Tunnels & Trolls The campaign begins...


Detton glanced down at them, and nodded. He kept his voice low as he spoke. "I know I may not be the greatest help to this group, but I agree, we should take them. Besides, if we can use those creatures as mounts, it could greatly increase our speed."

He shrugged. "They seem fairly timid from a distance...And with a jump on the Trools, even I should be able to effectively wound one..."
Congrats People....300 posts and most of it Gaming


You have come a long way since your days as a simple farmer, but the process of becoming an adventurer and warrior takes time. Prowess with arms and spellcraft is a continuing process. Though your assessment would be correct. The rabbits are powerful runners on and off the trail and only need grass and vegetables to survive. As to the trolls even a laymen can see that you have the advantage behind rocks on a higher position...missile weapons are key here to take the upper hand. Also a large fire has already been started so the trolls could cook their meal. The trolls are tough so you must do everything to increase your advantage.
Alonria looked back at her compaions and said. Good then we all agree? Moving over to Tol'Chuck Alonria smiled and crossed her arms.

Tol'Chuck... I know i look like an Elf but i am only a half Elf...and we are friends so please call me Alonria i am not as high and mighty as most she said with a smile.

Looking down below making sure to stay hidden Alonria watched trying to figure out the best way to attack, and asking the others advice.
Tol'Chuk smiled, showing off his missing teeth, "Just because I haven't killed you, doesn't make you my friend."

He moved to the front of the hill, the last line of bushes before they would be spotted by the trolls. He imagined he could run down half of the way before they would notice, unless he made a war call. In this condition, it would probably be best not too, however that would only be if he didn't want to take on all three at once...

No, no need for that. After this battle, there would be a dozen more trolls for each of them. He could die well within the packs of that.

"I am thinking of just charging, surprising them. Anyone else have an actual plan?"
Grinning Alonria banterd with Tol'Chuk not botherd in the least. Just because you dont claim me, and havent killed me dosent mean i cant claim you, and no i dont have a better plan.She said.

Then more seriously. If we tryed to slip down tis likely they would see us and we would loose the advantage of surprise, where as if we charge in we could confuse them for a few moments at the least. I could give ye all some cover with my bow from here. What do you think? She said

Detton glanced at the rocks at their positon, and at the Trolls below. He turned and moved after the others, seeing teh way the dwarf wanted to attack. He looked over the dwarf and the man from the gnome camp, then looked back at the rocks.

He nodded. "Yes, I have an idea. Why not just lug rocks at their heads? They may be good regenerators, but enough broken bones and we could kill and burn them fairly easy without trouble. Especially since they've already built up a fire for us. Plus, push a boulder on someone and I don't care how well they heal, they'll still be stuck under a boulder."
Being the narrator I will not do moves for characters.......so chose a coarse of action or perhaps a combination of ones brought up.....All I will say is use the advantages you have at hand. You have mentioned some good ideas. Make them happen the trolls are still roasting their meal.
That's a good idea Detton... we can use the rock's first and i can still give you all cover from up here should you need it. Alonria said.
Just to be sure, so I'm on top of things. How far is it from where we are, to where the trolls are... distance wise, and how much of a gradient do we have? Is this a steep or gradual?
Good question.......there are at least two large bolders at the top of the hill you are using for hiding. Many smaller ones. The slope is gradual.....sliding down to the bottom with a grassy area is.....they are all within 20ft of the bottom of the rockey slope walking about.....with the herd of chained rabbits off to the side of them much further....with the trail going on beyond them. The three trolls are walking about armed with clubs not doing much going on other then the occassional word between each other.
Ok, I thought so, but wanted to make sure.

Ic: Tol'chuck shook his head, as he planted his feet against one of the large boulders. He didn't think that plan would work at all. The hill wasn't sharp enough. For this to work, they needed two things, speed and heighth, on a slow gradual hill, they had neither. These boulders would roll slowly down hill, make tons of noise, and anyone could jump out of the way with plenty of time to spare.

At best, they'd surprise the trolls, at worse they'd accidentally kill one of the rabbits.

But, he didn't have much of a better plan. Running full speed and killing everything in sight didn't seem to be much of these manling's style, so the dwarf resigned. Maybe he'd try it their way, watch them fail, and then come in with his hammer to kill the trolls anyway.

A good plan, either way.

He put his lower back against one of the boulders, pushing just hard enough to see if he could move it, how heavy it was, and how far it was lodged into the ground.

"Ready when you are..."
Slinging her bow over her sholder Alonria moved to help Tol'Chuck move the bolder, and smiled hearing his grumbles...

Detton glanced down the slope, and positioned himself ehind the boulder, trying to think out the best way to push it. He set his things aside, and heaved himself at the rock hard. Muscles long used to hard labor under poor conditions and recently finding enough nourishment to actually work at full strength followed his commands.

With all the muscle and sweat behind the large boulder it quickly goes over the rocky edge of the hill and goes down the grassy slope. As predicted it does suprise the trolls all off whom stand up or drop what they are doing. They easily get ou of the way of the boulder. They see the party and quickly realise it was not acident. The move of pushing the boulder was not without merit though as two results occur. The boulder continues to roll and crashes knocking over the make shift spit and fire. The freshly butchered rabit falls into the fire and burns. Like a meal vomitted on by a drunken inlaw at thanksgiving the dinner is ruined beyond repair. The Trolls scream in their own language and raises clubs and charge after you up hill....not at their advantage. Time remains though before then engage you directly if only seconds.......
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Detton looked at the boulder only to see how it was making it's way down the hill, then selected another. He watched, looking for the Trolls. That's right, this way...

