Threads That need Players

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So, if there are any guys out there that wanna rp with me I kinda have an me if interested or if you have any ideas of your own... :]
I like to start a new thread called MY HOME. I will play the Bad Wizard and need some men and women captives. Most of all, I need a naughty and fuck around sister. Incest, humiliation, rape, some light BDSM, love and hatred are expected. I hope this is going to be a mix blend of many variety.

Here it goes:

The Bad Wizard is as powerful as Merlin the magician except that he is bad and Merlin is good. He lives in an old eerie castles, surrounded by his deadly army called the unrest Demons.

He had an equally awful sister living with him. Though she did not know much about black magic, she certainly knows how to fuck around with his captives.

(The wizard is capturing man and turn them into his invincible army. His magic potion is turning them into strong and powerful men but only if they are sex up constantly. He captured nice young chics to feed his army as well as his own sexual needs.)

Any Taker?

I had just started the thread 'My Home'

This is the link
Away from the world...

EDIT : Writing partner found... :D
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Hey all, looking for a tallented female to start a new thread with me. Bring ideas with you, cause I don't have anything set in stone and would welcome input.
I also wouldn't mind finding someone who would be willing to RP VIA IM later this evening.
if interested in either please PM me
thank you much
sex slave

I want to role play as a sex slave
I'm looking for a dom
preferably female but male would do also
PM me if you're interested
I'm thinking about starting up a RP that centers around the crew of a pirate ship. No definite plot set in stone yet, so I'm open to suggestions. It'll either be a 1-1 or very small group thread, so I'm asking that only experienced and dedicated writers put in an app.

Hey all, looking for a tallented female to start a new thread with me. Bring ideas with you, cause I don't have anything set in stone and would welcome input.
I also wouldn't mind finding someone who would be willing to RP VIA IM later this evening.
if interested in either please PM me
thank you much
Still wanting to do my thread based on this story:

It won't be exactly that story line, but something like that.
I'm a descriptive writer, I enjoy a good story, not just wam bam, thank you ma'am. I'm more into the story than the sex, and I'm not looking for any guys who want to get off quickly.

I need patience and someone who's interested in taking time with this.
Looking for two guys, one a bit more dominant than the other. Please PM me. I would prefer if you were on the experienced side. Let me know if you're interested and I'll look at your threads, and we can talk about it.


TAKEN. By fuckensploogin.
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I am a male looking for some RPs to join.

If you have one up already and need someone to join then just PM me.

If you have any RP ideas or you want to start a new thread just PM me your ideas and we can discuss a few things before getting started.

I am literally up for any kind of RP/Story/ does not matter to me so don't be afraid or shy to PM your ideas, I just like to explore and RP. I usually like longer RPs, involving more length and detail and background to it rather than just hopping right into sex.

So any females in need of a RP partner, just drop a line.
im a virgin to literotica ;) im looking for a nice girl to get le along the first rp here pm me
PM if Interested

I'm not gonna sugar coat it, I'm just gonna come out and say that right now I'm in the mood for a story that's all about the fucking. I'm not looking to write a New York Times best seller; I've tried that and, while I've always had a good time, I'm not able to get online often enough and that's not fair to my writing partner. I still think interesting characters and ideas are important, I just don't want to get invested in a huge, deep storyline. I just want to have some good, dirty fun. :)

I'm not going to go on and on about how I need posts with x number of paragraphs or a word count of y, because I don't care. To me, writing style's the most important thing. Even if you're only writing a three-line paragraph, the thing that's most important to me is lots of description. And I mean LOTS. I don't care if it sounds like you're bragging about your character, in fact, that's even better. ;) I hope this doesn't make me seem too demanding, but description is what I like most about writing.

I'm not really expecting a huge response to this request, but I've come up with a couple of ideas anyway, and I'm always open to new ones. The third idea is actually one I was planning on using in a more serious story, but with the way things are going with me right now I doubt I'll ever have the chance. PM me if you're interested in any of them, or just want to RP with me but want to figure out a different idea.

- (fantasy or historical) The subjects of a God/Goddess in human form (or a monarch, for historical settings) attempt to please their master by offering the most beautiful among them to serve his/her every whim.

- (fantasy or modern fantasy) A sorceress summons a demon from the netherworld to serve her. She could use him for her pleasure, or perhaps he breaks through her magic restraints and turns the tables on her.

- (modern or cyberpunk) A female assassin attempts to seduce her mark, but finds herself becoming attracted to him. She has to decide whether she's ultimately going to go through with the contract, but decides either way it couldn't hurt to have some fun with him first.

