Trump burns the Trump Presidency to the ground

Let Them Eat COVID’ Trump’s Final Days Are An American Tragedy and He’s A Joke

“Let them eat cake,” has resounded through the centuries as the casually cruel comment of a clueless elite leader, totally out of touch with her people or their real world struggles. Donald Trump basically one upped Marie Antoinette the night of the first presidential debate, when he mocked Joe Biden for wearing a mask, and then came down with the coronavirus a day later — and hid the fact. His cavalier and unconcerned attitude towards a malady which has claimed 210,000 American lives and is getting ready for a stage two surge, repulsed a lot of Americans. Their revulsion was demonstrated amply the next day when Trump’s polls plummeted, particularly in critical swing states.

But the debate was intriguing for other reasons, because in so many ways it showed not only how divorced from reality Trump is but divorced from common humanity as well. When he wasn’t mocking Biden’s mask he was attacking his children — and in doing so, “reimagined his protean repulsiveness as riveting dominance.” And his fluffers pandered to that delusion as well. Hugh Hewitt termed Trump’s performance that of an “apex predator” rather than the grotesque, classless half wit the rest of us saw.

The message that came across loud and clear is that Trump is fiercely committed to redoing his 2016 playbook, in the face of all sanity and logic. This has been apparent, as well as astonishing, for quite some time. He’s the incumbent. He doesn’t seem to know that that puts the election on an entirely different footing. He never tried to expand his appeal beyond his base and now he’s lost some of the people who put him in office, because they’ve realized, to their horror, what a fraud he is. He’s not only not the big shot billionaire that was going to run the country like a successful business — he’s pathetic and he’s broke.
Trump's flopping around like a fish on a hot, sunny dock nearing the end

Donald Trump has become so desperate for the oxygen flow of media attention, he managed to wear out his welcome on Rush Limbaugh's talk radio show. Two hours into yet another Trump smorgasbord of grievance and victimhood on Friday, even Limbaugh couldn't take anymore.

"I know you’ve got a jam-packed day left on your schedule," Limbaugh offered, as he prepared to pull the plug on the interview.

The day before, Trump called had into Fox News to grouse about his attorney general Bill Barr failing to indict Barack Obama and Joe Biden for crimes he couldn't explain. "I won't forget it," Trump promised. During his Limbaugh extravaganza, Trump lashed out about the fact that Barr doesn't plan on dropping his much-anticipated report about the origins of the Russia investigation until after the election. "I think it’s a disgrace. It’s an embarrassment,” Trump said of Barr's failure to deliver a totally bogus October surprise that he hoped would give him a political lifeline.

Trump also engaged in some good old-fashioned diplomacy with Iran during his Limbaugh rant. “If you fuck around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are gonna do things to you that have never been done before," Trump offered.

In case you hadn't figured it out, after being locked in his residence for all of four days since his glorious return from Walter Reed Medical Center, Trump is going stir crazy. Congrats, Trump—welcome to the nightmare the rest of America has been living for over half a year based on your ceaselessly incompetent stewardship of the pandemic.
What a great idea, Donald. Fire Bill Barr. Yes, that would be great. Just do it.
Americans are realizing the emperor is naked, and that his private parts are not very impressive

the moment is finally upon us when the American people have become wise to the con. This is the worst moment for any conman, and Trump knows this, so the lies are becoming more fanciful, more divorced from reality as he gropes into what is fast becoming a very empty bag of tricks.

First example: the healthcare plan that doesn’t exist.

Thursday’s announcement was billed as “President Trump’s Healthcare Vision for America” but contained no tangible action. Trump has long promised a “beautiful” and “phenomenal” healthcare plan that provides everyone with better coverage for a lower cost, but his administration never unveiled any comprehensive reform plan, even as it was trying to overturn the Affordable Care Act.

Both key planks of Trump’s healthcare vision Thursday essentially boil down to directing Congress — which has repeatedly failed to repeal Obamacare or offer a consensus replacement plan — to figure it out.

The Republican Party spent seven years attempting to repeal the Affordable Care Act, coyly referring to their efforts as “replace and repeal” to calm the nerves of those millions who they planned to cut adrift from all healthcare coverage if they were to succeed. But there never was a replacement plan. Because Republicans don’t do policy, they never bothered to put in the work to provide something even remotely palatable as an alternative to the ACA. Ultimately, that’s one of the reasons they failed.

