Trump burns the Trump Presidency to the ground

If Obama had done that .. .

His little supporters in here would be like, "See, look at that thug dictator". They have purity tests and separate standards for Dems.

Humpty Dumpty cutting up on Thanksgiving. Can't wait to see him in prison.
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Even the air smells better outside now that trumps mouth is not going to be in the news every day. His bad breath travels far.
Even the air smells better outside now that trumps mouth is not going to be in the news every day. His bad breath travels far.

That's why Melania sleeps on the second floor of the White House and Diaper Don has the third floor official residence to himself.

Melania and Barron sleep in the "in law suite" that President Obama created for Michelle Obama's mother.

Trump is a small man, there is no doubt about that. He seemed to have shrunk a bit more today.

On Thanksgiving day, trump held a mini press conference, awkwardly seated behind a very small desk, perhaps sized to match his tiny heart and brain.

And what did the sore loser talk about? His grievances of course. And he petulantly lashed out at a reporter from AP for asking a question about conceding and then very unpresidentially continued to berate him for not “treating him like a president.” Bwaa ..

Then, he admitted, sort of, that he will vacate the office if the electoral college declares Biden the winner in December. I supposed he now realizes that he will be dragged out by the secret service otherwise.
And what did the sore loser talk about? His grievances of course. And he petulantly lashed out at a reporter from AP for asking a question about conceding and then very unpresidentially continued to berate him for not “treating him like a president.” Bwaa ..

When Trump fails, he refuses to admit failure. He instead blames other people for his failures, whines about how unfair his life is, calls people names and throws childish temper tantrums.
When Trump fails, he refuses to admit failure. He instead blames other people for his failures, whines about how unfair his life is, calls people names and throws childish temper tantrums.

And just with spoiled boys, a lot of people humor him. Just show him the finger and walk away.
Unfortunately, I bet the main$tream media will continuously focus on his antics well after the old demon has left the WH, not even focusing on the Biden administration because they will probably deem it too boring in this modern day American fast food/reality show age.
Apparently, the Baby is planning to hold some mega-rally or something on the day Biden is inaugurated.

Trump 'is planning a MAGA campaign event DURING Biden's inauguration to announce his 2024 run' and thinks the networks will continue to cover him because the Democrat is 'boring'

The loathsomeness of the pig knows no bounds.

Unfortunately, I bet the main$tream media will continuously focus on his antics well after the old demon has left the WH, not even focusing on the Biden administration because they will probably deem it too boring in this modern day American fast food/reality show age.
Republicans know the end of Donald Trump’s presidency is near, despite his increasingly desperate legal challenges, and former GOP strategist Rick Wilson won’t be willing to forgive and forget.

Wilson, writing for The Daily Beast, imagines there will be a rush of Republicans to distance themselves from the soon-to-be-former president, but he said there will be copious evidence of lawmakers, governors and political professional debasing themselves for Trump.

“Let’s be honest with one another, though; most of you enjoyed every moment of Trump,” Wilson writes. “You boasted that the world had changed. You bragged that finally there was a Republican badass who gave no fucks and owned the libs. All we had to give up to get there was everything that defined the center-right party for generations. You were just fine with the executive orders, the lawlessness, the statism, the betrayal of alliances around the world, and with that fucking clown as the leader of the party and the country.”

Wilson blasted the “grubby sellouts” who raised ridiculous conspiracy theories about George Soros or Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to justify their support of Trump, saying that was arguably more contemptible than Republicans who jumped fully on board the MAGA train.

“That goes double for you motherfuckers who went inside the Trump White House and kept promising that you were the one who was stopping all the bad shit from coming down,” he writes. “Either it was always a lie from the beginning, or you sucked at your jobs.”

Wilson predicts there will be calls for goodwill and healing as Joe Biden enters the White House, but he urged the new administration and Democratic lawmakers not to fall for that trick.

Trump's inner circle is telling him that Giuliani and the rest of his legal team are making him look like an idiot

Giuliani isn't just filing frivolous lawsuits, he's doing a HORRIBLE job of making his cases and annoying the fuck out of the judges in his frivolous lawsuits.

Giuliani's latest blunder involved his "star witness", Mellissa Carone, who assured the world that she was “a Dominion contractor” and that the Democrats had “ruined” her life and run ballots “thousands of times.”

It turns out that Mellissa Carone had just gotten off probation for committing a computer crime.

Yeah, brilliant! Rudy's star witness who is testifying that somebody else has committed a computer crime is herself a criminal who has been convicted of committing computer crime! Smooth move, Rudy!

A little more research reveals that Rudy's star witness struck a plea deal with Wayne County prosecutors, who in turn dropped a first degree obscenity charge against her.

