Vampires Abound

Smiling at him as I sit next him, "this place is pretty well proctected and is extremely hard to find, only way in is if I'm there, The doors open for me only less I say other wise."

Only reason you found as easy as you did is because the blood we share between us, and now you and only you are welcome to come in as u please....... But enhanced defenses never hurt either. " Smirking as I say this, not even concered with the guard, assuming ihe made something of Deavone.

Grinning, at the thought of his princess's face when she finds her sweet Deavone now.
Running my fingers through Hunters thick, soft hair, leaning up to his lips kissing him. My nails claw lightly down his chest carressing his whole upper body with just my nails.

"We should get some rest m'lord," grinning mischeaviously, purrring the words. Then placing delicate kisses upon his neck, letting my fangs lightly scrap his skin, following right after with more tender kisses. Then I stand up slowly giving him one last kiss before going to bed.

"sweet dreams m'luv." I whisper in his ear. Hoping he will follow as I walk into my room. dimming the candles while crawling into bed.

I get half way into bed before something accured to me.
Walking back out into the hall, even though I wanted hunter to follow me. I didn't expect him to.

"Shame on me, almost forgot. There is an extra room straight across from mine, I'm most certain it'll be more comfortable than the couch.
There's a wash room, extra clothes that used to be........ That should fit you just nicely, and a really nice bed if you so desire."

Pausing a moment before going back to my loft looking into his eyes for a moment. Even though he looks like almost like my love from long ago, thinking to my self that I need to slow down a bit. I can not do this to myself again, and even at that, who knows how and what Hunter has planned for me. With that I turn quickly down the hall back into bed almost crying of the memories I have longed thought about.
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I sense a change in someone I know. His love, Sadie never met me, and for good reason. I knew she would know what I am and want to kill me by scent alone. Deavone was a mere mortal, practically unable to defend himself without his love near by. I think of Deavone, and am taken to him by my thoughts alone. I utter a few magic words and he stops where he is. With my supreme vampire eyes, I can see why he's here, there's a house, but I have no desire to enter it. "Come here Deavone." and he obeys. I read his mind, read what Hunter has planned. "It won't work, you are not a vampire, you cannot mask your scent nor make the winds move. You will not be able to get nearer to her than any other of her enemies, especially when you reek of Hunter." I cast a small spell so that Hunter cannot mask his own scent, nor the scent of other vampires on Deavone. "You scent isn't the only thing that will give you away, for she already knows you are dead, and no one can come back from the dead unless they become a vampire or ghoul." I then leave the ghoul to himself and go to my home.
Somthing disrupts my thoughts, "So much for sweet dreams" saying under my breath.

Closing my eyes concentrating on the outside of my lair. Visions of someone I have never seen before, yet alone seeing them play with Hunter's ghoul. This upsets me that someone has found my lair.

Sending the vision to Hunter of this someone doing something to Deavone
"This someone needs to die. No one knows about this place and lives to tell about it. " somewhat growling the words out loud.

"What the hell is this someone doing way out here anyway?"

Seeing him leave, I try to rest for there is nothing I can do at this moment. Between the flashbacks from long ago and now thoughts of someone knowing of this place. Let alone how the saw through Hunters illusion. My sleep will not be easy. Tears come streaming down my face again.

I've been thinking about it a lot hehe, and I fear that I have describe the outside of my home to vaguely. From what you see and what I was seeing seems to be two different things. hehehe.

So been thinking on a better way to describe it so here it is.
It's not an actual house built into the mountain. It used to be a cave that I made the inside look like that of a house, the rooms huge and spacious with actual walls and ceilings so on. The entrance when you walk in is total darkness, can't even see past your nose. A few tunnels leading in diffrent directions, on way leads to a pack of wolves of 15 at least, kinda defensless against vampyres, but work well for the humans. Other tunnels lead into an endless maze that just keeps changing and going in circles.

The outside of the place is the actual mountain. At night all you see is an archway with double stone doors, have ancient and forgotten vampric carvings in the archway and door. These writings is a spell that makes the door unseen to the human eye and vanish during the day, and open to my touch only. Only vampires can see it. But for reasons I am not worried if they see it. There are other ways into the lair, but it's not easy. This was built by the one who made me, I just added things on the inside.

