Trump is a traitor in the strict constitutional sense


Literotica Guru
Oct 13, 2024
He is giving aid and comfort to the enemy -- Russia, which is the only enemy of importance the U.S. now has.

China is not the enemy, though whoever wrote Project 2025 wants to designate it so. China is too important a trading partner to be the enemy.
He is giving aid and comfort to the enemy -- Russia,


which is the only enemy of importance the U.S. now has.

Nope. Not even officially....unlike the terrorist you support over the USA.

China is not the enemy, though whoever wrote Project 2025 wants to designate it so.

They are, because common sense.

China is too important a trading partner to be the enemy.

Not really.
Go into any Wal Mart and try to find something absolutely critical to life that can't be sourced elsewhere.....

What's critical to life is irrelevant. To a lot of American businesses, Chinese goods are essential to profits. That's why Clinton, despite his campaign rhetoric about the PRC's human rights record, found himself helpless, as president, to touch their Most Favored Nation status. But Russia is not so indispensable.
Anyone who loves Russia hates America.

Sure, but you're dishonestly conflating not supporting Ukraine with loving Russia.

You're just a warmonger who supports war because you won't be thrown into the meat grinder.

If supporting Ukraine meant you HAD to go grab a gun and clear Russians from trenches?? Your bitch ass would be pro Russia INSTANTLY.

How is Trump not giving aid and comfort to Russia? He just halted all military aid to Ukraine!

Because not supporting Ukraine to the point of WW3, isn't giving aid and comfort to Russia.

Furthermore Russia is not a declared enemy of the USA.

You're just mad the Cheney's aren't getting billions.
Where is the Deep State (M I C). Stopping a perfectly good war and bleeding Russia is too good to just walk away from.
He is giving aid and comfort to the enemy -- Russia, which is the only enemy of importance the U.S. now has.

China is not the enemy, though whoever wrote Project 2025 wants to designate it so. China is too important a trading partner to be the enemy.
His emotions are fact, and reality is just a nuisance.

We are not at war with the Russians.
Because he isn't a warmongering nut. He trying to stop a war that cannot be won by Ukraine.
Of course it can. Ukraine can outlast Russia -- Ukraine would run out of troops first, but Russia's economy is close to collapse and no other power is both willing and able to prop it up. But that only works if Ukraine has a reliable supply of foreign aid.
Of course it can. Ukraine can outlast Russia -- Ukraine would run out of troops first, but Russia's economy is close to collapse and no other power is both willing and able to prop it up. But that only works if Ukraine has a reliable supply of foreign aid.
No, they can't. They have a debilitating military reality that transcends all other issues. They are running out of men, a mathematical calculation not common to the Russian army in any way because Russia significantly outnumbers Ukraine in available combat-age men, not by a full order of magnitude but instead by a disparity in the 4–6x range. This fact cannot be ignored. It's all over but the shouting and the wailing.