ship's already locked doors doubled down. Over Huntsman's comms she could hear questions from the other Team or two still on the ship asking what was going on and why all the doors had closed and locked again. With as few people on board as there were and not a full crew the air would last about an hour before they died.
Counselor Beth Huntsman

Beth still had her communicator open when Nine of Nine flew backwards and slammed into the bulkhead and crumpled to the floor. The regular lights in the shuttle bay went out, replaced by the backup red emergency lights. “Shit!” Beth gasped and quickly moved over to Nine. She checked for a pulse and found one. The human/machine seemed to be dazed but she thought he’d be ok.

Beth heard the other teams on the ISS Tripoli asked what had just happened. She adjusted her communicator to reply to those teams.

“All Teams on ISS Tripoli, this is Counselor Huntsman from the USS Tripoli. We were accessing a communication panel and triggered a failsafe shutdown process. Please stand by while I ask what we need to do next.”

“Tripoli engineering this is Counselor Huntsman, I have an emergency situation here. Please reply” Beth said.

“Lt Jordan here Counselor… We have an emergency situation here too!” The big black Lt replied in a harassed voice as he was tried to figure out a way scrub the USS Tripoli sensors of ionized disodium.

“The main computer power has been hard cut from power and it triggered a lockdown of all doors on the ISS Tripoli. I’m not an engineer, I’m a counselor. What can we do to open the doors?” She asked.

Lt Jordan did not stop re-configuring the USS Tripoli’s main deflector to generate a scrubbing pulse to clear the ship’s sensors. “RJ and I thought of an idea to cut power to the ship and then “beam out” all remaining power sources. That would neutralize the ship’s tamper proofing devices. Without power they would be ineffective. Sounds like you already did part one… As soon as the shields are down… I’ll beam out all power sources from the rooms between the shuttle bay to the main computer core.” Lt Jordan explained.

“Why the main computer core?” Beth asked.

“Well, if it has been hard cut from the ship’s power, Nine of Nine can just interface at that core junction to the ship and he’ll replace the main computer of the ship. He'll be in partial control of the ship.” Lt Jordan said. Then Beth could hear his voice shouting at someone in engineering “Activate the main deflector now!” Lt Jordan yelled. She heard a yell back “WOW, Lt, it worked… the sensors are back online!”

“Can Nine of Nine control the whole ship?” Beth asked

“No… but shields, weapons, maybe! Just don’t f-around too long because your life support will run out.” Lt Jordan warned Beth. It was at this moment Nine seemed to coming back awake. She reached down and helped him back up.

“Are you ok?” She asked concerned.
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He blinked slowly and got to his feet in a jerky motion, "I am intact Beth Huntsman."

He moved back to the console and without hesitation, he laid his hand on the console and two probes slid out of his hand. Nine moved to another console and found another cable. Plugging it into another opening on his hand, he seemed to continue exactly where he had stopped.

It took a few moments before he turned towards Beth, "The main computer is purging itself, I have downloaded what I could. The main power have shut down. I am attempting to..."

"Life support active."

"The ship will be useless in this battle. Attempting to disable securities. The main computer was not the way to handle the hack. I see that now."

Nine went silent and a few moments later the blast doors slid open.
"So Jiggle Bells... Are you going to return my ship?" The Other M'keer asked. He pulled his dagger out and almost seemed to be sharpening his nails with it. His attitude was far different and the look of his uniform was off. Any Starfleet officer knew something was wrong and with the score marks on the bridge behind him something was more then wrong here.


The ISS Tripoli was drifting now that it's main computer core was little more then a few rooms with large hunks of wires and circuits housed in large metal boxes. Emergency lights cast the whole ship in a dark red glow that almost made the ship feel more evil then it was.


The Mirror task force was in disarray as any ships that remained pulled back. But it was not a one sided fight as the Apollo did not seem to think anything was wrong and went to check on the Saratoga. But it was unlikely anyone was alive as the ship had been blasted apart during the battle The Federation Class Dreadnought was adrift at the moment but the Tripoli had to deal with the USS Aphrodite targeting her. The Aphrodite coming to sit in front of the Tripoli with it's full weapons locked onto the smaller ship.

