These are the Voyages...


Wolvrak gave Hora a double take when she said "After the ceremony, please assemble your team and find that frozen life form." Nodding understandingly "With Maats Tricorder, he should find it rather quickly. Osal and I only have to protect Maat's his phaser can melt the snow and ice. Places his hands on his hips letting out a troubled growl, Hora nods as she understands them. She does those little things that a male feel comfortable and her charms, which are quite considerable to say the least. Even without those pheromones of hers working on him, he finds those charms irresistible when she'd chose to use them.

Needing time to prepare for the ceremony, he'd excuse himself from the conversation. "If you will please excuse me Hora, reaching out to rub her upper right arm. "I must go and prepare my self." Stepping away from Hora to get some space to focus his mind on what he has to do. He's steadily changing from his isolationist culture to accept other races, the next challenge was the Romulan. Covering the translator muttering to himself "She's not much worse than a Voxian. Thinking, she didn't move or handle a blade like a scientist.

Wolvrak got his mind on performing the Ceremony, unwound the Totem Charm necklaces his hands. Places them over his head to hang around his neck, pulling a small inscribed metal tablet from a pocket. It was far to dangerous to close his eyes in a war zone, as the Voxian could send another Squad. Steepling his fingers began the prayer of remembrance softly in ancient Shistevanian, finishing the prayer he's ready for when all will be gathered outside, mind drifting back to the time he performed it for his for Father and his Mother.
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Setting the mood

It was dark outside and the snow had started to fall again as the landing party assembled. Ensign Maat stood in the circle with the other members of the away team. He had participated in other ceremonies and rite of passage. He felt this setting was not quite right, at least for his human tastes. So he pulled out his tricorder and pressed a few buttons.

“I hope this is not an insult to the ceremony” Ensign Maat said to Wolrvak as there was now a hint of incense and soft stately music started to play. The music was soft and appropriate for the ceremony. “This will help the humans remember and honor the dead” he explained “But if it is wrong for your culture, I can turn off the smells and sounds”
Leeandri stood and obeyed the captains orders, she did not agree, certain creatures to her did not in fact deserve anything more then a brutal death and to be quickly forgotten. She resigned herself and did her diplomatic duty though and said nothing. If the Klingon were to go down though she would not be there to honor his death. She would just as soon spit on his grave. She was liking the motley crew that was forming less and less. She knew though that Hora had designs for Wolvrak and talking to her was pointless. Till she had her ass filled with alien cock any way.

She found the smells to be bothersome though the music was a nice touch even if it was used on the wrong dead.


RJ knew he must get back to the Tripoli but he couldn't ignore the beauty before him either. He was not sure if it was the Sphere, or her, or the fact that he was just a insatably horny man. He walked up to her and grabbing her, he kissed her while freeing his once again hard cock. "You are a nasty slut arn't you?" He hissed, before Pulling her leg up and with a practiced hand he pushed his hardness into her. His mind was racing.

He thought of Lee, Hora the Tripoli and yet he still would not stop fucking this your alien.

Ceremony Of Remembrance concluded

Wolvrak looks to Maat's with a nod for him to continue the music as he begins to speak in his native language. Lifting his hands out to each side hands turned upward open to the heavens his voice a deep rumble. Breathes deeply lets it out slowly tilting his head back.

"Ashir esh ne'h ishie craho brogh denihikh, mahpa'srika cka whah'lna eilish eh xhala'qu. Fetoni agul trit kitinura grah kal higray, nul pala toln hilis qia lehielio. Grahlu enik hoalot kal oloi olqui kelg' je'et, woul quan rikini ula' jagat asgr sieqi eil ragra shulo kal rikiniiet bu' kuoi."

"All of our races have come together, remembering the Voxians fallen in battle. Finally at peaceful rest with respect, to not let them be forgotten. Recall your family and know they had one also, that none forget we could have been in their place and forgotten as well. Wolvrak bows lowering his arms and exhales slowly sighing, thinking of family in the home village on Velokalsh'a 2. As it was lit at night by the twin red moons of Velo and Sh'a.

"Shistevanian tradition is take something of the dead in remembrance, all they have is the Laser rifles." His expression a non judgmental mask. "Only if you chose to do so."

"Thank you all you for attending a shared memorial ceremony. It's a meaningful night as a first was witnessed here. Federation and the races represented, Klingon and Shistavanian for a ceremony of remembrance. For a race that never knew us, chose to hate us over a friendship. But I see the Federation has a way of making first contact workout, even when it does not go well at first. They missed out on the honor of knowing you, just to maintain a false sense of xenophobic superiority. Let us have hope they will listen to reason

"I understand isolationism, as my people have chosen the same. Yet due to Voxian attack we form an alliance and fight together not against one another. If we're capable of doing this under duress we're capable to doing this without it. But we let the old hatreds of our ancestors make our decision for us.

