They Imported A Rape Culture, What Did They Expect?

The You knighted kingdom deserves everything the Muslim rapist culture has brought. About 90 percent of Muslim men think of women as sex objects for the men's enjoyment. That have absolutely no regard for females.
The best part about that is feminist are some of the biggest supporters of mass importation of as many islamo jihadis as possible.

No, there are a bunch of various organized crime rings that literally import them into the country.

Both the USA and across Europe.
If you mean coyotes, they only exist because of demand for their services -- demand by would-be immigrants themselves, not anybody in the destination countries.
The reality is there is no widespread hatred for white people.
True but beside the point.
It isn't even possible to discriminate against white people so no adult would suggest such a thing.
If you want to argue there can't be systemic discrimination against white people, I'd agree with that. But that's not what you said, and what you did say is exactly why most white people vote Republican. Power differentials are not a get out of jail free card, and people I normally agree with saying they are makes me tired.
There is no hatred and cannot be discimination against white people. So there is that.
Oh then there is no hatred and cannot be discrimination against STINKIN ASS GREASY FUCKIN NIGGERS.... and Jim Crow isn't REAL everything is good racism solved!! :D

I like how you progressive leftist lie to yourselves, it makes everything so nice. :ROFLMAO: (y) (y)
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LAWLESS KINGDOM: A Rape Is Reported Every Hour in London​

by Paul Serran Sep. 21, 2024 12:00 pm

The failed policy of accepting unchecked mass migration has wrecked the social fabric of the United Kingdom, leading to the emergence of the ‘grooming gangs’ and the explosion of sexual violence rates.

Sure enough, not all rapes or sexual assaults in Britain are linked to the invasion of illegals from cultures that are not assimilating, but the two phenomena sure are developing in parallel.

BBC reported:

“Rape Crisis says only one in six women who are raped report the crime – that figure is one in five for male victims – while only one in four will report other types of sexual assault. Additionally, data from the Office for National Statistics shows that in the year ending in March 2022 almost 800,000 females aged 16 and over reported that they were raped or sexually assaulted every year in the UK – that’s about one in 30. This figure was 275,000 for male victims. Nearly a quarter of all reported victims were 17 or younger. This makes it the second-largest age bracket, behind 18 to 29 years old.”
More here:
How many men do you think are behind all of those so called "rapes". I say so called because there is no way they are all using one term to describe the same action/crime.
Yes and thanks, YDB.
Knuckle dragging? What's that even mean? You think yourself less of an ape than any of the perpetrators or victims you complain about? Stop telling gurls independent boss chicks are empower women. The truth is if you are a woman and you use a cellphone you are indirectly promoting rape culture.
It took an amendment in 1920 to grant women their God given Christian right to vote in America.

Have you heard how black people were welcomed here? Boy, that's a doozy!
The biggest opposition to women's suffrage movement was from womens rights groups that didn't want women to have to be drafted into war.
Women are emotional every moon cycle and would inevitably make poor choices leading the country to war. In order to vote men are required to register to be drafted in the event of a war being declared.
True the BBC article doesn't. But it doesn't take very much to understand the correlation between the rise between one figure and another. And the BBC would never explicitly reference immigration when they are such big supporters of it. People might start to see the concerns then.
I would look at the times and places these so called sexual assaults are occuring. Do you understand the message behind what you are saying? You live in a country of rights and privilege. No place exists today or ever in history where you could have more rights than you do now. You're more and more dissatisfied the more rights you are given. You dont want yourself or your country to experience ape culture but have no opinion if you don't have to see it.

Geert Wilders’ Netherlands Will Opt out of EU Migration Rules – Move Comes as Rotterdam Is Rocked Yet Again by Knife Attack by Man Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’​

by Paul Serran Sep. 21, 2024 10:15 am

Wherever you look in Europe, there’s a movement growing that wants to curb the disastrous policy of unchecked mass migration.

In the Netherlands it’s no exception, with the ascension of the right-wing to power, and the continuing wave of senseless violence caused by illegals coming from disparate cultures that are unwilling to assimilate.

Now, the Dutch government has stated that will would seek to ‘opt out from the European Union’s migration rules’ when the bloc next renegotiates its core treaties – a move that is unlikely to take place any time soon.

“In power since July, the government led by Geert Wilders’ nationalist, anti-Islam PVV party has said it wants to clamp down on unwanted arrivals and aims for the ‘strictest-ever asylum regime’, with stronger border checks and harsher rules for arriving asylum-seekers.”
The rest here:

People are getting wise to the fact that Islam is not compatible with Western values and it can't be assimilated. Is it too little too late or can Europe save itself by deporting the social cancer? What are we going to do about it here?
I would look at the ape statistics of the countries the men came from. If they have decreased then I would believe it's a result of mass immigration. Next I would consider the legal definitions of ape in both countries. Are the women describing the same crimes? Maybe it's a misunderstanding or a miscommunication between two cultures.
The left: "Masculinity is toxic, the patriarchy is evil, men can't be trusted, women would feel safer with a bear than a man"

Also the left: "bring in millions more men into the country, especially from countries where they treat women horribly"
Very true but it's deeper and worse than that.
What I really hate about the UK media is that they consistently call these Islamic pedo rapists "Asian."

No. Japanese are Asian. Chinese are Asian. Koreans are Asian. Vietnamese are Asian.

The Islamic pedo rapists are NOT Asian. They are Pakistani. Calling them "Asian" is disinformation at it's worst.

The biggest opposition to women's suffrage movement was from womens rights groups that didn't want women to have to be drafted into war.
Women are emotional every moon cycle and would inevitably make poor choices leading the country to war. In order to vote men are required to register to be drafted in the event of a war being declared.
Thanks, Petunia.
Most cultures, North America included, consider women as subservient to men in varying degrees.

It therefore follows that these so called “rape” numbers are propaganda in the social gender wars.

When you have the majority of “assaults” taking place between people with an intimate history, it’s obviously statistical warfare.

I think all sexual activity should be broadcast live and saved in the public domain, with realtime one vote per citizen to determine your Sexual Prowess Rating.

This would solve the use of sex as a weapon.

“The Pat Benatar Scale.”