Sorry I didn't describe this better earlier, been trying to think of a better way to describe what you would see on the outside. So this is what I was going for.
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I smirk as I sense the tampering with my ghoul even before Kattarra brings it to my attention. I shake my head smirking he mist the point of me bringing Deavone back interiorly. I didn’t bring him back to kill Sadie I brot him back to taunt her to bring her pain. I had no intention of trying to mask his sent.

I chuckle as I stand stretching languidly before walking down the hall to Kattarra’s room. I look at her in her bed a slightly argent smirk on my lips as I see she is already asleep. I was old enough to stay awake during the daylight even if I’m weaker and can’t be touched by the sun.

I walk over to her bed pulling the covers back before striping my clothes off and crawling under the covers. I then close my eyes thinking of the other mistake the vampire made assuming that Deavone was a mear ghoul. His not simply a soulless husk I brot a demon up from the dark to poses the flesh granted it’s not the strongest of demons but still stronger then a mear ghoul.

I look at Kattarra laying next to me in the vampires sleep. I smile coldly before pulling her head to my chest stroking her hair before letting my self fall in to the sleep thinking of what my new pet and I would do at least until I grew tired of her.

OOC That” about what I figered it wass a lot like hunters lyir just in a mountan rather then under the citty.

The candles fade out as Hunter leaves the one room, entering mine, the ones in my room stay dim till he lies down, all fade out cept for the two at my bed side.
Feeling hunter slide under the covers next to me, even in sleep I smile alittle while purring as he strokes through my velvety hair. Just feeling him next to me holding me brings comforting thoughts. Waking up just alittle more as I kiss his chest tenderly, running my nails slowly up and down his side.
Even if this is just for a short time the feelings were overwhelming.
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Re: Ariana


"Come to my estate, do not worry about the other vampiress, she is no doubt with Hunter now." Raven sent back to the stray vampiress. He rose to his feet as Sadie went about collecting spells. "Sadie, if you go out after him durring the day, there will be little I can do to help you, or protect you."

She headed back towards Raven's estate, feeling the anticipation of sunrise within her as she quickened her pace.
She was in sight of the entryway as the golden rays of the sun burst over the horizon, she broke into a run flinging open the door and slamming it behind her reveling in blissful darkness.
She sighed, and thought of William as she waited for Raven to appear....
William tossed adn turned in bed as he slept, he could not get her out of his mind. the way she looked, the way she moved. the feel of her skin agianst his. it was driving him insane. the other words the echoed in his head were the ones Deavone said "For the God's sake, what would Lucy say? And do you truly want to disgrace yourself by letting this creature manipulate you?"

Those words stung to him like knives but it had come down to it, Hunter had taken his only son and another had taken his wife, he was alone in the world.....

William just turned over agian.....

I power myself up with all kinds of spells, and I sense Akasha. She knew Deavone in life, she kept herself hidden from me. I make my powers as strong as a vampire's, immortality, strength, speed, transfiguration, smell, mind reading, and more. "Let him fuck with me now!" I have guarded my new powers and spells so that the effects cannot be sensed by any vampire, no how hyped up they or their senses may be.

I then lay down to go to sleep a deep sleep.
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She sat in the dim interior her thoughts with William. She could sense his unrest as he tossed and turned. 'Sleeping in the day like one of us she mused.'
She closed her eyes and in his mind she laid beside him, her cool soft naked flesh pressed against the heat of his body as they lay entwined.
She saw her marks on him and smiled,
"you're mine love," she breathed.
But then she vanished from his mind and was alone in the darkness of Raven's foyer....
Drusilla knew Raven would not mind if she stayed the day at his place. Plus with Hunter on the offensive Drusilla was scared. She hated to admit but even with her considerable strength she was no match for Hunter alone. She chose one of Ravens guest rooms and made herself comfortable. She closed her eyes weary from fear and stress. Soon she was deep asleep.

"Very well then, I shall leave you to it, my dear." Raven said as he turned away, knowing it was pointless to try to disuade Sadie from her course of action.