She went viral for her performance and on Thursday lashed out at suggestions she had been drinking after her belligerent performance.

"Absolutely not!" she tweeted on a social media account which she had told lawmakers she had "got rid of’"
Giuliani isn't just filing frivolous lawsuits, he's doing a HORRIBLE job of making his cases and annoying the fuck out of the judges in his frivolous lawsuits.

Giuliani's latest blunder involved his "star witness", Mellissa Carone, who assured the world that she was “a Dominion contractor” and that the Democrats had “ruined” her life and run ballots “thousands of times.”

It turns out that Mellissa Carone had just gotten off probation for committing a computer crime.

Yeah, brilliant! Rudy's star witness who is testifying that somebody else has committed a computer crime is herself a criminal who has been convicted of committing computer crime! Smooth move, Rudy!

A little more research reveals that Rudy's star witness struck a plea deal with Wayne County prosecutors, who in turn dropped a first degree obscenity charge against her.

She went viral for her performance and on Thursday lashed out at suggestions she had been drinking after her belligerent performance.

"Absolutely not!" she tweeted on a social media account which she had told lawmakers she had "got rid of’"

She is still more sane than those who must have the last word in a thread here
Donald Trump has been branded "loser of the year" by one of Europe's biggest news magazines, as President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris were named Time Magazine's "Person of the Year."

Der Spiegel, one of Germany's most widely read German-language news websites, published a long article in German about the president under the headline "Der Verlierer des Jahres," which translates as "The Loser of the Year."

The article, published on Thursday, criticized the president for refusing to concede the election to Biden and described him as "a man who ... was never concerned with the common good, but always with one thing - himself."

"Nothing is normal under Trump," the article, written by the publication's Washington bureau chief and a Berlin-based correspondent, said.

"He refuses to admit defeat. Instead, he speaks of massive electoral fraud, although there is no evidence for it. The whole thing is not surprising. Trump's presidency ends as it began. Without decency and without dignity."

Trump has refused formally to concede, instead continuing to repeat unsubstantiated claims that the election was rigged against him.
Trump is sorry.

Not sorry about arranging and inciting a violent assault on the nation. But sorry that he ever ever told the insurgents to leave the Capitol building.

Trump was ecstatic to see his supporters shoving through barriers, overwhelming an unprepared police force, and taking the Capitol by storm. As the insurrectionists prowled through the halls of Congress in hopes of turning legislators into hostages, and Trump supporters cast down the American flag to raise his own banner, Trump strolled around the White House in excitement. The fact that other people weren’t seeing this as a good thing completely baffled him. It was, after all, exactly what Trump had been wanting for years.

As The New York Times reports, after a stunned nation recoiled in disgust, and Joe Biden came out to demand that Trump end this rampage by his followers, Trump did take to Twitter to deliver a brief statement—one in which he told the insurrectionists they were “very special” and assured them “I love you.” Even so, Trump did include a statement that the violent criminals who were even then smearing human excrement along the halls of Congress should “go home in peace.”

It’s that last part that Trump regrets. The part where he told them to leave, and gave some hint that he would allow an orderly transition—though without naming Biden or including the word “peaceful.”

At the end of a week in which his followers attempted a violent overthrow of the American government, the only thing that Trump regrets is that it didn’t work. And that after planning it, bringing in every white supremacist he could find, and shoving them toward Congress, he didn’t do more to cheer for their victory.
This thread title is the most succinct of any on the politics board. I have never seen a person shoot themselves in both feet so many times in so short a time.
Accountability Demanded After Fascist Mob Incited by Trump Storms Capitol

Demands that President Donald Trump be fully held to account for inciting the fascist mob that rampaged through the U.S. Capitol Building proliferated Wednesday as all hell broke loose in Washington, D.C., with members of Congress and journalists forced to seek shelter as the lame-duck incumbent's supporters shattered windows and clashed with law enforcement.

"Arrest the president," tweeted New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie. "I'm not joking. He incited a riot to try to sack the Congress and install himself in office. Our laws mean nothing if he can continue to live a free man."

Progressive activist Kai Newkirk echoed Bouie, declaring that "Trump must be impeached, removed from office immediately, and arrested."

"Enough," said Newkirk. "The Constitutionally-mandated course of our presidential election has been disrupted by a violent insurgency directly incited by a sitting president."

The mob of Trump supporters forced Congress to pause the process of officially certifying President-elect Joe Biden's victory as the Capitol was locked down and lawmakers were ordered to seek shelter.

"Trump called on his supporters to march to U.S. Capitol," tweeted Ari Berman of Mother Jones. "He shouldn't just be impeached or removed from office. He should be in jail."
Trump Resign

The noble thing for President Trump to do is to step down. If any of his staff would have caused a riot that resulted in the death of innocent civilians, he would have asked for their resignation. It follows then he should ask no less of himself and resign. Allow VP Pence to take the presidency as it transitions to VP Biden.

