Tunnels & Trolls The campaign begins...

The trolls are finished off in a mixture of attack types which burnt, pierced, crushed, and otherwise destroyed your enemies. The four large rabbits though pull at their chains whether out of fear of you or simply wishing to get away from their enemies when they have the chance. Each one has a chain attached to a rope bridal and the chain is held down by a wooden spike driven into the ground. The creatures look up at you with worried eyes.

Beyond them is the trail on to the mountain of your goal......not to far away now. Close to your orginal goal of recovering the holy book. Only a few days have had pasted, but your group has changed over that time though three core adventurers remain. Now is the time to ready yourself to go to a mountain filled with brutal and vile trolls.

The last troll to go down and closest to your party has a map on his body. The writing is crude in a gobliniod language. For those who can read it the map reveals a large and most likely guarded main entrance. Two other routes are noted. One leading to the slave pits and the other leading to the treasure vaults. It is unclear which route this group was to take to the cave fortress, but it is a good guess that they were to join the celebration.....

Detton moved fast, searching the trolls killed first and grabbing them, hauling them down to where the fire still burned, intending to bank it up and burn the corpses.
You search the trolls and find little beyond stink and.......cloth bag of 8 juice red apples and small diamond neckless. You put these aside and drag all three of the trolls into the fire. The go up in flames before they can regenerate. As the trolls burn the rabbits seem at ease at least and seem to realize your not like the trolls that took them captive.

Detton packs away the necklace and half the apples in the pack he carries, and moves slowly towards the rabbits, speaking soothingly and offering them the apples, trying to gain their trust so he can look them over and see how they're doing.

He wasn't an expert at these animals, but he'd skinned and eaten animals, and knew some basic facts about anatomy from his years of working farms. He should be able to get a vague sense of how they were doing.
OOC: Do I only have Detton playing? I love the guy to death but I am not sure he will survive the rest of the adventure.


Detton offers an apple in a friendly manner and each takes it sitting up and actually using their little paws to eat the apples. When they are finished one sits back but is prevented by the chain. It looks at you and politely says in a child like voice, "thank you kind sir...you know comon? I hope so for it is all I know besides our language. If you would be so good to free us I would be very happy. We wish to cover up our friend and be free to run about. We have worked with humans before though like at our old settlement we hauled grain for farmers. In exchange we stayed in their barn and many tasty vegetable...we love vegetables or gold to buy them." The others nod in agreement. "Yes, yes.....yes. Vegetables or maybe fruit."
Alonria did what she could to help Detton move the Trolls bodys into the fire, before searching the ariea. Hoping to find track's of any kind... and maybe see where the trolls had travled the most.

Detton was taken aback. The things could talk? He scratched his head, wondering if he should ask the others. He glanced at the chains and made a decision then and there. No creature as smart as a man should ever be forced into servitude. He'd known that kind of life far too long. Worse than that, really. At least slaves were cared for as property. He had to care for himself in a land where he owned nothing.

He went to the animals and put his most into freeing them.
This, he thought. This vague gesture would be enough. Detton knew he wouldn't live long out here, acting like an adventurer when he so decidedly was not.

But this act would be enough for him. Give some point to his life, even if he should die that day.

You do find the well worn tracks of many war parties who have passed through this way leading off towards their mountain layer. So many have been through this way in the last few days it is more of an effort to find the trail under the large nasty tracks. You hear the voice of the creatures chatting with Detton and it is a total shock.....you look off in the distance though and see black smoke from fires rise out of the mountains.


You go about freeing the creatures and they are over joyed. They are happy and gleefully hop about the area so much so that you feel the ground rock beneath you as the celibrate. One female rabbit even comes over to you sits down on her fanny and hugs you with her large furry paws. "Thank you thank you thank you so much for freeing us....." The other come over from time to time asking if you have carots or know where they are and are very friendly creatures. Finally the one that spoke to you orginally comes over to you and begins to chat with you, "I take it you and your friends are in need of mounts? We are able to do this if you like I am Peter." He holds out a paw to you in a friendly gesture....
Walking back to Detton and the others she tells them what i've found as far as the tracks, and seeing the smoke in the distance. Feeling the ground shake as she talked Alonria smiled at the rabbits who were celebrating their release.

Looking at the party members Alonria asked..Well do you all want to move on or should we camp here while we have the chance??