Valentine's Villanelle Challenge

What's an Americanadian sentence? Have I missed out on something?

hehe its in Tzara's forum sticky thingie :p ...something along the lines of 17 syllabus sentence ...they got some snazzy ones in the 30 poems a day challenge thread
owwww I wonder who wrote 46 ...very nice!! teasing almost in a way! ...okies I am going to go reread all the poems from start to finish and start my mis educated guessing game! :p

46 poems now posted and 16 authors (many have multiple submissions) Authors arranged alphabetically are:

Always Hungry
Guilty Pleasure
hehe its in Tzara's forum sticky thingie :p ...something along the lines of 17 syllabus sentence ...they got some snazzy ones in the 30 poems a day challenge thread

Which proves I haven't been in Tzara's sticky wotsit for a while :)
hehe its in Tzara's forum sticky thingie :p ...something along the lines of 17 syllabus sentence ...they got some snazzy ones in the 30 poems a day challenge thread

Nope can only find American Sentence in there, where did you mean?
Here are some guesses:

1 is Piscator because it meets the challenge requirement and it has fish in it.

2 is Magnetron and really it's magnatronificent! I still can't read it without cracking up.

6 is one of AH's I think. It's metered and uses language and sentence structure appropriate to the form.

7 is Sin because of the theme and if I'm right congrats Sinny on a terza rima!

8 is Harry (I think)

I don't know who wrote 11, but it's a good villanelle with very short lines.

12 is GP. I guess this solely on the basis of knowing she writes a good clerihew. :D

13 is one of my favorites from the challenge. It's a villanelle variation and I think it belongs to butters.

17 is really a good villanelle. I think either AH or Piscator.

19...I think someone new to me wrote's imaginative erotic writing in a villanelle variation.

20 is another of my favorites and it's a sonnet, but I don't know who wrote it. Maybe Remec.

22 I think is Champ or GP.

23 is Ash. It's the interrobangs.

24 is sweet. Maybe Calli?

25 is another of my faves in this challenge. The use of sound is bold and imaginative and it's just spot on in every way.

29 maybe Champ? I just like how the American election crept into the challenge.

31 I think is Mer though I'm guessing. It's lovely writing and plays off Dylan Thomas with "good light" instead of "good night."

32 sounds like UYS to me.

38 I think is GP because she is the only poet here who has done this before, a quad acrostic! :eek:

40 Piscator?

42 is UYS, sounds like her to me.

That's all I have for now. I am prepared to be wrong, girded my loins and all. :D
Heh alright alright I'll admit to 7 :p kinda obvious with the theme :p as its been guessed by me twice so :p and thank you I think!
38, the 2 x acrostic's not mine but the clerihew is. :) Two more are mine, Ange skipped right over them. :cool:

I skip mine and the ones where I feel not a clue. I should be able to guess yours...oh well. I did remember you are the queen of clerihews!
25 is another of my faves in this challenge. The use of sound is bold and imaginative and it's just spot on in every way.

This one also struck me - I'm going to pin it on gm.

31 I think is Mer though I'm guessing. It's lovely writing and plays off Dylan Thomas with "good light" instead of "good night."

Angie, thanks but this one's not mine. I like it a lot as well.

You enjoyed mine, but pinned it on someone else, someone who has been mistaken for me before. I am flattered - I think we must share something, both in our writing styles and perhaps also in other life aspects

I find it harder to guess authors in this challenge - I think the form is obscuring writing styles more than usual, at least in my view.
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25 is another of my faves in this challenge. The use of sound is bold and imaginative and it's just spot on in every way.

This one also struck me - I'm going to pin it on gm.

31 I think is Mer though I'm guessing. It's lovely writing and plays off Dylan Thomas with "good light" instead of "good night."

Angie, thanks but this one's not mine. I like it a lot as well.

You enjoyed mine, but pinned it on someone else, someone who has been mistaken for me before. I am flattered - I think we must share something, both in our writing styles and perhaps also in other life aspects

I find it harder to guess authors in this challenge - I think the form is obscuring writing styles more than usual, at least in my view.
Indeed the form obscures styles and I think that has helped to improve
Mine are 1 and 20 so tickled with some of the guesses as to poets that I fel are better than me
Here are some guesses:

1 is Piscator because it meets the challenge requirement and it has fish in it.

17 is really a good villanelle. I think either AH or Piscator.

40 Piscator?


This may sound fishy but I'm innocent of all the above
Here are some guesses:

1 is Piscator because it meets the challenge requirement and it has fish in it.

2 is Magnetron and really it's magnatronificent! I still can't read it without cracking up.

6 is one of AH's I think. It's metered and uses language and sentence structure appropriate to the form.

7 is Sin because of the theme and if I'm right congrats Sinny on a terza rima!

8 is Harry (I think)

I don't know who wrote 11, but it's a good villanelle with very short lines.

12 is GP. I guess this solely on the basis of knowing she writes a good clerihew. :D

13 is one of my favorites from the challenge. It's a villanelle variation and I think it belongs to butters.

17 is really a good villanelle. I think either AH or Piscator.

19...I think someone new to me wrote's imaginative erotic writing in a villanelle variation.

20 is another of my favorites and it's a sonnet, but I don't know who wrote it. Maybe Remec.

22 I think is Champ or GP.

23 is Ash. It's the interrobangs.

24 is sweet. Maybe Calli?

25 is another of my faves in this challenge. The use of sound is bold and imaginative and it's just spot on in every way.

29 maybe Champ? I just like how the American election crept into the challenge.

31 I think is Mer though I'm guessing. It's lovely writing and plays off Dylan Thomas with "good light" instead of "good night."

32 sounds like UYS to me.

38 I think is GP because she is the only poet here who has done this before, a quad acrostic! :eek:

40 Piscator?

42 is UYS, sounds like her to me.

That's all I have for now. I am prepared to be wrong, girded my loins and all. :D

Holds my hands up to 32 and 42! But there are more :)
so tickled with some of the guesses as to poets that I fel are better than me

heh I agree with this statement to!

I find it harder to guess authors in this challenge - I think the form is obscuring writing styles more than usual, at least in my view.

I way agree with this also! its like a needle and a hay stack trying to figure out who did what in forms ...they are evil! lol