He looked over at the dwarf. "You and I both know you'll be better inclinded at close combat than I am. The lady can use her bow, too. The thing that'll help most is you getting a jump on them. They know we're here, but they have to come to us. And they also have to watch out, because unlike you, who'll be waiting for enemies for close combat, they'll have to deal with other things."

He threw his weight behind the second boulder. If he could get this out over, he'd grab a few of the larger rocks he could hurl that could crush a man's skull. Let's see how they liked fighting a Dwarf ready to die while rocks and arrows rained down on their heads.

Tol'chuck was a better warrior than Detton, but that didn't mean Detton couldn't help him. When you're trying not to get a fist-sized rock in your face, you couldn't be paying as much attention as was needed to a well-trained warrior right in front of you.
Alonria quickly begain using her bow. Shooting at the trolls headed there way. Doing her best to give Tol'Chuk the cover he needed, and smiled as Detton began throwing rocks at the trolls as well as trying to knock down the other bolder. That she and Tol'Chuk had been trying to move a short time ago.

Come and get it you ugly basterds she thought as she continued to fire. Ready to drop her bow and pick up her sword , and help. when they got to close for arrows to be used.
like to join not sure how but ill give it a go

im not real sure how to join in one of these sounds like a lot of fun so ill introduce the character id liek to join as and attempt to write myself into helping the group if its to late for another membeer just say so in the next post i dont mind :) if not your welcome to add color to the charactor or just acknowladge his part of the group. thnx
my character is a mix of many races and has a trace of elf in him but looks prodomanantly human. he wears heavy plate mail the kind you would expect of a knight but it is cut and damedged worn like it had seen more battle than blacksmiths. the silver gleam all but gone.
he carries a straight broadsword with a flat tip in a scabbard that he holds in one hand. the helmet he wears has a small series of spike running up the head like a mohawk and two large plates one form his jaw the other from its brow. meeting in the middle over dark eyelets that glow a faint blue from withen areall is outwardly cold but has twinkles of softness batraying his otherwise battle torn body. he carries many scares but is ashamed of them and refuses to take the life of human or elf or dwarf favoring incapacitation.

i hope the character meets your requirem nts if it does ill try and slidei into your story if not let me know thanks
OOC: XblueyedevilX I didn't say you could join but basically you wish to be a half elf/human with impressive blue battle armor which has mean damaged and repaired over time? Your an adventurer? Why would you be in the mountains. I am willing to write you in at some point but you have to fit in......this is not your standard fantasy adventure. Need more muscle, but I want things to run good. Let me know when you refine things....and I will make a place for you.



With another back breaking push the stone goes over the side and rolls lazily down the slope. The trolls easily dodge it though it does slow them up a bit. Finding some good size throwing rocks you begin to toss them and manage to wound and annoy the trolls further.......the one first up the slope takes a painful looking blow to the head shakes his head and grunts only to have a tooth knocked out by another shot from you......


With your sturdy bow you fire off three aimed shots at the aproaching trolls. The first troll who is dealing with the rocks soon enjoys an arrow to the head and chest. Bleeding and hurt the trolls drops to the ground. It being dead is to much to hope for but it is down for the time......the third arrow fires and hits another one of the trolls in the arm with little effect. It even pulls the arrow out and throws it in the ground. Seems something more deadly is needed to deal with this situation.
Seeing the troll pull out the arrow. Alonria remember's that she has an oil flask in her puch and quickly pulls it out, along with her flint, and steel. Tearing a peace of cloth from her cloak. Alonria stuck it down in the flask.

Looking to her companions she yell's...TAKE COVER!!!!! As soon as she see's her companions take cover she light's the cloth and throw's it into the middle of the troll's comming up the hill, and take's cover herself.
It always gets fucked up in the end. Horrible arrays of plans that seem so good in your head, fantasies that struggle through the impossible and end up showing you a mortal god among servants, now turns into a well organized cluster fuck, with no possibility of a reach around.
That's how it works, and that's how it's supposed to be. It was the reason any good party has a dwarf on thsir side, just in case the master plan gets fucked up, and they need to fight their way out.

Tol'Chuk didn't charge. He wanted to, he wanted to plant himself right square in the middleof them, take their hits, feel blood running down his aching body, and tear them limb from limb. But, he didn't. He staggered from that fate, they were too few to be a challenge.

Instead, he lay in wait, at the top of the hill, waiting for the first one to come over. When it did, he stuck out his hammer, tripping it up. On the ground, he raised his hammer high, and let it fall right on the Troll's back.

Then he looked around for another one, hoping he wouldn't be as easy as the first.

Dropping the bow for a less conventional means of attack you ready your flaming cocktail, and let loose aiming for the center of the triangle of oncoming trolls. It breaks with the oil spreading out and slpashing. One work running up the hill catches on fire as he runs through it. His rags catch fire easily and his skin is soon afire as well and he screaming and running round. Another troll catches fire as well but only on the hand though he waves it about wildly with no luck getting it out...........the third contines up the hill enraged and provoked by the fire buring behind him that you caused. He heads right for you might club raised to come slamming down on top of you........


Just as the the brute is about to slam his club down on the brave and pretty Alonria you swing out your might Dwarven hammer. Surprised and moving foward he falls to the ground with a thud. You stand up and are soon laying into his back with blow after blow. Drawing blood making the creature wince in pain every time he tries to stand or slash out. You keep up your pounding as blood pours out of the fresh wounds......This plan though simple has worked the best today.
Seeing the troll heading her way club raised. Alonria's heart was in her throat unsure wether she would be able to block the blow in time.

Only to see the troll fall at her feet as Tol'Chuck came to her rescue. Taking time to calm her racing heart she sat down on the ground for a moment. Looking up at Tol'Chuck she said. Thanks Then looking at Detton, and Cammon she asked. Is any one hurt???
Are there any more trolls? I thought that was it. Well, if there are more, I go after the next one.