Thursday Forum-Discuss Lit's OPG's

Once you figure it out, you'll be doing it all the time, and I assume since you have a pic up then you've already done it at least once! :D
An ava .. but those are through the profiles.. this is way different..isnt it?
Not by much....

You found an URL and pasted it into the box on the profile screen...

Here you open a box and title it, then paste the URL in the next screen's box.
HEY polite you should be so proud of me .. I did it .. TWICE!! on my casting call thread .. woot I am soooo excited about that .. anyway ... if you have time .. check it out.. i dunno .. you might be interested.. for anyone's case.. everybody check it out :)
That does seem simple.

As for emails, sadly they are real hit or miss. I myself don't allow you to email me. In Dragon Ball NW, a thread I strugled to keep alive at the end, I couldn't email prehaps the msot important person, the trheads creator DarkWarrior. How ever I did email just about every one else and each pretty much stopped in and tried geting back into it.

So any ways my point is, I got a supriseing response from useing emails, but at the same time it is really hit or miss. Simply because not every one lists there email adress. But it never hurts to try.
I remember Dark. Shall we all raise a glass to writers who have come and gone?

But drink deeper to those who have come and gone and came again.

And break out the good stuff to toast those who never left!

That is etremely well worded Polite. That is why I miss you when your gone.
Back in action

Well I use to be present about a year ago and things went downhill in my personal life but I am back to do some good writing. I have missed this place. The only thing is I forgot a lot of what I learned. So...HELP!

First, we can post ooc and ic threads in the rpg forum correct?
Second, if so I assume that an ooc thread would help a story line I want to start based on some of my fictional writing.
Third, Then I assume that you just get the ball rolling by starting a ic thread and see what happens.

Does that seem correct to you ladies and gentlemen?
Well, there's really no reason to stick to the tried and true(other than that it's tried and true, having worked before), so don't go with an OOC and an IC unless you're comfortable with using both. Generally, an OOC starts off as an attempt to garner interest for a thread, and later to serve as a chat area where the posters involved in a thread can throw around ideas, make random comments, so on. An OOC can also serve as the place where the creator of the thread can post upcoming events, ideas, suggestions, so on. An IC, on the other hand, should probably be reserved for actual story-writing. Again, it is possible to blend both into one thread, and this has been done before(with mixed results), but ultimately, the choice is yours.
Thanks for the info Morgoth. I have already started the ooc thread for my idea called the continent of Habrin and have gotten some interest. I hope I get some more so I can start the ic.
Polite said:

* why some threads work and some don't.
* fustrations of running threads
* ideas for new threads
* tips & tricks
* great writing awards (please link to relevant post)


Yeah, we have seen some good posters come and go, and some threads just go on forever it seems. A lot of what makes the threads work is to find people who really enjoy to RP, instead of finding only newbies who want to try it. Usually, newbies wander off, or don't know the rules, and half the thread is too much of an RP lesson to them, or, worse still, you get (too often from the veterans who still haven't quite gotten around to learning what "character" is all about) the omniscent and omnipotent Hero (insert ECHO here).
And yes, controlling a thread is a bad idea. The ohly boundaries you really need are the boundaries that the reality you've created simply demand. And often, a good thread can spurt up when those are abandoned. My best effort was Wasteland (some people are sick of me talking about this one). No boundary at all, just an initial set-up and a first post, and everything went from there. Almost 300 posts; not too long, but it all meshed very well together, though it had two storylines that we couldn't quite glue together entirely.
It can also help (a lot) if you get someone you know you can RP with well, as helped a lot in both of the Star Wars threads I've seen and been a part of (we actually concluded the first one...:cool: ). Paen and I tend to work well together, and with two other constant posters, all of whom had their own ideas and were willing to work together... It really couldn't go wrong. Of course, we had the normal bunch at the beginning of each who bailed on us (Arc... :rolleyes: ), but the rest of us pulled it together well.
The OOCs really do help. Do wonders, if you like to create complex storylines. but control will murder a thread. Calamus held on for a long time, GM helped that along a lot, but my insistance on keeping reigns on it, I think bored everyone. Or made them feel closed in and unable to breathe easily.
A good idea, is to start a thread with a trump card in your pocket. Get someone who knows your style and you know theirs and set things up some with them in advance. In the threads I'm in (yes, I've bailed on my fair share--plus three) I tend to offer to help the person running the thread. If they need anything, PM me and I'll see what I can do to help guide things. Having people working in your direction can help keep things from getting out of hand. Creativity is better not leashed, and the other players like to have fun, but in medieval England, it's just not time for the Martians to land; some people really don't seem to get this. Let Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi explore that idea and keep things in more rational balance.
Good writing: Everyone who starred in Wasteland was good, as were the long-timers in the Calamus and Star Wars threads. To pick one out: Paendragon, like I said. He just writes well. He knows how to develop characters, and doesn't need them to be training to beat-up Superman. The first part's hard to come by; and the second part's important too.
Come and gone: PmTick, Dark Warrior, as mentioned before, MoneyTalks and Darklord--they were pioneers here, I think (that right, pooh?).
Good points, all. Let it be said, though, that just because a thread is long, its not necessarily interesting, creative, or just plain good. I've been involved in some fairly long ones, but it was obvious to see that people only remained through courtesy to the author(to a point, anyway) As far as I know, we were all bored and just wanted the thing to end. As for boundaries, I'm going to have to disagree a bit. I would gauge, depending on who's writing in my thread, as well as the type of thread itself, whether I need to control or to let everyone be. Some threads just need tight parameters. Others- well, don't. I've seen a few threads really take off, even with a lot of control on the part of the author. At the same time, I've seen a lot of them flop almost instantly. I've seen threads that allow large measures of control to fail almost immediately. But then again, many also succeed. I've been guilty of excessive control, and I'm also guilty of excessive freedom. From my personal experience, though, excess anything quickly becomes a bad thing. In the end, I'm going to have to say that my point is that: Think of the posters in your thread. You should probably have an idea of how they write, and how their writing flourishes. Stimulate these conditions.
So then I have a question.. few months ago I started a thread.. and hoped it would continue.. yes.. I belive I do have a storyline that I want everyone to .. follow.. but I also want my charcters to get involved with other stuff that happens so the main storyline isnt always the most important... having said that .. I wonder.. is that I good way of going about a thread.. the thread's timeline.. is not very short... I intended for this to take a long while... but I feel like maybe ..