Nine looked at Beth, "Beth Huntsman, it is time to evacuate this ship. Ask if Captain Hora would like to initiate Hora five dash six seven."

Nine turned to the open console and the attention call rang trough the ship. The computer's voice spoke, "Attention all personnel, evacuation procedures are in effect. Attention all personnel, evacuation procedures are in effect. Please comply as to not harsh your mellow."

Nine disengaged from the console and turned to Beth, "I will enable the other two shuttles to be used by the staff." He walked off towards the other shuttles.


He growled at the person on the view screen, a normal response to another Klingon who acts disrespectful. He casually moved from his station as the relief Tactical crew member stepped in, he stopped in the middle of the screen and crossed his arms in a defiant posture.

"You are not Captain M'keer and if you claim to be him, I shall laugh in your face. The two vessels locking on to us right now proves that you are imposters. You shall not receive your ships, only a fool will hand over a ship to strengthen his enemy."

He grinned and turned to Ops, "Cut connection."

"Osal to Engineering, get us more shields and get that warp drive back online."

He gave a chuckle, "HeghmeH jaj QaQ 'oH DaHjaj'e'."

Of course the translator made these words understandable to the bridge crew and they shifted uncomfortably.

"But not without a fight. We will take as many of these dishonorable dogs with us as we can."

"Engeneering to Commander Osal. Sir we managed to reroute some energy to the shields, working on the warp drive."

"Good, Osal out."

He turned to the view screen, "Raise shields, find a firing solution and find a weak spot in those shields. We may not have the same punch as the Dreadnought, but by Kahless, we shall fight like a Romulan if we must."

He chuckled, "Ensign Fellod, at the first sign of attack from either one of those ships, I want your best dance..." Osal frowned, dance wasn't the correct word. "Evasive maneuvers. Ensign Trevors, try to link us up with any of the other ships, we need assistance."
Beth Huntsman

Beth Huntsman was starting to like the Man-Machine called Nine. She almost laughed as he ended his evacuate order with “Please comply as to not harsh your mellow”

Beth flipped open her communicator and hailed the Captain Hora “Captain Hora, Nine wants you to initiate Hora five dash six seven… I have no clue what that means, but he said it was important" Beth relied to her new captain. She did wait for a reply as she ran after Nine.

"Hey wait for me” She said hurrying off towards the shuttles.

Captain Hora

As she about to stepped into the turbo lift she heard "Hmmm your ass is as beautiful as ever Lava..." from Captain M'keer. Then as the doors closed to the turbo lift, she heard "So Jiggle Bells... Are you going to return my ship?"

“Captain's Quarters” Hora said to the ship’s computer. The turbo lift started moving. But the comments from Captain M’keer bothered her. They just made no sense. Hora really wanted to change into her correct uniform, but she sensed something was really wrong. “Computer belay my last. Take me back to the BRIDGE ASAP” she ordered. The turbo lift reversed directions and a minute later she stepped on the bridge.

She heard Osal “"HeghmeH jaj QaQ 'oH DaHjaj'e'" (translation: “Today is a good day to die”) Captain Hora watched as Osal ordered Tripoli's shields back up and to find a weak spot in USS Aphrodite shields.

“Osal…” Hora started to ask but the Klingon quickly cut her off “Captain, USS Aphrodite is targeting us with her weapons and that is NOT Captain M’keer on the bridge” Hora processed this information quickly. She knew her XO was right. She could see Osal had a plan and she needed to trust him.

“Bridge Team… Commander Osal has the deck and the Conn.” She informed the bridge team. “Osal, I’ll buy you some time… and get you that weak spot” Hora said to him with a wink.

She ran over to the science station. “Computer, display the USS Aphrodite prefix code, authority Hora Alpha 1”

Then she established ship to ship comms with the USS Aphrodite.

