These are the Voyages...

Captain Hora entered the Cartography room and found Lt Riley Cook at the mapping station. She was a young and attractive woman, with short brunette hair. Hora’s eyes narrowed as she had not expected the young girl to be sooo attractive!

As trained in the academy, Lt Cook stood at attention when she saw Hora enter the room.

“Welcome Aboard, Lt Cook” Hora said shaking her hand “I’m the Captain of the Tripoli.”

“I’m glad to be aboard, Captain” Riley answered back.

“I saw in your record you serviced at Epsilon IX station. How did you like that duty?” Hora asked the young officer.

“Kind of boring. It is a observation station after all. But I understood the importance of the work.” Lt Cook answered professionally.

Captain Hora laughed “Truer words have not been spoken. On the Tripoli, boredom will not be a problem, so far, just six months into its 5 year science mission to explore, the ship has been involved a series of exciting events.” Hora explained. “You might wish to be back at Epsilon IX soon.” Hora said laughing.

“I’m not into the old fashion rules about standing at attention when I enter a room. Please keep it informal, but professional and with such a small crew, I expect results from everyone.” Captain Hora explained.

“I understand, Captain” Riley answered back.

Hora handed her a small data disk. “These are the coordinates of the Spatial Anomaly. Our first mission, under my command. Is to survey it. I'd like you on the helm as well so please plot a coarse to the anomaly. Also start working on navigation techniques if we enter a parallel universe and need to leave bread crumbs to find our way back.” Hora ordered.

“Finally, if you need anything, please feel free to stop by my ready room, or quarters anytime” Hora said with a smile. Lt Cook was not sure, but there might have been a small hint at a sexual encounter in future if she wanted that… from the busty Orion captain.
Lt. Cook looked at her new Captain with the look of a animal not sure what it's owner wanted. She tilted her head slightly to the side as she heard her Captain speak.

"Ma'am... I've done the basic required helm control at the Academy Ma'am... But I have not had any live time on the helm of a ship... I chart stars and make maps... Is that not the reason I am here?" The young woman looked very confused as she took it all in. She also had the image of her Captain naked on a bed running through her mind too. The only other thing Captain Hora might take note of is that the tightness of Lt. Cooks uniform showed no lines of panties on her hips. The tight blue shirt/skirt combo uniform showing off her young body in the best of ways.


M'keer looked over the Padd he had been given and the crew transfers from the Admiral. He saw the transfer of the new Doctor and knew that Doctor Sh'thelril would have some problems with it. He sighed as he stood and tucked the Padd under his arm before making his way down to Sickbay to see what might be going on.

After the short turbolife right down a few decks he walked into Sickbay and saw Doctor Teshash Sh'thelril standing over a med bed with Elyssa North with her legs spread and her panties next to her on the bed. The two women looked up and the Andorian smiled.

"I'll be right back Commander..." She said and closed the woman's legs and walked around the bed towards the Caitian in the doorway. The blonde Human woman nodded and sat while the Doctor walked away.

"I take it you are here to make sure things down here are going well Captain." The blue skinned Andorian woman asked, M'keer nodded looked around for signs of a problem.

"Yes, but it seems like things are under control..." He speaks as he turns back to face his Chief Medical Officer.

"Yes yes... Though the new transfers are all highly sexual... I'd say you should get to know them but we can talk with our new Counselors about later... At the moment though the Commander could use a good fucking..." The Doctor said. M'Keer only looked at her as if she was joking but after a moment had passed she was clearly not.

"I've read the records of them and if the woman on the bed is who I think she is... You should know better doctor..." M'keer started but was cut off.

"Under normal medical conditions I would agree, but I've been running some deep scans and found something interesting... Now if you would kindly strip down and walk over to the table with me I can show you both that this will only help her..." She said as she pulled M'keer into sickbay and locked the door behind him.
Captain Hora

Captain Hora listened to Lt Cook’s question and smiled.

“Lieutenant, this ship has a small crew. You’ll need to do more jobs than just star mapping. I need you on the bridge, specifically on the helm. No one is born an expert at piloting a ship, so here is an opportunity for you to get some experience. I scheduled you for the mid-watch” Hora said answering her question.

“I have one more thing I need you to do.” Hora said in a more ominous tone. Lt Cook eyes showed a degree of concern. Captain Hora continued “There is a civilian scientist onboard named Dr. Agez Juttee. He is an Saurian and an expert on Spatial Anomaly and Parallel Universes. I need you to work with him. He has been amorous with every female aboard the ship so far and given how young and beautiful you are, you can expect some attention” Captain Hora warned her. “If you have no further questions… I’ll see you on the bridge during mid-watch” Captain Hora said in conclusion.


Beth Huntsman looked like a super model. She had long beautiful hair, a perfect face, and fantastic body.

Zosh Sol looked like a Tyrannosaurus Rex in a star fleet uniform.

The two made a strange pair. As they walked towards sickbay, the Tripoli crew members all stared. If they knew their personality in addition, an open friendly, sexy human and very mellow, hippie, monster, they would have been even more shocked.

The two entered sickbay, and walked up to Ensign Jan Maats. Jan had not noticed them come in and was looking at a data pad, when he “felt” people near him and looked up.

“Ahhh, Hi” was all the young man could get out of his mouth.

Beth and Zosh both knew the young man was a little overwhelmed by Beth’s beauty and Zosh’s size and appearance. Both Beth and Zosh laughed.