im not keeping my players attention enough .. and I have a lot of npc's (and a lot of characters have disappeared on me.. some new .. and some I understand why they cant) that I have had to fill becuase of people dropping out.. it started out with more people than i needed .. and I was more than happy to welcome them all... but then .. nobody it is the story or is it the style in which I control the story...or ..well I need some help... .. and hoped people might be interested in helping me out.. as I have never run a thread that has gone 360 posts.. (yea me ..)I am keeping peopel involved .. but I feel I am lacking on the other side .. and wondered maybe if I had a second person to work the other side iwth me .. it might help....

so all in all.. I need help ...

Could be that some are waiting for others to post. Maybe thinking they'll see how things move before getting their hands in the soil. Common thing in RP.
Stick to what you know works, and maybe toss a heads-up to your posters, see what they think. Don't appear so indecisive; might make them think you have no plan. But ask if they have anything they'd like to throw in for their characters. Ask questions like how they intend to develop and what not. That'll give you an idea of what to do next. If a character intends to do something evil, you should know in advance, that sort of thing.
Also, see what the posters want. Ask questions, involve them. Don't make them feel like their being led around on a string. Involve them in a dynamic story that changes with them. Few posters like to be informed that their filling a role, not making one. From what I gather, your problem is a combinations of things. It seems that you overstocked. This can have positive and negative consequences. On the plus side, you probably will have at least a few people always writing. On the negative side, if an unreliable person has a major role and drops out - there goes the thread. Another thing is that as you said, you were hoping for a long thread. Sometimes, posters just aren't willing to devote that time. Did you let them know that if they were in, they were in for the long run? If not, this is always something to consider in the future. There are some solutions to your problem. As Quiet said, it could be that their just waiting for others to post. Lead by example, then, and just keep writing. Or, you could send PM's to everyone, see if they're still here, still interested, etc. You could even find out if they are writing in any other threads and ask them there.
well it seems that I have been doing all that you all have said.. so I guess I am doing the right thing.. but .. when I ask for input I often get the responce of people .. telling me that they want to see surprises within the thread.. so I guess the thought leads too.. keeping the surprise... besides I like keeping surprises within the thread.. then there is no fun as to what you find out.. really I do have a game plan ... I just tend to have to change it before people show up... becuase of characters dropping i have had to change direction and reshape theory ...

So I guess I should just keep going the way I am huh??.. IF you all dont mind I would love to hear what you guys think of my thread that I am "sorta" runnning .. just so I can get an outsider's perspective...
It's a hard line between giving a plot line shape and being overlord of the thread. In my new thread I've built in about six things that the PC's can discover if they take the story certain ways, but if they don't, that's fine too. And I have my own ideas, but I try to always ask if it's ok with the co writers, unless it's like a major happening, like an earthquake or plague! :D
Another key too a good RP is a good-flexable-story concept.

With my two Star Wars threads, I gave a basic story-line, and asked the RPers what they wanted. It worked quit well, the thirst thread finished and I hope the 2nd does as well.

What made it work, was communication between RPers in OCC, like PMs or on the OOC thread. I know QC and PD did this very well, and I did try to keep up.

As it was said, the life of the RP doesn't just rest on the GM, but to the RPers. With out good RPers, then the RP would be dead in the water. Good RPs are made up of a lot of things.

I may even do a thired Star Wars RP, depending if the 2nd finishes and how.
Abraxas Winterlight said:
heck Orlanth, I loved being in your SW threads.

damn fine bunch of writers, thread started included!
Most of us who were in the 2nd SW are trying to revive it, I hope we menage to, I did enjoy writing with you all.
it would be easy to insert Darth Azraiel, he left the main group to go to Korriban to renew his connection with the Dark Side & had not returned.
I'd be interested in jumping into that SW thread, if that's all right with you, Orlanth. I love SW, always have, always will.
Morgoth said:
I'd be interested in jumping into that SW thread, if that's all right with you, Orlanth. I love SW, always have, always will.
That might actually help us out, add more life to the RP.

You can jump in on the OOC thread. We are working out where we all are and trying to work out what to do.