“Captain M’keer… ships?… is that all you think about? I find them desirable being that they are all full of semen! But I thought you liked pussies?” Hora said back to the strange Captain M’keer on the USS Aphrodite. She was stalling for time.

The computer displayed the prefix codes and Hora input them in as she waited for the strange Captain M’keer to reply. Then suddenly Hora captain’s chair communication link activated “Captain Hora… Nine wants you to initiate Hora five dash six seven… I have no clue what that means, but he said it was important"

The strange captain M'keer would have overheard that comment but he'd have no clue what maneuver it was.
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The more feral looking M'keer smiled at Hora and leaned down and grabbed something from off screen before pulling into view. He pulled Lt. Synthia Stone up by the back of her uniform and pulled his knife out with his other hand.

"Your right... I do... And this Terran Empire bitch will be very enjoyable... " With a quick motion of his other hand he slashed the front of Lt. Stone's uniform open, leaving the young woman with only her panties around her hips. The Mirror M'keer looked at her a moment with a dark lust in his eyes before turning to Hora once more.

"How should we kill this one? Maybe rip her sweet pussy open and let her beg for death?" He asked with a twisted smile and a seemingly familiarity with the Orion woman on the bridge of the Tripoli.

"So how did you end up in command of one of these odd Federation Tarren ships?" He asked as he put his dagger back and looked to be getting ready to take his pants off.
Hora laughed “I think you should let me smother her with my tits!” Then she continued “as for getting on this ship… their shields were down. No problem!”

Hora grew more serious “I’m sending you some important data… here it comes” Hora said as she pressed the computer button. The USS Aphrodite prefix code were sent and suddenly Hora had control of the USS Aphrodite’s shields. She broke the communication with the Fake Captain M’keer and ordered “Drop shields on the USS Aphrodite.” The shields on the dreadnought class suddenly turned off.

“Weak spot found Osal… please remember that is federation property!” Hora joked with Osal. Then she quietly ordered the computer to change the USS Triploi prefix codes, so no one could do the same trick to her ship.

"Transporters... if our shields go down, get a lock on Lt Stone, and get her off that ship!" Hora ordered.
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Phasers lashed out at the propulsion and weapon arrays, Osal knew they had little chance of taking the Aprodite down. They swerved away from the retaliation from both ships. Still taking hits, but thankfully none too direct.

"Execute Hora dash six seven."

The Tripoli did an Immelman and headed straight for the drifting I.S.S. Tripoli, three shuttles left the ship, two headed into defense of the base and one headed for the Tripoli. Phaser fire flared, the little shuttle ducked and weaved as return fire sought it out.

"Tripoli bridge, Nine. You have three seconds."


The tractor beam latched on to the drifting ship and using maximum impulse, the Tripoli slingshot the ship towards the bigger ones. The shuttle fired, the trailing coolant ignited and streaked in the vacuum after the I.S.S. Tripoli.

"Commander we have limited warp."

Osal grunted in reply, "Maximum available warp, now."

Osal had no idea what the former Borg had planned, but he betted on an explosion. The Tripoli slipped into warp, the shuttle following suite while behind them the I.S.S. Tripoli exploded, followed by the explosion of a breached warp core.

Osal directed them back towards the battle, either the USS Aphrodite was damaged, or it had managed to get the shields back up. Truth of the matter was, the warp core explosion would have rocked the Aphrodite. Osal gave a grim smile, it was like a fly attacking a cat, but any other method would have not make sense.

"Engage the Aphrodite, try to disable. If not, destroy."

The Tripoli dropped out of Warp 3, phasers firing
The destrition of the ISS Tripoli was enough to jar the USS Aphrodite enough so it's full weapons spread missed the smaller ship by inches. And cause a large amount of damage to the hull. The command codes being used to drop the shields moments before was enough that a near hit with a exploding ship caused a large amount of damage.