To make a long story short, as I know you're sick of hearing me. His comment and wry grin brings a chuckle from Maat's, Lt Jordan just smiles and Hora taps a thing on her wrist to hurry. "If not for the kindness of an elderly Kollian named Calose, saves me as a youngster to nurse back to health. It brings a very profound change about, I was told Aliens will despoil our culture but this one did not do anything but help. I set aside the old hatreds of my ancestors, choosing my own path and here I am. To stand with my allies."

That said Wolvrak took his Fathers totem and Mothers charm necklace off. He puts them into his pocket along with the metallic tablet back in the same pocket. Lifts his Weaponry belt off the muzzle of his rifle, wraps it about his waist buckling it on. Bends down to twist his weapon loose from the snow and ice, slinging it over his shoulder the straps tightened.

Turns partially away only to turn back, to hold up his right hand clawed index finger. "One more thing ... If a stubborn ill tempered and trained in survival. A young and inexperienced captain of a crashed freighter can struggle to do it. As you're better tempered, far better trained and experienced, some older and wiser could do it far more easily than I have."

This time he'd actually stopped talking, for the moment as he walks backwards, "Maat's, Osal? ... let's say we find this alien the scientists are creaming their pants for shall we?" Grins at his new friend and points to him. "Got your phaser Maat's?" He'd pat the holster on his belt. "Starfleet regulation 156.2 states, away mission personnel will be equipped at all times with hand or rifle phaser." Wolvrak rumbles a deep chuckle. "Good man! I'm sure Osal has found a charged laser rifle and is armed with his trusty cudgel."
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Hora walked away from the ceremony in thought. Wolrvak had reminded her of why star fleet was out here. He also reminded her that somehow she needed to form this diverse group into a functioning crew. That would be difficult, but critical as their survival depended on it. The vox seem single minded in their hatred of other races. She had been taught that the diversity of the federation was its strength, but what if the diverse members did not get along?

Somehow she needed to get them all to relax and see what each could bring to the mission. If this was a crew of Orion's, a big orgy would work. She giggled at the thought of that happening with her crew. "Never in a thousand years " she said to herself as walked back into the ruins.

Lee gave her a look.

"Just thinking about something" Hora answered. "Let's get underground and see what the rumbling is about."
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Osal grunted, it was useless to dawdle over dead bodies, they were just meat. But as Wolfrak had said that this little ritual is about remembering the person. Even though it went beyond Osal, why he would want to honor an enemy.

He shifted the laser rifle over his shoulder and nodded at Wolfrak, "I have a rifle and my knife. The wood broke and is now useless. Let's go."
Osal shifted the laser rifle over his shoulder and nodded at Wolfrak, "I have a rifle and my knife. The wood broke and is now useless. Let's go." He certainly wasn't one to say much.

"After you Osal, you can take Point. Maat's you have the Tricorder, but stay alert for Vox. I'll take the rearward position, close up ranks in case this weather picks up." As they start out Wolvrak picks up his helmet, pulling it onto his head fastening two lines up. Symbols lit up in red around the inner perimeter of a wide visor. Looking to different ones activates a different system as lights activate to light Maat's and Osal's path. "Your 360 is locked down my friend."

As they walked on Maaty's forced to use the com's to give direction changes, as the wind's are picking up buffeting his voice "Osal, go to private frequency 194.201. We can survive a storm, we need him to find this damned alien but we must protect my friend. He is brave, saved my life once and killing 11 Vox. Now that said. What is your opinion on the weather, am I right in sensing it grows stronger Osal?"

The Ensign see's red glowing eyes wrinkle at the corners knows he's grinning. Maaty asks "How do you get such a clear vocal system like this? It's exactly like your normal voice to me." Chuckling as he replied. "I buy salvage and figure out how to make it work with the systems of the Koliv. Oh, if you feel a pulse in your ears. Scanner amplitudes too high, a little adjustment and you won't feel a thing." Always tinkering with things to improve them in some way shape or form.
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Lt Jordan, Leeandri, and Hora

Lt Jordan, Leeandri, and Hora clambered over the wreckage in the immense chamber below the ancient control room. The wreckage had been caused by massive storage tanks that had burst open thousands of years ago. The ice planet’s cold temperatures had preserved the devastation. Mountains of white frozen stuff that had previously been in the tanks was all over the chamber mixed with broken parts of the tanks. There were side door and rooms on the edge of the chamber.