“Ahhh Hi to you too” Beth said shaking the young man’s hand “I’m Beth Huntsman, Tripoli’s new ship’s counselor.” She explained.

“Ahhh Hi as well” Zosh Sol said in his deep mellow voice “I’m Lt Cdr Zosh Sol, and I’m like the ship’s new chief medical officer. Gnarly eh?”

“Glad to meet both of you. Sorry about awkward hello, I was thinking about Nine of Nine, our cybernetic enhanced human guest.” Ensign Maats explained.

“Wow, that is heavy, man. Can I see the data you have collected so far.” Zosh asked.

“Sure” Ensign Maats handed the data pad over to the Lt Cdr.

“So what were you thinking about specifically?” Beth asked.

“I’m worried about the ethics of removing or neutralizing some of his cyber-implants. He was a human at some point. He chose or was forced to undergo some serious bio-engineering. Is it ok to extracted that hardware from him? I think Nine of Nine gets to make that decision. But his mind or personality seemed to have been suppressed or taken over or something. I think he was regaining it, but I can’t be sure. Is he capable of making the decision to remove some of these implants?” Ensign Maats explained.

“Human personalities are formed or influenced by genetic and environmental factors. What ever happened to him, his genetic personality is still there. The environmental factors might over ride his genetic personality for a while, but now that he is in this environment, among other humans, I’d think his real personality will reemerge.” Beth suggested

“How long will that take?” Ensign Maats asked.

“No idea. Could be fast or take years.” Beth said “I think you need to consider removing the implants. Humans like to be like other humans. That is human nature. I think his personality will recover faster too. He will thank you later for doing it”

Zosh Sol had been looking over the data pad, but Beth’s comments made him look up. “I disagree, man. I’m bio-engineered and it would not be cool to change me back. This is a fundamental right of “being”. Like… To be… what you want to be. Nine of Nine gets to decide… or you will seriously harsh his mellow” Zosh said.

“But what if Nine of Nine’s choice puts the ship in danger?” Ensign Maats suggested

“That would be a bummer… and we’d have to deal with that. Get our head around it. Like he’d be a major enemy, and we’d need to take him down. But it is still his choice” Zosh reasoned.

“What if he was changed against his will? What if the implants are preventing his free will? Then putting him back would be righting a wrong and giving him free will.” Beth argued.

“That is a gnarly thought… but we’d need some good proof that was the case. For now, we need to chill and just ask Nine of Nine what he wants.” Zosh said.

Beth and Ensign Maats looked at each other, and nodded their heads. “We agree” Beth said.

The three walked into the area where Nine of Nine was strapped down.

“Nine of Nine, I’m like, Lt Cdr Zosh Sol, Chief Medical Officer on the Tripoli. Wondering if you have a few minutes to discuss something pretty heavy. It involves some of your cybernetic-implants, dude.” Zosh said to Nine of Nine.
Lt. Cook thought for a moment and shook her head. She looked away a moment lost in thought but turned back and gave Hora a Salute before she left even if the Orion woman could not see it as she left. She finished up checking out the sensors before she set things back into a stand by mode before she left. She had not been told she was being reassigned so she made for the Bridge in her blue shirt/skirt outfit. On the Turbolift to the Bridge the possible offer from her Captain crept into her mind. She had heard the rumors of the sexual skill of Orion females and wondered just what the Captain might do. She pushed it out of her head as the doors opened though. Mid or beta shift was mostly there or standing around. Duty shifts normally being 3 8 hour work shifts for starships she knew this would be around the time she would report every day. She moved over to the station on front of the view screen and revealed the Alpha shift Conn officer of his post before slipping into the seat. Not much to do at the moment as they were still floating around the starbase. keeping a holding pattern like a moon in orbit. She looked down and sighed softly to herself. Even with a small crew size being told to pilot a starship was not something she had much training in. She was a specialized Stellar Cartography officer and though this made little sense to her she was under orders from the Admiral to take this post so she did. The only thing that would help would be her ability to know the types of environments some types of stars might put out but in battle she would not be great.


Kate Cocks and Amelia Song looked over the Warp core of the Aphrodite. Checking power levels. Kate unlike Amelia felt well enough about her body she was in the shirt/skirt combo uniform. On top of that she wore special panties that kept her cock with a special sack that Amelia got a good look at when she was up on the upper level of the Engine room. Both were good Engineers and worked well together. Though as their first shift came to a close Kate pulled Amelia aside.

"You shouldn't hide your body like that..." Kate whispered to the other woman then walked away. Amelia stood for a moment and looked down to see if she had grown hard and given herself away. But she was not giving herself away and she sighed before she walked on to head to her room for now. What she would do with Kate knowing she would have to think on.

(Also some updated pics of the Aphrodite.

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Some pics from the Atlas Class from Star Trek Online)
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Captain Hora walked on to the bridge of the Tripoli.

“Captain on the bridge” One of the mid-watch or beta shift crew members reported to the other watch standers.

“Please don’t do that” Hora said frowning at the crew member that had made the announcement. Hora saw Lt Cook was seated in the helm’s man chair. Hora took her seat at the captain’s chair. She pressed a button on the arm of her chair “computer… run helm’s man training simulation 1-2.5, Lt Cook… let’s see what you can do”

A training simulation came up which required the helm’s man to fly the ship through various and more difficult piloting situations. “This will get you a better feel for the ship and it’s handling abilities. You’ll notice it is not sluggish like one of those big fat constellation star ships… but nimble and quick.”