It's not just Trump's non-existent healthcare plan.

There's also his nonexistent plan to take down ISIS "quickly and effectively and absolutely having total victory”.

Like Trump's nonexistent plan to cut taxes for the American workers working class while raising taxes on people like him.

Like Trump's nonexistent plan to boost economic growth by 4 percent a year.

Like his nonexistent plan to eliminate the federal deficit.

Like his nonexistent plan to bring down the cost of prescription drugs.

Like his nonexistent plant to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions.

Like his nonexistent plan to end the opioid crisis.

It's taken years, but the American people are noticing this stuff and seeing Trump as nothing but a loud-mouthed, shameless, self-promoting fraud.

Some among Trump's White House South Lawn audience were, you guessed it, paid to be there

Yeah, that's right. Donald Trump's White House rally on Saturday, the one that was absolutely not a campaign event, the one that featured Trump addressing an adoring teal-shirted and mostly maskless crowd wedged shoulder to shoulder, the scene right out of Evita 2: Mar-a-Lago Boogaloo, the ol' balcony Mussolini routine—an unknown number of those folks were paid to be there. ABC News reports that Owens' fake grassroots "BLEXIT" group offered to cover travel and lodging expenses for a "limited" number of people who showed up and were willing to wear the light blue T-shirts. Owens' group was already organizing a separate fake grassroots Washington, D.C., event on the same day; the White House crowd was gathered from there.

What seems to have happened, reading between the lines, is that Donald Trump was going absolutely stir-crazy and wanted to get back out on the campaign trail, contagious or not contagious, and like the previous "drive once around the hospital while unnecessarily exposing my Secret Service agents to my deadly illness," this was the hurried compromise offered to him by his staff and doctors. Bring an audience to him so that he would stay in the building a few more days rather than taking his coronavirus-infected, pneumonia-having self on a road trip.

Don't worry, though: It wasn’t a campaign event. Just an event specifically for far-right voters, ones specifically gathered to encourage Black Americans to vote for Trump and Trump’s allies, to hear a Donald Trump speech about "law and order," by which he means crushing the Black Lives Matter demands for police reform, with guest expenses paid by one of Trump's more visible and conspiracy-adjacent allies out of whatever slush fund first birthed the idea for their Washington, D.C. rally to begin with—one that Owens explicitly called an "anti-Black Lives Matter event," just in case people weren’t clear about what the agenda was.
Trump has Already Abandoned His Campaign and the Presidency

What Doocy is describing here is the complete surrender of Donald Trump. It's a surrender, first of all, from his duties as the alleged "president." Apparently, he sees his only job now to be starring in pseudo-religious revival shows in airport hangers. Secondly, he's conceding electoral defeat by abandoning any effort to persuade voters to back his candidacy. He's focused solely on those who are already committed to the Church of Trump. And that isn't nearly enough to win a national election.

What's more, Doocy correctly notes that Trump's 2016 victory was largely dependent on free media. Every news network irresponsibly and unfairly aired his rallies live and uninterrupted. But what Doocy - and Trump - fail to recognize is that 2020 is not 2016. This time around, the only network that is airing the Trump Show is Fox News. And, once again, the only audience he is reaching are the already converted and lost souls of Trumpism.

So Trump isn't doing his job as president (which is a big plus for the country). And he isn't doing his job as a candidate (which removes an annoyance from the airwaves). So what the heck is Trump doing? He's laying the foundation for his post-presidency career on the road and in the media. But he may be in for a huge letdown.

How many of Trump's "fans" will actually pay to see his smarmy, ego-logues over and over again? And his hostile, crackpot rants would likely wear out after a couple of episodes on TV. Which would leave Trump with nothing but his worthless name and a newly disinterested benefactor in Moscow. Oh, and a half dozen state prosecutors filing indictments for everything from tax fraud to crimes against the state. However, one thing is certain: With Trump circling the drain financially and legally, America will be great again.
Just wait until he's on the 17th hole at one of his golf clubs any Saturday, slip his smart phone from his pocket, and take his golf cart away. Withdraw all of the limousines and change the locks on the White House doors. Piece of cake.

