Under Cover Skanks


Wise old cow
May 15, 2021
The resident fucker of skanks is away for the time being, probably off banging his slam piece somewhere. Before the door closed, he was posting some really fantastic covers that Miley Cyrus had done.

There are a lot of songs out there and a lot of covers. What is your favourite cover or even your worst. Post them here to share with others.

To start this, I am reposting one that MD originally posted. Miley Cyrus covering Pearl Jam

As much as I love the pair of you, stop derailing my thread or I will report you!

Post your favourite covers or at least leave an official calling card (*read dick pic)

[Channeling MD]Know your role, skank. Thread starter =/= thread owner. And I don't post my angry inch for anyone [/channeling MD]
I just found out a few days ago when I covered this song for my favorite Litster, that this is also a cover. I'm not sure how skanky they are..be we're all skanks in our own way.

Better Than Ezra - Just One Day

Kinda kicks you in the feels a little too, if you have feels. Lol.