Captain Hora watched as Lt Cook did quite well at handle the ship through the training simulation. She gave her pointers on when to use thrusters instead of the main engines and when to let a planet’s gravity to pull the ship around instead of using thrusters.

“You did great” Captain Hora complimented Lt Cook “but there is nothing like flying the ship for real.”

Captain Hora pressed her communication’s button “Starbase 514, USS Tripoli will be conducting combat drills for training purposes. We will be staying within .1 light year of the station. Captain Hora out.”

Captain Hora pressed another button and spoke to engineering “Engineering be advised, we’ll be conducting live combat drills.” She warned engineering.

“Ok Mid-watch standers… Lt Cook will be piloting the Tripoli. I want full combat drills. That includes launching the shuttle crafts as targets and enemy ships. We are going to make each shuttle craft simulate a Miranda Class, Medium Range Destroyer. 3 against one… that should be a fair fight.” Captain Hora said.

The lee helm leaned over to Lt Cook “fair, like in the Kobayashi Maru training exercise back at Starfleet Academy”
Lt. Cook said nothing and began prepping for the Drills. Some people had trouble with the famed "No win Scenario" at Starfleet Academy and others did not. Riley Cook was not one of them. Everyone dies, it can happen year from not or in the next moment. She had some problems with it though as generally the computers for the Sim were of the newest and best ships. The Tripoli was not a new design and the engines were not as responsive as those on the Constitution Class or even the Crossfield Class. So the simulation went about as well as one would expect from someone not trained in Starship helm operations. But this should not have been a large shock to Hora, as her field of study and training only covered the minium amount needed to get by. She could get a ship to and from as well as anyone else, but the combat maneuvering training was not there. She only knew the basic attack patterns and when called for anything beyond Attack Pattern Delta she was at a loss. By the time it was all said and done Lt. Cook moved out of the chair and let the Gamma shift helm officer take her place.

After getting back to her room she took a shower, a long hot shower. Her room was small, little more then enough room for a bed, a chair and her bathroom. She unpacked her clothes after wards and grabbed the few books and padds from her back and set them on the small table/nightstand she had. Other then that there was not much space to put things. She knew this posting would be different, but she was confused as to why she was being taken off her normal duties for Helm control. A ship of even this size had a crew large enough for 3 duty shifts and a spare shift if needed or someone was hurt. She did not understand why she would have been picked for her Stellar Cartography Expertise if she was going to be reassigned. There were many better people for the job. But she would ask about it later, she grabbed a padd and started to read one of her romance novels before she would head to bed.
Nine was still trying to come to terms about becoming self aware. It is like an Artificial Intelligence who had finally been able to evolve beyond its parameters and suddenly found that it could think for itself and did not need to serve the creators. Nine finally realized that not all he did was to serve the Collective as the Collective was not there and what he did would be for himself.

That is why he blinked and looked at the creature which bent over him, talking to him in what could only be described as a mellow tone of voice. Nine knew that some of his attachments have been removed, but he also did not see the need to remove more, as it would make him less.

"What is it that you wish to talk about..."

The words surprised him.

That was not what he wanted to say.

Or was it?

He did say it after all?

A slight frown creased the pasty skin as he thought about this strange development, he was certain that it was not something that the Collective would have wanted him to do or say... but then again, he was not connected to the Collective...

"Lieutenant Commander Zosh Sol?"
Osal asked the computer to find Lieutenants Maats and Kilpatrick and he moved to find them. He caught up with them on the Maintenance deck, going over things they might need.

"I have spoken with the captain. She liked your ideas, but thought that we should first try the cybernetic creature first. I want you to shield a shuttle as best you can from the rest of the ship. Then we ask it to override the system and you can trace the path and methods it uses and we can use it to hack the security on one of the ships."

He made certain that they understood and then he consulted the computer about the location of Doctor Agez and left Maintenance, making his way towards an encounter with the Doctor and a Klingon dress down.
Captain Hora

Captain Hora watched as Lt Cook left the bridge. She waited until the turbo lift doors had closed and then she pressed her comm button.

“Engineering, stand down from combat drills. Thanks for your support. I have another job for you, please set up the replicators to produce 60 metric ton of disodium and store it in cargo bay 1.” Captain Hora ordered.

“Why?” Engineering asked.

“It’s my little secret, don't tell anyone.” Captain Hora said then she ordered the helmsman to return to the space station.


“Let me give you the low down… From what we can tell dude, you used to be a human. I know… crazy, right! A human is a species represented by these two over here” Zosh said pointing to Ensign Maats and Counselor Huntsman. “This is Counselor Beth Huntsman and Ensign Jan Maats”

“For some reason, you or someone else added the mechanical cybernetic-implants to increase your natural abilities. We have never seen a person like you before. And the ice planet we found you on, damaged some of your cybernetic implants. So I had to remove them. Your body is healing naturally, re-growing what is normally found in those locations.” Ensign Maats explained. “When you first awoke you said "We are the Borg”, you talked about a “collective”. It sounded like your higher level brain functions were from a group called “the collective”. But now you are not in that collective anymore as you have no contact with them.”

“For a human, each person thinks for themselves, there is no “collective” for higher brain functions. We do work as a team towards common goals. For example, we” Beth gestured to the three people standing around Nine. “are in a group called the federation of planets and work for that group’s collective good. You may decide at some point to join our group, but until then we cannot have you harm our group.” Beth explained.