Hora pushed open a stuck door to enter one of the side rooms. She could only get part of the door open and had to squeeze through side ways to get in. Her big chest clearly causing her problems, but she just made it in the room. She almost ripped open her star fleet uniform. She needed to open the door more, or else she would lose her top on the way out. She examined the door mechanism. It had lost power. She quickly reconnected the power only to find the servos were fused. Lt Jordan happened to walk past and managed to force the doors open more. It was easy to forget just how strong Lt Jordan was, he seemed so unassuming and gentle.

"Thanks. I did not want to get stuck in here" Hora explained.

“Any ideas yet?” Lt Jordan asked.

"No not really. I think Leeandri’s theory is the best we have.” Hora replied.

Leeandri had suggested that the place looked like a manufacturing plant of some type. The control room above was used to control the process of “making something”. The tanks were involved in the process and had over pressurized and bursted. That was the extent of her theory, until they found more clues.

Hora explored the small side room and reached a storage compartment set into the wall. It looked locked and needed an access code. But as she looked closer, the locking mechanism had failed when the white stuff had cracked to wall. She pried open the small door and inside sat a yellow cube. “Data storage module” She whispered to herself as she grabbed the thing and placed it in her bag.

She searched the rest of the room, and found nothing else. She squeezed back out of the room and climbed over the broken metal and frozen white stuff to reach Leeandri.

“Any thoughts?” Hora asked Leeandri, who was staring at the white stuff.

RJ and Felyna

RJ sent shot after shot into her warm wet mouth. With each shot she moaned with the excitement of having it splash against the back of her mouth. As his own orgasm began to fade, she held him still in her mouth and he could feel her start to shake as her own hand stroked her clit to orgasm. “AHHH” she gasped around RJ’a cock as cum escaped from her mouth and trickle down his shaft onto his balls. When her orgasm was over, she pulled her lips away from his cock with a pop. She leaned forward and licked up any sperm that had escaped from his rod and balls.

Felyna stood back up and pulled her star fleet uniform back on. “Ready to beam back, sir” She suggested.

RJ flipped open the communicator “Two to beam back” He ordered.

Seconds later both were back on the Tripoli. Felyna walked off the transporter pad with a slight limp leaving the transporter room. The transporter chief looked at RJ with a knowing smile.

RJ smiled back and gave the man a wink. Then he headed for the Aux Bridge. He found Lieutenant junior grade (Ltjg) Mrerr there and she was busy transferring controls back to the main bridge.

“LT, welcome back. Repairs to the bridge sections are complete and I was just getting ready to transfer control back to the main bridge.” Mrerr reported in a purr, her tail swishing back and forth.

He had figured out the general direction from the talking around him and he set off in the lead. The warm clothing keeping him protected in the cold as he trudged theough the snow, searching for anything that didn't belong on the surface of an ice planet. He was certain that they would find a dead body, some idiot who froze outside in the cold.
Wolvrak, Maat's and Osal

The group of three Osal, Maat's and Wolrak had only ventured out two meters. Maat's voice comes over the coms. "I'm picking up the Alien but the reading is unusual, there's so much mechanized elements and organic elements. I can't tell what's Alien and what's not, but it's not dead only in a type of stasis. 30 degrees to the south half a meter away from here." With the curiosity of the unknown Maat's picks up the pace. Wolvrak cannot resist hearing his reaction. "Osal you won't believe it but. Maat's gaining on you." After he does Wolvrak goes to a frequency only his best friend use. "Good job my friend for gaining on Osal's heels, bet he picks up the pace right about now." Hearing Maat's laugh and say "I'm from Norway we're use to frigid Winters." Hearing the translator and the subsequent info it gave, Wolvrak rumbles a deep chuckle." He kept pace his large feet are as snowshoes.

Quarter meter Maat's says more enthusiastically as he's at a fast walk, Osal didn't allow a young over eager Ensign out pace him. That he's standing at the coordinates laser slung over, casually eating some foul smelling provision he carries. Maat's arrives and was busy taking scans as Wolvrak was bringing up the rear he's last to arrive. "What are you eating Osal? I smelled it 1/10 of a meter away!" With a over his gaze activates the air filtration system of his helmet. Breathing deeply as the foul stench is replaced by fresh heated air, it doesn't fog up his face mask from within his helmet. "After finishing, can you carve out a ramp for us. Maat's glances at Wolvrak to Osal and back with a big grin through his visor. "Yes Sir." Phasering the ice it melts away steam rises up around the area. Revealing a bio mechanical humanoid like nothing Wolvrak had ever seen. "Any idea what this race may be? Osal would give his opinion, Maat's knew as he continues with his usual long winded explanation. "By this side the facial features are Pholian but this technology is not Pholian. This technology is not in any of the Federation archives, I've used extensively to research."