- (modern) If these just seem too complicated, we could go with the most ridiculously simple idea of all: two unrealistically beautiful, horny people are set up on a blind date. ;)
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I do believe I have found a few nemesi... we shall see how things play out. :rose:
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I'm looking for a female for a supernatural thread. The idea is that some creature of the night(vampire, werewolf, demon, witch, go wild!) takes an interest in a human male. PM me if interested. Definitely might have some non-con going on, and it could get messy. ;)
The Made Man

Greetings All! I have been absent from the site for quite awhile, but I am back and looking to get a good thread or two going. For this plot I am looking for one female writer at this time. She must be an experienced writer and able to write in paragraph form for each post. Interested applicants should PM me with their character sheets and plot suggestions.

Here is the plot:

In 1954 Chicago the Vitelli Family has become the ruler of the underground, the mob has grown in size and power in just ten years time to have supreme influence over all other family's in the city and nearby area. They have influence in the highest levels of legal office as well as the lowest forms of street business creating a near monopoly over every operation within the city. However, any business operation that has grown so quickly and in such a massive scale would have issues managing the growing member base. Lucas Verone is one of those new members to the organization, not a complete outsider for his grandfather came from the same town in Italy as the Vitelli Family, but he is relatively unknown among the head family.

Quickly he has risen throughout the ranks, gaining influence by actions and has become an Enforcer for the family. His duties are still a strong arm for the family, but he is expected in no time to be a Made Man, a possible promotion that does not sit well with some current Made Men and many of the men who seek the same position.

Women, drugs, money, and all vast rewards of his job have become his in his young life, though it is a very dangerous life as well, one that is about to become much more dangerous.


Now, the role of the woman is up to you. She can be a Vitelli family member, another Made Man family member, a stripper, just a female he runs into in the neighborhood. She can be into him or working for someone against him as well. That is really up to you. PM me with all the information if you are interested and we can work from there.
I'm looking for another player for a specific role in a RP about a Succubus Queen that has conquered a nation on a fantasy world.

Here's a brief bio on the character:

The Lone Priestess of Elia

Ever since she could remember she's had visions or compulsions to do things whether it was to care for a nest of abandoned sparrow hatchlings or to make love to a grizzled old veteran passing through her village. The only explanation she had was that they had a need and she needed to help them.

The reasons why she did such things did not reveal itself until the horrible night the temple of the Love Goddess, Elia was sacked. Usually her visions are pleasant, but the rape and destruction of this vision was heart-rendingly different. Finally a woman came to her in that vision state, the goddess Elia.

She asked her to become her newest and last Priestess.

She said Yes.

Now in the years since the fall of Elia's temple she has traveled much, learned much, and grown in faith and power as Elia's only eyes, ears, hands, and mouth in the mortal plane. The Goddess resides within her granting the powers of the matron of Love and Compassion whenever she has need of it.

Now she is ready to challenge the Succubus Queen and set the broken world right once more. Though the demon has surrounded herself with an army and powerful mages and she grows stronger and stronger with each day with each soul she condemns to Hell. She is ready, she must be ready.

You can either PM me or visit the thread here Succubus Queen Interest Thread.
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I have some new thread ideas and I was wondering if a female RPer was interested in any of them.

1. DC Comics Supervillain/Superheroine thread- I play either Lex Luthor or Darkseid and I am collecting a harem of the prominent superheroines of DC Comics. Each would be captured and raped individually. Other player would be different heroine at different points. Basic knowledge of DC Comics a plus but not required.

2. Male and female cop in a superhero world who investigate superhero type crimes (typically sexual in nature). The two partners are fuck buddies but also get it on with the different people they meet in the course of each investigation. I take all the male roles while female takes all the female roles. Female cop looks like Catherine Bell.

3. Sorority initiation. My character is a cousin of one of the sisters and agrees to help out with initiation. You are a new pledge who must perform sexually with me on different occassions.

4. Cheerleader. I'm a football star on a mission to fuck the entire cheerleading squad before the season is over. They are all over 18 and some are more willing than others.

5. Creative writing professor. Gets it on with a couple of his female students every semester.

6. Newlyweds. Both virgins. Begins with honeymoon.

7. Virgin Freshman College Students. Fall slowly for each other and develops into romance.

8. Strip Poker type Thread.

9. Any other college threads (Campus Stud, Rapist, etc.).

PM me with any interest with any of these examples. I like to post an average of two paragraphs per post (although I'm okay with shorter during sex). Take a look at any of my other threads for an example of my RP style.
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I'm looking for a female for a supernatural thread. The idea is that some creature of the night(vampire, werewolf, demon, witch, go wild!) takes an interest in a human male. PM me if interested. Definitely might have some non-con going on, and it could get messy. ;)

Still looking.
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