“Totally sensible, right?” Zosh said in his mellow hippie voice “It would harsh our mellow if you messed with our group. So if you are cool with the concept of respecting our rules, we would like to release you from your restraints.”
Nine looked at the three as they spoke, then he looked down at himself, then back up at them.

"The Collective did not control my higher brain functions. If they did and I have no contact with them, I would not have been able to hack your ship, I would not understand nor make sense of what you are saying and I would not be able to talk nor think."

Nine looked at Beth, "You are a female of your species, from the looks directed at you, you are a prime example."

He looked at Jan, "You are a male of your species. Lack of interest in you indicates that you are a mediocre example of your species."

He looked at Zosh, "You are a male of your species. You are a new addition to the crew and not a well known species to those males in red."

Nine focused on Beth, "As you can see, my higher brain functions just perfectly. The Collective of the Borg tells us what it wants and we comply. Not by our own free will, but through conditioning and a control chip which is implanted at the base of the skull. I am sure that you will be able to find it and remove it if you so wish."

The various mechanical parts whirred and hissed softly, "The cybernetics are there to make me a better drone. From the state of the body and parts, I have been a drone for quite some time. Time has no meaning for the Borg. All will be assimilated to form the perfect galaxy. What can not be assimilated will be terminated."

He paused and a slight frown creased his brow, "The federation of planets. Unknown. A collective with no drones. You have command structure not ruled by logic. Your computer states that a race is ruled by logic, but mostly shunned because they are too logical."

A slight twitch of the head, "You have saved me. I feel no gratitude for your actions, but logic dictates that it is the better option to co-operate with you if I wish to keep on surviving. I have no need to give my life for the Borg as the Collective is unavailable."

Nine looked at Zosh, "You have illogical speech patterns. I will not harsh your mellow."
Lt. Cook could not sleep and after a while she got up and changed back into her Uniform. Though after reading her book and thinking about it she made sure to slip her panties off.If she read it right then maybe she could get lucky tonight and even though Hora was her Captain, she reminded her of so many dominate women in her novels she enjoyed reading. And if not then Hora would be unlike to lift her skirt at random so nothing to worry about. After a little while she was at Hora's door and rang the bell. She would start things off with her displeasure at the reassignment to helm control and see how things went from there.
“Totally Awesome!” Zosh exclaimed in his slow and mellow tones. He nodded to Ensign Maats. The young man grabbed a small medical tool. He activated it and placed it at the base of Nine’s skull. The medical tool “shunted” the upper-spinal column neurotransceiver and control chip of Nine.

“It has been bypassed. It can be turned back on upon request” Ensign Maats told Nine.

“Please remove Nine's restraints.” Zosh ordered.

Ensign Maats put in the proper codes and released the restraints holding Nine. The two security guards in the room tensed at this action. But Nine did nothing once the restraints were pulled off.

“Nine, this is the only place we have set up as a recharging station for you. It will take some work but if you want, I think we can set up a recharging station in private quarters for you. In the meantime, please come back to sickbay when you need recharging.” Ensign Maats told Nine.

’’In the meantime, we need your help with a problem” Counselor Huntsman said “We need to gain access to a shuttlecraft which has anti-tamper features. We’d like you to try and gain access to the craft.”

Nine’s various mechanical parts whirred and hissed softly as he looked at the Counselor. “Nine will comply.” He said and stood up from the charging station. He walked right out of sickbay.

The surprised group of Zosh, Beth, Jan, and the security team followed him.

“I’m guessing he down loaded the ship’s layout from when he hacked the main computer” Ensign Maats concluded.

Soon all of them were in the Tripoli's shuttle bay, standing in front of the ISS shuttlecraft.
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As Nine looked at the shuttle craft, his head gave short little jerks from side to side and then he moved forward. Next to the door was an access panel, a special tool unlocks the panel, but Nine just used of of the attachments to his arm to lever the panel open. It broke with a loud snap and flew a few meters before clanking to the ground.

Inside the cables for light electronic maintenance lay coiled neatly. Nine reached in, picked up one of the cables, removed the protective cover on the head and held the point up against an opening in his left palm. After a few moments, he pushed the point into the opening and went still. It took a few moments before the door of the craft opened with a soft hydraulic hiss.

Nine unplugged the cable and placed it neatly in its place. He turned to face the group which had accompanied him. "The codes and pathways are different from your own, yet the design shows signs of the same origin. The shuttle is now safe to use and inspect."
Captain Hora

Captain Hora heard the hail buzzer to her room. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, slipped on her skimpy, sheer night gown and opened her stateroom door. She stood in front of Lt Cook with her huge breasts pressing hard against the night gown trying to open it. Her pussy and ass just barely covered as her long sexy legs were completely revealed. She was a sex pot and almost irresistible.

Lt Riley Cook needed to speak quickly before Captain Hora’s erotic beauty over came her nerves.

“Captain, I don’t understand why you want me on the helm?” Riley asked.

“You woke me up to ask me a question?” Captain Hora gasped, almost in total disbelief. Captain Hora could not believe a junior officer had the balls to ask what she was doing. No officer was that stupid. Then Hora looked into Riley’s eyes and could see the young officer was turned on by Hora’s sexy body. But Riley was more turned on by the Captain’s dominate position. Lt Riley want to piss her off, because then Hora would be rough with her, that turned her on.