When the Tripoli returned though after having to jump to warp stop, come about and warp jump back meant that the Aphrodite had a good amount of time to itself. Coming back Hora and Osal saw on the view screen that the Aphrodite was mostly in one piece. But being point blank when a Warp Core went critical it showed just how tough the Atlas Class of ships was. But just because it was still in one piece did not mean it was in good condition by any means. The remains of the Terran ships were pulling back. The Federation Class Dreadnought among them. As they went to warp The Tripoli dropped shields and began to beam off anyone still alive on the Aphrodite, or rather what was left of her. Half of the saucer had been vaporized in the explosion. The neck of the ship was exposed to space on it's starboard side and the deflector and a chunk of the engineering hull was mission. The starboard nacelles drifted as chunks of the Terran empire ship had torn them off and they floated near by.

The Apollo limped back to Starbase 514 licking her own wounds and was in no condition to provide aid either. The sickbay was ill prepared for the wounded that came in but of the 600+ crew members on the Aphrodite only 139 remained alive. Most and including the Command staff were listed as critically wounded.


Lt. Cook kept track of the fleeing Terran empire ships but lost them in a near by Nebula. Checking the charts it was odd as it was not on the normal charts of the area. When she tried to get into the database that held information on it she was just sent back to the main menu. It was like the database was not there. She gathered her findings and headed to the bridge to inform the captain of what she has found.

When Lt Cook entered the Bridge a nurse was reading off the casualty list as she stepped up just off to the side as she listened.

"Lieutenant Beth Kase, Lieutenant Commander Melanie Forest... Commander Promise Kenner, Commander Lily Satashi..." With that the nurse handed off the padd to the Captain and left. Lt. Cook stood and waited. Although the information might be useful she had watched the battle unfold on her sensors. It was unlikely that they would mount any type of chase till they got more ships. She simply held her padd and waited to see how the captain reacted.
Captain Hora put the data pad aside. So many good officers dead... the Tripoli needed to figure out where these ships were coming from and close the connect between this alternate universe.

Captain Hora was in her proper uniform as Lt. Cook stood before her. The young Lt explained that she had tracked the fleeing Terran empire ships but lost them in a nearby Nebula. The Nebula was not on the star charts.

“Good job, Lt! Now we know where the Terran ships are coming from. We can’t chase them right now. We need to go back to the starbase and assist with the wounded and repair some of the other ships. In the meantime, you might check with Doctor Agez Juttee on the Nebula and any preparation needed to cross over.” Captain Hora ordered.

36 hours later

Lt Commander Zosh Sol had been saving lives for 36 straight hours. The Tyrannosaurus Rex humanoid’s hands and arms were covered in blood up to his elbows. His fellow, human medical support staff had collapsed in exhaustion, but Zosh had not even slowed down. His bio-engineering gave him shoulder filled with fluids and nutrients to allow him go extended periods without feeding. He had extra sets of major organs, which he switched to once he felt the primary ones growing tried.

He had set up the sick bay and all the available cargo room on the Tripoli as triage areas. Star Fleet medical personnel were trained on triage techniques, but seldom practiced them. Zosh needed to remind all the medical caregivers to prioritize patient's wounds first and that some people could not be saved. That was the hard part. He forced the medical staff to decide who to save and who was not worth the effort.

He told himself and others members of his staff that by focusing on the right patients they would save more people. It did not make the decisions any easier, but it provided justification for their actions.

“Commander, Captain Kilmer from Starbase 514 has ordered you to stand down and take some rest. He said he is tried of your excuses and he will be sending over armed security personal if you don’t stop treating patients.” Nurse Medford reported to Zosh.

“Bummer! That dude is messing with my mojo” Zosh said back.

“Shall I call Captain Hora, She’ll put that asshole in his place.” Nurse Medford suggested

“No” Zosh replied. “She is wigged out enough. I’ll go with the flow… Tell Captain Kilmer I’m off duty.”
Zosh Sol had seen many things but the wounds from the Crew of the Aphrodite were odd. Many of the women, and notably only human women wounds had been sexual in nature. Human men's wounds had all been brutal. As if the attackers had something against humans. The few bodies of the invading force had all been Alien, Vulcan, Andorian, Caitian and mostly male. Some matches the wound of some of the female humans but if Zosh Sol had to make a guess this had been some type of hate Crime against the humans and in the worst of ways.