Apparently Trump's retirement plans include fleeing the U.S.A. before he can be arrested.

TRUMP: "I’m not going to feel so good. Maybe I’ll have to leave the country, I don’t know.”
Trump has Already Abandoned His Campaign and the Presidency

What Doocy is describing here is the complete surrender of Donald Trump. It's a surrender, first of all, from his duties as the alleged "president." Apparently, he sees his only job now to be starring in pseudo-religious revival shows in airport hangers. Secondly, he's conceding electoral defeat by abandoning any effort to persuade voters to back his candidacy. He's focused solely on those who are already committed to the Church of Trump. And that isn't nearly enough to win a national election.

What's more, Doocy correctly notes that Trump's 2016 victory was largely dependent on free media. Every news network irresponsibly and unfairly aired his rallies live and uninterrupted. But what Doocy - and Trump - fail to recognize is that 2020 is not 2016. This time around, the only network that is airing the Trump Show is Fox News. And, once again, the only audience he is reaching are the already converted and lost souls of Trumpism.

So Trump isn't doing his job as president (which is a big plus for the country). And he isn't doing his job as a candidate (which removes an annoyance from the airwaves). So what the heck is Trump doing? He's laying the foundation for his post-presidency career on the road and in the media. But he may be in for a huge letdown.

How many of Trump's "fans" will actually pay to see his smarmy, ego-logues over and over again? And his hostile, crackpot rants would likely wear out after a couple of episodes on TV. Which would leave Trump with nothing but his worthless name and a newly disinterested benefactor in Moscow. Oh, and a half dozen state prosecutors filing indictments for everything from tax fraud to crimes against the state. However, one thing is certain: With Trump circling the drain financially and legally, America will be great again.

It's true. Trump has given up. He's done. He's not even trying anymore.

Trump throws in the towel in Georgia, says he won’t fundraise because “I just don’t want to do it”

The New York Times reports the following about this evening’s rally in Macon, Georgia:

Trailing in the polls and at a significant cash deficit compared to Mr. Biden, Mr. Trump attempted to argue that he was opting against raising more money as he enters the final stretch of the election.

“I could raise more money,” he said. “I would be the world’s greatest fund-raiser, but I just don’t want to do it.”

Let me translate that from Trumpese to English for you. What Trump is saying is, “I’m way behind and I don’t feel like trying to catch up.” What Trump is saying is, “I could have beaten Biden if I wanted to, but I don’t want to.” What Trump is saying is the classic thing every bully says when he knows he’s beaten and but doesn’t want to admit it. Even though he knows he’s behind, he doesn’t care enough to fight, or to inspire his supporters to fight. He just doesn’t want to do it.

The headline of the New York Times article is “If he loses the election, Trump mused Friday, ‘Maybe I’ll have to leave the country.’” and this is already big news and there’s already a DKos diary about that headline. But to my mind it’s also a big, big deal when a candidate says “I just don’t want to do it.”

Trump is giving up.
trump is going to have to leave the country to stay out of jail.
Trump’s closing argument to voters: It’s about me, stupid

In Macon, Georgia, on Friday, Trump invited his rally goers to play arm-chair psychologists as he bore his soul to them.

“Could you imagine if I lose?” he told them. “My whole life, what am I going to do? I’m going to say, ‘I lost to the worst candidate in the history of politics.’ I’m not going to feel so good. Maybe I’ll have to leave the country. I don’t know.”

It’s not the first time Trump has employed that inspiring “Can you imagine me losing?” schtick, and it likely won’t be the last. And by the by: Yes, yes we can imagine it. Thank you very much.

Trump is also peppering that vision of failure with a new round of pointedly personal grievances. On a campaign call Monday, Trump lit into one of his top pandemic experts, Dr. Anthony Fauci, referring to him as a “disaster.”

“People are tired of COVID,” Trump said, plugging his campaign events as the “biggest rallies I’ve ever had” despite the pandemic. “People are saying, whatever. Just leave us alone. They’re tired of it. People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots.”

Naturally, Trump isn’t worried about infecting his faithful or even leaving a trail of death behind him. He wants his rallies, dammit, and everyone else better get out of the way.
How can an intelligent human being look at him and the way he behaves, then think that he would be great for the country?