“GET IN HERE” Hora ordered and grabbed Riley’s arm and pulled her into the Captain’s stateroom. Hora’s bedroom looked sexy and luxurious. The vanity was wood and beautifully engraved with satyrs and nymphs. It also had a large mirror. Gold gleamed along the mirror’s edges. The bed was large, big enough for a threesome. There was erotic art on the walls.

“I am your commanding officer.” Hora stated “You will do as I order, or you will find yourself in the BRIG”

“Captain…” Riley started

“Oh sweetie, when I want you to talk, I’ll let you know.” Hora said

“As you wish…” Riley said but her answer was cut short by Hora putting a finger to Riley mouth, “No, no, no, that doesn’t require a response. Any more outbursts and you’ll have to be punished.” Hora informed Riley

Hora took Riley to her bed.

“Remove your clothing… I need to have a proper look of you.” Hora ordered.

The words were a command that Riley obeyed without hesitation. She unzipped her uniform and it dropped to the floor, showing off her sexy body. Hora was impressed.

“Oh you naughty little slut. You did not have on any panties!” Hora noted. “Turn around slowly for me” She ordered. Riley slowly turned around so Hora could take in every inch of her physique. Hora’s mind was racing with the possibilities and the desire to feel Riley’s sexy body pressed up against hers, but she projected an outward state of indifference. She asked Riley to stop turning. Hora reached out and grabbed Riley two breasts with both her hands.

“Hmm, not bad, not bad at all. You’ve got an adequate body Riley, it’ll do I suppose. But don’t ever try to control me with these little TITS. MY BREASTS DOMINATE YOURS!” Hora said

Hora let go of Riley’s breasts and then stood back, crossing her arms again.

“What would you have me do?” Riley asked

As soon as the words escaped her mouth, Hora slapped Riley’s right tit, right on the nipple. It was hard and Riley gasped in pain.

“I told you outbursts would be punished, honestly are you listening?” Hora said.

“Yes Captain” Riley said getting turned on by being dominated.

Hora nodded and laid back on the bed “Better … now come over to me and get me wet.” She ordered. Hora pulled her night gown open showing Riley her already moist pussy. Riley began to walk over to her, but was stopped once Hora held up her hand, “Tut tut tut, don’t walk… get on your hands and knees and crawl over to me, and don’t you even think about going right to my sweet sweet pussy, you better start by kissing my feet and working your way up.”

Riley did as she was told; she got on her hands and knees and crawled over to Hora. Her breasts swaying as she first kissed Hora’s feet and then up her leg to her inner thigh. Riley dragged her tongue along Hora’s inner thigh the rest of way to her pussy. She licked around Hora’s lips, tasting her sweet nectar. Riley moved her fingers to start to tease and play with Hora’s clit, but was stopped by Hora.

Hora’s eyes were closed; the ecstasy she was enjoying from Riley’s tongue had her getting wetter. She felt Riley’s fingers on her clit but she said, “No no, just…uh…ooooh fuck me your tongue…no fingers.” Hora ordered.

Riley stuck her tongue deep inside Hora’s pussy. She licked around and in Hora’s pussy, spurred on by the feeling of her juices now running down Riley’s chin. She could feel her legs twitching, and still she continued to lick. Her hands moved to Hora’s ass cheeks and she squeezed them. The move caused Hora to let out another unintentional gasp, she was breathing quicker, panting at the amount of pleasure she was experiencing.
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Dr Agez was busy talking to a female Ensign when Osal found him. The big Klingon walked up behind the Doctor and interrupted his flirting with a sharply worded: "Doctor Juttee"

The Ensign fled and that left Dr Agez alone with Osal, as Agez turned around, he found that the Klingon towered over him, seemingly ready to rip him apart. Agez cleared his throat and gave Osal a smile, "Yes Lieutenant Commander... Osal was it?"

"I have had time to read through the rules and regulations of Starfleet on our way to the Starbase. Captain Hora instructed me that you are not of Starfleet and that I can not treat you as such."

Osal grinned, "But not too long ago I served on a Klingon ship, where the best way to advance is to kill the weakling above you, to not abide to the rules will mean death and even though I will not kill you Doctor Juttee, I will warn you only this once."

Osal drew his dagger and held it up between them, "Gelding does not kill a creature of any specie. If you keep up with your inappropriate behavior towards my captain or any of my crew, you will find it out. Do we understand each other?"

The gleam in Osal's eyes made it quite clear that he would carry out his threat with great vigor and that Klingon grin said that he wished to carry out his threat right there.
Doctor Agez Juttee was so scared by Osal’s size and comments that the doctor could not reply verbally. He simple nodded his head in agreement and departed quickly. The way his feet scurried and with his tail held high it reminded Osal of a lizard running from a bird of prey. The XO of the Tripoli was very sure, that Doctor flirting would be curtailed for a while.

When Dr Juttee made it back to his laboratory he took a deep breath. “That was a close one” He said to himself. “Klingons are crazy! I’d better watch myself!”

He opened his computer and brought up papers on spatial interphase, interphasic rifts, and parallel universes. “If I can’t have sex… then I can have fun studying other universes!” He said to himself as he started reading.


Osal’s communicator beeped. “Commander Osal. Ensign Maats, The Nine experiment has worked” Ensign Maats reported to Osal. “We have fully inspected the ISS shuttle craft and it works great. Nine did not install any subroutines or other control mechanisms. The bad news is we cannot duplicate the process Nine used. We will need to allow Nine to do this on the two other starships if we continue with this approach. Standing by for your orders.” Ensign Maats reported.


