Vampires Abound


"William, dear, I have no worries. There is one, named Raven who will not allow harm to come to me. He still loves me, and listens to me when I tell him to do something." I laugh a little, "And the only other vampire is Drusilla. This is my fiance, Deavone. He hunts them like we do."

"When you put it like that, it sounds stupid, but when you consider what Hunter has done to me, and no doubt to you..." My voice trailed off, knowing full well that William's first born had been taken by Hunter and killed.

"I have SOME question on whether or not she still loves him. And at times, I'm almost certain she does."
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"Drusilla..." Raven whispered, his voice shaking as he slowly regained his composure. The taste of the old man's blood on his tongue was still potent and sweet. It was as though he could taste the man's sad and wisened soul roiling around in his mouth. Swallowing hard, Raven called out. "Enter." Trying to sound as collected as he could he drew himself to his feet to face the library's doors as Drusilla entered.
Drusilla entered her eyes immediatly finding Raven. He seemed fine but Drusilla knew him to well. She could see in his eyes he was shaken. She walked to his side touching him lightly on the arm and brushing a kiss on his cheek as a show of support. She knew how hard this must of been on him. And yet she knew she would never know the full extent of his pain. "Are you alright? If you have need you may speak freely with me. You know I am here for you" she smiled at him. He had always shown her such kindness. She wished fervently there was a way she could repay him.

"Drusilla, thank you." Raven said as he accepted the light touch of her hand. He looked over toward where he had left the old man's body, thankfull that the book shelves hid it from his veiw, the scent of it alone was nearly more than he could bare. "Please, take the old man away, the scent still stirs the beast up within me... But see that he is put to rest, he deserves that much, at least. Now go, take him away, I feel my control slipping once more..." Raven pushed Drusilla away, less than gently and turned away from her, feeling his teeth extending again. "Go!" He commanded more sharply than he intended.
Drusilla felt a shiver pass over her. She had so rarely seen this side of Raven. He was always so calm and in control. Seeing him like this scared her and yet excited her in a way she didn't understand. She nodded quickly and hurried to the body without hesitation. Picking him up almost gently she glanced once more at Raven then left with the body. She moved at a supernatural speed. She took the body to a churchyard slashing the marks on the neck to look as if the man's throat had been slit. Then she laid him on the stone steps of the chapel and sent a mental note to the priest within. He would take care of the poor man. She then hurried back to Raven's place.

I knew better than to go into the room since Raven had fed. He was calm and composed most of the time, but I knew what happened when he fed. I don't know how I knew, but I did.

"Anyway, we need to formulate a plan on how to find and get Hunter. It all has to be planned here, that way Hunter can't know anything. I wouldn't doubt if he knows that we are trying this, so we should lay low, and not be alone." Deavone walked around the room we were in, looking at all the pictures of people. Who they were I had no clue, maybe his family before he became a vampire. He was bored with this talk as he heard me say it a million times." The best time to strike is while he's in his coffin. He's too strong otherwise."

Finally regaining his composure, Raven slipped out of the library, leaving the clinging scent of the old man behind. He came to stand in the great hall where he had left his guests. Looking up he gave a wane smile toward Sadie, passing Deavone over, as though the man were not there. Looking to william, Raven spoke, none too pleased. "And who is this man, whome I HAVE NOT invited into my home?" He turned a look of questioning and demand upon Sadie, and Drusilla in turn. "It is one thing to have you, Sadie, welcomed into my abode, and I tollerate your... Man, for your sake only, but this..." Pointing toward William. "A stray hunter? This is unacceptable..." Raven shifted his eyes upon Drusilla, his jaw clenching and unclenching in annoyance. "Drusilla, if you would, please see this man OUT!"

William smiled and spoke "No need to some me the way I know where it is" and with that William left the house to head back to his own home

Ariana watched the man leave the house with mild interest.
He had Raven's scent on him as well as the scents of the other's she'd tracked here.
Her eyes followed his movements as she subconciously licked her full red lips, and began to move silently through the trees pacing him as he moved through the forest....

William slwly walked theought the forest, letting the words of Raven sting in his ears and mind, "A stray Hunter, was this guy crazy, Hell we're they all crazy for going after Hunter. That man vampire has killed more hunters and vampires then any creature I know."

William heard a small twig snap behind him, he wirled around with his crossbow drawn "Who's there" Not seeing anyone William screamed out agian "I SAID WHO'S THERE!!"

William waited......

OOC: tag Kissthesky

She smiled, more of a smirk really as she moved quicker than the eye could see, stepping out behind him.
"You won't need that thing with me," she said softly, her eyes sparkling in the dim light.
"I know you're more than what he says of you," she spoke, her voice rich, more of a purr, like velvet.
She was close to him now, she breathed in his scent, unique in itself, but suprisingly enough she didn't smell fear.
"You're not afraid of me?" She asked, more of a statement than a question.