Look at him, clownish orange makeup, ill-fitted suits, and you know he damn well dyes his hair to match his hue. How can someone look at him and take him seriously?

Never underestimate the stupidity of a significant portion of the American population. Just fucking dumb.
How can an intelligent human being look at him and the way he behaves, then think that he would be great for the country?

Look at him, clownish orange makeup, ill-fitted suits, and you know he damn well dyes his hair to match his hue. How can someone look at him and take him seriously?

Never underestimate the stupidity of a significant portion of the American population. Just fucking dumb.
it's this exact dissonance in comprehension that led to the numbers of trumpites being so underestimated last time. it's really really hard to imagine how some can see him as anything other than he clearly is, or, worse still, see him clearly but approve of all that when all he is, all he says and does, is antipathy to decent intelligent people.

i wouldn't care if he looked like quasimodo and wore a damned clown costume so long as he knew how to do his damned job.

unfortunately, stupidity knows no geographical boundaries; nor does it care what colour a skin is or which gender or creed or age a person is. the very fact trump ever got elected is the biggest advertisement for the need of good education in the usa. we saw it in the uk when brexit got the vote and that really opened my eyes; when i saw trump had won, it was still a head-shaking moment but brexit foreshadowed his rise to power.
it's this exact dissonance in comprehension that led to the numbers of trumpites being so underestimated last time. it's really really hard to imagine how some can see him as anything other than he clearly is, or, worse still, see him clearly but approve of all that when all he is, all he says and does, is antipathy to decent intelligent people.

i wouldn't care if he looked like quasimodo and wore a damned clown costume so long as he knew how to do his damned job.

unfortunately, stupidity knows no geographical boundaries; nor does it care what colour a skin is or which gender or creed or age a person is. the very fact trump ever got elected is the biggest advertisement for the need of good education in the usa. we saw it in the uk when brexit got the vote and that really opened my eyes; when i saw trump had won, it was still a head-shaking moment but brexit foreshadowed his rise to power.

People disagree with Butters and her globalist lefty politics, clearly an indicator that more "education" is needed.

LOL....thank god I send my kids to private school.
it's this exact dissonance in comprehension that led to the numbers of trumpites being so underestimated last time. it's really really hard to imagine how some can see him as anything other than he clearly is, or, worse still, see him clearly but approve of all that when all he is, all he says and does, is antipathy to decent intelligent people.

i wouldn't care if he looked like quasimodo and wore a damned clown costume so long as he knew how to do his damned job.

unfortunately, stupidity knows no geographical boundaries; nor does it care what colour a skin is or which gender or creed or age a person is. the very fact trump ever got elected is the biggest advertisement for the need of good education in the usa. we saw it in the uk when brexit got the vote and that really opened my eyes; when i saw trump had won, it was still a head-shaking moment but brexit foreshadowed his rise to power.

When times are difficult People always look to blame some group...Trump's propaganda worked perfectly at the right moment.
Biden showed up at the debate ready to articulate his vision for America.

Trump showed up at the debate ready to mischaracterize Biden‘s policies, pass the buck on his failure to contain the pandemic, to attack Biden’s son and to spread Russian disinformation.

The scrappy guy from Scranton Pennsylvania will protect our healthcare, will get a handle on COVID-19, increase the minimum wage, protect Social Security and Medicare, create more jobs.

Trump’s plan for the next four years:
Maintain his sychophantic friendships with murderous dictators.
Accept responsibility for nothing.
Whine about being a victim.
Troll people on Twitter
Trump talks about “Me” “me” “me”.

Trump could just as easily accomplish his goals from home and I suggest that we send him there November the third.

Vote for the scrappy guy with a plan!
Vote blue!
Mary Trump’s Grim Analysis Of Trump Campaign: ‘He Knows He’s In Desperate Shape’

Mary Trump, a clinical psychologist and the niece of President Donald Trump, has painted a grim image of what she believes is going on in her uncle’s head as he trails in the polls ahead of the election.

“My theory about the way Donald has run his campaign is that he knows he’s in desperate shape, so he’s going to burn it all down, sow more chaos and division because that’s where he succeeds,” she told The Guardian in an interview published over the weekend.