As Ensign Maats ran diagnostics on the ISS shuttle craft and reported to Osal. Beth Huntsman questioned Nine of Nine.

“What can you remember of your past? Where have you been? What species have you encountered? What planets? Tell me what you remember of the collective and the Borg.” Beth asked Nine as they waited.
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Riley Cook continued to lick and suck on her Captain's sweet pussy. Licking and drinking in as much of her sweet juice as she could. She had never been with a Orion before and there was something about her that drew her towards the other woman. Maybe the fantasy stories she read and images in her mind pushed her to see if the Orion woman was anything like the ones in her stories. After all most stories have some truth to them. Hands squeezing Hora's ass cheeks in her soft grasp as she pulled the Orion as closer to her as she could to feast on her. Pushing her tongue as deep as it could go into the hot depths of her Captain. She knew it was wrong, but she needed this. She did not look up at her partner as she softly nipped and bit at her to see if the other woman enjoyed it or pulled back.


Gamma shift on the Aphrodite was going normal but the Science officer on the Bridge kept looking into her console at the long range scans. Something seemed a bit off. It could be just sensors echos as this area around the starbase were still largely unexplored but it almost looked like ships. She adjusted the ships long range scans to try to get a closer look.
Hora loved to dominate other women, and there was no better way to show it than to spray your pussy juices in their face.

“Oh yes… right there… keep licking that spot” Hora moaned as her orgasm built. Riley added some sexy nibbling and biting which only turned Hora on more. Hora was thrust her pussy at Riley’s tongue and face. Then, when the time was right, Hora rammed her pussy in Riley’s face and held it there as she came. Hora’s pussy twitched and quivered all over the young girl’s pretty face. Hora juices sprayed out and covered Riley’s face like it was some kind of beauty spray.

Hora turned around and kissed Riley. Their lips connected... both of them could taste the passion in the room. As they separated Hora whispered, “Now I’m going to make you cum against your will!”

Hora reached down and rubs her hand against Riley’s excited pussy. The girl got off on being dominated and having rough sex. Hora rubbed her clit until the poor girl’s pussy lips were quivering. Then Hora probed Riley’s pussy, teasing it with her fingers, that started to drive Riley mad with desire.

Hora was an expect at sex and could have made Riley cum then, but Hora held back wanting to drag out Riley’s pleasure. Plus Hora knew what Riley really wanted. So after making Riley pussy dripping and quivering in excitement, Hora finally balled up her fingers on her right hand together. Then with all of them together, she thrust into Riley’s juicy opening. The younger woman gasped in shock and pleasure as she was being fisted by her Captain. Hora hand driving the full length into Riley’s welcoming pussy. The force sent a shockwave of pleasure through Riley’s entire body; her head shouted back, “OH Fuck! Nooooo!”

Hora pounded her pussy relentlessly and without mercy. She rammed her hand into Riley until Riley's pussy exploded in orgasm. Riley’s nails dug into Hora's green back, as the LT peaked. Hora had given Riley a wonderful orgasm. They lay together and cuddled for a while and then Hora spoke.

“No problem, I’ll take you off helm and put you on a data collection station on the bridge. Is that better?” She asked the young LT.

“Yes Captain” Riley replied
Lt. Cook was about to say something but the ship's Red alert began to blare through out the ship. The red lights flashed and the younger woman was tossed out of her bed as the Tripoli was hit by something, clearly the ship's shields were up but something like a Torpedo had impacted and rocked the ship.

The Battle group of Terran Empire Ships had dropped out of warp at extended range and launched some type of long range Torpedos. Although powerful the ships and stations had time to raise their shields as the ships around Starbase 514 came about to counter the attackers.

The Terran Empire battle group was two Heavy Cruisers, Constitution Class ships, the yellow markings on their hull matching that of the ISS Tripoli and ISS Aphrodite sitting in orbit of the station. Five Miranda Class Frigates with modified Roll bars with the extended range Torpedo launchers. And a single Federation Class Dreadnought. No hails no warning as the smaller ships began to launch another group of torpedos from outside normal weapons range.

One of the other Miranda Class Tug ships near the station took one too many and the impact of one of the torpedos tore through the ship, vaporizing at least a 3rd of the ship. Making the odds two to one as there were only 4 ships left to protect Starbase 514. The USS Aphrodite, Apollo. Saratoga and Tripoli.
“What can you remember of your past? Where have you been? What species have you encountered? What planets? Tell me what you remember of the collective and the Borg.” Beth asked Nine as they waited.

Nine looked at Beth, the laser of his ocular implant dancing over her face, "I have no past. Only the Collective. The Borg have encountered various species. There is no names, only designations for these species."

He grew silent and then carried on, "The Borg is a Collective. They think as one and are superior to all races they have encountered thus far. Some see them as a scourge and others as an irritation. They plan to make the universe perfect and whole."

He paused again, "I wish for the control chip to be removed. It can be re-activated by a signal and I do not wish to harm your... Mellow."
Osal was back on the bridge when the Terran ships dropped out of warp.

"Commander, incoming torpedoes!"

"Shields up!"

The ship rocked under the impact, "Red Alert! Status report."

"Shields down to 80 percent, all systems operational."


"Helm, evasive maneuvers!"

The ship moved, dodging one torpedo, but taking two more hits, "Shields at 70 percent."

"We lost a tug."

