voting on one's own work

originally posted by Cymbidia
Alex, hon, you know i was just venting

Yeah, I know. Feel better now?

Now, returning to the original point of this thread - I, too, give myself a 5, "because I'm worth it"
Well, to me, anyway.

When I vote on someone else's work I do try to give an honest vote. If I think my vote may be skewed for some reason, I don't vote. I try to give feedback, too, when I have the time. I don't vote someone else's story down to get mine up. If someone's tale is above mine in a category - and goodness knows, there are plenty that are - I read it to try and find out why. Maybe I can pick up a hint to help make my next story better.

And, as others have remarked, if I embark on a tale that looks as if it is heading into the 1 or 2 vote zone, it's highly likely that I will have given up on the tale long before reaching the voting option.



'Fool,' said my Muse to me, 'look in thy heart and write.' Sir Philip Sidney.
Find the cost of freedom, buried in the ground.

?i]Originally posted by Alex De Kok [/i]

Now, returning to the original point of this thread - I, too, give myself a 5, "because I'm worth it"
Well, to me, anyway.

That's the spirit, Alex.

When KM stated that the first chapter of Erica (Memoirs Of A Lady) had suffered the castings of many single stones, it was then that we all realized that the whole voting issue no longer mattered. This wasn't a retaliation against KM for some unknown wrong she'd commited on the boards--this was direct hit against every MOAL contributing author yet to come.

Keep it up, faceless hoards! You shall get yours someday.
hoards of whores

Ulyssa said:
Keep it up, faceless hoards! You shall get yours someday.
(Ed.: That should be, "Keep it up, faceless whores! You shall get yours someday.")
Going back to vote.

I am going back to vote! All my inhibitions now cleansed thoroughly, and free from the need to feel humble I will go give myself 5! ok, maybe a 4.

I wasn`t sure how to vote as I always think everyone else has written far superior work to me anyway,

CH xx
I voted for 2 of my own stories last night. I gave them 5's. After I did it, I felt horrid. I want to know what other's think about my work, if I voted for every story of mine it wouldn't seem right.
I used to vote for my own stories. Then I noticed a trend, first in my stories and then in general. The trend is that the story starts off rated highly, 10 votes 4.5 -> 4.8 or whatever and then begins to drop. by 20 or so votes it has reached near the bottom of where it will go naturally. (Stories with more votes that suddenly drop to new lows I think are being submarined) If they don't drop too far then they continue to get votes and by 100 votes they have reached about where they will naturally stay and, I believe, where they truly should rank because that is too many votes for any one person to have had a significant impact on if everyone casts one vote.

I admit to spending way to much time looking at this and plotting the bell curve and statistical probabilities and running it through some software hoops but this is what my conclusions have become.

So why don't I vote on my stuff anymore? Not because it's unethical. I'm not going to make a judgement on that. But because if I vote a 5 and the story makes it (gets up to 100 votes) then it is meaningless and if the story doesn't make it then my vote could significantly skew what little input I get and I want to see how others vote not how I vote.

And if I didn't think, at least in the mad heat of the moment of posting, that a story wasn't worthy of a 5 then I would work on it until it did. That's not to say that I haven't gone back and reread some of my stories posted here and went "Did I post that crap?" I have done that. But I didn't feel that way when I posted it. :)

Okay, I've said my fill
My original idea for voting for my own story was rate it a 5, and see if the higher rating on the story with get others to read it. I voted 5 for my country teen story, which gave it 4.33, but no one has read it since, so my plan backfired. OH WELL!
Voting for Our "stuff"

I gotta admit, I look at this a little differently than most of you out there do. Since we ARE a couple, and since my Reb does MOST of the writing, and I'm only the little 'ol editor and muse provider, I see no problem with rating HER work!! I'm not ACTUALLY judging myself (ok, maybe that's a bit of a stretch to calm my sense of decency :) ) but I agree with most of you that if you take the time to come up with an idea, write out a story, sweat over the details, review it 8 or 900 times, and grow an ulcer worrying about the flaming "1" trolls, you deserve to get at LEAST 1 positive vote!!!!
That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it!!