"Damnit Raven! William is a friend of mine. He came in here because he had tracked us here and saw me disapper into the room with you. He probably couldn't see Deavone, and assumed you were feeding on me until he saw me when he went to hurt your for hurting me. And you need to stop being so pissy."
Drusilla watched Raven enter the room where everyone stood. She saw he was once more in control as if nothing happened. Then his eyes flahsed as he noticed the new hunter. She knew Raven would not like that. She didn't get the chance to throw him out however he left all on his own. When Sadie reprimanded Raven Drusilla could not stop the small smirk. Only Drusilla had ever dared to speak back to Raven. She was interested in his reaction.

William slowly lowered the crossbow after her question. "your right. I'm not afrid of you" he said watching her movement as she came from behind him to the front. "But my question is why are you following me"

He smiled and waited for her response....

Turning his eyes upon Sadie, Raven stepped toward her, cocking his head to the side, and spoke to her as though he were talking to a child. "And if a vampire, a blood sucker, as you no doubt call them, were to come into your home with the obvious intent to send YOU into oblivion, you would offer him tea and a biscuit?"

He turned away from her to face Drusilla. "And you, I simply ask that you keep my home free of unwanted guests..." Raven was not playing lightly, he took his home, and the sanctity of it very seriously.

"I understand that. The only place that is safe for me, and anyone else, to plan how to get Hunter is here. You must know that. In all your years of wisdom you HAVE to know that. I have no doubt in my mind that he already knows what I want to do. By the way, what is up with you? Why are you being so rude and mean?"

"Indeed, I do know that, but it is only a safe haven for you and yours because of me. If this were any other's domisile, he would have no qualms about attacking right out. But mark my words, it will not last for long, not even the threat of facing me will stop Hunter for long. Even so, I do not have to tollerate a murderer of my kind under my roof, the one you call William means nothing to me, so I treated him as such. It is that simple. And if you call what I am... Mean... So be it. Call it..." At this, Raven turned his eyes upon Deavone. "Bitterness even..." Ravens eyes were tinged with venom, the venom of a scorned, lover, tossed aside for another, and that other was the one receiving his wrathful gaze.

"Then what's the sense of me being here if Deavone isn't welcomed?" I turn away, walking towad the door, knowing Deaone would follow me, and not try to stop me from going.

"As I told you before, my dear, you are welcome here, always, and for your sake, I will tollerate... Deavone. But I am under no such burden to extend my welcome to a stray hunter. Stay if you wish, I will be in my library..." Raven turned away as well, and moved as though he glided, back to his library.

I ontinued to walk out. "Why does he have to be such an ass?" I didn't care about Deavone, I knew he'd follow, I stomped the entire way back to our apartment. "What an ass!"

She maintained her cool composure, though secretly glad that he lowered his weapon, as he spoke.
"I follow you out of curiousity alone, good sir." She replied, "I saw you at Raven's home and I must say that you keep interesting company." Her eyes sparkled mischeviously.
She smoothed imaginary wrinkles out of her burgundy gown, wrinkling her nose slightly in distaste.
"And if I may be so bold, why is it that you a hunter by appearance were able to tred into the abode of one such as myself and leave unscathed without sign of struggle or scent of blood upon you?"
She gazed at him intently, noticing the large throbbing artery on his throat, she smiled, lucky for him she'd already dined....

Willima smiled at the woman as she asked her question "you want to know how a walked into Raven's house and made it back out alive, that was smiple. I had friends in there that seemed to have influnce on Raven, so if you do not mind. I would like to leave now."

William turned around and walked away, but the vampire grabbed his arm...

OOC: tag Kissthesky

In a full hooded cloak, standing in the shadows hidden from sight, and scent. Watched raven's house, Knowing nothing of him personally. Yet knows enough that he doesn't have alot of visitors running throughout his home.

Sensing hunter from earlier, Can only assume it had to be dealings of him. Out of curiousity she follows the one that grabbed the old man. Not saying anything just yet, but just follows and watches.
As the couple leaves the house, I stay back far enough to possibly hear, yet at the same time stay out of sight and scent. When they reach their home, noticing nothing more is going to come from this night. Wonders cautiously back to Raven's place. At the same time scents some guy that's out for a nightly walk.

Sneaking around trees letting the wind carry my scent and sound the oppisite direction. Getting close to the guy, while i reach up from behind him, lightly touching him to let him know i'm there, yet not letting him turn around, kissing his neck feeling my fangs grow with hunger as I sink my teeth into his thick warm neck.

Letting the blood fill me, yet not killing him for I like to play with my meals before killing them.
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She grabbed his arm, scarcely touching him really, but hard enough to bruise the skin.
"Arrêter." (Stop) she said firmly, "why leave now?" With a gentle tug she pulled him towards her holding him snugly against her firm shapely breasts. She ran the fingers of her free hand through his hair and traced the masculine angle of his jawline, down to the throb in his throat,"I can assure you things are just starting to get interesting."
She leaned in, as if to strike, but instead planted a swift kiss on his temple before releasing him from her embrace,"so are you going to stay or are you going to run away from what may be the most exciting...enticing offer of your short life?"

OOC: ;) your move, hun