Maat's can you cut a 7' by 4' by a 4" thick slab of ice if that's possible with a phaser, I have two walking staves we can melt them into the slab. Osal and I can lift it onto it's side and shape the front slope with your phaser. As Maat's made the beam as narrow as possible, cut the slab to Wolvrak's specifications close as he can. Holding the short staves a quick twist they telescope to 7'0", Osal does his part as Maat's melts the ice, Wolvrak helps the stave sink far into the slab to hold them. Lifts the tech adapted Pholian the others assist to get it on the sled. Maat's speaks up. "I should take a quick reading on Captain Ji ... Hora's com. Wovlrak's back was to Osal as he gave him a look he understood, Maat's takes the reading with a grin at the big wolf. "Got it and the weather is closing in, see yourselves." Turning to look his helmet switches to infrared, the cold front wasn't enormous yet enough to freeze them to death. "Maat's on the slab Osal and I have to set a pace you can't keep." With the alien and Maat's in tow Wolvrak and Osal set a fast pace to outrun the storm to reach shelter.
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He glanced at the Shistvanian and gave him a smile which would freeze a normal human's blood, "I eat dried Gagh, a good food for a warrior, but better when alive and fresh."

He allowed Wolfrak to take the lead, he knew that squabbling would get them nowhere and only lesser species squabbled and did not do their duty. He studied the shape of the creature in the ice and shook his head, "I have never seen nor heard of creatures like this."

He sniffed the air and turned to look at the storm that they had talked about, with a silent grin he turned, grabbing the handle, waiting for the human to clamber on top of the block of ice as he covered his face with a piece of cloth. "I hate this fucking cold."

Then they were off at a trot, pushing and pulling on the block of ice to get themselves away from the danger of the storm and into shelter, which of course would mean joining up with the rest of the team. Osal grinned behind his improvised mask as they jogged along the snowy surface, the ice block acting as a crude sleigh.
Ice Cream… are you kidding me!

Leeandri looked back at Hora. “This frozen white stuff was once a food for this long lost culture. Based upon the size of this manufacturing plant. I would say it was a delicacy. Similar to ice cream for humans or Gulgig for orions. My analysis is that these white crystals are unique. Caused by the temperature and pressure of this planet. The rumbling you hear is coming from the pumps trying to force more of this white stuff into the busted tanks.” Leeandri explained as she pointed to a pump location.

“Shit…” Hora replied. She realized Leeandri was right. The sphere in orbit was the solar power station and over time the ground station and the sphere must have become misaligned. The result was any space ship that was in orbit near the ground station would be viewed as a power sphere. The ground station would start to suck all the power from the spacecraft. In some cases, causing the space ship to crash. What a waste! All this destruction, because someone forgot to turn off the ice cream factory!!

“Ok… let’s get out of here” Hora ordered. Lt Jordan, Leeandri, and Hora climbed back out of the immense chamber and back into the ancient control room. Hora pressed the stop button for the pumps. The rumbling stopped. Then they headed to the surface.

“The storm is getting bad, we need to beam out soon” Lt Jordan stated as he pulled his jacket closer to his face. Hora was going to say something, but Ensign Maat, Osal, Wolrvak, and a frozen alien/person on a slab of ice appeared before she could. They looked tried and cold from running across the frozen snow, but they had made it.

Hora smiled as at least one thing worked out today. She ordered “7 to beam up” into her communicator. Everyone sparkled and then disappeared from the surface of the ice world. The team reappeared on the transporter platform on the Tripoli.

“Ok… take that frozen alien to sickbay. Those not involved, get some rest. We’ll need you as part of the away team that explores the space station. If you need me, I’ll be on the bridge.” Hora stated and she headed for the bridge.
"I have no problem with getting rest."

Osal drew the improvised mask from his face and looked around the room.

"Problem is, how do you keep me from getting arrested on sight and where do I actually get this rest."
When Leeandri heard Jordan ask to be transported back she sighed with relief. It was a long and tiring day she was actually looking forward to seeing RJ again. She knew that couldn't be a good sign. She didn't want the Klingon or the Shistvanian to return wit them but didn't challenge the Captain either.

When they were back on board RJ was in the transporter room with many others. Leeandri didn't hide that she wanted to be away from the others and quick. She gave them a disgusted look and moved on. She was curt with RJ and then walked out of the room. RJ was surprised to see that they had an alien within a ice coffin. He heard Hora give the order for rest and dismiss them. RJ walked up to her.

"Everything alright Captain?" He asked with concern. He thought the Klingon and the Shistvanian should be arrested on sight but when the order didn't come he accepted it. But he wasn't going to allow them to roam the ship with their weapons either.