Coming out onto the foyer, Raven extended a hand toward Ariana, you have done me a great service, you've given the one known as William something to think about. And for that, you are welcome in my home any time. One less hunter lusting for my distruction, I count it as a great favor. My servants will show you to a room if you wish." Raven said with a slight touch of humor in his voice.

He turned away as two ghouls came to show Ariana to a room.
"Drusilla..." Raven thought as he went to where she lay, kneeling next to her sleeping form. "My sister of the blood, I know your heart, I am sorry that I have caused it pain." He left her side, knowing that if he continued to speak, he would say things he aught not.

She only nodded to his offer and as the ghouls led her to her room her eyes lingered on his somber form, and she could feel the turmoil that raged within him. Emotions so true they pained her as well to know that he suffered thus.
She arrived at the room that had been prepared for her and suddenly the night's events took their toll upon her as she gazed at the massive bed, the lush down comforter and pillows calling her name.
She thanked the ghouls for their service and closed the door behind her.
She began to disrobe, unlacing the bodice of her dress, then the skirt-both which she laid across the large armchair-that coincidally matched her dress.
Now nude she moved over to the table beside the bed where a water basin had been laid out for her.
She took the cloth and moistened it in the warm lavender scented water and wiped away the traces of William's blood, as well as some of her own.
She climbed into bed, and saw William beside her. She new he wasn't really there, it was just the bond she'd built luring his astral form to her bed. But as she slide beneath the sheets and closed her eyes she held him in her arms and for the first time in a long while felt safe...
I wake up before Hunter did... least it seemed as I did. ..
I never did need much sleep, although I slept longer than normally. Before leaving the room entirely I look back at Hunter,
'He must know by now that I feel something for him, even though I'm fighting it, but still...... he must know....' kinda whispering it as I think, not realizing that I was whispering. Letting the candles die down in the room.
' I would stand by side and rule the world with him if given the chance...' Then shaking my head, trying to fight these feelings and thoughts.
I went to the spare room pulling in a rope that made the wall open into a small library. Looking for a huge spell book that I used to use, not looking for any particular spell, but maybe something that would enhance my senses just a little more, Or just anything that may be of use.

I close the wall, as I lay down on the bed and begin reading.
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William laid in his bed and felt his astral self leave his body. he knew exactly where it was being drawn to. He was being drawn to Ariana. for some odd reason she had a hold on him that even he could not break. this will not go over well with Sadie. but oh well..

(astral form)
He felt her arms wrap around him and for the first time her felt something different about her...

Such as details about houses, little extra things that do need to be discussed but are not a part of the story, plot, or what the characters themselves do are to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BE POSTED IN THE CASTING CALL thank you.

I wake up after casting my spells rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I go to a mirror to make sure I haven't disfigured myself at all. "I don't think they worked." I mumble to myself and go to get some food. It's almost dark out and I wait for the vampires to get up.
Drusilla awoke slowly. The first thing she noticed was Raven's scent. Faint yet recent. She glanced around curiously then shrugged. It was more then likely wishful thinking. She needed to find a way to get past these new feelings. Otherwise they would drive her crazy. Sighing softly she rose and dressed quickly. Then left the manor to hunt. She arrived at a nearby park always on the alert for danger. She found a young woman walking alone. Drusilla called to the woman with her mind. The woman stopped in her tracks. "Come to me." She murmured softly. Obediently the woman came to stand in front of Drusilla she gently tilted the womans head to the side. She let the hunger rise up within her and her teeth peirced the young womans neck. Her blood was sweet and pure and Drusilla drank her fill. She would need her strength. After she took all the woman could give she whiped the memory from her mind and took her home. Reading a victims mind really helped. Turning she headed for the manor. She chose to walk the way of the mortal. She needed time to think.

William awoke with a cold sweat, his body heating up more then it should. he stood up and head for his bath, filling his shower her sits into room and waits.....

(Astral Form)

his astral form rools over and kisses here before it disappers back to his true form..

Not finding anything in the book. Leaving it on the bed while walking out back to hunters side. Giving him a light kiss before I go hunting for my prey that I've been keeping around.