But as he was talking with the nurse and finishing patching up the wounded officer he was working on the Nurse turned and the color drained from her face as one of the body bags seemed to sit up. Lily Satashi slowly with a bit of work unzipped the back from the inside. Looking around she was glad it was only a Nurse and a Doctor on staff right now.

"Never feels right...." She said as she looked to the doctor and stunned nurse. She smiled and looked down at herself and rubbed the well made and well put on markings of a dead woman who had undergone a autopsy.

"Security Authorization Omega, Delta, Two, Two, Five. If you two tell anyone about this, then I'm sure your bodies will be found outside the station some time in the next few hours..." She then reached over to the table where a communicator had been left, flipped it open and a moment later was transported out of the med bay.


Lt. Cook had requested that Doctor Agez Juttee meet her on Starbase 514's main command center as they could use the station's long range sensors to try to get a better look at the Nebula. The station commander was not too keen on letting none station personnel poking with his systems but he also would rather not let those bastards get away either.

Lt. Cook went over the data she had from the Tripoli and was running it against the station's data. It was odd. If you scanned that area there was a Nebula but a general scan had no such data or anything of the sort on it. Like the sensors were rigged to pass over it. It was clear something about it was off. But she would see what Doctor Agez Juttee thought of the readings before she took this to Captain Hora. But both of the most likely outcomes did not mean anything good.
Lt Cook and Dr Juttee

Doctor Agez Juttee could not keep his eyes off of the young and very attractive Lt Cook. But Osal’s warning had been clear about flirting with crew members. So, the Doctor tried to keep it extra professional, but it was hard for him.

“Something is weird. The general scans “don’t see” the Nebula, but when the main sensor array is directed at the Nebula, it appears. I think Starfleet might be covering it up or there is a spy on board the station.” Lt Cook suggested.

“Hmmm” Dr. Juttee replied. “A spy onboard that tampered with the scanners so the station could not see the attacking fleet, seems a more likely explanation. But in either case, you should report your thoughts to Captain Hora. She is not into covering anything up.” Dr Juttee smiled at his reference to the Captain fighting a battle in her see-through negligee. The doctor had gotten a hold of a copy of the bridge video and had masturbated to the busty captain. Even now, just mentioning it gave him a hard-on.

“Thanks… I’ll do that” Lt Cook said as she glanced at the bugle in Dr Juttee’s pants. Was the doctor turned on by her? “What are your thoughts about the Nebula?” She asked trying to keep thing professional.

“If that Nebula is the location of the tear in spacetime, then is should be expelling particles from the alternate universe. The sensors should detect the phase shifted particles” Doctor Agez Juttee said as he looked over the top of his old fashion reading glasses at the computer screen.

He punched a few buttons and waited for the sensors to scan for particles.

“A tear or tunnel in spacetime is possible. Wormholes are good examples of such tears. But this wormhole must be extra special as it connects two alternate universes not just to areas of space. The physics of how a wormhole could do this is not well understood” Doctor Agez Juttee explained.

“Since the alternate universe is in the same space as ours just out of phase, maybe their wormhole and our wormhole crossed paths. Mixing up the phase of matter going through the wormhole.” Lt Cook suggested

Doctor Agez Juttee looked up at her. “That was very insightful of you. I think you have something there. So matter from our universe is phase shifted to their universe and vice versa for the alternate universe matter. That means the amount of matter shifting back and forth would be equal. That is unless you fly a starship through the wormhole”

Lt Cook was glowing. She had thought of something that had not occurred to Dr Juttee. The man had acknowledged her accomplishment and was acting on it. They were working like lovers! Lt Cook looked at Dr Juttee in a different way, she had heard about his flirting and she was never one to say “no” to something different in the bedroom.

Doctor Agez Juttee look at the screen again “The scanners are picking up the particles coming out of the nebula. None of them are phase shifted. But going with your thought… that supports your theory. Let me see if the particles leaving our space is balanced by the number coming in.” He suggested. He pushed a few more buttons and then gasped.