"Please turn over your weapons. You are, by order of my captain welcome guests here on board but you will not be permitted to roam in certain areas, such as the bridge, engine room or weapons room! And no weapons." He said politely but firmly. He had his own side arm in his hand as did four other members of the ship. They were not pointing them at the new arrivals but they would use them if needed. He hoped they would see reason and not be assholes about it, but he was ready if they chose to fight also. The men were to far for the aliens to use hand to hand and would never get all five of them should the choose to fight the order!

"Please turn over your weapons. You are, by order of my captain welcome guests here on board but you will not be permitted to roam in certain areas, such as the bridge, engine room or weapons room! And no weapons." He said politely but firmly. He had his own side arm in his hand as did four other members of the ship. They were not pointing them at the new arrivals but they would use them if needed. He hoped they would see reason and not be assholes about it, but he was ready if they chose to fight also. The men were to far for the aliens to use hand to hand and would never get all five of them should the choose to fight the order!

Osal stared at the human who confronted him, he grunted and lifted the laser rifle from his shoulder and slipped the pistol from his belt. Both weapons he held out to one of the crew members, who cautiously took it. He rested his hand on the haft of his dagger and bared his teeth at RJ

"This you will not have. You can pry it from my cold dead fingers if you want it."
Osal and Wolvrak

Removing his helmet hands over his rifle and disruptor, yet did not his ancestral dagger. Raising his deep voice before she could leave the transporter room. "Captain Hora, you and Maat's came to rescue me and make First Contact. I shared my shelter and fire with you, the Shiavanian ceremony of laying down of arms! You asked me to form an Alliance and I agreed to be your Allie. You asked Osal to form an Alliance and he agreed to be your Allie! Now after we fought off the Voxian alongside all of you. Do you wish to arrest Osal or I for not handing over our blades? You may as well arrest of us we can not give them up!" Wolvrak's voice is raised but still calm as Osal gripped his dagger in a resistant stance.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with Osal he and Wolvrak are a formidable appearing pair, his red eyes a far dimer red as Osal's dark and angry. In the light of the transporter room, his fur was so black it seems to absorb the light about him and darken. The dagger held was the size of a broad wickedly re-curved short sword, in his large black clawed hands it looks proportional to his size. His voice calm but the feeling of not being accepted, causes a tinge of anger heard as he spoke. Osal angrily growls his displeasure far more obviously.

"To your race our blades are only weapons that kill, they are valued in our cultures as very sacred objects. We will turn our ancestral blades over if you place them in our quarters, if we are given any. In a shielded space yes?. If set to stun we can not tamper with them." Wolvrak calmly grips his daggers haft tightly in his right hand, blade resting his left palm.

"Osal and I have fought as Allies with the Captain, Lt Jordan, Leeandri and Ens. Maat's as allies in the battle against the Voxians. Maat's a true friend saved my life." Wolvrak claps Osal soundly on his shoulder to get his attention. "Osal if you do not calm down and stand down, they will stun us, arrest us, and throw us straight into a cell!"
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Wolvrak claps Osal soundly on his shoulder to get his attention, yells at the Klingon. "Osal if you do not calm down and stand down, they will stun us, arrest us, and throw us straight into a cell!"

"Do you want stunned, blade taken from you as a child and thrown into a cell? Keep your aggression, that is exactly what they are going to do UNDERSTAND?!" The last is bellowed at the Klingon, who's being as stubborn as a Zarkalian Ass.

Osal turned his attention to the Shiavanian and growled at him, "If they do stun me, disarm me and throw me in a holding cell, it will be their honor who suffers for it. Not mine. During our duel Maats interfered by stunning me, you disarmed me and I suffered no loss on my honor due to it."

His hand tightened on the grip of his dagger, "This dagger goes where I go. If it is taken from me, I will do all in my power to reclaim it."

He turned his head to RJ and the rest of the crew, "I also know them. They carry grudges for too long a time. I will not wake up in a so-called safe quarter with an assassin ready to plunge a blade into my breast without proper protection."

He shook the Shiavanian's hand from his shoulder and took a few steps backwards, his stance shifting from defensive to relaxed, "Your call Captain Hora."
Hora heard the ruckus in the transporter room and sighed. “WAY too much testosterone!” she mumbled to herself. She turned around and headed back to the room. She listened to RJ, Osal, and Wolvrak. All three of them were making good points but as Captain she needed to make a decision. Hora pressed her communicator to “ship wide mode”, so her voice could be heard throughout the ship.

“Crewmembers and Guests of USS Tripoli, this is your captain speaking. Please listen up” Hora said and paused to gain everyone attention.

“Kol-Ut-Shan is a Vulcan phrase. It means “Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.” It is one of the philosophies of Star Fleet and the Federation. The wonder of the universe wrapped up in a statement of inspiration and acceptance, a promise to pursue that which we do not understand; to embrace it with optimism and open minds.

