Threads That need Players

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Looking to do a thread with the idea of mental and physical control, was thinking mostly in the form of a spellbook, but open to discussion, pm me and we can work out a story.
The positions have been filled.

I've started a roleplay called The Road Trip Dares.

The idea of the roleplay is 4 college friends on a road trip. The tasks alternate between the women doing a dare followed by the men doing a dare and so on. There'll be some exhibtionism and sex. Since it's a road trip there can be different locations.
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Need a slave.

I'm looking for a woman to do a one on one slave role play via PM. I would like to specify that I only role play via PMs, mostly because I'm not entirely confidant in my writing abilities. Anyone up for it? PM me.
Ok so ive been listening to the song Hotel California by the Eagles, and i thought that the concept could be brilliant to use on here.
So i'd like to Start a RP up about a young couple on their travels and finding 'Hotel California.' they stay for the night but all sorts of weird things happen, and after having a drink, they fall asleep, when they wake up theyre chained up, and the 'Captain' and his crue are on hand to quickly make them their sex slaves.
I'd like to experiment with all areas of BDSM, so really anything goes with this one!
I'd like to play the young girl victim, So for this thread i'll need
1 male for the victim
1 male to be the Captain
and a few others to be the Captain's assistants

please Pm if if your interested, and once ive got enough interest ill set up the Thread.
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Ive been thinking of the move 30 days of night, just a bit different. If interested please pm me :)
Bi F wanted to join RP...

ty5550 and I are looking for a new female to join us in our thread titled "Selling herself." If you are intrested in playing a sub to a rich man and his Number One Slave then PM me...
I am currently interested in a Human/Other Female Race roleplay set in a post-apocalyptic land, where the Human(me) and another race are hunting each other.

PM if you're interested! :D
I would like to start a thread based on Neil Gaiman's Death.

I'm thinking that it would be cool to play out several 'scenes' envolving the people she helps cross over in their last hours...

The first 'scene' I would like to write with someone is me, playing a graduate student who is dying of brain cancer and doesn't even know it.


Would anyone care to play her?
Have had a WW2 thread idea banging around in my head for a little while and thought I'd share and see if there are any interested parties...

Co-author found...thanks for all the interest!! :)
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I am looking to start/ join a couple more threads as I now have little bit more time on my hands, ( damn work hours have been cut).

I write with the idea that the longer the post the better and I am not one for rushing straight to a sex scene. I love build up and detail and more build up and then more detail.

My partner sould be capable of playing multi-faceted characters, enjoy character development, have a sense of humour and aren't too extreme.

I'm not realy into furries, vampires, anime or stuff like that. So if that doesn't suit you Sorry.

I am into teen, highschool, rock music, office (although I am involved in an office scene already), university, and much more.

So yeh if you think we'll click drop me a private message and we can work on a scene.
Looking for a female for my story Even Heaven Makes Mistakes. Pm me with interest. I thought it would be a funny story about a husband and wife who die and come back but there roles are reversed. Jake comes back and thinks like a man in a womans body and the wife comes back in a males body but still thinks like a woman.
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Hey I REALLYYYYYwanna play in a new thread, just please pm me with your ideas and hopefully I can get a new one up and running soon!
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