Were-Hunter Prowl: OOC

Interesting. I had no idea that an inanimate object could be sensed like that. Oh well.
Think of it like supernatural synestisia, instead of being able to tell you what the color blue tastes like or what color the sound of a dog barking is she can smell metal. I mean it has a taste so why not as scent as well?
internet acting up again

actually i had something a bit different in mind.

in theory all stones, metals and minerals are supposed to emit vibrations. humans are supposed to be able to feel these vibrations, all we have to do is atune ourselves to the "frequency".

the simplest way to explain that would be stone therapy. it's when you go to a poshy spa and they put different kind of stones in certain points of your body. it's used for healing, relaxation, meditation etc etc

also, birthstones are supposed to send vibrations that encourage a certain feeling. we have stones for healing, good luck, love and harmony, magnetic bracelets to help soothe arthritis pains, silver rings to stop your snoring etc etc

i don't know how much of this theory is actually true, but i liked the idea of all things leaving an imprint, and i thought, hey, why not have a power that enables you to sense and connect with those vibrations?

ps: hey, delaney sat down on jeff's bed so that he didn't have to move too much, with his injured leg and all, and what does she get for her troubles? unceremoniously dumped on another bed, that's what!!!
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I hope that the collars have little hinge on them, so they can be removed.
thhe collar described in ravyn's book doesn't have a hinge, or a catch, Dusan has to yank on it really hard, and when it opens it just appears broken

ps my turn to post, is it?
okie dokie folks, i'm off to bed as i have to work in the morning...ummm...i mean, in about 3 hours. nightie nightie!
Friends, alter egos, and all you other characters out there...How do you catch a very tiny, very fast and extremely slippery mouse? I'm serious, we've been chasing a mouse around the room for the past hour and a half, tried barricading him in, cheese, trapping him into a corner..nothing worked
Set a trap and leave the room for a few hours. Now the question is, do you want the mouse alive or dead? That'll determine the type of trap you set.
Then you need to go down to your local hardware store, buy a live capture trap, some bait, and then return to the room, set the trap, and go see a double feature at the local cinema. There's a good chance that by the time you get back, the mouse will be caught. Oh, and cover the trap with like a blanket or something; mice like dark little hidy-holes, so covering the trap will increase its effectiveness.

Oh, and don't use cheese. I believe that is a common misconception. Use nuts, like almonds and peacans.
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it's 3 o'clock in the morning here, so the hardware store will have to wait until tomorrow. and what's a double feature?
two movies for the price of one.

The whole point is to get away for a while so the lil crumb snatcher feels safe to explore
You can't be...oh, wait, you're in Ireland. Never mind. ;)

Anyways, a double feature is when you go to a movie theater and see two movies for the price of one. They were rather prevalent here in the U.S. before, I think, 1970. The idea was that on a weekend you'd go to the movie theater, buy a ticket, and get to see two movies.

If you can't find a double feature, go to dinner then a movie, or vice-versa, anything that'll keep you out of the house for more than two hours.
Yeah, we don't have double features in ireland, but we do have a cinema unlimited card (unlimited movies for 20euro a month) :D

in the meantime, i can hear the little feller scurrying around behind the couch. i hope he's ok under there...

i believe it's Jeff's turn to post...