This spirit is what I admire in Vulcans and Humans. It is something Orions are still struggling with. I, myself, continue to struggle with it. But look at what Vulcans and Humans have accomplished by following it. Humans survived multiple world wars, learned from their mistakes, thrived, and worked together toward a better future. Humans embraced Vulcans when they arrived on their planet. They resisted being Xenophobic.

They did not fear the different, they accepted it with optimism. This is what makes Humans and Vulcans unique and formidable species is their acceptance of diversity. Again think about Humans. They are incredible because they are so imperfect. But they are passionate, they blunder through, they are messy, but in the end they triumphed.

“Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.” These words are the Federation’s message of unity and discovery. As Star Fleet personnel we are interested in understanding each other’s differences, in honoring and respecting one another, that is Star Fleet. The Federation’s diversity is what makes them so powerful.

We are the most diversity crew in all of Star Fleet. This crew is mostly humans, but an Orion is your Captain. We have other species aboard such as Bolians, and Caitians, just to name a few. In the Hydroponics bay we have pods filled with new life forms. LT RJ helped us make repairs with aid from a Romulan. She is now our guest. I have brought back from the Ice planet a Klingon, named Osal and Wolvrak who is a new species called a Shistavanen.

This diversity hopefully will make us stronger. We need to be stronger, as a race called the Vox attacked this ship. We may encounter them again, and I will need everyone working together as a team to defend this ship.

In the spirit of Kol-Ut-Shan, I want our guests, Leeandri, Osal, and Wolvrak to have full access to our systems and databases with the exception of Federation classified and proprietary data. I will also be permitting all three of them to retain their ceremony weapons. During yellow alerts and higher levels, they will be allowed access to their modern personal weapons from the armory.

Finally, as we are short of personnel, and very short of officers. I shall be holding a personnel planning meeting in 1 hour to discuss assigning these guest to vacant officers positions.

I understand this is stretching Kol-Ut-Shan to its very limits. But you are the crew of the USS Tripoli… if any crew can pull this off, you are that crew! We shall move to investigate the space station in 2 hours. That is all” Hora said and flipped off her communicator.

“Lt RJ please allow Osal and Wolvrak to retain their ceremony weapons. Osal and Wolvrak, I’m embracing the spirit of Kol-Ut-Shan, please do not interpret this as a sign of weakness. If we are to survive the next encounter with the Vox, we needed to trust each other and work together.” Hora said with certainty.

“Think about what officer positions you are best suited for… I’ll be making assignments in one hour.” Hora said and waited for question or comments.
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RJ listened in shock as the Captain was giving these people the keys to the city as far as RJ was concerned. He of course obeyed. When the room was clearing he pulled Hora to the side and got his thoughts off his chest.

"Have you lost your fucking mind! They are the enemy! They should be confined to very select sections of the ship if you are not willing to cell them! And to give them weapons!" Just as he was getting his thoughts off his chest Leeandri walked in and cut into RJ and Hora's conversation.

"I will not relinquish my side arm while a Klingon is aboard! If he so much as utters a single threat to me I will kill him where he stands! I will not be lumped in with his scum. I am a decorated member of the federation diplomatic corps. I am in every way shape and form above the Klingon. Wolvrak I do not know anything about but he is not federation. You must realize what danger you are putting your entire ship in. Did you ever think that they played nice simply to gain entrance to a ship. Seeing neither of them had one. Don't ever lower your guard around a Klingon. They can not and must not ever be trusted. I've fought their kind for longer then you can imagine." Leeandri said in a flurry, she then with out wanting to go to far waited for the captain to respond.

RJ was in complete agreement with Lee. He added to the argument. "None of them can be made a rank that puts them in charge of me, Lee, or Jordan!" RJ added. They were incensed and couldn't understand Hora's trust of these beings. No matter the situation they were in.


He removed his hand from the hilt of the dagger and glared at the phasers still pointed at him, until they lowered. He stepped forward and banged his fist against his chest, "Well spoken Captain Hora. I can assure you that my dagger will remain sheathed unless an ancient foe who kills small children and old women without qualms, tries to assault me."

He was looking directly at Hora when he spoke, but there was no question that he was aiming directly at Lee.

"And if you do require my services aboard your vessel, I will most likely be best suited in Security as I know little else than battle. Now please, could somebody direct me to a bunk?"

Wolvrak having stood shoulder to shoulder with Osal, after he had his hand literally shaken off his shoulder. The big Shistavanian would sheath his dagger turning his back on Osal, a non verbal universal insult in itself. The security team can deal with the Klingon, being he had them on edge in the first place. Despite the fact he'd been trying his best to calm Osal, Wolvrak wanted to strike him as much the security team. Even a hard headed Klingon can only stay conscious so long, after being struck in the jaw hard enough to fell an Oxen.

