Trump want to halve military spending

I'm not sure which is more pathetic: that the Trumpies think this is some sort of "gotcha" for the Dems, or that they think Trump has any chance of actually convincing Xi and Putin to reduce their military budgets. (He will have no problem getting them to say they will do that, but...)

I was about to post something similar.

Sure, Putin and Xi are going to cut military spending as they ramp up their territorial expansion efforts / agendas…


And who would verify Putin and Xi were following through on any promises they made???



Naw, I don't speak DeluxAuto. 😄
He fails to grasp how small his ideological demographic truly is or how minimal its impact is on national politics, beyond providing material for late-night comedians. We are watching the self immolation of the Democrat Party. I mean 80 year old arthritics Chuck Schumer, and 5' 5" Maxine Waters, her tired old face a third of her height, out in the street with illegals raging 1960s revolutionary slogans was one of the most pathetic demonstrations I've ever seen. :D :rolleyes:
He fails to grasp how small his ideological demographic truly is or how minimal its impact is on national politics, beyond providing material for late-night comedians. We are watching the self immolation of the Democrat Party. I mean 80 year old arthritics Chuck Schumer, and 5' 5" Maxine Waters, her tired old face a third of her height, out in the street with illegals raging 1960s revolutionary slogans was one of the most pathetic demonstrations I've ever seen. :D :rolleyes:
There’s no such thing as the “Democrat Party”.
Trump doesn't get how Ukraine is our Beta testing facility for next-generation weapons. The field of autonomous drone weapons and other battlefield technology has improved tremendously over the past 3 years. There will be a lot of rich conservatives who don't want that to end.
Trump doesn't get how Ukraine is our Beta testing facility for next-generation weapons.
And any decent human being should be horrified at the idea of using a foreign country's war and people to 'test' new weaponry.
The field of autonomous drone weapons and other battlefield technology has improved tremendously over the past 3 years. There will be a lot of rich conservatives who don't want that to end.
Fuck em. Trump is about ending war and anyone who wants to continue war for 'battlefield testing new tech' can volunteer themselves for such things.
He fails to grasp how small his ideological demographic truly is or how minimal its impact is on national politics, beyond providing material for late-night comedians. We are watching the self immolation of the Democrat Party. I mean 80 year old arthritics Chuck Schumer, and 5' 5" Maxine Waters, her tired old face a third of her height, out in the street with illegals raging 1960s revolutionary slogans was one of the most pathetic demonstrations I've ever seen. :D :rolleyes:
On the plus side, let's hope they keep it up. That kind of behavior is going to ensure a Conservative government for the foreseeable future.
On the plus side, let's hope they keep it up. That kind of behavior is going to ensure a Conservative government for the foreseeable future.
Yes! I saw a post by Huckabee about the panic in DC but he then pointed out that 30 miles from DC Americans were dancing in the streets. :D
Mount McKinley is getting its name back.
The hypocrisy of the left never ends. They'll scream in your face if you don't go along with their ideologies of renaming and changing identifiers for just about anything. But the second an opposing view does the exact same thing, they do a complete 180 on the argument.
The hypocrisy of the left never ends. They'll scream in your face if you don't go along with their ideologies of renaming and changing identifiers for just about anything. But the second an opposing view does the exact same thing, they do a complete 180 on the argument.
They tried to impeach Trump twice on lies, put Trump in prison on lies, bankrupt him with lies, harm his family, and kill him twice with further perpetuation of lies. Now they whine about the retribution they so richly deserve. Many of these people deserve to go to prison.