“He knows that he’s losing – he’ll deny it mightily – and at some level, he understands what’s at stake. If he loses, he’s probably going to prison. So, if he’s going down, he’s going to take us all down with him.”

“I’ve always believed that deep down Donald is a terrified little boy. The amount of fear he’s feeling now has got to be unhinging him,” she told the Guardian. “Not only did he get sick with the virus, there’s the tax story and his prospects in the election looking really bad right now. He’s got to be absolutely panicked.”

In the final weeks before Election Day, Trump has increasingly denied reality, leaned into divisive rhetoric, and lashed out at scientists, the media, and others who disagree with him, as the polls show his opponent Joe Biden in the lead. Despite Americans citing the COVID-19 pandemic as a huge election issue and a record-setting surge in new cases, he’s continued to claim without evidence that America has rounded the corner with the virus.
Of course, he’s never responsible for anything negative that happens to him, only for the positives
It does seem as though impeached president trump knows his days are numbered and has implemented a scorched earth programme. Destroy everything he can of all those things that made America great in the past. Make it impossible for Biden to rule.

The last leader to have followed that policy was Stalin. As the nazis invaded Russia his army retreated before them torching the country side as they went, leaving nothing that the germans could use for themselves or against the the Soviets.

While Stalin eventually ended up winning, after several years, he condemned millions of his soviet citizens to miserable deaths.

Yep, impeached president trump is clearly using the Stalin playbook.
Of course, he’s never responsible for anything negative that happens to him, only for the positives

Trump is an irresponsible child. It doesn't matter how many times he fucks up or how much damage he does. He still refuses to admit he's ever done anything wrong.
It does seem as though impeached president trump knows his days are numbered and has implemented a scorched earth programme. Destroy everything he can of all those things that made America great in the past. Make it impossible for Biden to rule.

The last leader to have followed that policy was Stalin. As the nazis invaded Russia his army retreated before them torching the country side as they went, leaving nothing that the germans could use for themselves or against the the Soviets.

While Stalin eventually ended up winning, after several years, he condemned millions of his soviet citizens to miserable deaths.

Yep, impeached president trump is clearly using the Stalin playbook.

Time to impeach him again (along with Barr) and get him out of there in a week, maybe this time with the cooperation of the Republicans in Congress who have already squeezed everything out of him that they are going to get. They've shown how fast they can move with the Supreme Court confirmation. There are still multiple grounds to use to impeach. He's treated his handlers so badly that they'll help pry him out of the White House. Melania's probably willing to kick him down the stairs herself.
So he has his little minions circling Barr's home trying to get him to somehow charge Biden. For what? Who knows with these pig skins. Wish they would all crawl back under the rock they came from. They are nauseating subhumans.

How come cops treat them with kid gloves unlike the way they do with peaceful Antifa protesters? After all, it's the far right wing extremists who are shooting them down not the Left. Lots of stupid and evil people in this country.

Who cares if Rona works its magic with them?
Secret Service director needs to prepare to remove Trump from office by force

Legal analyst and The Nation writer Elie Mystal warned that the Secret Service should prepare for the possibility they will have to remove President Donald Trump unwillingly from the White House if he loses the election.

There are other options. It wouldn't necessarily have to be the Secret Service.

Veterans Would Be ‘Happy’ To Escort Defeated Trump From The White House

VoteVets warned in a gutsy new political ad released Sunday that their members would be “happy” to escort a reluctant Donald Trump from the White House if he’s defeated in the oncoming election.

Trump has refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power and has repeatedly predicted the vote will be rigged, setting the stage for him to challenge a loss.

The progressive PAC of some 700,000 supporters, including veterans and their families, is particularly incensed over Trump’s push to determine a presidential winner on votes counted Nov. 3. That could disenfranchise a majority of the 1 million military service members overseas.
He has exposed an underbelly of racism in this country, never underestimate the amount of racist people who will vote for him. Hell most of these people are not rich, and don't care that his policies will hurt them, but he's their little Great White Hope to save them from those uppity minorities and liberals, nevernind that these same folks the hate are not out to get them, just minding their business. That's what rightwing media encourages.