Hora walks back into the transporter he breathes a deep sigh of relief, hoping she could talk sense into the crew she inherited. Placing his hands hips an expression a combination of agitation and annoyance shown on his face. None of the them knew what race he was, yet Leeandri lumped Wolfrak in with Kingon's she hated with an unmatched ferocity. If only a Captain of a Shistavainian Freighter the Inakhal Koliv, she's a damn fine ship in his eyes. As Fast as any half her size due to his finely tuned propulsion system, armed to the teeth by all the retrofitted weaponry, could make various Captains of Shistavanien Military vessels envious.

As soon as he received Hora's permission to beam back down to his ship, scavenged parts in one of his many pockets on his excursion suit pants legs. From the minor injuries she suffered. Making those repairs as effectively as possible, Wolfrak would launch from the surface of the frozen hell and dock in the Tripoli's docking bay.

Hearing Officers mentioned Wolvrak had to speak up for himself. "I have no desire to be a Officer aboard this ship Lt. RJ." Eyes aglow a bright blood red as he spoke. "I am Captain of the Inakhal Koliv a Class VII Warp 2 Freighter. His eyes dimming as they settle back on Captain Hora. "I request permission to beam down to my ship, make the minor repairs so I can lift off the surface and dock in the Tripoli's Shuttle bay. If my ship is too large, I shall fall into a position behind you. Only Hora knew the look in Wolvrak's eyes, when lust was behind his words. "Scan my ship and you will find potent weaponry, that will only be used in a effort to protect the Tripoli against Voxian attack."
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Captain Hora

Hora sighed. Things were not going as easily as she had hoped. But if it was easy to be a captain of a federation ship, everyone would be one.

“Osal, Thank you for your offer. I will take it under advisement. PO1 Tessa Fowler please escort Osal to his guest quarters.” Captain Hora ordered. Tessa was a small cute human on the security team. But her looks were deceiving, as she had black belts in many different forms of hand to hand combat.

“Osal, please follow me” PO1 Fowler requested and Osal, the Klingon, grunted as he walked over to her. Both of them walked out of the transporter room and were gone.

“Captain Wolvrak, I did not mean to imply you were not a captain on your own ship. I would greatly appreciate your advice and counsel, when you are available. Please return to the planet’s surface and make repairs to your ship. Call if you need any parts, we’ll transport them down to you. If you need additional help to make repairs I’ll send down anyone I can spare.” Hora explained to Wolvrak.

She received a nod of acceptance from the big hairy Shistavanian and the transporter chief activated the unit. A second later, Wolvrak was gone.

“I will not tolerate threats and/or hostile actions against any of my crew or guests. As a diplomate you know better. Do I make myself clear?” Hora asked. Lee did not say anything in reply, but she did glare at Hora in disgust. “We have selected Osal’s quarters to be as far as possible away from yours. Just don’t look for trouble and it will not find you. Escort her away” Hora ordered. Lee left the room with two security members.

Hora turned back to RJ. Her voice was firm and that of the commanding officer of USS Tripoli. “Time for debate is over. My decision is final. You are not formally part of this crew and therefore can leave if you can not comply with my orders.” Hora said firmly. Then she softened her voice and placed her hand on his chest in a caring and loving way. She looked directly into his eyes. “RJ, please listen to me, this is important. If you think everyone is an enemy, you will never find friends. Osal, Lee, and Wolvrak each risked their lives to save us. They have earned some of my trust. They shall be watched and if they violate that trust, we’ll know they can not be trusted.” Hora counseled then she continue in her soft caring voice. “RJ, I need you. You are an amazing star fleet officer, please think hard before you decide to leave.” Hora asked. A human would have removed their hand at this point, but Hora’s Orion instinct made her hand travel down his chest towards RJ’s crotch. Her hand went all the way to his belt and then Hora removed her hand. She waited for his reply.

He followed the woman as she led the way, luckily she did not try to talk to him, because outside of the influence of the translators, neither he nor she would have understood each other. He looked upon the ship with slight disdain, it was not a ship suited for battle. It was too soft, too...luxurious to be the vessel of warriors. That the crew had warriors among them was true, he had seen the prowess of the crew on the planet.

They reached his quarters and the female opened the door for him, he stepped inside and nodded. The room held a bed, a chair, a table and through an open door he could see a bathroom. It would be well suited for his needs. He thanked the woman and sat down in the chair, it was soft, yet comfortable and he felt that he had the need to rest after the ordeal. A warrior needed to keep himself in fighting shape. The door had closed when the woman had left and Osal stripped down to his underwear and had a look at the bathroom.

A few minutes later Osal were stretched out on the bed, dagger in hand as he slept.

