Were-Hunter Prowl: OOC

But it's only quarter till 5 am out there. Aren't you usually up later than that?
normally yes but have errands tomorrow. Is payday around here and I don't want to spend all day doing what only should take about 4 hours
yep, i think i'm going to type one more post and go to sleep as well. uh...or maybe not, since it's nearly 10 in the morning...
yep, i think i'm going to type one more post and go to sleep as well. uh...or maybe not, since it's nearly 10 in the morning...

Yeah, you're day is pretty much just starting, unless you're a night person, or you just have a really messed up sleep schedule.
just finished posting. started writing and kinda got carried away. oopsie.....will t ry to keep future posts at a more readable length, now that y'all know me and what i'm made of.

let's go kick some daimon ass!!!

ps: yes, to both your observations, master jedi.
I have a really messed up schedule, and an even worse sleeping pattern :) but this is the first time in aaaaages that i haven't gone to sleep.

why, it's all your kind folks' fault, ain't it now?
How is it our fault?

And that was one hell of a post. It would have been sacrilage to break that up. Besides, I don't mind long posts.

Oh, and by the way, Jeff just got finished kicking some Daimon ass, and look at what happened to him. I think he might sit out the next couple of nights before he goes back out on patrol.
why master jedi, i do believe that was a compliment?

see ya later!

Yes, that was a compliment.

Good night/good morning to you. Cya tomorrow.

damn woman. points for difficulty and extra for the dismount lol.

and now to come up with a suitable response.
Great, just when Jeff was starting to think his night was going to get better, he gets introduced to the freak of nature. :rolleyes:

By the way, if anything happens tonight IC wise, just so you know I'll be off line for several hours, till mid-night (local time) at the latest. And that time will start in about ten minutes.
Oh, darn. Well, at least that will give me some time to do the take home Anthropology test that I've had nearly a week to do.

Procrastination is not just a habit, it's a way of life. :D

Ah hell, now I have to add that to my sig.
Morning, guys! What, did you think that i could go two nights in a row without any sleep? Delaney might be wonder-woman, but i'm not, hihihih

Hmm... Angel raises some pretty good questions. And now to think up a suitable reply...
Hey mir sat down or rather laid down with one Silent Night. All I have to say is damn damn DAMN!