Were-Hunter Prowl: OOC

Jaisus, 4-5 hours on the phone every night? what do you talk about?
then again...me and my friend went on a holiday together once, spent a week in each others' company nearly 24/7 and when we came back we got on the phone and still managed to talk for over 2 hours :) it was that kind of friend that you never run out of things to talk aboput with, and when you do, you just sit there and enjoy the silence

so are we playing or going to beddie-bys?
I'm staying up. I've got nothing going tomorrow, at least until the evening. Plus, I have couple of hours left in me still, despite having been awake for over 12 hours now.
fine :( have good sleepies then

goodie, just the two of us left, then. what d'ya say we have some fuuun? :D
Del just can't stay quiet when taunted, and even when she's not taunted. She's an alpha female and can't help herself. besides...don't let her hear you say that she's girlish, she really won't like that at all.

as for the
Jeff could gag from that, you know.

...with the risk of being rather crude...let's leave that to those who do it well.
was the pun intended, master jedi, or just an accident? anyways, wanna continue the story or what?
The pun was intended.

And yes, the story will go on. Working on a reply as we speak.
Gosh, such enthusiasm, such flowing conversation...i see that i have to pry the words out of your...well, fingertips, i guess
Ok, won't interrupt you anymore then.
not even with half-humorous attempts at sarcasm. although...if you start pointing out that it's sarcasm, it's not humorous anymore.

anyways, nevermind, write up and i'll think of a suitable response
Right, I think I've had enough of a computer screen for tonight...hell, it's 8.50 in the morning here, and I need to get at least two hours' sleep.
I think I'm gonna call it quits for now...