Once outside I pick up my prrey's scent instantly. he was close enough that I'm surprised Hunters thing did not get to him first. Though happy he didn't.
Upon finding him, I circle him making it obvious that i'm there, bringing fear into him for the last time. Comming up from behind him, sinking my teeth deep into his neck, savoring the heat of his blood pouring into me. At first he struggles, then he becomes lifeless in my arms.

"finally a full satisfying meal." saying to myself.
Stand there thinking about bring Hunter a pretty young thing, but it probly wouldn't be fun for him. With that thought I head back home. In hopes to find Hunter awaken.
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She awoke well rested, smiling but the hunger burned within her.
~Come to me~she called out to William.
Not necessarily to feed from him....but she felt more comfortable knowing he was nearby, knowing he could not face Hunter alone.
She rose, and after finding the warm scented bath the ghouls must've drawn for her before she rose, she quickly dressed and combed through her damp hair.
Her head pounded and her eyes blazed...she needed to hunt.
She strode outside quickly and silently in search of prey, moving stealthily through the fringe of woods that surrounded Raven's estate.
She would not feed off any of the estate's servants, it was not her place...most were ghouls anyhow.
She picked up a scent and followed it...

William moved though the woods of Raven's estate, he knew it like the back of his hand. he had traveled it many times, when he was hunting Raven himself. He stoped when he heard her voice ~Come to me~. he shook his head and smiled, he looked around to see if she was around, he caught her scent and took off running. He would let her chase him if just for a little while....

She could hear his pulse quicken as he ran, knowing that he did this for her pleasure made her smile as she moved faster through the trees. The Chase made the blood sweeter.
She drew it out as long as she could, each time she came close falling back a bit, but when she could take it no longer she was upon him.
She came from behind wraping one slender arm around his waist, while she ran her free hand through his hair-tugging it gently turning his head to the side exposing the tender flesh of his neck.
"MMmmm" She moaned,"I hadn't wanted to feed off you again so are worth far more to me than a mere pomme de sang " She licked the spot right above the artery and shuddered," but you've excited me soo....."
She nibbled lightly on the spot, enough to bruise but not to break the flesh...

OOC: ;)

I was awake before Kattarra but I didn’t get up feeling lazy to day and wanting just to lay hear and think of what I would do to Sadie. The tourcher she would indoor both physical and emional. I stretch as I sense Kattarra leave moving out side to play with her pry.

I chuckle as I slide out of bed stretching as I walk out of her bedchambers and out in to the leaving aria. I move to an over stuffed chair and I sit. I let my head fall back my eye shut as my senses spread out relaxing.

I feel my new ghoul watching Kattarra walking back to her home after she had finished with her meal. I chuckle as he grumbles up set that I hadn’t let him touch the man. “Go and find some lushes girl to play with.” I tell him mentally. With out a ward he darts of tords the city in search for his own play thing.

I chuckle as I think of the pore girl he would find. He wouldn't drink her blood he gets his meals from eating lesser crecher like insects rats cats doges. He wont eat a human thou there forbidden to him as there his master food and he doesn’t deserve that privilege.

My eyes open as Kattera walks in to the room looking around. “Hello my pet.” I say softly a small arigent smirk on my lips as my eyes move up and down her body. “You look simply lushes this evening.” I chuckle as I lick my lips meaningfully.
When I see Hunter on the couch, a lustful smile comes to me. "Did you
sleep well?" Asking softly walking towards him. Wearing short leather shorts that expose my long, toned legs, low cut, small leather halter top revealing the lucious cleveage.. Once I get to where Hunter is sitting, I slowly lift one of my legs to sit on his lap. Nails caressing his neck as I settle down resting my knees on the couch.

I begin to kiss him softly working to his neck. Whispering through the kisses
"What shall we do tonight?"
grining at thought of torturing those hunters even more, not even imagining what he has in mind. My body pressed against his, my hair is off to the side exposing my neck and shoulder. Letting my fangs lightly scrap his neck followed by tender kisses.
Casually biting my lip without stopping the kisses, turning back to his lips so he can have another taste.
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