Trump want to halve military spending

They tried to impeach Trump twice on lies, put Trump in prison on lies, bankrupt him with lies, harm his family, and kill him twice with further perpetuation of lies. Now they whine about the retribution they so richly deserve. Many of these people deserve to go to prison.
Bullshit of the week award already and it’s only Sunday.
There is no way to know, clown. "Prehistoric" means there is no record. This what is called being "hoisted on your own petard."
"Since prehistoric times" means "since records began." There is no doubt it has been Mount Denali that long.
There is no way to know, clown. "Prehistoric" means there is no record. This what is called being "hoisted on your own petard."
Half the locations in America have Native names. They weren't written down until the English gave them phonetic spellings.

But you know that fucktard.
The hypocrisy of the left never ends. They'll scream in your face if you don't go along with their ideologies of renaming and changing identifiers for just about anything. But the second an opposing view does the exact same thing, they do a complete 180 on the argument.

Surely you can tell the difference between a person, a sports team, etc., choosing a new name, and a slur invented by others that the entity in question has never embraced.
Can anyone give a good reason not to halve military spending?

That's not the point. The point is the reason why Trump is calling for it is that he thinks he can convince our enemies to do the same.
They tried to impeach Trump twice on lies, put Trump in prison on lies, bankrupt him with lies, harm his family, and kill him twice with further perpetuation of lies. Now they whine about the retribution they so richly deserve. Many of these people deserve to go to prison
None of those were lies and you know it.
They tried to impeach Trump twice on lies, put Trump in prison on lies, bankrupt him with lies, harm his family, and kill him twice with further perpetuation of lies. Now they whine about the retribution they so richly deserve. Many of these people deserve to go to prison
None of those were lies and you know it.
Doddering Donnie: “Trump want to halve military spending.”

Congress MAGAs: “Yes sir! We’ve increased defense spending in our proposed budgets.”

Doddering Donnie: “No. Trump want …”

Congress MAGAs: “It’s always nice hearing from you, sir, but we’ve got to go. So busy. You might want to get somebody to change your diaper.”

Doddering Donnie: “Wait, Trump want …”

Congress MAGAs: “Bye!”