“The amount is equal. It is only off by 1 particle in 100,000,000!” Doctor Agez Juttee gasped. “That is not proof your theory is correct, but it is strong evidence to support it.”

“How do we prove my idea?” Lt Cook asked.

“I’ll need to probe the Nebula.” Doctor Agez Juttee said as he looked up at Lt Cook. He wanted to probe her as well. Lt Cook could feel the sexual energy in the room rising. She looked back at him with sex on her mind. She wanted some probing too.

“You should probe it right away. Why wait?” Lt Cook suggested.

Doctor Agez Juttee looked down at the computer and pressed some more buttons. He felt Lt Cook’s warm soft hand on his shoulder as she peeked at the computer screen too.

“Slip that probe deep into the Nebula. Do it!” Lt Cook urged Dr. Juttee with a sexy whisper. He pushed the button and the probe was launched. He turned his head to face Lt Cook, his lips and her lips almost touched.

“It will take an hour for the probe to get to the Nebula. What do you suggest we do in the meantime?” Dr Juttee said in a lustful whisper back to her.

Captain Hora

Captain Hora watched from a viewport in the forward lounge as self-healing repair robots worked on the USS Tripoli. Most of the damage from the battle had already been repaired. She took a sip of her Andorian ale when she felt someone come up behind her. She turned and saw it was Lt Jordan, the big black man that was her temporary chief engineer.

“You almost broke the ship” He said to her.

“Well, I didn’t” Hora said back defensively.

“Your battle tactics are unusual, but damn! You almost won the battle for this station single handedly.” Lt Jordan said in congratulations.

“Osal, Captain M’keer, and Nine of Nine had a lot to do with the victory, as did engineering too.” Hora replied, poking him in the chest when she said “engineering”

“Well, thanks. One question. How did you know to use ionized disodium? and you made the stuff before the battle.” Lt Jordan asked.

“Before the battle, I had asked Lt Cook to be a helmsman, ran some combat drill during her watch. She failed the combat drills. Everyone on watch thought it was impossible to win. So I was going to run the drills again, I’d be the helmsman, and show the crew how to win the drill.”

“So you made the ionized disodium, and programed those wild maneuvers to show off to the watch team?” Lt Jordan asked in almost total disbelief.

“Yup” Hora answered with a giggle.
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Lt. Cook smiled at Doctor Juttee and moved closer to whisper to him. Her hands touching him and slowly moving to her own uniform to remove it.

"Doctor... I think someone is masking that Nebula from sensors... For the moment fuck me... And then we should tell Captain Hora about this... Someone on this station might be working with the guys who attacked us..." She pulled away and smiled at the good Doctor. She had seen his bulge and hoped he was at least half as good as her new Captain. Or maybe even as good as the stories she read before bed often. Only time would tell. But she would rather be caught having sex then poking the Starbase's sensors about the Nebula at the moment and since data would not come in for at least a hour they had time to kill anyway.


"Fleet Admiral Amelia to Captain Hora... Do you have a moment to talk? If so report to my quarters at 23:00 Hours..." This message was sent on a direct to Hora's personal computer in her room. The message would require Hora to input her command codes just to open. And was highly encrypted as well.


The Apollo and Aphrodite were under repair the Apollo was far easier to patch up where as the Aphrodite was lucky it could even be repaired out here. Shuttles and work bees moved quickly to get both ships ready to fight should the Terran Empire return.
After giving the conn back to Hora, Osal had wished he could go to the station he thought of as his own. But being the XO, proved that he could not do so. He waited for Hora to go over reports and soon enough found himself in the command chair again. He saw a message come in for Hora. He activated the comms, "Captain Hora, this is Osal. You have a priority message, I am having it forwarded to your quarters."

Osal had to admit that he was curious as to why Hora would receive so high a level of summons. He shook his head, ridding himself of the silly thoughts and turned his attention to the repair reports.