This would show honor and possibly allow for his daughter or son to make a run in the future. As it stands, he nor any of his clan has a snowballs chance in hell of a future in US politics.

Do what is right and stepdown--Resign with honor POTUS?
Trump started with a strong, healthy economy, and in 4 years he; lost 5 million jobs, added NINE TRILLION DOLLARS to the National Debt, lost the Senate, lost the lost the House, aided and abetted a killer virus that resulted in over 370,000 American deaths, attempted a coup, got banned from social media and got impeached twice.
If any of his staff would have caused a riot that resulted in the death of innocent civilians, he would have asked for their resignation.

What is the evidence he would do this? I don't think he would or that there's been any evidence he would--ever.
Trump started with a strong, healthy economy, and in 4 years he; lost 5 million jobs, added NINE TRILLION DOLLARS to the National Debt, lost the Senate, lost the lost the House, aided and abetted a killer virus that resulted in over 370,000 American deaths, attempted a coup, got banned from social media and got impeached twice.

The death toll will hit 400,000 before he leaves office. Let's not discount what his obstructionism on this issue has resulted in.
He'll be remembered for the failed wall, kiddie concentration camps, his Covid failure (will get props for removing red tape), and his insurrection following his attempts to overturn a fair election. I think that will mostly be it, administrative chaos maybe...prison reform was good, but...
The calamitous era of Donald Trump is coming to just the sort of ignoble end that was easily predictable based on his contemptible record of hate, dishonesty, greed, negligence, incompetence, and malignant narcissism. Trump was, and is, a sociopath who never cared a whit for America or the American people.

Now in his final days, Trump has sequestered himself in his White House bunker, refusing to honor even the most trifling presidential duties or traditions. He has been invisible to the public for six straight days. That’s actually quite a feat for someone so notoriously egomaniacal. It speaks to the agonizing degree of despondency he must be suffering. And it cannot be due merely to his banishment from Twitter, which is surely gnawing at him, because he has all of the other communications resources available to any president. Although his Twitter absence has resulted in a major improvement of the Internet with a 73% decline in misinformation since his involuntary exit.

Trump’s uncharacteristic withdrawal from the attention he craves is further evidence of his innate cowardice. He simply can’t face the world before which he has been humiliated as the loser he has always been. It’s ironic that Trump’s cult disciples have regarded him as a courageous fighter for principles in which he never believed. The truth has always been apparent that he is a sniveling coward who fears any circumstance that he can’t control.

That fact is evident nowhere more than in his fear of the free press. Trump has spent the last four years manically assaulting the media as “the enemy of the people.” However, he has also steadfastly avoided confrontation with any reputable journalist whenever possible. And now that his term in office is over, the extent of his seething fear has been documented by presidential chronicler Mark Knoller:
Trump told his supporters that he would march with them when they stormed the Capitol. He told them that he would never concede and he would never leave the White House. He would never give up. He told them that that he was all in.

Then, on the day that they stormed the Capitol, Trump sat on his ass and watched the whole thing on TV. When his supporters got arrested, Trump refused to pardon them. And when Inauguration Day came along, Trump got on a helicopter and went down to Florida.

Trump's supporters are now saying that Trump is a coward and a fake. They're saying that Trump betrayed them. They saying, “Fuck Donald Trump. This fucking piece of shit dragged us into DC for what? To leave us holding the bag? What the fuck?"
Trump told his supporters that he would march with them when they stormed the Capitol. He told them that he would never concede and he would never leave the White House. He would never give up. He told them that that he was all in.

Then, on the day that they stormed the Capitol, Trump sat on his ass and watched the whole thing on TV. When his supporters got arrested, Trump refused to pardon them. And when Inauguration Day came along, Trump got on a helicopter and went down to Florida.

Trump's supporters are now saying that Trump is a coward and a fake. They're saying that Trump betrayed them. They saying, “Fuck Donald Trump. This fucking piece of shit dragged us into DC for what? To leave us holding the bag? What the fuck?"

As Joe Biden was sworn in as president, QAnon followers finally saw their hope for the “storm”—when President Donald Trump would bring down the “deep state” and expose a far-reaching child-sex-trafficking ring—disappear, leaving followers of the unhinged conspiracy theory in despair and searching for answers.

"We all got played," complained one of the disillusioned QAnon members after Trump gave no hints of a plan to take over the U.S. in his final speech at Joint Base Andrews.

After the clock struck noon and Biden officially became president, some message boards turned increasingly vitriolic. “It’s over and nothing makes sense . . . absolutely nothing,” one user said. “He sold us out,” another believer wrote.