Osal growled and activated the comm, "Captain Hora, we are under attack. You are needed on the bridge." He ended the transmission. The Klingon blood demanded retaliation, but he knew they had to protect the base. "Draw their fire away from the base. Target their smaller ships and fire when ready. Helm keep us alive as best you can."
Captain Hora

Captain Hora sprang out of bed and grabbed her skimpy, sheer night gown. She threw it on and a pair of her fuzzy slippers and she walked on the bridge. As she sat in her captain’s chair she stated firmly “This is Captain Hora, I have the deck and the conn.”

“Oh shit” One of the watch standers whispered.

“Commander Osal is correct, let’s lead these fuck faces on a merry chase away from the space station. Execute Hora defensive maneuver delta 1.1” She ordered. The helmsman found the recently programmed maneuver in the helm computer and activated it. The USS Tripoli began high g maneuvers at maximum impulse engines. The structural force fields were strained as the ship maneuvered.

“It will take a few seconds for them to figure out what we are doing. Now I will show you what this ship can do and how to fuck up a enemy starships! The Terran’s really should have brought more ships... this not even a fair fight.” Captain Hora declared with confidence.

“Captain… These maneuvers will tear this ship APART!” The helmsman warned her.

“Everyone follow my orders and you might learn something… also if you do not Osal is going kill you!” Captain Hora replied. Osal growled. That was all it took and everyone was following orders.

A torpedo hit the aft shields “Captain aft shields took hit hits, they are down 15%” Osal reported.

“Osal… weapons free… fire a will. Target to disable these ships, not to destroy them. Also save the photon torpedos for now.”

Captain Hora pressed her comm button “Engineering please prepare to beam out 1 metric ton of ionized disodium from cargo bay 1, 100 meters in front of each attack ship, on my command.” Hora ordered.

“We’ll need to lower our shields to do that” The helm stated.

“I know…no one is expecting me to lower my shields... this will catch them by surprise.” Captain Hora said as she watched a torpedo just barely sail pass the Tripoli.

“Lower shields NOW!” Captain Hora ordered. “Engineering… beam NOW” She also ordered. Cloud of radioactive gas appeared infront of all the attacking ships.

“That will clog their sensors…” Captain Hora explained to the bridge team. “The Starbase 514, Aphrodite, Apollo. Saratoga can thank us later. But their sensors will not be down long. Execute defensive maneuver Hora 1” She ordered.

The USS Tripoli sudden whipped around and flew right between two attacking Miranda Class Frigates at close range. The Terran ships reacted without thinking and launched a full spread of phasers and photon torpedoes at the Tripoli. But being partially blinded, the ships fired on visual only and the Hora 1 maneuver cause the Tripoli to accelerate away at the last moment. This caused the Terran Torpedo and Phasers to blasting each other as the Tripoli slipped away.

“Hehe…” Captain Hora.

“Captain both ships forward shields are down to 10%” Osal said with some surprise.

“Osal, full phaser, target their engines!” Hora ordered.

“Aye, Aye, Captain” Osal yelled. The Tripoli’s phasers took down both ships with ease.

One Constitution class star ship now approached the Tripoli.

“Execute maneuver Hora 3.4” Captain Hora ordered. The Tripoli preformed a wild loop maneuver. This placed Constitution class starship behind the Tripoli… chasing the Tripoli.

“Open cargo bay 1 and dump the rest of the ionized disodium!” Captain Hora ordered. “That much radiation will even fuck up their visual sensors!”

As the ionized disodium cloud hit the starship, Captain Hora ordered “All engines back FULL… Avoid the cloud… launch one of our unmanned shuttlecraft at the Constitution class starship!” She ordered. As the Tripoli sailed past the attacking ship the shuttle was jettisoned right at it. The collision tore the shuttlecraft apart, and the anti-matter/matter reaction caused heavy damage to the starship.

“The bigger they are the harder they fall!” Captain Hora gloated.

“Captain, our sensors are down… we got too close to the ionized disodium cloud” Osal reported.

“Oh shit!!” Hora gasped as one of the Miranda Class starship came forward and engaged the Tripoli. The phases and torpedoes blasted the Tripoli.

“Sir, aft shields down… we lost warp drive, and hulls breaches on section 2,4, and 27” The helm reported.

“Execute Hora defensive maneuver 23” Captain Hora ordered. “Get us close to the Aphrodite, she might be able to get this asshole off our ass!”

“Osal any ideas? Can we do something with the ISS Shuttle craft?” Hora suggested.
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While the Tripoli began to attack, Osal saw what the Starfleet's newest Heavy Cruiser and a Dreadnought he had never heard of before in action. To a Klingon this is worth more then words. The Tripoli darted out in front with the two Heavier ships falling behind, the Tug however stayed behind and ran point defense for the station. It's Blue beams doing it's best to shoot down the heavy torpedos. Not that the station was defenseless. It's own weapons doing what it can to shoot down incoming fire. But the rate at which the Mirror Miranda's could fire was high for ships of their class.

Fallowing the Tripoli the Aphrodite and Apollo moved up behind and did what they could. The Apollo drawing one of the Terran Constitution Class off and one of the other Miranda Class off. But that still left 3 of them bombing the station and the Aphrodite and Tripoli to deal with the rest.

The Aphrodite was not called a Dreadnought for nothing. The larger ship came of and dove behind the Tripoli taking the fire meant to finish the smaller ship off. Her shields absorbing the fire from the Mirror Miranda like it was nothing. Twin blue beams struck out at the smaller ship, a set from the dorsal and as it passed on by another set struck the smaller ship from it's ventral emitters of the saucer. The Mirror Miranda's shields buckled and collapsed and as the Ventral fired the beams ripped through the smaller ship's saucer like butter. But the Miranda Class was not the Aphrodite's Target.


