They Imported A Rape Culture, What Did They Expect?

That is so so shocking to read, every single hour one is reported, and the ones left unreported, its terrible, i dont feel safe in my own small town ,let alone london.what has the world come too
If that is you in your avatar, you don't need to worry, you're safe.
What the left fails to comprehend is the rights of women to walk safely and equally are protected by men stronger and more dangerous than their predators. This rules out most of the feminized men incubated in the Democrat hatcheries we used to call schools.
Ooooh! I bet you are so strong and so dangerous!
You're a fucking idiot. "Allowing" people to enter a country is not "importation". Whether it's through legal or illegal immigration. No one "ordered" these people, like an American manufacturer would order an amount of steel or plastic or circuit boards from a company in another country. THAT is importation, dolt.
Dear Clown Force Commander:

There is a legal process for immigration. There is also the Biden program of eliminating the process altogether and just throwing open the borders to an army of our enemies which can be said, to be an importation. An open border can be characterized as an importation of people, as it allows for the free movement of individuals across national boundaries without the usual restrictions or immigration controls.
Dear Clown Force Commander:

There is a legal process for immigration. There is also the Biden program of eliminating the process altogether and just throwing open the borders to an army of our enemies which can be said, to be an importation. An open border can be characterized as an importation of people, as it allows for the free movement of individuals across national boundaries without the usual restrictions or immigration controls.
Biden can't eliminate a law that exists.
Dear Clown Force Commander:

There is a legal process for immigration. There is also the Biden program of eliminating the process altogether and just throwing open the borders to an army of our enemies which can be said, to be an importation. An open border can be characterized as an importation of people, as it allows for the free movement of individuals across national boundaries without the usual restrictions or immigration controls.
It was your guys who killed the most comprehensive and bipartisan immigration reform bill in decades. So Biden issued an executive order to help combat the problem of illegal immigration.

So go fuck yourself about immigration.
Ooooh! I bet you are so strong and so dangerous!
Enough to have made my way through life pretty much unmolested. It is the duty and role of any man to be protective and dangerous when that role demands it. Danger is a deterrent.
Enough to have made my way through life pretty much unmolested. It is the duty and role of any man to be protective and dangerous when that role demands it. Danger is a deterrent.
Golly! I'm still alive and fully functional, as well. Only been in three fist fights in my life. The other guys didn't fare well. And I went to one of those feminizing socialist public schools! But I guess I'm a badass anyway.
Golly! I'm still alive and fully functional, as well. Only been in three fist fights in my life. The other guys didn't fare well. And I went to one of those feminizing socialist public schools! But I guess I'm a badass anyway.
Live it well. It's your duty to be a badass when need be.
England is a country with borders, the term import applies in that context. Try learning basic English and national concepts, dumbass. 🙄
Saying that the Native Americans didn't have a single border which would have to be administered by a united government therefore they couldn't be 'invaded' is the dumbest MAGAT argument ever. Go back and retake your Civics class.
Saying that the Native Americans didn't have a single border which would have to be administered by a united government therefore they couldn't be 'invaded' is the dumbest MAGAT argument ever. Go back and retake your Civics class.
The American Indian came here himself and were never a "peaceful people until the white man arrived" as many on the left want to believe. They were completely content in warring with neighboring tribes, invading their tribal territories, stealing their horses and women and butchering their men. Their borders usually extended to the limits of their hunting grounds and water sources. Their borders were limited to geographical features not surveyed boundaries.
The American Indian came here himself and were never a "peaceful people until the white man arrived" as many on the left want to believe. They were completely content in warring with neighboring tribes, invading their tribal territories, stealing their horses and women and butchering their men. Their borders usually extended to the limits of their hunting grounds and water sources. Their borders were limited to geographical features not surveyed boundaries.
Keep telling yourself that.
Please use the word import how you think it's being used here in a sentence.
Even better, here's a definition for you:
imported; importing; imports
Synonyms of import
transitive verb
: to bring from a foreign or external source:
When the government implements policies designed to attract people (like economic incentives, such as giving immigrants taxpayer funds and services), they are importing immigrants.
The American Indian came here himself and were never a "peaceful people until the white man arrived" as many on the left want to believe. They were completely content in warring with neighboring tribes, invading their tribal territories, stealing their horses and women and butchering their men. Their borders usually extended to the limits of their hunting grounds and water sources. Their borders were limited to geographical features not surveyed boundaries.
So they had borders....thanks for connfirming
stealing their horses
Minor nitpick: horses were reintroduced to north america by europeans. History of Horses in North America:
Horses were introduced to North America by European colonizers in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. This reintroduction is significant because horses had actually been extinct in the Americas for thousands of years prior to this.
Here's a brief timeline:
  1. Ancient history: Horses evolved in North America about 4 million years ago and spread to other continents.
  2. Around 10,000-12,000 years ago: Horses became extinct in the Americas, along with many other large mammals, likely due to a combination of climate change and human hunting.
  3. 1493: Christopher Columbus brought horses to the Caribbean on his second voyage.
  4. Early 1500s: Spanish conquistadors, including Hernán Cortés, brought horses to mainland North America (present-day Mexico).
  5. Mid-1500s onwards: Horses spread northward through trade, theft, and escape, reaching Native American tribes and eventually populating much of North America.
Blame the globalist concept that "everyone is the same." The reason there is a Western Civilization and an Eastern Civilization is they are different and parts of each are not assimilable in each. For instance, much of Islam is not assimilable to Christianity which founded Western Civilization. Where they meet there has been historical conflict, just like we see today.
So agree yes, there has always been trouble between religions. I have Indian friends and they dont believe in women's rights, i dont know any arab people but i only know what i read or see on tv, women seem to be objects to own or control ,i cant see things getting any better anytime soon,only worse
Enough to have made my way through life pretty much unmolested. It is the duty and role of any man to be protective and dangerous when that role demands it. Danger is a deterrent.
The only deterrent is the danger of you shitting your diapers, old man.