Leeandri sat upright on her bed in her assigned quarters seething. This was not like human seething… this was Romulan seething. A hatred that boiled and churned inside her to the point of making her body quiver. She was not just angry, she was angry and focused. Plans on how to kill the Klingon ran through her head. She knew she must kill him. It was not really a choice. She had been trained from birth to kill Klingons; there was no other possible path to take. The choice she had was when and how.

It took a few hours but she arrived at her plan. She got up from her bed and picked up her Romulan tricorder. She activated it. In a few minutes, she had the information she needed.

Captain Hora was a fool besides being a slut with big tits. Anyone, with a little working knowledge of a federation ship or a science background for that matter, could make a weapon with ease. Only stupid and narrow thinkers, like that Klingon, Osal, would make a big deal out of their primitive weapons. It just showed her, how the Romulans were so much more advanced than the other races. The Vulcan perhaps being the one equal to the Romulans in the federation. All the other races were shit in comparison. Just SHIT.

She left her quarters and headed towards the mess deck. The mess deck had food replicators in operation but many other systems on that deck were still under repair to include the ship’s surveillance cameras. Once on the deck she picked up some food, talked to a few crew members, and then went to the bathroom. The bathroom was still being repaired by the repairbots. But she slipped by them and went into the ship’s power conduit. She climbed down to auxiliary bridge station. That station was not manned with the regular bridge now up and operational. But what Lee had hoped was auxiliary bridge access control was still up and available. This was standard Starfleet procedure in case of computer/bridge system damage. The Auxiliary bridge computer would check the main bridge computer “mirroring” commands to ensure no dangerous commands came from the repaired main bridge computer. She had guessed correctly and now had access to all of the ship’s control systems.

She activated the USS Tripoli’s transport system and beamed air from the planet’s surface near Wolvrak’s ship to Auxiliary Bridge. She waited a minute and then she locked the doors to Osal’s room. Turned on the intruder gas system (knock out gas would start to fill his room, knocking him out). She then shut off life support and turned off all power to his room. The Klingon would be dead in an hour. She smiled to herself remembering the Klingon's words "you'll have to pry this dagger from my cold dead fingers". She would do just that... after he was dead!! She deleted the transport logs, and reactivated the USS Tripoli’s transport system placing air back on the planet’s surface near Wolvrak’s ship. She placed a small tuft of Shistavanen hair (Wolvrak’s hair) on the control console of the auxiliary bridge. Framing Wolvrak for what happened.

After this… the Shistavanens would not trust the Federation or the Klingons. The Klingons would hate the Federation even more than now and the Romulans could sit back and watch all the chaos! She retraced her steps back to the mess deck and returned to her room with a knowing smile the Klingon would be dead very soon!!

Hora and RJ

Hora had stripped down to nothing. She had even taken off her Starfleet issued underwear and stretches out on the blanket in the solar room. The artificial rays that were similar to Orion’s sun heated up her skin as she sighed in content.

She drifted off to sleep and did not hear his footsteps approaching. Only when he cleared his throat did she open her eyes to see RJ standing there regarding her with a naughty smile on his face.

What he was looking at was her 5’6” figure spread out on the towel, her dark chestnut colored hair flowing around her large voluptuous chest. Her prodigious breasts were stunning to humans when she had her cloth on and even more stunning with them off.

When he cleared his throat she had sat up so fast, her big breasts almost tipped her over too far. But she caught herself and embarrassed she covered her chest as best as she could with her arms. It was a hopeless task as her breasts were just too big.

"RJ, what are you doing in here?” She asked in anger.

“The more important question is what are you doing?” RJ replied smiling.

“I was just getting some sun. You know that Orions--require sun for dermal photosynthesis.” She answered as she pulled the towel over her naked form.

“I did not know that. I thought you might be trying to attract a willing male… I’m willing” RJ replied.

Hora knew RJ was bullshitting her. He knew about Orion dermal photosynthesis from when they dated before, but after their last fight over her idea on officer position on the Tripoli she let it go.

“I need a willing male…” Hora started “a willing male Starfleet officer that is an expert at fixing things… I need that RJ. The man that can run engineering… that is what I need right now.” Hora replied.

“What about what I need?” RJ asked as he glanced down at his crotch. Her naked body had produced a huge bugle in his pants.

“Let’s survive the next Vox attack… then I can take care of those needs” Hora stated.

Her communicator suddenly activated. “Captain, we have a problem in Osal's quarters! You need to head down there right away!!” Ltjg Mrerr voice said over the communicator.

“I’m headed there now. RJ is with me.” Hora replied. She wrapped the towel around her naked body as the automatic doors swish open and she was in the corridor and headed to Osal’s quarters.