Nine of Nine stepped from his restoration chamber, he felt slightly worse for wear, but ready and able for duty. He had downloaded the data he could secure from the ISS Aphrodite and he wanted to review the data. The nearest space to do so would be the Science deck. He made his way towards the deck and found it in disarray, but functioning. After having secured a work station, he set to work to decode the data and learn more about the data he had recovered.
Captain Hora

Hora communicator activated "Captain Hora, this is Osal. You have a priority message, I am having it forwarded to your quarters."

“Thank you Osal” Hora replied as she finished the last of her Andorian ale. “Ahhhh” she breathed in satisfaction.

She headed back to her quarters. Once inside she sat at her small desk near her bed and inputted her command codes. "Fleet Admiral Amelia to Captain Hora... Do you have a moment to talk? If so report to my quarters at 23:00 Hours..."

“Crap” Hora said to herself. She had been looking forward to getting some sleep. But the message sounded important, so she send back “Acknowledged. I’ll be there at 23:00” She got up and checked her uniform and appearance. Satisfied, she called the bridge “Osal, I’ll be on the space station for a 23:00 meeting with Admiral Amelia. Thought you should know.” She informed her XO, then she signed off.

She decided to take a shuttlecraft vice beaming over to the space station. She piloted the small craft herself. Docking she headed directly over to Admiral Amelia quarters. She buzzed her door at exactly 23:00 hours and waited for it to open.

Dr Juttee and Lt Cook

The doctor and Lt Cook had been kissing and undressing for 10 minutes. It was fun, but the Doctor was unable to wait any longer. His reptilian cock was rock hard and he needed to fuck the young sexy Lt now. He turned her around and bent her over a science console. The aggressive Doctor pushed human female down on the console. He got a sense the woman liked it rough. “You are going to take my cock and LIKE IT” He growled at her. He would have his way with Lt Cook as he pull her hips up, arching them down so that her buttocks was presented upwards toward him, exposing her tender vulva. Her pussy neatly flowered for him as he thrust his cock underneath the curvature of her ass and into the sweet valley between her thighs.

Her buttocks felt warm on his belly as his veiny, rod sank into her pussy. She gasped in pleasure as he hammered his cock deep into her. His cock expanded the circumference of Lt Cook’s vaginal opening, allowing her clit to be rubbed by his cock. Her knew she loved to fuck as her cunt swallowed his whole cock. Agez heaved and hissed loudly as he enjoyed Lt Cook’s tightness. His cock throbbed inside her as he banged her hard against the console.

“TAKE IT” He gasped as the head of his cock reached the end of her tight canal. This added to his pleasure so he fucked her hard and deeper. He was pounding her cunt hard.

Lt Cook gasped and moaned at the power of Dr Juttee fuck. She could feel the base of his cock, as it arched and vibrated. She knew his large male tool was enjoying her pussy. Her vagina muscles squeezed tightly around his cock’s girth, constricting the tool with her hot pussy. Dr Juttee gasped as he began to happily thrust wildly into her. He fucked her furiously. Lt Cook's juices coated Agez's thick shaft and increased her pleasure. As he pounded her relentlessly, he could feel her clitoral muscle quiver along his shaft as she came.

“That is it SLUT… Cum on my cock” He hissed at her. He was using his cock like a battering ram, sending shocks of pleasure up along her spine with each thrust. Soon his thrusting cock synched with her orgasm causing Lt Cook to cum and squirt with each of his powerful thrusts. Dr Juttee grunted as he was near coming as well; his legs tensed while his scrotal sack squeezed tight around his testicles. He gave a powerful thrust into her, planting his cock deep into her as he ejaculated a thick rope of semen. He pulled back slightly, only to ram his spurting cock back into her, Dr Juttee continued to shoot his seed inside of her. The head of his cock sought to push his seed deep inside of her womb. Dr Juttee had filled Lt Cook, and soon his excess cum had spilled from her sex as he withdrew his softening cock; it was probably at least two quarts of semen that he had planted in her. Dr Juttee moaned “That is how you fertilize a woman.”
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