"Tripoli's clear sir!" The Tactical officer yelled out as he brought watched the ship on his screen begin to go up in flames. The Aphrodite's powerful impulse engines gave her good maneuvering speed and by the time the Mirror Miranda's Warp Core went critical both the Aphrodite and Tripoli were clear of the blast.

"Good now lets give that that Federation Class a good "Welcome to Starbase 514." M'Keer said as he watched as the view screen pointed towards the enemy Dreadnought. Taking fire from the other Constitution Class and the Federation Class was hammering the Aphrodite's Forward shields and they would only get one shot at this. The ship shock as it took fire the two other ships but the helm officer kept going. The Constitution broke off not wishing to be rammed but that never the plan and the Aphrodite banked under the enemy Dreadnought to not slam into it. But as it passed under the ship the Aphrodite's Dorsal weapons emitters all opened up at full power. Slamming the Ventral ships of the ship and normally this would be only some what useful as at this speed the Aphrodite would not be able to make use of the damaged shields but as the tail end of the ship passed by 4 Type F shuttles which had been waiting to deploy all exited the Hanger at the back of the Atlas Class Dreadnought. But these shuttles had been converted into make shift bombers. And since they were under the enemy ship and it's ventral shields needed time to recharge they dumped their micro torpedo payload into the underside of the Federation Class ship. After doing they broke off and began to make a run on the Constitution Class ship that had broken away. All this while the Aphrodite came around as the Federation Class ship was crippled. The armor on the ship strong enough that the small micro torpedos dealt heavy damage but not enough to cause the ship's Warp Core to go Critical. But the large Federation Class ship was adrift now as it's lower hull burned.


Lt. Cook dressed and made for her post. Entering the small room that served as stellar cartography. She used the ship's back up sensor grid to do some scans. Notably trying to track where the ships had come from. Using the secondary arrays was all she could use as the main sensors were offline and even if they were online they would be used for tactical reasons. Did not mean she could not collect data. The Mirror ships had a different quantum signature then this universe. It in theory should be easy to track where they had come from. She had seen stuff like this before. Odd things here and there that did not seem to belong. She had even been contacted about it by a science ship in deep space. Which seemed odd at the time. But the pieces were started to fall into place now. But for the moment all she could do was try to track the bastards shooting at her ship and if they made it through this take what she found if anything to captain Hora.
USS Tripoli

A big cheer went up on the bridge of the Tripoli when the Aphrodite suddenly slipped between them and the attacking Miranda Class starship.

“WAY TO GO APHRODITE!!” Petty Officer Tadowa yelled.

The Aphrodite then unreleased a fire storm of phrase fire taking out the attacking Miranda Class ship.

Captain Hora relaxed a little more in her chair, she knew that the Tripoli had almost been destroyed.

“Ok, Helm, bring her about. Let get back in this thing!” She ordered.

“Captain, our sensors and aft shields are down.” Osal reminded his Captain.

“Understand.” Captain Hora said. She pressed her chair communication button. “Engineering… get me some aft shields… we are in a battle, you know!!”

“Working on it, Captain” Lt Jordan said back.

The forward view screen showed the battle between Aphrodite and the attacking Federation Class Dreadnought. Everyone on the bridge held their breath. Everyone knew this was the defining engagement of this battle. The two most powerful ships in head to head combat. If the Aphrodite won, the space station would be saved. Aphrodite and the attacking Dreadnought exchanged fire. The Aphrodite’s attack shuttles added additional fire power. As the two big ships separated, it was clear Aphrodite came out the victor!

Right at this moment Lt Jordan from engineering reported “Aft Shields back up at 10% power”

Another cheer erupted on the bridge over the Aphrodite’s victory. Lt Jordan heard it and thought it was for him. “Well, a simple thank you… would have been enough.” He said.

“Sir, the remaining Terran attack fleet is breaking off.” Osal reported.

“Nice shooting back there” Hora told Osal with a big smile. “Petty Officer Tadowa open ship to ship communications with the Aphrodite.” Hora ordered.

On the main view screen of the Aphrodite was an image of Captain Hora in her skimpy, sheer night gown and fuzzy slippers. “Great Shooting Captain M'Keer!! Thanks for the assist back there.” Hora said.
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When the Red Alert blared through the ship, Beth found herself lifted from her feet and tossed into the open shuttle. Nine followed her inside and activated the door. It closed shut behind him, he sat down in the pilot seat and activated the shuttle, his eye studying the readouts and then he took the helm.

The little craft lifted from the platform and Beth noticed that Nine had coupled himself to the ship via an implant. The bay doors opened, the shuttle leapt forward and swung into position. The bay doors closed and Nine kept the shuttle within the shield, when Hora ordered the shields dropped, Nine dropped away from the Tripoli and made a bee-line for the captured Terran ships.

"We have work to do Beth Huntsman."

Nine dodged and maneuvered around the battle, proving to be a crack pilot, even when jacked into the ship.

"As soon as the Tripoli are save, hail captain Hora. Inform her that we are planning to provide limited backup."


Osal frowned at his screen, he knew Hora wanted to give her congratulations to M'Keer, but this was important.

"Captain. The shuttlecraft is with us no more. It is heading for the captured ships and I can read only one life signal aboard. Federation. Beth Huntsman."